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Parke County Obituaries


This index below was compiled by the Rockville Public Library staff

For information about obtaining actual copies of the obituaries, contact them directly.

Rockville Public Library

Include a list of individual names as they appear on the index and be sure to thank them for their tireless efforts.

  * identifies the deceased as a veteran

Last Name

First Name 

Date Paper Page
Abel Donald F. 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Abernathy Marie 6/29/2016 Sentinel 12
Adkins Edna F. 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Allen Harold "Johnny" 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Andrew John K. 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Antonini Henry J. * 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Asher Phyllis J. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Atkinson Joseph P. * 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Atkinson Timothy R. 7/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Bailey Lavana 11/1/2016 Sentinel 12
Baldwin Debbie L. 11/30/2016 Sentinel 14
Barker Isaac * 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Barnard Donald 2/10/2016 Sentinel 12
Barnes Bart D. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Barr Tom 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Barrett Patrick S. 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Beeler Mary A. 7/13/2016 Sentinel 12
Beeler Richard K. 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Bellegante Norman 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Belser James F. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Bennett Jackie L. 4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Berry Melvin * 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Berry James F. * 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Bettge Richard * 9/14/2016 Sentinel 16
Biggs Joseph  8/3/2016 Sentinel 1
Birchfield Thomas F. * 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Blackmore Jean 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Blair Genevieve V. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Blake Sharon K. 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Blake Merle A. * 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Boshart James L. * 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Boshart James L. * 2/17/2016 Sentinel 12
Boshart James I. * 4/20/2016 Sentinel 14
Boyd Everett L. * 10/5/2016 Sentinel 12
Boyd James R. * 4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Branam Nina B. 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Branam Alice 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Brattain James E. 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Britton Harold E. 11/16/2016 Sentinel 12
Browder Ruth 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Brown Vicki L. 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Brown Tiffany 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Brown Barbara 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Brown Everett E. * 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Brown Robert D. 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Bryan Joseph R. * 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Buchanan William H. * 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Bullock Marjorie 10/26/2016 Sentinel 16
Busenbark Darvin 9/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Byers-Lakness Nancy E. 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Canfield Betty 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Capps Donna  11/30/2016 Sentinel 14
Carrera Michael A. 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Carrier Donola E. 2/17/2016 Sentinel 12
Carter Gerard M. 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Causey James M. 11/1/2016 Sentinel 12
Chambers Thomas M. 12/28/2016 Sentinel 10
Chezem Dick J. 8/24/2016 Sentinel 14
Christofferson Linda L. 7/27/2016 Sentinel 14
Clark Linda L. 10/5/2016 Sentinel 12
Cobb Sandra M. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Coleman Juliet 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Conder Larry O. * 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Conner Paul D. 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Corbin Adam 12/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Cottongim Alberta 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Cox Geraldine L. 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Crabtree Earl W. * 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Craft Aaron C. * 12/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Crose Dannie L. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Crowder James R. 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Dailey Raman A. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Dalton Marjorie S. 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Dalton Michael J.   4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
DeArmond Doris 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Deckard Barbara J. 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Deputy James D. Jr. * 1/20/2016 Sentinel 10
Dickerson Verne T. 11/23/2016 Sentinel 10
Dickerson William A. II * 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Dillon-Winn Ola L. 10/12/2016 Sentinel 16
Dinkel John S. 8/24/2016 Sentinel 14
Dirden Walter L. 11/23/2016 Sentinel 10
Doan Dorothy A. 6/29/2016 Sentinel 12
Dodson Esther J. 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Donovan Helen M. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Doss Larry J. 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Dowell Lavon "Barb" 4/20/2016 Sentinel 14
Drake Steven E. 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Dukes Ernest E. 2/3/2016 Sentinel 14
Edgar Carol R. 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Elliott William A. 7/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Elliott Grace   2/17/2016 Sentinel 12
Ellis Katherine A. 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Engle Sue 5/25/2016 Sentinel 16
Farrar Julia L. 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Fellows Charles W.* 10/26/2016 Sentinel 16
Fellows Patricia K. 9/14/2016 Sentinel 16
Fields Marcella N. 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Fiock Frederick D. * 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Fisher Brian K. 9/10/2016 Sentinel 10
Fisher Jerry L. * 7/27/2016 Sentinel 14
Fisher Lola E. 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Fisher Charles D. Sr. 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Fisher Jacob 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Flaig Robert W. * 12/14/2016 Sentinel 12
Flick Michael E. 7/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Flock David C. * 9/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Follmer William * 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Franz Toni E. 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Frazier Verlin M. * 8/17/2016 Sentinel 14
Frost Anna M. 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Fuller Thomas H. III "Pete" 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Gaddis Margaret B. 11/1/2016 Sentinel 12
Gardner Robert N. 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Garing Mary J. 11/9/2016 Sentinel 12
Gates Larry E. 8/17/2016 Sentinel 14
German Lois I. 2/17/2016 Sentinel 12
Gersham Robert W. 10/5/2016 Sentinel 12
Getche Christie L. 1/20/2016 Sentinel 10
Gibbs Evelyn 12/14/2016 Sentinel 12
Gibbs Evelyn 12/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Goodwin Callen M. 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Gordon Libby 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Gossett Jerry 5/25/2016 Sentinel 16
Gregory Iris R. 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Griffin Jack Sr. 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Griffin-Johnson Dorothy J. 2/10/2016 Sentinel 12
Grinley Lola M. 7/13/2016 Sentinel 12
Gritten Nellie C. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Guilliams Harry "Pete" 11/9/2016 Sentinel 12
Haga Michael D. 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Hallett Jacqueline S. 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Halton Carol L. 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Hanner Mary A. 1/20/2016 Sentinel 10
Hanner Harold G. * 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Harmless Lawrence R. "Skippy" 9/14/2016 Sentinel 16
Harmless Lawrence R. "Skippy" 9/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Harmless Olive M. 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Harmon Darlene E. 7/20/2016 Sentinel 14
Harmon Marylou 7/27/2016 Sentinel 14
Harney Barbara L. 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Harpold Charlotte B. 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Harrier Harold S. * 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Harrington William * 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Harrold James C. 11/30/2016 Sentinel 14
Hartman William D.* 10/26/2016 Sentinel 16
Hartman Helen L. 4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Harvey Mary J. 7/20/2016 Sentinel 14
Harwood James * 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Hawn Dianna L. 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Henley Robert P. 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Higgs Nora 1/6/2016 Sentinel 10
Highsmith Shirley A. 3/26/2016 Sentinel 16
Hill Erma L. 9/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Hofmann Emma J. 7/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Holmes Josephine "Betty" 1/6/2016 Sentinel 10
Holt Morgan T. 11/23/2016 Sentinel 1
Howe Donna M. 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Hutson Charles R. * 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Ingram Alice J. 2/10/2016 Sentinel 12
Jackson Andrew F. * 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Jackson James E. * 3/9/2016 Sentinel 14
Jackson Leon W. 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Jeffers Robert A. * 11/1/2016 Sentinel 12
Johnson Brett M. 7/27/2016 Sentinel 14
Johnson Virgil L. * 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Johnson Sidney A. 8/24/2016 Sentinel 14
Johnston Larry J. 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Jones Lena M. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Jones Barbara A. 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Joplin Dorothy H. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Kable Rhonda K. 12/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Keller Margaret M. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Keller Bonnie F. 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Kelley Rita M. 8/17/2016 Sentinel 14
Kendall David L. 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Kennedy Susan 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Kennedy Jean 8/24/2016 Sentinel 14
Kennedy Richard L. 4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Kerns Esther 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Kessinger Amy J. 3/9/2016 Sentinel 14
Keyt Betty H. 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Knoblett Monte C. 11/16/2016 Sentinel 12
Kouns Peggy 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Lawson Robert H. 8/17/2016 Sentinel 14
Lenover Frederick H. 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Lewis Eleanor 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Lientz Betty F. 6/29/2016 Sentinel 12
Light Randall P. 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Lightle Theresa J. 1/6/2016 Sentinel 10
Lile Jerry F. 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Lindley Walter C. * 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Little Kelly L. 2/10/2016 Sentinel 12
Lorenze Richard D. 9/14/2016 Sentinel 16
Loveall Leo* 9/10/2016 Sentinel 10
Lycan Arnold F. Jr. 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Lynn Josephine 5/18/2016 Sentinel 14
Mackey Eddie 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Malloy Albert P. * 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Marcoe Charles E. 7/20/2016 Sentinel 14
Marcum Susan J. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Martin Ronald E. 10/26/2016 Sentinel 16
Martin Henry L. 11/9/2016 Sentinel 12
Martin Emerson R.S. 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Mason-Lessard Hilda M. 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Mathas William H. 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
McAfee Sally 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
McCoy Mary D. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
McCullough Donald E. * 1/6/2016 Sentinel 10
McDonald Frederick R. II 11/30/2016 Sentinel 14
McGrew Phillip C. * 11/1/2016 Sentinel 12
McQueary Bertis W. * 7/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Mellon Pamela J. 12/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Metz Michael W. Sr. 5/18/2016 Sentinel 14
Michaels Robert L. * 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Miles Mary J. 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Miller Isaac 8/17/2016 Sentinel 14
Miller  Michael E. 11/16/2016 Sentinel 12
Modesitt Diana L. 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Montgomery Gleniece L. 10/5/2016 Sentinel 12
Moore Linda 11/23/2016 Sentinel 10
Moore Hazel A. 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Morris Brenda S. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Muciarelli James B. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Muir William A. * 7/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Mullins Rodney L. 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Myers Phyllis E. 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Myers Rodney E. 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Myers George M. 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Nelson Ronald T. 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Nelson Clova L. 8/24/2016 Sentinel 14
Neuman Marilyn I. 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Newlin Keith 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Nicholi Audrey H.  1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Niehoff Karen L. 11/16/2016 Sentinel 12
Noblitt Annabelle 5/25/2016 Sentinel 16
Nocus Robert E. 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Nogle Ernestine 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Nowling  Joe E. 2/10/2016 Sentinel 12
Nunn Leah A. 3/9/2016 Sentinel 14
Orr Leonard R. II 4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Overpeck Michael J. * 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Padan Dennis A. 5/25/2016 Sentinel 16
Parke Jospeh M. 10/5/2016 Sentinel 12
Parks Jerry D. 12/28/2016 Sentinel 10
Parksey Robert E. 11/1/2016 Sentinel 12
Parrish Nita L. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Pastore Americo * 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Peacock Robert C. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Pearman James * 10/5/2016 Sentinel 12
Penney Eleann E. 2/10/2016 Sentinel 12
Perkins Donna L. 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Phillips Shirley A. 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Phillips Harold B. * 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Pifer Donna L. 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Pirkle Hubert * 2/17/2016 Sentinel 12
Pittman Gloria A. 12/14/2016 Sentinel 12
Pittman Gloria A. 12/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Powell Sandra K. 5/18/2016 Sentinel 14
Powell Clyde 2/17/2016 Sentinel 12
Prather Donna L. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Presslor Marka J. 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Pugh Thomas L. 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Purcell Marion H. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Raney Wendell R. 3/9/2016 Sentinel 14
Ratcliff Mildred M. 6/29/2016 Sentinel 12
Reese Thomas L. 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Reeves Grace L. 2/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Rehbein Rebecca E. 3/9/2016 Sentinel 14
Richardson Thornton C. 10/26/2016 Sentinel 16
Richardson Charles S. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Richardson Donald L. 6/29/2016 Sentinel 12
Rigsby Samuel T. * 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Riley Joseph R. Sr. 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Roberts Captola J. 9/14/2016 Sentinel 16
Robinson Marvin D. 7/20/2016 Sentinel 14
Rodgers Florence 10/12/2016 Sentinel 16
Rogers  Paul A. Jr. 8/24/2016 Sentinel 14
Rohr Ruth 11/30/2016 Sentinel 14
Rumple James H. 5/18/2016 Sentinel 14
Rush Shirley H. 8/17/2016 Sentinel 14
Russell J.C. * 1/6/2016 Sentinel 10
Rutledge Cynthia R. 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Rutledge Julia M. 8/24/2016 Sentinel 14
Ryan Lawrence T. Sr. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Sanders Jack W. 1/6/2016 Sentinel 10
Sanders Linda   8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Saylor Arnold L. * 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Scott Walter J.* 9/10/2016 Sentinel 10
Scott Mathieu J. 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Screen Helen L. 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Seward Barbara J. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Shaof Letha 11/9/2016 Sentinel 12
Sherfy David L. 9/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Sherrill Mary C. 1/20/2016 Sentinel 10
Sherrill  Mary C. 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Siegelin Rosemary 11/9/2016 Sentinel 12
Sigler Racheal N. 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Silkwood Thomas W. 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Silkwood Thomas W. 4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Silotto Diana K. 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Simpson Bettie I 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Smedley Dorothy 4/20/2016 Sentinel 14
Smith Robert F. * 10/19/2016 Sentinel 16
Smith Erin E. 5/25/2016 Sentinel 16
Smith Roy  J. 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Smith Sue A. 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Smith Tony A. 6/8/2016 Sentinel 12
Smith Judy A. 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Smith Maurice D. 12/28/2016 Sentinel 10
Snapp Sylvia D. 6/1/2016 Sentinel 16
Sollars Norval E. * 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Soltermann John W. 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Southard Garnet E. 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Southers Imogene M. 12/14/2016 Sentinel 12
Sparks Margaret 10/26/2016 Sentinel 16
Stevens Joni 9/14/2016 Sentinel 16
Stevens Troy * 10/12/2016 Sentinel 16
Stone Kenneth C. * 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Stumpf James E. * 3/30/2016 Sentinel 16
Stutler Joe * 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Sullivan Susanne M. 5/18/2016 Sentinel 14
Sunderman Dean A. * 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Swaim Donald C. * 9/28/2016 Sentinel 16
Thomas Ronald J. 8/10/2016 Sentinel 16
Thompson Jacob L. 7/13/2016 Sentinel 12
Tichenor Frank A. * 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Tidwell Curtis "Fuzzy" 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Tidwell Curtis "Fuzzy" 4/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Tryon Eddie E. 11/9/2016 Sentinel 12
Unger Terry 1/13/2016 Sentinel 10
Vandivier Winfield S. 12/14/2016 Sentinel 12
Vogel Mitchell J. III * 3/16/2016 Sentinel 16
Wallace Marilyn G. 5/11/2016 Sentinel 14
Wallace Beverly A. 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Wallace Jonella K. 8/17/2016 Sentinel 1, 14
Walters Rita K. 2/10/2016 Sentinel 12
Warren James N. * 7/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Warren James N. * 7/13/2016 Sentinel 12
Waterstradt Hester A. 12/7/2016 Sentinel 12
Watkins Wilma J. 4/6/2016 Sentinel 12
Watts Roxan 8/3/2016 Sentinel 16
Waugh Kurt M. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 1, 14
Weir Robert W. * 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Werremeyer William II 8/10/2016 Sentinel 1
Whalen Robert L. Jr. 12/28/2016 Sentinel 10
Wheeler Patty L. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
White Carl 1/27/2016 Sentinel 12
Whitfield Catherine L. 11/30/2016 Sentinel 14
Whyde Mary V. 12/14/2016 Sentinel 12
Wilkey Martha E. 2/3/2016 Sentinel 14
Williams Keith L. 6/15/2016 Sentinel 14
Williamson Darrell L. 11/23/2016 Sentinel 10
Wilson Barbara 5/4/2016 Sentinel 12
Wilson Donn S. * 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Wilson Levesta M. 7/27/2016 Sentinel 14
Wilson Edward V. 12/21/2016 Sentinel 12
Wittenmyer Connie M. 6/22/2016 Sentinel 14
Woodrow Miriam R. 7/13/2016 Sentinel 12
Wooten Raymond E. 4/13/2016 Sentinel 14
Wray Mary K. 8/31/2016 Sentinel 12
Wright Melanie D. 2/17/2016 Sentinel 12
Wrightsman Danny * 3/2/2016 Sentinel 12
Yurchak Anne 3/23/2016 Sentinel 14
Zerr Jacqueline 1/6/2016 Sentinel 10
Zuch Burt A. 2/3/2016 Sentinel 14