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Copyright © 2021  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

These extracted items from various newspapers from Parke and surrounding counties. 

Most of these have been contributed by volunteers.  If you have access to an old newspaper and would like to share something, please contact James D. VanDerMark


The navigation of the Wabash and Erie Canal will open this spring in good order, from Lake Erie to Lodi or Coal Creek, Parke County, Indiana, two hundred and seventy-three miles, and within thirty-six miles of Terre Haute.  The division from Lodi to Terre Haute is all under contract, to be finished in the fall of 1848, and the work is progressing to the satisfaction of the trustees. – The New York Herald, Wednesday, 23 February 1848



“We regret to learn that our fellow townsman, Washington Hadley; Mrs. Penfield and Miss Coffin, daughters of Hon. Wm. G. Coffin, were among the sufferers in a Railroad accident that occurred on the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad, 38 miles west of the last named place, on Thursday last.  Mr. Hadley, we learn, had his left arm broken, but was not otherwise injured. The ladies referred to, were somewhat injured, but we have not learned to what extent.” - The Parke County Republican, November 30, 1864, Page 2 



“It is our painful duty to record one of the most heart-rending tragedies ever enacted in this country.  On Friday last, 10th inst., about 2 o’clock P.M., Milton WINELAND murdered his father Frederick WINELAND, and his cousin Benjamin VANCLEVE, by shooting them down while engaged in gathering corn in the field.  Mr. Wineland resided in Montgomery county, about four miles northwest of Waveland, but was murdered in this county, the county line running between his house and the field in which he was at work.  The cause of this unfortunate affair, so far as we have been able to learn, is in substance as follows:  Milton Wineland was the only heir to his father’s estate, worth about twenty thousand dollars, and had been under the impression for three or four years that his father had willed his estate to this cousin Benjamin Vancleve.  It is not positively known however that this was the cause. – The son, however, seemed to act on the assumption that it was true, and had at three or four different times attempted personal violence on the person of his father.  He was foiled in each attempt, until Friday last, he came to his father’s house, armed with a double-barreled shotgun, and inquired of his almost helpless mother where his father was.  She told him that his father and cousin were in the field gathering corn. – He left the house at once for the field, and in a few moments two reports of the gun were heard. The old lady ran to the door and heard some one exclaim, “oh, God,” as if in great agony. Upon reaching the door she saw the son running across the field, and the horses, which were being employed in gathering corn, running with wagon toward the barn.  As soon as the neighbors could be informed, it was found that he had shot them both within eight feet of each other by concealing himself in the fence corner.  Young Wineland is still running at large.  He is about 33 years of age, six feet two inches high, light hair, heavy sandy whiskers, grey eyes, and weighs about 220 pounds. A reward of one thousand dollars is offered by his mother for his apprehension.” - The Parke County Republican, February 15, 1865, Page 2 


WINELAND, the murderer of his father and cousin near Waveland, noticed our last issue, it is generally believed, made his way direct for Canada.  A man answering his description passed through Delphi, Carroll County, on Saturday last, en route North.  Wineland doubtless imagines that a murderer will be safe within the realms of the Queen’s domains, inasmuch as deserters, bounty jumpers, and Copperheads fleeing the draft, there find a place of safety. In this, however, he will find himself mistaken.”  -  The Parke County Republican, February 22, 1865, Page 2 


James McKEE and James CATTERSON, of Sugar Creek Township, in this county, were arrested on Tuesday of last week, on a charge of robbing the house of Mrs. WINELAND, near Waveland.  Mrs. Wineland is the widow of Frederick Wineland, who it will be remembered was murdered, together with Benjamin Vancleve, by Milton Wineland, a short time since.  The examination of McKee and Catterson was held before Esquire Baker in this place on Friday last. The goods stolen were identified by Mrs. Wineland, and proved to be in part, the clothing of her husband and young Vancleve. – The prisoners were recognized to the Circuit Court in bonds of $600 each.  McKee gave the required bond. – Catterson failing to comply with the requirement of the court, was committed to prison to await his trial. – McKee, judging from appearance, is a man of about thirty-five years. Catterson, we judge, is not to exceed nineteen or twenty years of age. - The Parke County Republican, April 5, 1865, Page 2 


“From a gentleman acquainted with the facts we learn the following particulars in regard to the shooting of a man by the name of BRIDGEWATERS, which occurred in Florida township, in this county, on Thursday morning last. Bridgewaters, it appears, started out on a foraging expedition at a very early hour on the morning above stated, and at about three o’clock was discovered at or near the corn crib of a neighbor by the name of Cabbage, some three miles distant from his place of residence.  CABBAGE ordered him to halt and demanded an explanation for his appearance there at that hour in the night.  At this Bridgewaters beat a retreat.  Being provided with a gun Cabbage fired upon Bridgewaters, the ball taking effect in the back, near the shoulder blade, and passing so nearly through the body that it has since been removed by the attending Physician.  Bridgewaters it was at first thought could not possibly live, but is now said to be improving.  Cabbage our informant states makes no secret of the matter and manifests but little interest on the subject.” The Parke County Republican, May 17, 1865, Page 2 


“On Friday night of last week, an attempt was made to rob Mr. J. W. Campbell, living on the Waveland road, about three miles north-east of this place, which, to our mind exhibits as much of cool, systematic and studied villainy as anything we ever remember to have recorded. – The villains, three in number, approached the house at a late hour at night, and gently knocked at the door.  Upon being asked what was wanted, the response was light a candle and open the door or we will break it in, in half a minute.  Their demands were acceded to as quick as possible, when two of the number, with revolvers drawn, entered the house and demanded of Mr. C. his money.  Being completely in their power Mr. C. quietly handed over his pocket-book, and his wife handed them a small box containing some silver change.  But this did not render satisfaction.  They told Mr. C. that he must give up all his money; that they had been informed that he had in his house two thousand dollars, and that they must have it.  Foiled thus far in their expectations they next demanded the keys to all the drawers in the house.  The keys were furnished, when they instituted a diligent search, which lasted for near half an hour, but without being able to discover the coveted two thousand.  Failing in this they handed to Mr. C. his pocket-book and to Mrs. C. her box containing the silver, remarking at the same time that the sum was too small to take.  They then informed Mr. C. that they belonged to a band of robbers and followed it as a business when they quietly withdrew.” - The Parke County Republican, July 5, 1865, Page 2 


“From a gentleman acquainted with the facts we learn that an affray occurred at the residence of Geo. Griffin, near Clinton Lock, in this county, on Monday night last, in which a man by the name of Robert Griffin was stabbed, though not dangerously, by a man named Duval.  The difficulty occurred at a dance, and the probabilities are that the main cause in this as well as the more serious affray of which we give an account to-day, was attributable to that most prolific of all sources of trouble, bad whiskey.” - The Parke County Republican, July 19, 1865, Page 2 


“On Sunday night last the residence of our fellow townsman, Capt. W. W. McCune was entered and robbed of a Gold Watch and wearing apparel to the value of about three hundred dollars.  An entrance was effected through a small window in the cellar, after which the villain or villains ascended a stairway and gained free access to all parts of the house. The watch, we are informed, was taken from the room occupied by the family as a sleeping apartment, where upon retiring to rest it had been placed by the Captain upon a nail in the wall, within a few feet of his bedside. – This, to our mind, exhibits a degree of daring seldom displayed by other than the most self-reliant and experienced burglars.  In view of this, and of the rapid increase of crime all over the land, it is well for our people to exercise more than the usual caution, and to prepare to repel any attempt that may be made for like purposes. Our advice is, “trust in the Lord and keep your powder dry.” - The Parke County Republican, August 16, 1865, Page 2 


Indiana Patriot, June 6, 1872


  • Lewis L. LOVE, of Washington Township is the fastest corn dropper in the county. He is now ten years of age and for the last two years has earned one dollar per day dropping corn.
  • Squire NOEL married a couple last week – the lady being 60 and the gentleman 20 years of age.
  • G. W DOOLEY, of Putnam County, sold a walnut tree for $600 last week.” 


 Rockville Republican, August 21, 1878 


  • “Firman ALLEN goes east next week for a fall stock of groceries.
  • Mrs. D. R. STITH and grand-daughter go to Tuscola, Ill., to visit friends.
  • Mr. Daniel STRICKLER of Washington Township died this morning of bilious fever.
  • J. B. CONNELLY took his Sabbath School class on a pic-nic excursion to Turkey Run yesterday.
  • George W. McMURTRY, of the Buckeye Store, Terre Haute, is visiting friends here.”


Rockville Tribune, July 3, 1879


  • “Good cigars are on sale at the Post Office.

  • Two car loads of limestone for the new court house and jail arrived Tuesday night.

  • It is reported that there were more drunk men in town Saturday than for a long time previously.

  • A large table will be spread at McCUNE’s grove to morrow for the use of the members of the military companies.

  • Part of the iron doors in the basement of the new jail have been put in.

  • Born – On Friday, June 27, to Andy M. HUTCHINSON and lady, a girl.

  • There are six stone-cutters at present cutting stone for the new court house.

  • The seas in the M. E. Church have been repainted and people will not hereafter ‘stick’ to them.”


Rockville Republican, October 29, 1884

  •  “Henry LEE has bought an interest in J. W. BEADLE’s grocery and bakery, on the west side, and in the future will give it his undivided attention.

  •  Capt. Jno. B. DOWD, of the Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, D. C., arrived yesterday morning in fine health and spirits. He will visit his many friends until election day, when he will cast a straight Republican vote.

  • Geo. M. BOYD returned from the west yesterday, where, for the past month he has been visiting friends.

  •  Martin S. JACKS, of Greene Township, has been pronounced insane, and Sheriff MUSSER took him to the Insane Asylum yesterday. Mr. Jacks is a very estimable citizen and his numerous friends are pained to learn of his affliction.”


 Rockville Republican, March 18, 1885

  •  Misses Lillie SMITH and Emma DAILY think they will attend school at No. 3 

  •  George CAMPER, of Iroquois County, Illinois, was home last week to attend the funeral of his grandmother. 

Crawfordsville Star, June 25, 1885

-- Parke County Comes Up with a Killing to Swell the List of Murders - Rockville Eagle - One more victim to the hip-pocket's murderous occupant to be registered and of course all the people will want to hear how the old, old story sounds with its slight changes as to place and parties. The scene of the tragedy is the third time since the rifle-bullet of an unknown avenger sent the body of Johnny Green, the Delaware Indian, tumbling off the over hand rock into Sugar Creek, that the hand of man has been raised against his brother, in that township.  This is another killing since our published record of but little over a year ago, showing 25 men to have been killed in Parke County since its organization.  About 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening June 16, Urial Delp shot and killed Wm. Jarvis as both men were returning from Jacksonville in Fountain County.  Delp had ridden a horse to that village and Jarvis had gone in his two-horse wagon.  As they were returning, Delp got into the wagon with Jarvis and his horse was led behind.  When in front of or near the house of Frank Burkhart, Delp shot Jarvis and immediately went to the home of Joseph Banta, where he found RL Moore to whom he gave himself up.  Delp had been drinking but as some time had elapsed between the firing of the shots and the meeting with Moore, he may have been sober. he had a Smith & Wesson Revolver, 38 caliber and all the chambers were loaded. He stated his case to Mr. Moore and requested to be taken as a prisoner to Rockville. With Mr. Myers, of that vicinity, Moore brought Delp to Rockville and about 2 o'clock in the morning turned him over to the Sheriff. Delp is a farmer about 55 years old and is well known in this county.  The prisoner, although no reporter was admitted to see him has told to others as near as can be determined the following. The two men became involved in a dispute over a question of the division of a crop.  Delp's son, a minor and Jarvis had rented some of his land, and had decided not to go ahead with the farming. About the division of the crop arose the quarrel, which culminated in Jarvis ordering him out of the wagon. Delp was complying, when, as he was getting out Jarvis struck him with his fist. The blow was followed up by Jarvis, who got out of the wagon and pursued Delp, with a seat-board upraised as if to strike.  Delp drew his revolver and ordered him to stop, but no attention was paid; he then fired a shot in the air, but as his adversary still advanced he shot him in the body with second fire. He then left the scene of the tragedy.  Jarvis was taken to his home; he lived about half an hour and, it is said, told a different story but all will be told when the trial comes off. He was a man of about 42 years of age and came to this country from the South.  By trade, he was a shingle-cutter but, being a cripple, is not able to do much hard work.  A wife and four children are left by him and what is still more unfortunate, the wife is about to be confined. Under these circumstances the blow will fall with terrible weight upon her. We do not condemn or accuse. We do not know the circumstances further than here given. The taking of life under any circumstances is awful, and it seems that such terrible lessons as are daily taught should be heeded, and the cowardly practice of carrying concealed weapons broken. But it has not had any effect as far as we can see.  All we can say is, let justice be done!


Rockville Republican, October 23, 1889


  • “The clover huller is with us again.  

  • A. R. McMurtry, of Marshall, has had four teams hauling tile this week from the mill here to his farm.  

  • Elwood Phipps and Miss Ross A. Manley were married at Rockville on Saturday, Oct 12. A house will be built for them at Byron.  

  • Mrs. Gay, living in this neighborhood, dropped dead on last Friday morning and was buried in the Bilbo graveyard Saturday. She was born in Randolph County, N. C., in 1802, and had been a resident of this county for many years.”


  • “Martin MORRIS, one of our best young men, is studying civil engineering at Ann Arbor.
  • John BLUE, of Montezuma, visits these parts occasionally. A fair Quakeress of the town is no doubt the terminus of the electrical wire.
  • Branson SANDERS and wife arrived at home last week from a trip to Holdrege, Neb., where they had been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Huldah MILLER.”



 Rockville Republican, December 17, 1890


  • The new bell for the Baptist Church was shipped nearly two weeks ago. It weighs 406 pounds and was made in Baltimore. As soon as received it will be placed in the tower in the church. 

  • John McMurtry, of Marshall, brought to this office a sample of beet sugar made in Nebraska. It was white as the best granulated sugar and as sweet. The human stomach that will not retain such sugar is in bad shape truly. The truth is, there is no better sugar that beet sugar. 

  • Howard Bryant was able to get up town last week. He was on crutches and is terribly emaciated from his recent sickness.



The Republican, December 14, 1892    


M. JACKS went last Friday to Vermillion County to visit relatives. Two nieces, living north of Clinton, he had not seen for thirty years, he was expecting to surprise them, but failed to recognize them, and so he was as greatly surprised as they. He, however, had a good time, and returned home the first of the week.”


Rockville Tribune, September 28, 1893 

  • “Thomas W. Blue was adjudged of unsound mind last Saturday, by a jury, in order to have a guardian appointed to manage his estate, to the amount of $1,500.   

  • Nixon vs. Moore, tried by jury last Friday; jury failed to agree. 

  • Ohio Spiral Spring Buggy company vs. John Stith – cause was dismissed, and each party pays one-half the costs.   

  • Divorce decreed James M. Cook from Josephine Cook.”

  • David LINEBARGER vs. O. P. BROWN – trial by court and finding for Linebarger for $100


Rosedale Herald, July 6, 1894 


  • “Harvesting is about over. 

  • Eva Uselman is in the sick list. 

  • Mrs. John Allbright spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. John Yowell. 

  • Harry Adams  is suffering an attack of tonsillitis. 

  • Frank Cox made a flying trip to Terre Haute, Saturday evening. 

  • An ice cream social was given at E. Sutler’s, Sunday evening.  

  • Eva Uselman called on Mrs. Lafe Yowell, Friday. Mrs. Hattie Baxter called on Mrs. Charles Bickman, Saturday. 

  • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas THORPE Sunday, July 1st, a son. 

  • Mrs. Hattie Baxter called on Mrs. Charlie Bockman, Saturday. 

  • Mr. Elias Adams, wife and daughter, Fannie of Terre Haute attended church at Friendly Grove, Saturday and Sunday.”


Rockville Tribune, February 14, 1895 


  • Mrs. WISER, of Pulaski, Ky., is visiting her daughters, Mesdames Josiah and James HAYES.
  • E. VANHUSS, who has been attending the State Normal, is at home, sick.
  • Dr. DARROCH is very busy since he returned form the Polyclinic at Chicago.”

Rockville Tribune, May 28, 1895

 “Grandma DRIVER, who for over half a century has been living north of Montezuma, and lately staying with her daughter at Opeedee, called on Mrs. Cox and friends in Montezuma, Sunday as she was passing through on her way to visit her other daughter, Mrs. Huxford.”


Rockville Tribune, September 17, 1896 


  • “E. KEMPER and wife, and Mrs. STRICKLER, of Richmond, and Mrs. W. F. GATES, of Indianapolis, passed Sunday in Rosedale, the guests of Harry HUNT.
  • Mrs. G. H. HANSEL and daughter spent part of last week in Terre Haute.
  • Oscar JEFFRIES returned to his home here, Wednesday, after a five months’ stay in Goodland with his uncle.
  • Mrs. May STRICKLER returned to her home in Richmond, last Tuesday.
  • Mr. BRITTON, of Harmony, is visiting his son George of this place.”

The Indiana State Journal, Wednesday 07 October 1896

Covington, Ind., Oct. 2 – The case against Barney Robards, charged with the murder of William Newkirk, town marshal of Judson, Parke county, was called in the Circuit Court here yesterday.  The court granted a continuance on an affidavit that the defendant’s wife was a necessary witness in the case, and was unable to be present owing to the fact that a daughter of the defendant had contracted diphtheria and had died of the disease last Monday, and that Mrs. Robards and family were quarantined.  Robards is considerably reduced in flesh, and looks pale and haggard.  He is much grieved over the death of his little daughter.  He is represented in the case by the Hon. James T. Johnston and F. M. Howard, of Parke county, and Nebecker and Simms, of this city.  The prosecution is represented by Maxwell and Pruitt, Stansbury and Brissey and Charles M. McCabe, of this city.  -

The Indiana State Journal, Wednesday, 25 March 1896

Rockville, Ind., March 21, - Mrs. Mary Harlan, the oldest woman in Parke County, celebrated her one hundredth anniversary yesterday.  She was born in Warren county, Maryland, March 20, 1796, twenty miles from Haggerstown, Mercersburg being the nearest town.  Her home was at the foot of Sough Mountain.  Her father was a soldier in the revolutionary wary, being a British subject until captured.  He fought for American in 1812.  Her parents moved to Warren county, Ohio, when she was eight years old, settling near Dayton.  She married Silas Harlan Feb. 12, 1818 and moved to Illinois, then finally settled at New Discovery, Parke county; Indiana, ten miles southeast of Rockville.  From this union ten children were born, four still living.


Rockville Republican, February 3, 1897 


  • “Mrs. Claude ENSEY did not have a fine piano destroyed when her father’s (John STARK’s) house burned. Her mother had an organ, but it was saved.
  • Master Lennie NORMAN received a fine gilt-edged flexible back Bible presented by his mother.
  • Pete ENSOR arrived from Tennessee last Friday where he has been at work in timber since last July.”

 Rockville Tribune, November 25, 1897

  • “Samuel Skeeters has purchased that part of the Laverty land known as the ‘upper bottom’. 

  • Judson item – ‘With eggs 20 cents a dozen in our town the poor man will have to eat his bacon without them and be thankful for the bacon.’ 

  • Married at the Friends Church, Bloomingdale, Nov. 17, John Cook to Miss Alice Lindley. 

  • M. W. Marshall is now our postmaster, Cyril Connelley will be his deputy.”


Rockville Tribune, October 6, 1898 


  • “Elbridge BOYD formed one of a party of Parke County home seekers who left for a Texas trip, Tuesday.
  • Miss Sophronia McMURTRY, of Rose Orphan’s Home, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David McMurtry, over Sunday, and left Monday, for a visit to Missouri, form where she will return to her home.
  • Word received that Nathan STRICKLER’s, Tuesday, shows his condition to be very grave, and he is not expected to live many days
  • Rev. A. H. ALLEN, of Terre Haute, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. BURFORD, Saturday.”

 Rockville Tribune, November 10, 1898


  •             “Born – to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stith, Wednesday, Oct. 26, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cottrell, Monday, Oct. 24, a daughter. 

  •             Died – Oct. 29, 1898, Ina Wagner, aged 3 years, of membraneous croup. Funeral services were held at the house, on Sunday, by Rev. Krewel, after which internment took place at Coxville Cemetery.  

  •             Pearley Cox is very sick at the home of William Cox. 

  •             The Red Men and Pocohontas of this place gave a banquet at their hall, Saturday evening, Oct. 29, at  which supper was served to all. A cake walk was also one of the features of the evening, the cake being won by John Buckley, of Coxville, and Miss Sarah Roberts, of Rosedale.


  • John Ghose and daughter, of Kingman, attended church here last Thursday. 

  • George Wright has gone to Illinois to gather corn.

  •  C. T. Allen had a valuable horse killed by a falling tree, Saturday. The tree knocked another horse down and came near falling on one of Mr. Allen’s boys.  

  • The oyster supper at C. S. Woodard’s, Monday night, was o. k.


  • There is not a vacant house in town. Wes Geller has bought and occupies the last one of the Coal Company’s houses. 

  • Charles Dailey and Daniel Strange, viewers of the Raccoon Township gravel road, stopped, Friday night with James Hopper. 

  • Corn husking is the order of the day. Corn is not turning out as good as was  expected. 

  • Mrs. Al Lewis and Miss Mary Detro, of Rosedale, were guests of Mrs. Frank Hopper, Thursday night. 

  • Henry Cahill and wife, of Rosedale, and Frank Annway and wife, of Rockville, Sundayed with Frank Hopper.”


Rockville Tribune, April 20, 1899 


  • “Miss Laura ALLEN, of Rockville, is visiting Charles Scott and wife.
  • Jesse BURFORD is building a house on his farm northwest of town, and will move there when finished.
  • Charles SHANKS, who has been teaching at Sylvania, has returned here to spend the summer.
  • A meeting will be held at the Baptist Church to-morrow to elect a pastor. Rev. S. K. FUSON, of Rockville, will probably be called.”

Rockville Tribune, June 14, 1899 


  • “K. C. LAVERTY and wife spent Saturday and Sunday in Terre Haute with their young son, Raymond, who is in St. Anthony’s hospital, in care of the city’s best opticians.
  • ‘Aunt Ann’ SWAIM returned to her home near Scotland, Ill., Monday, after a month’s visit with her daughter and old-time neighbors here.
  • George USELMAN and wife attended commencement exercise at Bloomingdale, Friday night, and witnessed the graduation of their daughter Stella.
  • Dan FARNER and Clarence BROWN took advantage of the excursion, Saturday night, and visited Cincinnati.”


Rockville Tribune, December 26, 1900 


  • “Wes Catlin, of near Columbus, and sister, of Terre Haute, were here last week as witnesses in the Catlin and Remington lawsuit.
  • Miss Moore gave her scholars a taffy party, Tuesday night of last week.
  • H. O. Cahill, of Rosedale, was here Thursday and Friday, to attend the trial of his half-brother, Guy Humphrey. 
  • Charles Kellar and wife were in Terre Haute, Wednesday.
  • The big iron bridge across Little Raccoon has received a new coat of paint, and also the small bridge by Charles Long’s. W. A. Hopper was the contractor.”


  • “Herschel Coffin, of Penn College, Iowa, is at home to spend the Christmas vacation.
  • Lister Hopper went to Indianapolis today, to meet his bride, Miss Wilbur, of Covington, Kentucky. They will be married in the Capital city, immediately, and will return to this place to reside.
  • Harry Russell is home for the holidays.
  • Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Louisa Church, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Church, to Orris B. Heath, of Tangier, on New Year’s Day.


Rockville Tribune, March 6, 1901 


  • “Grant Delp’s best cow fell over the bluff, near his shingle factory, and killed herself. 

  • The writer was misinformed as to the sex of Sherman Delp’s baby. The youngster has decided to be a girl. We beg her pardon. 

  • Joe Phipps, who has been in Texas for some years, has returned to this vicinity. 

  • John Pitzer has been quite sick. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wendall are visiting the latter’s brother, Pete Featherstone, near Leatherwood.”


  • “Mrs. Henry CAHILL of Rosedale visited relatives here the past week.
  • Daisy McGUIRE of No. 10 Vigo County, visited Etta HUMPHREY over Sunday.
  • David TINDER is moving into the Enoch WILKEY property.
  • Jennie HOWARD of near Coxville visited her brother, C. A. KELLER, Friday, and attended church.
  • J. L. HAYES and Arthur WOOD opened Hiner Thompson’s sugar camp Saturday. They report the sap runs freely.”       

 Rockville Tribune, March 13, 1901



  • “Mrs. L. R. Jessup and two youngest daughters will go to Valley Mills sometime this week to visit relatives. 

  • Davis Hopper, the aged father of Charles and Lester Hopper, died at his home here, Thursday. The funeral took place on Friday. 

  • There will be an old-fashioned ‘spelling school’ in the assembly room of the academy, Thursday evening, March 14. Everybody come and enjoy the fun. Admission 5 cents. Premiums given to best speller. 

  • John Maddock was at Milligan, last Monday.” 

  Rockville Tribune, March 20, 1901


  • “Mrs. Ida Allen is quite sick. 

  • John W. Phipps and wife of Clinton have been visiting their sister, Mrs. Eliza Barker. 

  • Leonard Webster has received and accepted an offer from Fremont Alfrey of Missouri of $30 a month the year round to superintend himself in the work of clearing the Alfrey estate. This is good  for our S.S. superintendent.  

  • Mrs. Eliza Barker has choking spells and is gradually growing weaker. Some Christian ladies of Marshall sent her some acceptable presents of canned pears and other things. 

  • J. P. Hutson captured a grasshopper March 18, and says it betokens an early spring.”


Rockville Tribune, February 19, 1902


  •             “Fishing is quite a pastime. We suppose they bite quite well. 

  •             Messrs. Bell and Martin, of Bridgeton, were here, last Saturday, on telephone business. They report business lively down there. A rough estimate places the number of free line phones centering at Bridgeton at 140 or more. 

  •             Mrs. Cyrus Goss and Mrs. Mort Overpeck are both dangerously sick. 

  •             Poisoning dogs is quite common. About eight or ten died Lat week, among them being Dr. Peare’s big dog Roger.”

Rockville Republican, July 16, 1902 


  • “Mrs. Anna STITH was awarded $2,500 judgment against the Terre Haute & Logansport railroad for the death of her son Dick Stith, who was killed in an accident near Judson when a cut of freight cars became detached from a train at Waveland and crashed into Stith’s engine. Suit had been brought for $10,000.
  • Judson item says people go in crowds to see the oil well on Jim HAZLETT’s farm. It proved to be marsh gas.
  • A big wheat yield is reported by Marion HATFIELD of near Marshall. A field of 12 acres averaged 44 bushels per acre.

 Rockville Republican, October 22, 1902


  • Homer McCAMPBELL and wife visited at Montezuma Sunday. 

  • Charley ASBURY and family and Harvey RUSH and wife visited at Wm. and Cindy COLLINGS’ Sunday. 

  • Wm. SKEETERS got two of his fingers badly mashed Saturday. He was in a car and standing in the doorway when the door blew shut on his fingers. 

  • Mrs. Ora HARRISON and children and Harley Heath and wife visited Homer Skeeters and family Sunday. Also Mrs. J. H HARRISON and Mrs. Wm SKEETERS on Monday. 

  • Miss Winona McCAMPBELL and Mrs. Jewel HORN drove over to Harold Henderson’s school near Hollandsburg Friday evening and Mr. HENDERSON accompanied them home.


  • “Wm. SKEETERS got two of his fingers badly mashed Saturday. He was in a car and standing in the doorway when the door blew shut on his fingers.
  • Ina BARKER of Kingman visited Mrs. George Barker Sunday.
  • Cards are out announcing the marriage of Wm. TITUS and Susie MARIS Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock.
  • Leonard NORMAN made a flying trip home Saturday to attend to some fall work and on account of the unaccommodating run of the trains could stay but a few hours.
  • Mrs. Ike LOWRY of Rockville, youngest daughter living of Wm. NUTGRASS, was present at his funeral last Saturday and remained over night with her mother, Mrs. Jane Nutgrass, who she had not seen for over two years.
  • Henry SUTTON will move in with his mother at Judson immediately after his sale Thursday.”


Rockville Tribune, August 8, 1903 


  • “Mr. and Mrs. C. T. BURFORD and daughter, Ola, spent Thursday of last week with A. J. Burford.
  • William FULWIDER, who has been visiting his mother and other relatives in this vicinity for some time, returned to his home in California.
  • William NEET and family were shopping in Rockville, Saturday.
  • There was a dinner at Paulina FULWIDER’s, Sunday. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to the number of thirty-five, were present.”

Rockville Republican, September 9, 1903 


  • Thos. KELLER has rented Cale MARSHALL’s farm and will occupy same. 

  • Joe FELLENZER and Levi NEVINS were in Rockville, Monday, on business connected with our proposed new gravel roads. 

  • Viola KELLER spent Sunday with her aunt, Jennie HOWARD, near Coxville. 

  • Frank HOPPER and family, and Mrs. Elijah McGUIRE of this place accompanied by Henry CAHILL and family of Rosedale, Mr. and Mrs. SMITH of No. 10 went to New Discovery to attend the annual Straughn reunion, which this year was held at Jacob CROOKS’.



Rockville Republican, April 13, 1904 


  • “John CLARK and wife were in Rockville, Monday, on business.
  • Mrs. Eliza BARNES died at the home of her son, J. S. Barnes, last Friday morning, at the ripe old age of 82 years, 9 months, and 22 days. She died of diseases incident to old age. Funeral services were held Sunday at the Baptist church, Rev. Liston officiating, Internment in Bethany Cemetery.
  • John BARNES of St. Joseph, Mo., Geo. H. Barnes and wife of Indianapolis, Mrs. Sarah Cannon of Mason, Ill., Mrs. F. E. Fisher and sister of Lucerne, Ind., Mrs. Joseph Feuquay of Jessup and John Oldshoe and wife of Waveland were among those from a distance in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Eliza Barnes, Sunday.
  • Mrs. Ideoma ARMSTRONG and little son Aaron of Catlin spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMurtry.
  • Ed BARNES visited his sister, Mrs. Dr. Randall, in Ambia, last week.”

Rockville Tribune, April 20, 1904 


  • “Jessie DELP visited her aunt, Ida KIGER, over Sunday.
  • Cal CROWDER’s baby has been quite sick.
  • T. HALE has moved into the Wolf property near he Fisher school.
  • Ora DELP went to the election and stayed over Sunday with his uncle, the township trustee.
  • Paul LUNDGREN went Thursday night to see his best girl and hitched his horse to a tree. The horse thought the best girl lived in a different direction, and so broke loose and ran down the road to John Ferguson’s. It tore up the harness, but had the good judgment to damage neither itself or the buggy, and finally hitching itself by the lines to a clump of bushes, patiently awaited till morning. When Paul saw his horse come home uninjured next morning, he finally decided to make up with it.
  • Grant DELP and Nathan BENNETT attended the meeting held at Friends’ Union Church by Rev. Joseph Barker, last Thursday night.”

Rockville Tribune, July 20, 1904


  • Mrs. And Mrs. Allan BROCKWAY are at the Exposition this week.

  • Miss Ella BAKER gave a delightful six o’clock dinner to a number of friends, Monday.

  • Fred STITH went to Greencastle, Sunday, where he will remain several days visiting  friends.  

  • Miss Lucy ALLEN left Duluth, Minn., Monday, to visit her sister, Mrs. Margaret McLEAN. 

  • Last Wednesday, July 13, was the 86th birthday of Mr. Joseph SMITH, who lives on the farm of his son, north of Rockville. His daughter-in-law carried him a large bunch of sweet peas for a birthday remembrance. After inhaling their fragrance the old man remarked that is eyes were too old to see the blossoms and asked his daughter to bring the flowers to Mrs. Juliet V. STRAUSS, of the Tribune, with an old man’s compliments on his 86th birthday, and in memory of old times many years ago when Mr. Smith was well acquainted with Mrs. Strouse’s parent’s, who though both were younger than Mr. Smith, have passed into the great beyond. The little gift and the sentiment that accompanied it were highly appreciated by Mrs. Strouse, who is a lover of the aged, holding them ever in respectful affection.

Rockville Republican, July 27, 1904 


  • “Sam ADAMS and wife attended the funeral of William GILKESON, Sunday.
  • Stella HOPPER and children and Alma Hopper and baby Donald spent last Thursday at Levi Nevins.
  • ROSS & NEVINS finished the cement work on their road, Saturday. There were three arches.
  • We were all proud to know we had the prettiest baby boy in Rosedale, June 16 – Donald HOPPER.
  • Sarah PETHERAM returned home sick from here visit in Rosedale and is still quite poorly.”


Rockville Republican, February 1, 1905 


  • “John Asbury and wife and Mrs. S. K. Fuson were guests of Mr. Hawery and wife Sunday.
  • Charlie McMurtry and wife have charge of the babe of Mr. McMurtry’s sister, Mrs. Durham of Waveland, while she is away undergoing treatment.
  • Miss Glade Frazier of Rosedale attended the funeral of Mrs. J. H. Harrison Wednesday.
  • Harvey Rush and wife went to Waveland, Sunday, to see Mrs. Robert Burford, who is sick but improving.”

 Rockville Tribune, May 31, 1905


  • Last Thursday William BOYD passed along the south side with 3 fine poplar logs, the like of which has not been seen on our streets since the days of Bob WESLEY and his team of oxen. The load measured 1,439 feet. 

  • Births – To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ENSOR, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MOORE, a son. 

  • Deaths – Mrs. Sarah PHIPPS. Hiram JESTER. 

  • Quite an accident occurred at the saw mill at Catlin Thursday. While sawing the saw struck a rock in the log, knocking out six teeth, severely injuring W. T. DAY, one of the workmen.


Rockville Tribune, February 14, 1906


  •             “Dr. Claude Hamilton called on friends in town, Sunday. 

  •             Greenbury Skeeters and his sister, of Milford, Ill., Mrs. Rebecca Whitted and Ellen Payne, of Edgar, Ill., and William Skeeters, of Bloomingdale, are visiting relatives here.   

  •             A. L. Collings has fitted up a shop and is duly engaged in the shoe and harness repairing business. 

  •             J. E. Brockway bought the D. W. Bain threshing outfit, consisting of an engine, separator and clover huller. 

  •             W. T. Watson and wife visited the latter’s parents in Judson, Friday.”

Rockville Republican, March 7, 1906 

“The Condition at Montezuma is Becoming Unendurable. 

            If the Montezuma Record correctly reports the situation affairs are truly in a deplorable state in that town. Law violations have gone so far that at a special meeting of the town council a reward of $100 was offered for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons guilty of committing the following depredations: Tarring the doors and steps of residences of Rev. SIBLEY and Al SHARP, throwing rocks thru the window of the sleeping room of Rev. MAYNARD, stealing and throwing James BLUE’s buggy into the river and sending anonymous threatening letters to the various preachers of the town. Mention of this last outrage was made in the Republican a few weeks ago. Since then the other outrages have been committed, showing that the ill feeling on the part of sympathizers with the saloons is not abating.   One of the stones thrown into Rev. MAYNARD’s house weighed over two pounds and it is certainly fortunate that no one was hit. The Record says ‘complaints are coming in daily of outrages in all parts of the town. Threats to kill, dynamite and destroy by fire are a few among the many.’

Mr. BLUE’s buggy was taken Feb. 20, and the next Thursday afternoon it was found in the Wabash in 15-foot water. The axels were badly bent and the vehicle was generally in bad condition. Other articles have been stolen from his premises and on a recent Sunday night his stock was turned out on the railroad right of way. This scheme, however, failed of result for none of the stock was killed or maimed by a train before discovery. Besides the reward offered by the town, Mr. BLUE offers $50 for the arrest and conviction of the persons guilty of the crimes against him.

The trouble has resulted in the resignation of Marshal George ADAMS and the appointment of A. E. McMURTRY.

It certainly is time for the better class of Montezuma citizens to rise and assert themselves. If the Record properly states the conditions there is nothing else they can do. Aside from the question of the saloons obeying the plain mandates of the law the question of the safety of life and property is now at the fore – matters that cannot be ignored if the community is to continue a fit place for residence and business.”

 Rockville Tribune, March 14, 1906



  • “Miss Campbell, a young lady living east of Bridgeton, died Saturday night, after a serve illness.  

  • Elijah Cahill passed his 89th milestone last Monday, and the event was observed by his niece, Miss Ellen Cahill, who prepared an elegant dinner in his honor. ‘Uncle’ Elijah, as he is familiarly known, keeps in fairly good health, and his jovial spirits endear him to a host of friends who wish him many happy returns of the day.   

  • Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Cahill, Albert Cahill, Mrs. Frank Chadwell, John Rigdon, and other relatives attended the funeral of Oscar Mitchell in Jackson Township, Wednesday. Mr. Mitchell was a fine young man and his loss will be keenly felt. Until his first sickness, he lived on William Muir’s farm near Bridgeton, but was removed to his father’s home in Jackson Township, where he died.  

  • E. P. Berry will make another trip to Indianapolis this week, as delegate to the re-assembly of the National Mine Workers” 

Rockville Tribune, March 14, 1906



  • “Abe Collings has moved his harness shop into the Brockway block.  

  • T. K. Moore left, last week, for a prospecting tour in Oklahoma. He will be gone several days.  

  • Mrs. Fred Shalley died at her home in Montezuma, Saturday morning. The funeral and internment took place at Farmers Chapel, south of here, Monday.   

  • Rev. Joseph Skeeters is quite poorly. His nephew, Bert Skeeters and wife, of Milford, Ill., came, Saturday, and remained with him till Monday.  

  • Mrs. Fullenwider died, Wednesday evening, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Stark, south of town, of pneumonia.  

  • Quite a number from Judson came over and enjoyed the hospitality of W. P. Stout’s place of sugar making, Thursday. They had roast chicken and taffy, to the satisfaction of all.” 

Rockville Tribune, April 25, 1906

  • “Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyd, entertained at dinner, last Friday evening, at their home on West High Street. Misses Jane and June Deming, of Columbus, Ind., Miss Helen Sherrard, of Pittsburg, Pa., Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Nave and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd gave a noon dinner, Monday, to a few friends in honor of John H. Tate. 

  • Frank Coffey went to Casey, Ill., Monday, where he will work at the blacksmith trade during the summer.  

  • The relatives and friends of Con Mull were glad to learn, Monday evening, that he was not in San Francisco last Wednesday morning. Although he had started for the city he was one hundred miles distant at the time of the earthquake.”


  • “A number of our people will attend Ringling Bros. show at Terre Haute next Saturday.
  • Homer SKEETERS moved his household goods to Bloomingdale last week. Mr. Skeeters will teach in the Bloomingdale schools next winter.
  • County Superintendent J. M. NEET, of Rockville, and Professor REAGAN of Bloomingdale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. LINEBARGER.
  • Frank PRESSLOR and son, Samuel, transacted business in Judson last Tuesday.
  • Everett LOWERY and wife, of Chicago, are spending some days with their mother and brother here.
  • Mrs. NEVILLE is spending some time with her daughters in the country.”


Rockville Tribune, March 6, 1907 


  • “The commissioners received the Perry HUXFORD gravel road in Florida Township, Monday, and appointed T. H. PENCE, John SMITH, and Louis BOYD as viewers to locate a new highway on the Penn and Reserve line. The viewers were ordered to meet on the 19th of March. Tuesday morning liquor license was granted tp Fred T. STITH, Rockville, John STRINSKI and Stephen MARIETTA, of Diamond. 

  • George JESSUP received a magnificent bronze turkey gobbler, Monday, sent to him by his friend, Martin GOSS, of Jeffersonville, as a present. It is perhaps the largest turkey ever seen in Parke County. The weight of the crate and turkey was 70 pounds – the turkey weighing at least fifty pounds.

Rockville Tribune, May 15, 1907 

“Mr. Charles Oscar ATKINSON and Miss Leta Florence STRICKLER were married at 2 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, at the residence of Claude Whitesell, by Rev. W. H. Vancleave. Over fifty guests were present to extend congratulations and partake of the refreshments that followed the ceremony. The happy couple drove to Clinton that afternoon for a short visit with friends in that town. They will reside with Mrs. E. A. Atkinson on Erie Street, Rockville”


Rockville Tribune, January 1, 1908


  • “A. R. McMurtry, who has been sick for several months, was able to drive to Rockville from his home near Bethany, last Thursday. Mr. McMurtry is looking well.  

  • Miss Elizabeth Burford, saleswoman in the cloak and suit department of the Herz Bazaar, Terre Haute, visited a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Boyd, of Mecca, and Mrs. John Noel, returning to the city Wednesday night.  

  • Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and little son James, returned last Friday from Greencastle, where they spent Christmas with Mrs. Miller’s relatives.”


  • “Miss Elizabeth BURFORD, saleswoman in the cloak and suit department of the Herz Bazaar, Terre Haute, visited a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Harry BOYD, of Mecca, and Mrs. John NOEL, returning to the city Wednesday night.
  • R. McMURTRY, who has been sick for several months, was able to drive to Rockville from his home near Bethany, last Thursday. Mr. McMurtry is looking well.
  • Superintendent and Mrs. John A, LINEBARGER were called to Montezuma last Wednesday by the critical illness of the latter’s father, James BLUE.”

 Rockville Tribune, January 8, 1908 


  • “Scott RUSSELL arrived at his destination of the 1st of January, and is now in charge of the Spruce Creek Rod and Gun club. His post office address is Franklin, Pa.
  • W. S. HUMPHRIES, who has spent a fortnight with the family of his brother, L. B. Humphries, returned to his home in Vesuvius, Va., Tuesday. Miss Rose Humphries accompanied him as far as Indianapolis.
  • J. WOLFE, of Waveland, transacted business in Rockville, Monday. Mr. Wolfe is a soon of the late Henry Wolfe, who built among others the first wooden bridge across Little Raccoon on the Bellmore Road. Mr. Wolfe in now head of the A. J. Wolfe Lumber Company, a prosperous concern located at Newport, Ark.
  • Eons LANNING left Monday night for a visit with his brother at Green River Utah.
  • Eli ALEXANDER, of Greene Township, who contemplates moving to Oklahoma, will have a public sale of personal property on the 4th of February.

 Rockville Tribune, January 15, 1908 


  • “Claude VESTAL left Saturday for Purdue, where he enters upon a two months term of work in the agricultural department.
  • The township teachers held their fifth institute last Saturday. The meeting was held at the opera house.
  • Mrs. Mary BLUE offers her large home here for rent, she having made arrangements to reside with her daughter in Rockville.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. HIXON and young son, of Attica, were with Mrs. Hixon’s parents here over night Saturday.
  • Dr. DOOLEY is attending to Douglas Mathas in a sickness which promises to develop into typhoid fever.”

   Rockville Republican, February 5, 1908

  • “Miss Myrtle CONKLIN of Dana, Miss Lula BOYD of Rockville and Miss Lina COOK of Covington are guest of Miss Zula HIXON.

  • Mrs. Lou HUXFORD is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jesse BAUGH. Mrs. Huxford is enjoying a month’s vacation from her place in Morgan’s store in Clinton.

  • The sixth Teacher’s institute was held here, Saturday.

  • Rev. W. H. MILLER filled his regular appointment here, Sunday.”


Rockville Tribune, March 4, 1919 


  • “Mrs. Jams BURNSIDE of Morocco, is visiting relatives here.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Bonner HAZLETT were shopping in Rockville, Friday.
  • Ott NORMAN and wife spent one day last week with relatives near Kingman.
  • Ralph ALEXANDER spent Sunday with John Alexander and family.
  • Dan KELLER spent a few days here last week with W. O. Norman and wife.
  • Charles GASTINEAU and family spent Sunday with W. A. McCAMMON and family.
  • Miss Jessie CAPLINGER attended the operetta at Waveland, Wednesday night, and spent the night with Mrs. Lottie SMITH.”

 Rockville Tribune, September 17, 1909 


  • “Thomas PEYTON of Judson passed Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. STOUT.
  • Mr. and Mrs. T. H. SKEETERS and son, Dewey, of Adams Township, visited L. M. McCLAIN and family Sunday.
  • Luke AKERS and Jim BROCKWAY shredded fodder around here last week.
  • Jack SPENCER delivered a load of hogs to the railroad at Bridgeton, Thursday.
  • A band of youngsters gave Mr. and Mrs. J. O. STOUT a rousing charivari Wednesday night. After about two hours of noise they were invited in and treated to the refreshments usually provided for such occasion.”       

 Rockville Tribune, December, 1, 1909 


  • Charles PENCE, who has been quite sick for several weeks, is slowly regaining his strength.
  • Quite a crowd from here (Catlin) attended the HOPPER sale at Minshall, Friday.
  • Ernest CAUSEY returned to his school at Bluffton, Sunday.
  • Ivah and Mellie LINEBARGER and Muriel HARVEY attended teachers Association at Rockville, Friday and Saturday.
  • Tommie CAUSEY and others are enjoying hunting in Oklahoma.
  • David LINEBARGER and wife attended the stock show at Chicago last week.”

 Rockville Tribune, December 8, 1909 


  • “The farmers are about all through husking corn.
  • Mrs. John PHIPPS shipped a fine Pekin drake to Fred O. PEYTON, of Milligan, Monday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Charles DAILY, Miss Lila BRADFIELD, of Florida Township, and Miss Mamie COOK, of Clinton left for Florida, Tuesday.
  • John BROCKWAY, James BALDWIN, Bert COOK and Alf HIXON attended the International Stock Show at Chicago, last week.
  • Edward CARPENTER and family spent Thursday at George PHIPPS’.”


Rockville Tribune, October 5, 1910 


  • “R. M. BELL, of Jackson Township, called at the Tribune office, Monday morning, as he has done for many years during the month of October. Mr. Bell wonders if the county would vote ‘dry’ at another option election. He says he sees more drunken men now in his neighborhood than when the saloons were running at Caseyville and Carbon. ‘The only way to stop it,’ said Mr. Bell, ‘is to stop making it. As long as it is made it will be drunk.’ 

  • Miss Mary Frances BALL and Albert S. McCAMPBELL were married at the bride’s home in Rockville last Wednesday evening. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. W. B. Chancellor, of Memorial Presbyterian Church, in the presence of relatives of the bride and groom and a few intimate friends. After the ceremony, a luncheon in two courses was served. Mr. and Mrs. McCampbell will make their home on a farm two miles north of Rockville.”

 Rockville Tribune, October 19, 1910 


  • “Frank HOPPER and wife spent the latter part of the week with relatives near Brazil.
  • ‘Bud’ PRUNNER and family spent Sunday in Rosedale.
  • Mr. and Mrs. William HOPPER and family spent Saturday night with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hopper, of near Rockville.
  • Fred and Charles HOPPER were in Atherton, Friday, on business.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Lysander ADAMS and son, William, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed JUDSON, of Fontanet.
  • Rolland HOPPER spent from Friday until Sunday with his cousin James Hopper, of Rough and Ready.
  • Mrs. Guy HUMPHRIES and niece, Rosa GELLAR, of South Rosedale, spent Sunday with home folks.” 


Rockville Tribune, February 22, 1911 


  • “Miss Lorn REEDER entertained the Friday club last week.
  • Rev. George LINEBARGER returned last week from a month’s sojourn to Louisiana.
  • Master Lebert BLUE, who has been in attendance at the Manual Training School in Indianapolis, has given up his work for this year on account of ill health.
  • John KING came over from Gas City last week to sell ten teams of mules, which he has in Montezuma. The sale is private at the Rierdan barn.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. LINEBARGER, of Rockville, were Sunday guests of relatives here.”


Rockville Republican, May 3, 1911


  • “Mrs. Jas. A. RUSSELL has been confined to he home for several weeks past but is gradually improving. 

  • A base ball team was organized for this place last Wednesday night and the boys are busy practicing. Omar NEWMAN will act as manager and captain and Earl MILLER as treasurer. The other members are Ernest TEAGUE, Fay LOUGH, Luther McINTYRE, Henry McCUNE, Francis McINTYRE, Charley HOWELL, Parke McCAMPBELL. 

  • Mrs. Dora ADAMS left Tuesday morning for Topeka, Kan., called there by the critical illness of her sister, Mrs. Maggie DAVIS. Mrs. M. C. WARE of Indianapolis joined her at this place and went with her.”

 Rockville Tribune, July 25, 1911


  •             “Mrs. Wallace Pence will be hostess for the Pricilla Needle Circle next Friday afternoon. 

  •             William Smith, a brother of Hammet Smith who was drowned in Rohm’s mill pond, and oldest son of the late Reuben Smith, is dangerously sick at his home near Bluff Mills, and his death is expected at any moment. 

  •             Dominick Iavello and Toni Bertetti, on Saturday, in the Parke Circuit Court renounced their  allegiance to Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, and declared their intentions of becoming citizens of the U. S. 

  •             Sidwell Alden went to Bridgeton, Monday morning in the automobile of Frank H. Nichols, from where in company with Dr. R. C. Peare, he took Mrs. Edward Overpeck to the Union Hospital at Terre Haute. Mrs. Overpeck, who is the daughter of James B. Miller, of Rockville, will be operated on by Dr. W. E. Bell tomorrow.”

Rockville Tribune, September 5, 1911


  •             “Mrs. Lina Newlin has been spending a week visiting with her children at Indianapolis. 

  •             Born – To Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Poe, August 28, a son; on the 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fox, a daughter.            

  •             Miss Lela McCampbell, after a three weeks vacation, returned Monday to her position in Indianapolis. 

  •             The funeral of Charles Burford, at the residence Sunday, was attended by several people of this place. Burial at Bethany. 

  •             John McMurtry, who has been very ill for two weeks, is now improving slowly. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vanhook were in Marshall Sunday.”


Rockville Tribune, October 10, 1911


  •             “Jno. Huxford, Jr. and family of Florida Township, and Miss Lottie Cole of Terre Haute, came up in the Huxford car, Monday, and visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole. 

  •             George Beatty has moved from the Miller farm south of town to his own farm northeast of Bridgeton. 

  •             Charles Alexander made a business trip to Rockville, Friday. 

  •             There will be an ice cream and box supper at the Hartman school, Miss Winnie Irwin, teacher, on Saturday night, Oct. 28. The proceeds will be devoted to the school library and everybody is cordially invited to attend and help with the worthy object. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Robert wells of Mansfield visited his brother, John and wife, Saturday night and Sunday.

Rockville Tribune, December 26, 1911 


  • “Perry A. SOWERS, et. al., to Clayton ATKINSON, land in Sugar Creek…$25.00.
  • Thomas J. GROVES, et. ux., to Juliet V. STROUSE, and hus., land in Adams and part lot 57, Rockville…$8,000.
  • Samuel SKEETERS, et. ux., to Jas. E. BROCKWAY, lot 5 and part of lot 4, Craig’s add. to Mecca…$800.
  • Edward LAWSON, et. ux., to Emma A. RUTTER, land in Raccoon…$150.”


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Earl DAVIES and son Glen, are visiting with his brother Clayton and family at West Lebanon.
  • Mrs. McCALL left last week to spend the remainder of the winter with her son John at Frankfort.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Dave LITSEY spent a few days last week with Mrs. Litsey’s mother, Aunt Jane WILSON, at Bloomingdale. Although in her 99th year, Mrs. NELSON is in a good degree of health.
  • George BARNES of Indianapolis, spent the first part of last week with his sister, Mrs. Beverly BANTA.
  • Miss Lelia McCAMPBELL is with her parents for a 10 day’s visit.
  • Mrs. Phronia DOOLEY and children are spending some days at Indianapolis with relatives there.


Rockville Tribune, September 17, 1912


  • “Misses Vera Hopper and Ida McCracken of Rockville spent Sunday with Beulah Hopper. 

  • Miss Viola Keller, of Rosedale, returned home Friday after a two weeks visit with Grace Hopper. 

  • Rolland Hopper spent the latter part of the week with Parke Thompson, of Rough and Ready. 

  • Norval Barnes, Fred Henry and Rolland Hopper attended the ‘watermelon feast’ given by Wes Barnes and wife of near Rosedale, Wednesday night. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge, of near Judson, moved in with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hopper, this week.


Rockville Tribune, August 28, 1914


  • “John CONNELLY, who ahs been visiting his father, Jesse B. Connelly, expects to leave tomorrow for his home in San Antonio, Texas.
  • Mr. and Mrs. William FULWIDERr and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fulwider motored to Rockville form Bloomington Sunday, and visited friends for the day.
  • Frances E. LANEY spent last week in Florida Township as the guest of Miss Rose HUXFORD and attended the carnival at Rosedale.
  • The Priscil’a Sewing circle will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Robert McNORTON.”


Rockville Republican, June 15, 1915


  • “John and Dan Kellar have been spending a few days  with Ott Norman and wife. 

  • Mrs. Ella Buford and sons spent part of last week with Frank Smith and family. 

  • Fred Jessup, wife and son, were Sunday guests of Jacob Collings and family.  

  • Mrs. Cynthia Smiley and son, Bonner Hazlett and wife, and George Stark and wife were Sunday guests of Will Hazlett and wife. 

  • W. A. McCammon and daughter, Elsie, spent Saturday nigh and Sunday with Charles Gastineau and family. 

  • Quite a number of the school children have the chicken pox.”


Parke County Times, November 10, 1916


  • “Listen for the wedding bells. 

  • Miss Martha Belt of Lafayette, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CV. P. Belt last week. She was accompanied by Gertrude Anna Mowher, a bright little miss of three years.  

  • Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Vanfossan, November 5, a daughter. 

  • George Beatty and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Walters.   

  • E. H. Cahill and family left Tuesday for Kenmore, O., where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Cahill have three sons there at work in a rubber plant and he also has been employed by the same company.”



  • “Ed Viquesney of Terre Haute, died in Union Hospital Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Viquesney is a prominent business man, and well known in Rockville. He was a nephew of Mrs. James Beadle. Funeral services will be held this (Friday) afternoon. 

  • Cyrill C. Connelly, according to a dispatch in the Indianapolis News, of Tuesday night, has been elected registrar of the Indian State Normal School, by it s bard of trustees. The position is obtain January 1.  

  • The wedding bells should have rung for Sunday for a young couple in this vicinity, but Paris, Ill., is so distant that the friends did not hear the faintest chime. Earl Jessup and Miss Hazle, the youngest daughter of Thomas Kelshimer, stole a march on their friends and were quietly married in Paris, Ill., Sunday, November 5. Mr. Jessup is a prosperous  young farmer of Jessups, and his bride is popular among her friends. They are living with the bride’s parents at present. Their many friends wish them happiness and prosperity.”


January 30, 1917


“…It is said that the first log cabin in Raccoon Township was built by a man named Richardson. The Barnes and Bells were other settlers, who shared the many hardships… The little town of Bridgeton was, in the earlier years, called Sodom because there were distilleries, and the people were so wicked. There were three general settlements (a) Sodom, which is now called Bridgeton (b) Pleasant Valley, which is in the northeastern part (c) in the southern part was the ‘Bell’ and ‘Garrigus’ settlements. In 1821, Jeptha Garrigus brought his family of 13 children, in a boat, to Raccoon Township, and with him in his baggage, he also brought the first rats to this township. He was a colonel in the War of 1812.

 … The Vandalia railroad touches Raccoon Township in the northwestern part. The Central Indiana railroad runs through this township, which was completed in 1891. The first train made its appearance the same year, Feb. 11.” 

Rockville Tribune, June 15, 1917


  • “Miss Clara Boyd has resigned her position as teacher in the Rockville schools.  

  • Born – to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Featherstone of Bloomingdale, a daughter.  

  • John Blue of Montezuma was kicked in the breast by a horse Tuesday evening and died a few hours later. He was 30 years of age.  

  • A supposed murder – John Walden was found dead near the end of the switch at Yeddo. His head was torn off.”


Parke County Times, June 21, 1917


  • “Miss Madge Pence spent of the week with her sister, Merle, of Rockville. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. John Phipps called on the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter of Portland Mills, Tuesday afternoon, and were accompanied home by Mrs. Phipps’s sister, Mrs. Laura Firestone. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miles gave a reception for their son and his bride, Monday night.  

  • Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Edward Carpenter of North Terre Haut, returned home Friday.”

Louis MILES who is in the Marine Corps at Mare Island Navy Yard San Francisco, will come east to Brooklyn to train before leaving for France.  - Waveland Independent, August 3 1917

“Miss Mabel A.  BOYD of London, England, is visiting Mrs. Mattie L. BOYD and family, arriving Sunday from Toronto, Can. She knows the war conditions in England thoroughly, and keeps well posted of the war. Most of her masculine relatives went to war – some were killed and others have been taken prisoners, by either the Germans or Turks.” -   Rockville Tribune, August 7, 1917

Orville HAZLETT of Greene Twp has enlisted with the signal section of the aviation corps and is at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis.  He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hazlett.  - Waveland Independent August 10, 1917

Rev. JE STONE went to Lafayette Saturday to take the examination for entering Reserve Officers training camp.  He passed successfully and goes to Ft. Harrison August 27.  This leaves the Baptist Church without a pastor. - Waveland Independent, August 10, 1917

George W. MIKELS of Judson has been commissioned 1st Lt. and Frank McCABE of Portland Mills as 2nd Lt. Both attended the training camp.  - Waveland Independent, August 17, 1917

C.H .DEER, Major SIMMS, Harry DURHAM and George DILLMAN drove to Ft. Harrison Monday.  Strange to say they got in and out again without any trouble.  The Major made a number of suggestions, that will improve the fort. - Waveland Independent August 17, 1917

Fred PORTER of Portland Mills is home from Gettysburg PA for 10 days furlough before going over to France. - Waveland Independent August 24, 1917

Parke County Times, November 8, 1917 


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hopper of Minshall, have received word from their son, Fred, who has been in Los Angeles for the three past years. Of his marriage to Miss Josephine Smith. Since Fred has been in California, he has been employed in the Ford works and is now manager of the stock room in one the largest Ford factories in Los Angeles. Soon after the wedding a friend gave a shower for them and they received many useful and beautiful presents, among which were several pieces of silver and cut glass. They were married September 9th at a Baptist Church, one of the largest in the city, and their many friends extend to them their best wishes for a long and prosperous journey through life.

  • Mrs. Olive Torbett returned from Chicago, Tuesday. 

  • Mrs. Ike Collings of Bellmore, visited her sister, Mrs. Will Stark, Saturday and Sunday. 

  • Mrs. Mary Hunt left last week Wednesday for an extended visit with relatives in Florida.”


Rockville Tribune, May 14, 1918 


  • •           “Clyde HORTON went to Terre Haute, Saturday to enlist in the Army.
  • •           Miss Love SKELTON is attending the India State Normal for the summer term.
  • •           Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe BARNES returned to Indianapolis last week. They were called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. Susie Horton.
  • •           James FIRESTONE remains quite poorly.
  • •           Word has been received from all the boys who were called in the draft the 27th of April who are at Camp Taylor, Ky. All are well and say soldier life is not so bad.”


  • “Ruby MOORE of Bellmore, spent Saturday night with Gladys COLEMAN.
  • William TRUMP and family of Russellville, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Roy Trump and family.
  • Born – To Mr. and Mrs. Earl KERR, Friday, May 10, a daughter.
  • Ared SCOTT and Dick REID of Bellmore are building a new porch for Miss Lydia BALL.”

Rockville Tribune, November 12,1918 


  • “Ray HEIDRICK and family of Annapolis ate Sunday dinner with William McINTYRE and wife.
  • Mrs. Elijah McCALL’s body was brought in Wednesday in the 1:30 o’clock train. She died of influenza, having going to Champaign, Ill., to care for a couple of her smaller children who were afflicted with the same disease. They were over here visiting their sisters, Mrs. North PHIPPS and Mrs. John LAWHEAD. Mrs. McCall was 42 years old and the mother of eight children.
  • Mrs. Sue NICKOLS of Bloomingdale, visited her sister, Mrs. Rose ALEXANDER, Friday.
  • There was great rejoicing here among our people of the news of peace.”


Rockville Tribune, September 9, 1919


  •             “Mrs. Fred Hopper joined her husband in Cincinnati, Ohio, this week-end. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Heslar.  

  •             Miss Beulah Hopper of Washington, D. C., who is spending her vacation here, spent Sunday in Clinton, the guest of her friends. 

  •             Mrs. Susan Beauchamp and sister, Mrs. Frank Anderson of Rockville, came Saturday, for a visit with the former’s daughter, Mrs. George Petheram and family.  

  •             G. B. Humphrey and wife and their guest, Charley Wallace and family spent Monday in Terre Haute, the guest of their brother, William Wallace.

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopper, Mrs. Fred Hopper took dinner with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hopper, on Sunday. 

  •             W. A. Hopper attended a telephone meeting in Rosedale, Monday.”


Rockville Tribune, April 20, 1920 


  • “Lee KALLEY’s sale was well attended and everything sold high. The sale of the excellent lunch served by the Pleasant Valley ladies brought their total proceeds of the three recent small sales they served up to over $105.
  • Miss Hallie MILLER, who teaches in Montezuma grade schools, passed the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Miller.
  • Mrs. Joseph HAWKINS and Mr. and Mrs. Mon Hawkins and children passed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred YOWELL, near Jessup.
  • Misses Alma YOWELL and Florence MILLER were in Brazil, Saturday.”

 Rockville Republican, August 18, 1920


  •             “Almont and David Cahill of Terre Haute were here Saturday on business. 

  •             Miss Susie Fulwider and Ruby Martin spent ten days at Rockville attending the Chautauqua. Miss Mabel Kerr was their guest the later part of the week. 

  •             Miss Mary Alexander visited her cousin, Doris Bell of Indianapolis. While she was on a visit to George Bell and wife at Rockville she attended the Chautauqua the latter part of the week.  

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mitchell are driving a Ford roadster.


Rockville Republican, February 2, 1921



  •             “Golda Pratt has tonsillitis. 

  •             Audra Deer is nursing Ira Bowsher who is very sick with pneumonia. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Keller of Terre Haute and Mr. and Mrs. Miller of near Rockville visited Mrs. Keller at the Bowsher home. Mrs. Keller has been very sick with erysipelas on her face. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ritter spent the weekend with Ellen Ritter and son Guy at Clinton.


Rockville Tribune, June 21, 1922


  •             “Mrs. Dan Armstrong of Indianapolis, spent the week here, visiting relatives and friends. 

  •             Ernest Causey and wife are spending some time with their mother, Mrs. Ida Causey. 

  •             Mary Dowdell spent Sunday with H. T. Manwaring and family. 

  •             Mrs. Ozro DeBaun and daughter, Lelia, spent Friday evening with Mrs. H. Z. Manwaring. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and Ivan Causey and families spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. C. H. Causey.”

Rockville Tribune, August 23, 1922 


  • “William ROACH and his son, Noble, are advertising a public sale of Big Type Poland China hogs for Tuesday, Aug. 29, together with a general farm sale, the later to begin at 10:30 in the forenoon. In the hog sale are fifty-five head of tried sows, boars, and spring gilts, double immuned and including some of the finest animals of well-known blood lines ever bred in the county. Attractively printed catalogues have been mailed and a large attendance of bidders is anticipated.
  • Mrs. Grace HELLER has disposed of a part of her household goods and will move to Lafayette next week for future residence. Her daughter, Miss Dorothy, a graduate of the 1922 class from Purdue University, has accepted an excellent position in that city.
  • The Indianapolis bus, Wednesday evening was so crowded that some of the passengers had to ride on the running board.”

Rockville Republican, November 29, 1922 


“Last Wednesday Sheriff PEARE, upon the order of the judge of the Circuit court, destroyed 12 gallons of booze which had been in storage in the jail basement a long time. It was taken from Vandalon FAYTOCK and Robert ROBERTS of Mecca in October, 1920, while Charley THOMPSON was sheriff. The men, arrested that the time, were never tried but were discharged by the court. Saturday the sheriff destroyed five gallons of whiskey that was taken from George JOHNSON and George HART, Indianapolis men, who were caught west of Marshall last August.  This stuff is always held by the sheriff as evidence until it is ordered destroyed by the court. Sheriff Peare poured it out in the gutter that runs past the jail.”


Rockville Republican, December 11, 1924 


  • “Mrs. Rosa JESSUPP and son Ivan of Jessup spent the week end visiting her aunt, Mrs. Guy Humphrey.
  • Mr. and Mrs. William HOPPER and daughters Yvona, Mrs. Grace Jones and Ernest took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. James Hopper of Catlin, Wednesday. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge and children. The dinner was given for Mr. James Hopper, it being his 88th birthday anniversary.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Guy HUMPHREY visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. John Wallis of Rough and Ready, Sunday. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schilling and daughter Alma of Indianapolis.”


Rockville Republican, July 21, 1927


  •             “Miss May Jarvis of Indianapolis came Saturday and spent the week end with home folks, returning on the evening bus. 

  •             Carl Porter was a business visitor at Rockville, Saturday. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jarvis of Marshall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jarvis. 

  •             Mrs. Tom Sutton died Monday morning at 5:15. She had a stroke some three or four weeks ago and last week had another and never regained consciousness. 

  •             Will Clark and family of Clinton, Jessie Smith of Portland Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Hazlett and little daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hazlett.”

Rockville Tribune October of 1927 


  • “Wallace PENCE was a Rockville visitor Sunday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Curtis COKER of South Bend, spent  the week-end with their parents here.
  • Several Pythian Sisters attended the county convention at Montezuma last Thursday.
  • Mrs. America YOWELL was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. James HANNER and family, Sunday.
  • Mrs. Tom YOWELL entertained the Mothers’ club at her home last Thursday afternoon.
  • Mrs. Herman HUXFORD was hostess for the Shakespeare club at her home west of here last Thursday afternoon.
  • Mrs. Minnie STONE spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Joey HAWKINS, at Bridgeton.”


 Rockville Tribune, August 22, 1928 


  • “Mrs. Parke NEET and daughter Marline, of near Catlin  and Mrs. Henry CROWE and son of Jasonville, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CLARK, Friday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Lyman BAKER and son, James spent from Thursday until Friday with Mr. and Mrs. O. V. COX.
  • Mrs. Elbert CUSHING and Mrs. High DONAHUE of Indianapolis, who had come here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Anna STITH, and Mrs. John LEAR and son William wee dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CLARK.
  • Miss Ruth TALBOT of Terre Haute, is visiting Miss Louise COLLINGS.”


Montezuma Enterprise, February 21, 1929


  •             “Sylvester Warner spent Monday and Tuesday in Indianapolis. 

  •             Earnest Causey of Terre Haute spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ida Causey. 

  •             Mrs. Gollie Woods and daughter Hazel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cory. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner and daughter Mary Alice spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Warner’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bennet of Montezuma.”


Montezuma Enterprise, May 15, 1930 


  •             “Mrs. Wm. BLUE visited Sunday afternoon in Rockville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ADAMS. She was in company with Miss Fauniel EPHLIN who visited her mother, Mrs. Ora Ephlin at the Sanatorium. Mrs. Ephlin is employed there. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. E.A. BARNES entertained to dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred LAMBERT, Mr. and Mrs. Pete RANEY and Mr. and Mrs. Frank OVERPECK of Rockville and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overpeck of this place. 

  • Mrs. Harry REEDER and children were afternoon callers in Terre Haute Sunday.”

 Montezuma Enterprise, May 21, 1930 


  • “Mrs. S. B. BLUE will have her daughter and son-in-law of Chicago as weekend guests.
  • Perry REID spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Herbert FULLENWIDER and family of Indianapolis.
  • The Good Cheer club was entertained Tuesday evening at he home of Mrs. Andrew BORD, with Mrs. Sarah BAILEY as assisting hostess.”

Rockville Tribune, December 8, 1930 


  • “Miss Florence STOOPS, who teaches at Edwards, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here.
  • Luther LITSEY, of University Park, Iowa, made a business trip to Marshall the first  of last week, and visited his mother, Mrs. Caroline Litsey, and other relatives.
  • The Marshall high school girls defeated the Montezuma high school girls in a game of basket ball at Montezuma, on Friday night. Score: 9 to 11.
  • The funeral of the Mrs. Jane RATCLIFF, widow of the late Miles Ratcliff, who was so well known, occurred at Pleasant Grove Church on last Thursday, in charge of Mrs. Sarah T. McKEY. Internment in Cashatt Cemetery.”


Rockville Tribune, June 24, 1931

“Four girls who work at Turkey Run Inn were slightly injured Monday night when the Ford car in which they were driving overturned on the Dailey Hill about three miles north of Clinton on State Road 41. Marie Allen suffered a broken arm and is in the Vermilion County Hospital at Clinton. The other three girls, Cleah Newlin, Kathleen Thompson, and Beulah Zuck escaped with bruises. All of the girls live near Marshall.  It was said that the girls were on their way to Terre Haute to a show when the slippery condition of the pavement caused the car to overturn.”


Rockville Republican, October 26, 1933 

  • “Despite all the warnings Gypsies continue to ‘gyp’ Parke County people. Thursday last one man and four women stopped at the home of R. F. Ogden, southwest of town, and asked for a couple of nails. Mr. Ogden accompanied one of the women to get the nails. Talking volubly she got close enough to him to pick his pocket and secured a $20 and a $10 bill. 

  • Earlier in the day the Gypsies robbed Albert Shuler, who has a filing station in Marshall, of $8. Schuler formerly operated a filing station in northeast Rockville. 

  • Sheriff Moore and Deputy Smith chased the Gypsies to the south but they eluded them. Sheriffs of Putnam, Hendricks and Owen Counties notified the officials here that the same party had been working their counties.”


arshall News and Parke County Recorder, May 2, 1934 


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pickard attended the funeral of Louis Boyd at Rockville Monday afternoon. 

  • George McMurtry was in Indianapolis Monday serving on the federal grand jury. 

  • Mrs. Eva Presslor and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Reed of Fairview. 

  • Thomas Clay and Mr. and Mrs. William Hedrick of Terre Haute were Thursday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barker, Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander, Miss Lula Beeson, Mrs. Allen Hadley and daughter Dorothy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred White of Crawfordsville Sunday."

Marshall News and Recorder, October 31, 1934 


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Vernon DELP and Mrs. Hiram NEWLIN attended the masquerade given in honor of the County Highway men at Bloomingdale Saturday night at the home of Owen NORMAN.
  • Jay HANNER spent the weekend with friends in Rosedale.
  • Mrs. Norman JARVIS spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles TAYLOR.
  • Mr. and Mrs. William ALEXANDER enjoyed a trip through Brown County on Sunday of last week and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Porter CASSADA of Cloverdale.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Frank HALL were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. HALL.”


Rockville Tribune, November 26, 1942 


  • “Miss Ruth BURFORD of Indianapolis spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Burford.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Hubert DELP and family and Mrs. Lizzie Nickell were dinner guests Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Von NICKELL.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Roy COPE were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. McCAMPBELL.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Vernon DELP and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McMullen.
  • A shower was held Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hobson, who were recently married. The shower was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hadley, and assisting were Mrs. O. W. Burford, Mrs. Lee Davis, Mrs. Howard Hobson and Miss Laura Jessup. After a treasure hunt, the bride found many lovely gifts. Mrs. O. R. Swaim and Mrs. Rhoda Banta were winners of contests. The hostess served marshmallow loaf and coffee.”


Rockville Republican, June 7, 1945 


  • “Mrs. Helen McMURTRY and sons George and Tommy visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl CHADWICK in Ladoga the week end. Mrs. James McCARTHY, who has been making an extended stay with the Chadwicks, returned with them.
  • Mrs. Fount ALEXANDER of Union Township, Mrs. Leiton HUNNICUTT and Miss Sue HUNNICUTT accompanied Miss Doris Ann ALEXANDER to Indianapolis, Friday, when she left to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ALEXANDER in Knoxville, Tenn.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ROZHON of Chesterton spent the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank PATTON. Their son Richard, who has spent the winter with the Pattons, returned with them.”


Rockville Tribune, November 28, 1946


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jacks and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Doan of Greene Township will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heslar and family. 

  • Misses Joanna Hopper and Mary Ann Stover spent Saturday in Terre Haute. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir of Flushing, Ohio, are visiting relatives in Kingman, Terre Haute and Rockville. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. George K. Lloyd, Mrs. Theresa L. Wimmer, Mrs. Marguerite Mash attended the church supper and annual bazaar held at the Union Chapel church in Putnam County Saturday night.”


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Norval Chamness of Los Angeles, Calif., are parents of a daughter, Linda, born Nov. 17. The father is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chamness of Marshall. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hadley left Thursday to spend the winter in California. Mrs. Rhoda Banta accompanied them as far as St Louis for a few days visit with her brother, Lester Marshall, and wife. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCampbell and family of near Russellville were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Jarvis.”

 Rockville Tribune, December 19, 1946


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jessup of Attica, spent from Saturday until Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jessup. Bussy Lee Wood of Rosedlae, was a Sunday night guest. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hopper and daughter, Marta Marie, and Glenn Featherston attended a Christmas party Monday night at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Pinson at St. Bernice.  

  • Ernest Jessup spent Thursday afternoon with his mother, Mrs. Helen Jessup of Jessup.

  •  Miss Mary Ann Stover spent Saturday night with Miss Joanna Hopper.”


Rockville Republican, January 13, 1949 


  • “Mr. and Mrs. Forrest CLEARWATER are absent on a three weeks vacation. Part of the time being spent in Sarasota, Fla., and the trip includes stops in Tennessee and Georgia to attend field trips.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Earl DOWD entertained at noon dinner, Monday, Mrs. Earl Dowd, Sr., and Mrs. Iona MERRITT. The occasion was in honor of the 1st birthday of  Mr. and Mrs. Dowd’s daughter, Paula.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McNEIL returned, Saturday, after spending the holidays in Florida.
  • Mrs. Ella BEARD of Terre Haute is spending this week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred HALL.”

 Rockville Tribune, March 24, 1949 


  • “Mr. and Mrs. J. L. RICE and daughter were super guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer McCAMPBELL Monday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MUSSON and family of Bloomingdale were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. WOOD and in the evening they all called on Mrs. Leslie Frank of Morton, who is ill.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Homer McCAMPBELL spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lebert BLUE of Montezuma.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Ray STEELE and children spent Sunday with relatives in West Lebanon.”


Rare as it is for a county to have a citizen who attains the age of 100, Parke County will in about 10 days have two.   Mary E. ALLEE of Bloomingdale will be 100 on Monday December 17, and join editor Arthur A. HARGRAVE as the county's second centenarian. Mrs. Allee is a life long resident of Penn Township and a birthright member of Friends Church in Bloomingdale. On her birthday, the 19th, Mrs. Allee will hold open house at her home, 1 ½ miles northwest of Annapolis, in the afternoon from 2 to 4 and in the evening form 7 to 8:30.   She will be just happy to greet her friends. - Tri-County News, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday 06 December 1956 – shared by Karen Zach