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1930 Parke County Indiana Newspaper Items

These extracted items from various newspapers from Parke and surrounding counties.  Most of these have been contributed by volunteers.  If you have access to an old newspaper and would like to share something, please contact James D. VanDerMark

Montezuma Enterprise, May 15, 1930 


  •             “Mrs. Wm. BLUE visited Sunday afternoon in Rockville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ADAMS. She was in company with Miss Fauniel EPHLIN who visited her mother, Mrs. Ora Ephlin at the Sanatorium. Mrs. Ephlin is employed there. 

  •             Mr. and Mrs. E.A. BARNES entertained to dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred LAMBERT, Mr. and Mrs. Pete RANEY and Mr. and Mrs. Frank OVERPECK of Rockville and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overpeck of this place. 

  • Mrs. Harry REEDER and children were afternoon callers in Terre Haute Sunday.”

 Montezuma Enterprise, May 21, 1930 


  • “Mrs. S. B. BLUE will have her daughter and son-in-law of Chicago as weekend guests.
  • Perry REID spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Herbert FULLENWIDER and family of Indianapolis.
  • The Good Cheer club was entertained Tuesday evening at he home of Mrs. Andrew BORD, with Mrs. Sarah BAILEY as assisting hostess.”

Rockville Tribune, December 8, 1930 


  • “Miss Florence STOOPS, who teaches at Edwards, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here.
  • Luther LITSEY, of University Park, Iowa, made a business trip to Marshall the first  of last week, and visited his mother, Mrs. Caroline Litsey, and other relatives.
  • The Marshall high school girls defeated the Montezuma high school girls in a game of basket ball at Montezuma, on Friday night. Score: 9 to 11.
  • The funeral of the Mrs. Jane RATCLIFF, widow of the late Miles Ratcliff, who was so well known, occurred at Pleasant Grove Church on last Thursday, in charge of Mrs. Sarah T. McKEY. Internment in Cashatt Cemetery.”