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1900 Parke County Indiana Newspaper Items

These extracted items from various newspapers from Parke and surrounding counties.  Most of these have been contributed by volunteers.  If you have access to an old newspaper and would like to share something, please contact James D. VanDerMark

 Rockville Tribune, December 26, 1900 


  • “Wes Catlin, of near Columbus, and sister, of Terre Haute, were here last week as witnesses in the Catlin and Remington lawsuit.
  • Miss Moore gave her scholars a taffy party, Tuesday night of last week.
  • H. O. Cahill, of Rosedale, was here Thursday and Friday, to attend the trial of his half-brother, Guy Humphrey. 
  • Charles Kellar and wife were in Terre Haute, Wednesday.
  • The big iron bridge across Little Raccoon has received a new coat of paint, and also the small bridge by Charles Long’s. W. A. Hopper was the contractor.”


  • “Herschel Coffin, of Penn College, Iowa, is at home to spend the Christmas vacation.
  • Lister Hopper went to Indianapolis today, to meet his bride, Miss Wilbur, of Covington, Kentucky. They will be married in the Capital city, immediately, and will return to this place to reside.
  • Harry Russell is home for the holidays.
  • Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Louisa Church, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Church, to Orris B. Heath, of Tangier, on New Year’s Day.