Parke County Indiana Newspaper Tidbits - "M" through "Z" Special thanks again to Karen Zach for her continuation of this great project. She is extracting these tidbits regarding Parke County from The Crawfordsville Journal Review and The Waveland Independent as well as a few Parke County papers. Please remember to thank Karen for her extra efforts. · ?? Newspaper -- McCabes celebrate Golden "Special to the Indianapolis Star" -- Greencastle, Indiana (picture included) Jan 26 – Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe celebrated their gold wedding anniversary this week at their country home, Tar Hill, near here. They are the parents of two daughters and four sons. They have resided just NW of the city 49 years. Mr. McCabe was a member of the state legislature in 1911 and 1913 and is a prominent stock raiser and farer. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCabe are of Irish descent. · ??? Newspaper -- Open house for Mrs. JB McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCabe will hold open house in their home, Tara Hill Farm on the Parke - Putnam county line, Sunday honoring the 85th birthday of the mother, Mrs. J. B. McCabe. The elder Mrs. McCabe is one of the most widely known women of the Parke-Putnam area, partly because for many years she was an active worker in club and civic affairs and partly because she is a woman who has a gift for making and keeping friends. Mrs. McCabe came to Tara Hill in 1886, a year after her marriage and it has been her home ever since Mr. McCabe's death 8 years ago she has divided her time between her old home and that of her son, John McCabe near Crawfordsville. Mother's day is an ideal time to celebrate the birthday of this very fine woman and all of Mrs. McCabe's friends are cordially invited to call between the hours of 2 and 5, Sun. afternoon. (Picture included) ·
· Waveland Independent, July 13, 1923 -- Mordecai McClain In an article about the extinct town of Piattsville, the Rockville Republican says, "Mordecai McClain was born in Kentucky and about 1840 came to Parke Co, before he was 21 years old. He lived on a farm except for a few years that he followed the butcher's trade and had a meat market in Waveland and Greencastle." Mr. McClain was also a tobacco raiser and made the first tobacco press in the county. ·
· Waveland Independent, Feb. 8, 1929 -- McClaren-Seybold Wed Miss Lenore Seybold, daughter of Frank Seybold and Weldon McClaren of Corydon were married on Sun. afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barnard in Ladoga. Rev. S.G. Smith reading the single ring ceremony. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McClaren of Corydon. Robert Stepro of Corydon was the best man and Miss Jean Kolling was the maid of honor with Misses Genevieve Gilliland and Hazel Germain as bridesmaids. Little Ann Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson was ring bearer and Masters Joe Gerichs and Ralph Barnard were ribbon bearers. Refreshments were served immediately after the ceremony, after which the young couple left on their wedding journey. They will be at home in Corydon after Feb. 10. Those present from Waveland were Mr. and Mrs. AB McClain; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Spencer/ Mrs. CH Johnson; Mrs. John Pickard; Mr. and Mrs. JM Milligan; Mrs. Ott Kolling; Mr. and Mrs. AJ Denk; WD Rinehart; Mrs. Olive Lough; Frank Seybold and Wayne Simms. ·
· Waveland Independent, \Jan 26, 1923 -- McGaughey/Killion wed Raymond McGaughey and Miss Jessie Killion were married in Rockville on Wednesday of last week by Rev. SK Fuson. They will live in Russellville where Mr. McGaughey has a garage. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay McGaughey. Mrs. McGaughey is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Crooks. ·
· Waveland Independent, Sept 9, 1921 -- Marshall arch At a recent meeting of the businessmen of Marshall a sketch of a proposed new arch was presented. The arch is to be of wood and is to rest on concrete columns 24 1/2' high with a clearance of 18' and a span of 52'. On the E. column will be a flag staff 20' high and both columns will have markers to designate the road to Turkey Run Park. The word Marshall in large letters will extend across the span. It will be place across Main St., near the Intersection of Guion St. The building of an arch has been talked for some time. The sketch was drawn by Ora Newlin and Carroll Beeson and the estimated cost is $300 and a great deal of the labor and material will be donated. After it was proposed to build the arch Harry Beeson was appointed chairman of the finance committee, and in a short time nearly the entire amount was subscribed. A building committee, with Omar Davies as chairman, will select the location and superintend the work. ·
· Waveland Independent, Jan 24, 1919 -- McCutchan - $ in pigs Albert
McCutchan, son of Will McCutchan, of Milligan, took the first prize at Purdue in
the Boys' Pig Club contest on sow and litter. He bought a Poland China sow
for $57.50 bred her, raised the litter; feeding on corn at $1.50 and other feeds
at the market price, and realized a net profit of $432, besides some small
premiums. He sold four of the pigs for breeding purposes at $50 each and
has been offered $150 for the sow. We will have a detailed paper form him
next week. Added 6/3/99 ·
· Waveland Independent, April 13, 1923 -- Fred Maxwell - burned out The home of Fred Maxwell, about two miles W. of Byron, burned at two on Monday morning. MR. Maxwell had placed some young pigs, wrapped in a blanket, back of the stove on retiring, and it is supposed they got the blanket against the stove. The fire had made such headway that the family had to escape in their bare feet. Mrs. Maxwell was burned about the face, but not seriously and all inhaled quantities of smoke. The house and contents were a total loss, with $1400 insurance, which is but a fraction of the value. Mr. Maxwell will rebuild, but will first put up a temporary shack to live in while doing so. His barn was not burned. ·
· Waveland Independent, Feb 8, 1924 -- Ruth Maxwell - Hatchery Wanted: Custom Hatching. Have two (2) 220 egg incubators. Rates reasonable. Not hatching early for myself because of lack of equipment. Ruth Maxwell, Marshall, Indiana, Byron phone. ·
· Rockville Saturday Eagle, 20 Dec 1884 - James Mayes weds Mr. James Mayes was married on last Thursday to Miss Zachary of Crawfordsville. We wish them success. · ‘Rockville Saturday Eagle 28 Feb 1885 -- Mayes kiln James Mayes commenced setting his 14th kiln of tile Wed for the season. ·
· Rockville Saturday Eagle, 14 March 1885 -- Mayes quits Mr. Mayes and woman have played quits. ·
· Waveland Independent, July 21, 1925 -- Mill at Parkville Charles Sappenfield says his father; Mathias Sappenfield entered 160 acres of land a mile east of Parkville 1837 or 38, and built a mill on this farm in 1842. It was 32 by 26 and was 3 stories high. The burrs were granite boulders and ground wheat and corn. A sawmill was combined with the grain mill. Mr. Sappenfield abandoned his miss in 1856 or 7. George W. Spencer says the dam washed out about this time, but it is not stated whether or not this was the cause for quitting the mill. Mr. Spencer says another mill on this creek was built near the southwest corner of Sec 16; Greene Twp by Daniel Bruin Sr. It was equipped with corn burrs. When Mr. Bruin died his son, Daniel Bruin Jr. came into possession of this mill. George Sappenfield says there was a little corn mill on this creek westward from Russellville built by John Grimes at a very early date. The Portland mill on Big Raccoon Creek, previously described eclipsed the little miles of Greene Twp -- they ceased to exist long ago. The village nearest these mills was Parkville, situated at the W. line of Sec 21, Greene Twp. It was a platted town but not incorporated. At its best it did a good deal of business. There were stores, blacksmith, wagon making and other shops. The late James I. Norman was the last physician and for some time the postmaster. The few remaining citizens of this almost extinct village receive their mail by rural delivery, Rockville. ·
· Waveland Independent July 10, 1925 -- Mrs. Joe Morgan Cancer Mrs.
Joe Morgan was taken to the Culver Hospital, Wednesday and was operated on for
cancer. The reports are that she is doing nicely but is expected to have
to stay there for two weeks or more. · Rockville Tribune? -- Myers - McCampbell Wedding A lovely wedding was solemnized Sun. afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Myers near Waveland when their daughter Miss Virginia Mae, became the bridge of John William McCampbell. The single ring ceremony was read by the Rev. HR Sigler, pastor of the Marshall Presbyterian church. Their ceremony was performed in front of triple windows which were decorated with greenery and a pair of branched candelabra. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. John Cummings played "O Promise Me' and John Cummings sang "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life" and "I Love You Truly." The bridal party entered to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March and during the ceremony "At Dawning," "To a Wild Rose" and "Believe Me if All These Endearing Young Charms" were played. The bride was lovely in a floor length gown of royal blue chiffon velvet, fashioned with sleeves tapering from puffed effect at the shoulders into fitted sleeves. The neckline was cut low and trimmed with jeweled ornaments. Her accessories were of blue. She carried an arm bouquet of white chrysanthemums and baby's breath. Miss Alice Myers, sister of the bride was bridesmaid. She wore a gown of wine colored chiffon velvet, the accessories being of brown. She carried bronze chrysanthemums, Miss Helen Louise Myers, a niece of the bride, dressed light blue taffeta with peach accessories, and carried the ring in a basket of chrysanthemums. John Swaim of W. Lafayette was best man. Following the ceremony refreshments were served and Mr. and Mrs. McCampbell left during the evening for a few days motor trip. Mrs. McCampbell traveled in a rust colored wool dress and rust sport coat with Raccoon fur trim. Her accessories were of black. Mrs. McCampbell is a graduate of the Marshal HS, the class of 1930 and has been employed for the last three and one-half years in the office of the Co. Superintendent of Schools in Rockville. Mr. McCampbell, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe McCampbell, is also a graduate of the Marshall HS class of 1931. Within a few weeks Mr. and Mrs.. McCampbell will be at home on a farm two mi. E. of Turkey Run. The guests present for the wedding were: Supt. and Mrs. Gerald Alexander and daughter Janine; Mrs. Jennie Testing and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weatherford and son of Rockville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myers; Mr. and Mrs. Bion Myers and children; Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Jarvis; Mr. and Mrs. S. Roscoe McCampbell; Mrs. Etta Weatherford/ Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings; Miss Tina Myers and Stephen Barker of Marshall. · Rockville Republican, March 4, 1903 -- W.M. Neet visiting W.M. Neet, who was born and brought up in this county, but who has for the past 7 years been living in Hopkins, Mo. has returned to his native hearth. At present he is visiting his mother and brothers near here but will shortly be installed in his new home on the W.A. McMurtry farm near Judson. Many boyhood friends welcome Mr. Neet and his family back to Parke Co. His wife is also a native of this county and the daughter of T.H. Overpeck. ·
· Waveland Independent, March 3, 1928 -- Austin Phillips - 1st Ford The first new Ford in Parke Co. was delivered March 3, 1928 to Austin Phillips, rural carrier in Judson. ·
· Waveland Independent, July 9, 1898 -- Picket-Strong Wedding The home of Mr. and Mrs. AU Strong, near Guion, was the scene of a pretty home wedding last Thursday evening, June 30, the contracting parties being their daughter, Lulu and Mr. Nathan Pickett of Annapolis. At 8:30 o'clock to the beautiful "Lohehbrin" wedding march, played by Miss Grace McCampbell, the wedding party entered the parlors, halting before a bank of green foliage interspersed with white flowers. Here the beautiful and impressive ring ceremony was performed, by Rev. NC McCay while from the organ came the soft strains of "O, Promise Me." After the ceremony the company repaired to the dining room where an elegant supper was served. The bride wore white organdie, with lace and white satin and pearl trimmings, and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss LaVerne Clark, also wore white and carried pink carnations. A large number of friends and relatives of the young couple witnessed the ceremony. The presents to the bride were both numerous and beautiful. ·
· Waveland Independent, Nov 26, 1915 -- Reed (sic) -Strong wed On Thursday at high noon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.U. Strong, near Guion, occurred the marriage of Miss Mayme Strong to Mr. Frank Lee (sic -- Frank Lee Reed?) of Colfax. The ring ceremony was read by Rev. Mr. Gerlach of the Presbyterian Church at Guion, in the presence of relatives and near friends. Music was rendered by Miss Agnes Barnes. After the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where a four-course breakfast was served. The room was darkened and lighted with candles in crystal candlesticks. The decorations throughout the house were white and yellow chrysanthemums. The bride wore a blue broadcloth jacket suit with accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. Lee left for a motor wedding trip. They will live in Colfax where Mr. Lee is in business. Miss Aileen Owens of Hobart, Miss Agnes Barnes of Vincennes and Miss Vivian Oldshue were among the guests. ·
· Waveland Independent, Nov 11, 1898 -- WO Phillips' celebrate Golden Wednesday, Nov. 2, completed 50 golden years of married life for Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Phillips of Judson. The occasion was celebrated at the home of their daughter, Mrs. James S. Daniel, near Russellville. About 75 relatives and intimate friends were invited to enjoy the day with these two, whom God has honored with long life and an unbroken family circle through all these 50 years. Their 7 children and 13 grandchildren all live and were present to rejoice with them in the attainment of their golden anniversary. The rooms were tastefully decorated in appropriate colors - autumn leaves, chrysanthemums and ferns. At noon the guests assembled in the parlor. Miss Laura Daniel played a march while Mr. and Mrs. Phillips walked into the room, attended by their little granddaughters, Vera Phillips and Nellie Daniel, who each carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Rev. NC McCay followed and pronounced a beautiful ceremony, invoking God's blessing upon these two as they journeyed on toward life's golden sunset. T he bridegroom of 1848 then read to his wife, Baird's beautiful poem, "Golden Wedding Day." Friends and relatives then extended congratulations, after which the little girls led the way to the dining room. At table, amusing incidents of their youth, school days and marriages were recalled by those who have journeyed along life's pathway with them. Several of Mr. Phillip's old pupils were present, his wife being one of them, and 5 were present who had witnessed their marriage A # of handsome and appropriate presents were received and the remaining hours until 4 p.m. were spent in social enjoyment, when the guests separated, feeling that they would "Remember with a loving thought this golden wedding day." · Rockville Republican, 28 Dec 1961 -- Clara Reeser, 100 Christmas this year was an extra special event for Mrs. Clara Belle Reeser, of Mecca, who observed her 100th birthday Christmas Day, with an open house from 2 to 4 o'clock. Mrs. Reeser has lived in the nursing home since May 19, and is Mecca's oldest resident and yields seniority to only one person in Parke County, Mrs. Mary Allee of Bloomingdale, who marked her 106th birthday Dec. 17. Mrs. Reese enjoys excellent health for her age and has good sight and hearing. From her chair each morning she reads her Bible and the morning paper from cover to cover, sometimes without her glasses. Born near Waveland, she formerly taught in Guion and Waveland area schools prior to her marriage to the late Pete Reeser is 1883. Of her four children, one son, Frank Reeser of Annapolis survives. She is the oldest member of the Mecca Methodist Church. (Note: She was the d/o Marcus Dooley and died several months later, 21 March 1963). · Waveland Independent, July 15, 1921 -- Reeves/Clark Wedding Albert Clark, of Frankfort and Miss Lana Reeves, of Byron were married at the home of William Paxton, near the High Bridge a few days since. Rev. JD Reeves, the father of the bride, officiated. They went on Saturday to visit relatives in Frankfort, returning on Tuesday. They will live with Mr. Reeves for the present. · Waveland Independent, May 29, 1915 -- Rockville Library (Joe Boswel) Joe Boswell secured the contract for the Rockville library building at $9675. C.E. Rice bid on the same work $10,963. The price covers the building, plumbing, heating plant and electric wiring, but does not include lighting fixtures, furniture or grading of grounds. Work is expected to begin in about two weeks. Added 6/6/99 · Waveland Independent, July 11, 1919 -- Rohm, President elect George W. Rohm was singularly honored by being elected president of the Indiana Millers' association at the close of the annual convention held in Indianapolis last Tuesday. The other millers from Rockville attending the convention were Arthur Rohm and William C. Heller. Mr. Rohm for several years has been a member of the organization which he is now serving as president, and has always been considered one of its leading men and often has his advice been heeded and followed, and as a climax of his faithful work has been given the highest honor within the gift of the association. ·
Waveland Independent, Feb
14, 1919 Cooperation seems to be getting popular over in Parke County. The farmers around Marshall got together 45400 and bought the Rohm Bros. Mill at that place. Rohms reserved the flour milling machinery, but sold the engine and feed mill. Like true financiers they have formed a company capitalized at $25,000, no one person to be allowed to hold more than $500 worth of stock. · Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Sept 3, 1881 -- Rix J.W. Rix, of Parke county proves himself adept at pumpkin raising, he having on exhibition at Rockville, one weighing 71 pounds. · Waveland Independent, May 28, 1926 -- Mary RUSH - Nurses Training Miss Mary Rush, who is taking nurses training in the Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, is spending a two weeks vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ida Rush. · Rockville Saturday Eagle, 6 Dec 1884 -- Mike Rusk moves Mike Rusk of Terre Haute moved into his house at this place (Milligan) last week. · Sappenfield Mill -- see Mill at Parkville ·
Waveland Independent, Dec 4, 1931. Clyde H. SEYBOLD, whose farm lies on No. 59 between Bellmore and Mansfield has been awarded a gold medal as a master farmer by the Prairie Farmer. Mr. Seybold's premises are noticeably neat and well kept. Eight other Indiana farmers will receive medals. Master farmer awards are made annual to the highest-ranking individuals nominated for the honor. Nominations are made by neighbors and scoring is done by a committee consisting of one representative each from Purdue University, the Indiana Farm Bureau and the Prairie Farmer. Efficiency in farming, family life and what each candidate has done for his community, schools, churches and other institutions are considered in making the awards. In six years, only 56 Indiana farmers have won the honor. · Bert Skeeters - dog bit Rockville Paper, May 1, 1913 -- Monday evening while coming to town, Bert Skeeters was bit by a dog belonging to one of the Wagoner boys and owing to the mad dog scare that was caused a couple of weeks ago, Bert was scared himself, but learned later that the dog had been chained up for a couple of months and was chained up at the time the mad dog was on a rampage in the town and had not been bit by it. · Waveland Independent, April 22, 1927 -- Charles Smiley - Eye Charles Smiley had the misfortune to get a piece of steel in his eye on day last week and was operated on; he was brought home for a few days treatment, it is thought that he will have to undergo another operation. · Rockville Tribune, Sept. 20, 1904 -- Joseph Smith sends special 86th gift Last Wednesday, July 13, was the 86th birthday of Mr. Joseph Smith, who lives on the farm of his son, north of Rockville. His daughter-in-law carried him a large bunch of sweet peas for a birthday remembrance. After inhaling their fragrance the old man remarked that his eyes were too dim to see the blossoms and asked his daughter to bring the flowers to Mrs. Juliet V. Strauss, of the Tribune, with an old man's compliments on his 86th birthday, and in memory of old times many years ago when Mr. Smith was well acquainted with Mrs. Strouse's parents, who, though both were younger than Mr. Smith, have passed into the great beyond. The little gift and the sentiment that accompanied it were highly appreciated by Mrs. Strouse, who is a lover of the aged, holding them ever in respectful affection!
Thursday John Spruhan attended the dinner given at Turkey Run by Pennsylvania
employees in honor of A. L. Smock, who has completed his 37 years service at
Guion, and retires at the age of seventy.
· Waveland Independent, May 11, 1923 -- Eliz. Spencer - Fingers cut Elizabeth, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer, who live near Milligan, had 3 fingers on the left hand cut off by a lawn mower on Saturday afternoon. The child was playing with the dog and in some manner became entangled with the mower. The fingers are the second, third and fourth on the left and they were severed above the second joint, making a very painful wound. · Waveland Independent, July 17, 1925 -- M.O. Sullivan - Civil War A dinner was given on Friday by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hume at their Marshall home in honor of the 88th birthday of M.O. Sullivan. The guests were soldiers of the Civil War. Heading the guests as to age was Mr. Sullivan, better known as "Doc". He was in the 9th Indiana Battery; Fuller Bradley, a comparative boy at the age of 78 was in the same Battery; Samuel Davis, aged 81, 11th Cavalry; TC Hocker, aged 80, 115 Indiana Infantry; WT McCampbell aged 80, same regiment; and BW Dooley, aged 81, 78th Infantry. All are in fair health for their age. Mr. Dooley, however, is nearly blind. After the bountiful dinner and talk about old times, Mr. Bradley loaded them all into his car and took them down to the new Jungle Park, where the Federal Road crosses Sugar Creek. (Picture of MO Sullivan in original article) Mr. Sullivan was b. in North Carolina in 1838 and came to Indiana Jan 10, 1860, landing here with two bits in his pocket. He got a job at $9 a month, which was good, wages in those days. Before he had time to accumulate much wealth, however, the Civil War came along. He enlisted Oct 20, 1861 and served through the war. He is on record as having been shot and killed at Union City, Tennessee but insists that it is a mistake. Two brothers and a cousin were in the confederate army. · Waveland Independent, Feb 8, 1929 -- Parke Co taxes Parke Co. can show Montgomery something in the way of high taxes. Montezuma leads the way with $4.76 on the $100 in part of the town and $4.24 in the rest of it. Jackson township has a $4.18 rate; Sugar Creek $4.02; Rockville $3.76; Bloomingdale $3.66; Wabash $3.42; Liberty $3.36; Rosedale $3.20; Penn $3.32; Marshall $3.18; Howard $2.82 and Green $2.62. The lowest rate is Adams, outside of Rockville at $2.50. Poll taxes run from $2.50 to $4.00. · Waveland Independent, Feb 15, 1924 -- Union Sunday School Greene Township has organized a Union Sunday School. · United Methodist Church (Rockville) Ministers 1822 -- William Cravens; 1823 -- John Cord; 1824 -- Stephen Grimes; 1825 -- Daniel Anderson; 1826 -- Daniel Anderson, Steth M. Otwell; 1827-- William H. Smith, Benjamin Stevenson; 1828 -- W.H. Smith, Sam Brenton; 1829 -- William Mavity; 1830 -- William Mavity, Lorenzo d. Smith; 1831 -- William H. Smith, Sam Brenton; 1832 -- Joseph White, Enoch Wood; 1833 -- Samuel C. Cooper, Henry Deputy; 1834 -- Samule (sic) C. Cooper, Daniel DeMotte; 1835 -- W.T. Sewell, William F. Madaras; 1836 -- Charles M. Holliday, John H. Bruce; 1837 -- Charles M. Holliday; 1838 -- Cornelius Swank; 1839 -- Amasa Johnson; 1840 -- Silas Ranson, C. Swank; 1841 -- C. Swank; 1842 -- George W. Ames; 1843 -- Philip May; 1844 -- Station ) Jacob Colclazar; 1845 -- Henry C. Benson; 1846-47 -- William Wilson; 1848 -- Thomas H. Sinex; 1849 -- Isaac M. Stagg; 1850-51 -- George W. Warner; 1852-53 -- James L. Thompson; 1854-55 -- John W. Parret; 1856 -- Harvey S. Shaw; 1857 -- Martin Luther Green; 1858 -- Conrad S. Burgner; 1859-1860 George W. Stafford; 1861-62 -- Lucas Nebeker; 1863-64 -- Leandu C. Buckles; 1865 -- Thomas Meredith; 1866-1869 -- Joseph Foxworth; 1870 - 71 -- Conrad S. Burgner; 1872-73 -- David Handley; 1874-75 -- William G. Vessles; 1876-78 -- James Johnson; 1879-1880 -- Thomas Meredith; 1881-1883 -- John l. Boyd; 1884 -- Lafayette S. Buckles; 1885-86 -- Orland R. Beebee; 1887 -- Joseph Rand Wood; 1888-1889 -- James G. Campbell; 1890-1893 -- Francis M. Pavey; 1894 -- John A. Maxwell; 1895 -- Tiffin F. Drake; 1896-99 -- Samuel P. Colvin; 1900 -- Horatio N. Ogden; 1901-1902 -- Henry l. Davis; 1903-05 -- Fred W. Hixon; 1906-07 -- Duscom D. Hoagland; 1908-09 -- Allen P. Delong; 1910-1912 -- Alfred S. Warriner; 1913-1914 -- Albert L. Miller ; 1915-18 -- Clarence D. Roysr; 1919-1922 -- Simpson A. Bender; 1923-1925 -- Frank H. Collier; 1926-1928 -- Claude M. McClure; 1929-1930 -- Frank O Fraley; 1931-35 -- Clyde H. Lininger; 1936-39 -- Robert Ellsworth; 1939 - 47 -- R. Richmond Blake; 1948-1950 -- William H. Bleam; 1951-53 -- Homer Cloud; 1953-56 -- Chester A. Mahan; 1958-60 -- Paul A. Shepard; 1960-65 -- Dale F. Hamilton; 1965-69 -- 1965-69 -- Phillip Frew; 1969-74 -- Wlifford Miller; 1974-1980 -- Alvin Wilson; 1980-87 -- Henry N. Oakes; 1987-89 -- Lawrence Dettner; 1989-1993 -- D. Max Brunton; 1993-96 -- Donald Bradley; 1996 -- present Jack B. Steele. Thanks to , Jack B. Steele and Alberta Butler for the names. Enjoy! Karen Zach · Crawfordsville Weekly Review Sept 3, 1881 -- Waterman Cale W. Waterman, of Waterman was in the city Monday on business. He reports that the masonry of the Wabash river bridge on the Narrow Guage at that place, would be completed Wed. and that the grading was progressing rapidly. Iron is being laid east from Ridge Farm, Illinois. · Waveland Independent, May 28, 1926 -- Jesse WHEAT family Jesse Wheat and family came on Thursday from Texas to take care of their strawberry crop. · Waveland Independent, Feb 9, 1923 -- William Wiatt Burns out William A. Wiatt, who lives on a farm near Hollandsburg, lost his dwelling and all its contents on Sunday morning by fire. The family had all gone to the home of the next neighbor to spend the day, so it is not known how the fire originated. When discovered, it was too far-gone for anything to be done. The family lost everything except the clothing they were wearing. There was a small insurance but not nearly enough to cover the loss. Mr. Wiatt has moved into a small tenant house on the place, and neighbors have given generously to help him out in his misfortune. A paper was circulated here on Tuesday and a considerable sum raised. Billy lived for a time on the place W. of town now owned by David England. After selling this place he moved to Scott County, but later bought his present farm from Will McGaughey. He and his family are all hard working people. Mrs. Wiatt is driving the school hack in her neighborhood. They have four children. · Waveland Independent, Sept 23, 1898 -- Wolf Creek Church A correspondent of the Marshall News writing of the old Baptist Church near Wolf Creek Falls, says: "I rode down the winding stream one day recently and visited one of the oldest, if not the oldest, house of worship in this part of the good state of Indiana. Driving down the old roadway that winds about on the tops of the pretty rounded grass grown hills that border the creek, we came first to the neatly fenced and well kept cemetery, the church standing west of it on a gentle slope, looking like a hoary sentinel of days long ago. The house is of hewed logs, neatly built, chinked and dobbed and pointed with lime white as snow. The north side, and light is admitted by two or three windows of small glass. The inside is comfortably ceiled with ship lap -- a recent improvement. The building is small, seating perhaps 100 persons comfortably, and is warmed by a single wood stove located in the geometrical center of the room, and a small rostrum for the preacher adorns the so. side opposite the door. The seats are, what was the sum of all excellence 50 years ago -- of the "sit-up-straight" rigid variety that bid defiance to sleep, and the whole building has the appearance of a church of 60 or more years ago, when houses for worship "were not built for show." It was built on ground deeded by a man named Allen, who it is said, was of Revolutionary Stock. Some of the ablest men of this denomination -- Primitive Baptist -- have preached in this old church. I can see the stalwart form of Gregg Thompson, and hear his deep sonorous voice, as he discoursed learnedly on the Decrees of God. He was by far the ablest minister his people ever had, and died in the south a few years ago. He was the father of Maurice Thompson, poet and author. Jesse Goben, Jonathan and Matthias Vancleave, Joseph Swearengen and many others "Fed the flock" here -- all of whom except Jonathan VanCleave are dead -- d. leaving their influence in the minds and hearts of the people. In this cemetery rest the Allens, Summers and many others who were the rugged pioneers of the community. The whole scene is sadly beautiful and very impressive." · Rockville Tribune, Aug 30, 1939 -- Woody genealogy Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Woody of Kingman are painting the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Myers. This is equal to one of Ripley’s stories as Mr. Woody's father, Cortz Woody was b. in this house in 1856. His grandfather, Jehue woody was one of the pioneers of this county. The orig. part of the house was built in about 1824. At the time the Woody's lived here Joe Cannon was a neighbor. Believe it or not, at that time, Annapolis was larger than Chicago. Annapolis is now on the route for the Turkey Run tourists. Strange as it may seem, Mr. Woody did not know this was his grandfather' home when he came here to work. · Waveland Independent, June 23, 1922 -- Wrightsman remarry William H. Wrightsman, 30, living near Waveland and Bertha May Shaul, 25, of Judson, Parke County, were granted a marriage license at Newport, Monday. They were divorced May 26. They are believers in the old motto: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again! · Waveland Independent, Jan 2, 1920 -- Sarah Zachmire sale Notice is hereby given, that on Sat. the 24th day of Jan 1920, the undersigned administrator of the estate of Sarah J. Zachmire, late of Parke Co, state of Indiana, deceased, will sell at Public Auction the personal property of said Sarah J. Zachmire deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furniture of all kinds and descriptions including beds, bedding, comfort, quilts, feather bed, rockers, chairs, cook stove, utensils, carpets, rugs and oil stove, various other articles too tedious to mention. A credit of 3 months will be given on all sums over $5 the same being secured by notes, with approved security, payable without any relief from valuation or appraisement laws, without interest, if paid at maturity, if not so paid to bear 8% interest from date. Sale will take place at the late residence of the said Sarah Zachmire in W. part of the town of Waveland (DeWitt Fisher's place) in Brown Township, Montgomery Co. between the hours of 1 o'clock p.m. and 3 o'clock p.m. AA Williamson, Admin. Marshall, Ind. Col. CF Asbury, Auction; Maxwell & McFadden Attorneys, CH Johnson, Clerk. |