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Parke County Indiana Newspaper Tidbits - "A"  through "L"

Special thanks again to Karen Zach for her continuation of this great project.  She is extracting these tidbits regarding Parke County from The Crawfordsville Journal Review and The Waveland Independent as well as a few Parke County papers.  Please remember to thank Karen for her extra efforts.



o        Waveland Independent, Sept. 29, 1922 -- ALWARD/HUXHOLD marriage


        James A. Alward, better known as "Ris" and Miss Lena Huxhold, of Bridgeton, were married in Rockville by Squire Bryant, on Saturday.  They will live in Judson where Mr. Alward is working at the Armstrong sawmill.


                Waveland Independent, Thursday, Jan 18, 1940 --

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Heslar will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, Jan 21, at their home near Waveland.  They will hold open house for their friends and relatives from 1:00 o'clock until 5:00 o'clock.  Mr. and Mrs. Heslar were married Jan 22, 1890 by Rev. SK Fuson at his home in Rockville.  Mrs. Mary Leatherman of Rockville is the only attendant at the wedding now living.  They have spent their entire married life in Parke and Montgomery County.  Mrs. Heslar has one remaining sister, Mrs. Annie Heslar, and Mr. Heslar has two brothers, J M Heslar and William Heslar. 

                Waveland Independent, Thursday, Jan 18, 1940 --

 Oliver W. Boyd Dies -- Word has been received here of the death from heart attack of Oliver W. Boyd, 63, formerly a farmer in Parke County, Indiana near Milligan, Jan. 4 in Los Angeles, Cal, where Mr. Boyd has resided the last 10 years.  Death occurred Jan. 4 and funeral services were conducted by Dr. Roy L. Smith, pastor of the First ME Church of Los Angeles.  Burial was in Valhallah Cemetery, Burbank.  Mr. Boyd is survived by a son, Ernest, of Detroit, Michigan and daughter, Dorothy (Mrs. Logan Moore) of Terre Haute. ( Please contact Karen Zach if you can identify Oliver)


·         Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Feb 12, 1923 -- Baldwin loses finger

Special to the journal, Marshall Feb. 9 -- William Baldwin lost his little finger on the right hand while working at EA Hobson's saw mill Tuesday afternoon.  He was cleaning out sawdust underneath the saw and raised his hand too high thus cutting the little finger so badly that it had to be amputated at the joint near the hand.  The third finger was injured slightly also.   This is the third accident of the same nature that has happened at the same place in the last few years.  Mr. Baldwin was injured a few years ago when dirt caved in on him while working on the new school building. 

·         Waveland Independent, Nov 26, 1915 -- Margaret Banta has 45-pound tumor

Mrs. Margaret Banta, of Byron, who was operated on for the removal of an abdominal tumor is making good progress toward recovery.  The tumor weighed 45 pounds. 

·         Waveland Independent, May 17, 1929 -- Bloomingdale Bank Robbed

Two young men held up the cashier and assistant cashier of the Bloomingdale Bank at 1:30 on Tuesday afternoon and secured about $500.  This is the second robbery of the Bloomingdale bank.


·         Waveland Independent, May 15, 1925 -- Bloomingdale Bank Robbed

Two bandits held up the Bloomingdale bank on Friday and relieved the cash resources of about a thousand dollars.  A lady friend kept the car running so that they made their escape. The cashier got out in time to shoot off his gun at them but brought down no game.  The robbers were evidently amateurs, as they overlooked part of the cash. 


·         Waveland Independent, Feb 5, 1915 --  BOTT and TOY marry

Frederick Bott and Miss Alice Toy of Terre Haute, were married at St. Ann's parsonage in that city last Tuesday evening, the Rev. John F. Ryves performing the ceremony.  The young people came to Rockville on Wed. and will make their home here.  Mr. Bott has recently engaged in the real estate business and opened offices in the room jut North of the Tribune-Rockville Tribune.


·         Rockville In April __ 1926 -- BOYDS celebrate 50th 

Ten children, 9 grandchildren and 1 gr. grandchild gathered in Rockville Sun. to help M/M Louis Boyd celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. In all 26 sat down to M/M Boyd bounteous family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd are the parents of 10 children, all living, namely; Charles H. of Muncie, Indiana; John H of Hebron, Indiana; Jesse D, Fred R, James Raymond, William Clay, Chicago Ill; Mrs. Lula Dixon, Racine, Wisconsin; Mrs. Hazel Woodard, Cudahy, Wisconsin; Mrs. Beulah Williams, St. Johns Michigan; and Miss Chloe at home. The family was all at home for the first time in 21 years. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boyd have 15 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. M/M Boyd are 75 and 68 years old respectively, still active and enjoying life.


·         Waveland Independent, Feb 26, 1915 --  Brush- Williams marriage

Miss Mary Isabel BRUSH of NY City and Pierce WILLIAMS of Pittsburgh were married in the former city on Tues eve. of last week.  Miss Brush lately ret. from Russia, whither she was sent by the Sat. Eve. Post.  Some articles from her pen on the war situation in Russia are appearing in that periodical.  Miss Brush is the d/o of the late John Brush, formerly of Rockville and a niece of the late Prof. Kritz. 


·         Rockville Tribune, Thursday, Sept 1, 1898 -- Second Annual Reunion -- Parke County Battalion, Civil War

Order of exercises for the 2nd annual reunion of the Parke Co. Battalion to be held at Rockville, Thursday, Sept. 15, 1898.  Comrades will meet at 10 a.m. in the courthouse yard and proceed to the grove.  Forenoon: Assembly call 10:30.  Music. Prayer by Chaplain, Comrade Rev. A.H. Raridan; Introductory and welcome address by Comrade F.M. Howard.  Music.   Address, Department Commander, Rev. Daniel Ryan.  Adjournment for Dinner.   Afternoon:  Assembly 1:45.  Music. Election of officers.  Address, by Comrade J. Jump.  Music.  Speeches from Comrades:  First night on picket line by Comrade A.F. White.  Campaigning with the Army of the Potomac by comrade J.l. Hayes.  Fighting in Easter Kentucky by Comrade C.E. McDaniel.  Fighting at Thompson's Station by Comrade Elwood Hunt.  With a Wagon Train by Comrade John C. Pierce.  Foraging by Comrade John Magil.  The campfire will be held at the Opera House on the evening of the 14th and will be in charge of Comrade James T. Johnston.   Program will be announced next week!  (Thanks to Mike Woods for this contribution.


·         Crawfordsville Daily Journal, March 9, 1923 -- Uncle Joe Cannon

Washington, March 9 -- "Uncle Joe" Cannon, retiring patriarch of congress today is experiencing one of the most difficult tasks of his long legislative career. " It's just about the toughest job I ever tackled, "  said Uncle Joe.  "I'd much rather take a licking on an important bill."  He made no effort to hide the tears as he spoke. He tried to go back to Danville, Ill yesterday but suddenly ordered his secretary to cancel his train reservations. The snowstorm was his excuse. He had given up his office, cleaned out his famous old desk with its pigeon holes where many a bill reposed when "Speaker Cannon" didn't favor it and old documents were scattered all over the room.   Back to this scene came Uncle Joe.  Puffing a big black cigar he sat alone in the old office for several minutes. Then he went walking around the capitol to say goodbye to several old friends again. He hunted up some clerks who had worked with him for more than 25 years. He tried to hide his pent-up pangs of regret by telling a couple of his best stories but there was an unmistakable tone of sorrow in the old voice, which a decade ago few men dared to defy.  "Uncle Joe" declined to give any parting advice or sing any swan songs.  "I never was very damn keen for giving advice or singing anyway," he said.  It was 50 years ago when "Uncle Joe" as a fighting young lawyer from Illinois, appeared in congress.  His features seemed to speak his fighting qualities as his hair and beard then were fiery red.  With stooped shoulders and snow-white hair, but with a firm step and still smoking his famous stogies at a 45-degree angle, "Uncle Joe" goes back to private life.


·         Waveland Independent, Dec. 22, 1922 -- Nettie Caplinger wants quilts

Wanted:  Quilts to piece and comforts to tack.  Mrs. Nettie Caplinger, phone Milligan, Judson R.A.  Added   6/15/99


·         Waveland Independent, Dec. 23, 1898 -- Coffe hanging

It has been 15 years or more since John Coffe was hanged, but Brent Davis editor of the Newport Hoosier State, can't forgive Sheriff Harper for not permitting him to see the execution.  Last week's Hoosier State says, "Norfolk, Va. had a hanging last Friday that was nearly equal to the one at Crawfordsville a few years ago under Sheriff Harper.  The sheriff of Norfolk did not have to knock his victim in the head with an ax to kill him but he had to take the second hitch of the job.  


·         Waveland Independent, March 30, 1917 -- Craig arrested

Victor B. Craig, who a few weeks ago stole a horse and buggy from his uncle, Daniel PINEGAR, living a mi. so. of town, later selling the animal and going to Wenatche, Wash. where he was arrested and ret. by Sheriff Thompson and Prosecuting Attorney Earl m. Dowd, pleaded guilty after Judge Daniels, Monday and was sentenced to the penitentiary for from one to 14 years, the sentence suspended and the young man ordered to remain within the jurisdiction of the court for one year.  Sheriff Thompson and Prosecutor Dowd went to Wenatche for the prisoner, the trip requiring over two weeks time and while a report has not been made it is estimated that the cost to the taxpayers will be between $400-500.  (Rockville Tribune)


·         Waveland Independent, Jan 10, 1919 -- Davies writes home

From Marshall to Verdun On Active Service with American Expeditionary Forces, Nov 29, 1918 -- Dear Cousin: I have just received your letter of the 24th of Oct.  Was glad to hear from you, was sorry to hear Nellie was sick and hope she is better when this letter reaches you.  We can tell everything now as the war is over.  I am working hard everyday driving a truck.   I get up every morning at 4 o'clock and don't get in until late at night.  I would like to be there to help gather the corn, but won't get to this fall.  There are lots of the boys that will get to wear a uniform over there but they have not seen what I have or went through the hardships either that I have.  At one time we were surrounded for 3 days and 3 nights without water to drink and nothing but hard tack to eat.  And now when you see a boy that belongs to the AEF you know that he knows some things about the War and France.  I know you are anxious to know all about where I have been since I left the states.  So I will try to tell you.  We said from Philadelphia on the 27th of June, landed at Halifax and stayed there until the 3rd of July.  We then sailed and landed at Liverpool, England on the 15th of July, we went across England to So. Hampton and across in to France Cherbourg on the 19th of July, went from there to Bourdeaux and then went to Camp DeDouge, about 18 mi. from Bordeaux.   We stayed here about 2 months then started towards the front in trucks.  I have been to Marselitle two times after trucks. I am sending you a map showing this section of the front.  You have heard of the St. Mihiel drive.  We are between there and Verdun.  Ambly is where we are now, we don't know when we will move from here, soon I hope.  Well, I must close hoping that it won't be long before I can come home.  As Ever your cousin, Wag. John Newton Davies. 

·         Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Feb 10, 1923 -- Norma Day born

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day are the parents of a daughter born on Friday, Feb. 2.  The little Miss has been named Norma Jeanne.  Mrs. Day was formerly Miss Glula McAllister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. McAllister.  This is their first child. 


·         Waveland Independent, 9 November 1934 -- Dooley's 50th

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Dooley celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, Sunday, at the Dooley homestead three miles west of town.  Talisman roses and yellow chrysanthemums were used for table decorations and the dinner was served to 40 relatives on the same table that was used for the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. Dooley's grandparents, Martin L. Dooley and wife which took  place in the same room 51 years ago.  Mr. and Mrs. Dooley were the recipients of many useful presents.  Guests from a distance included Miss Neva Ree Browne of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinkle and son of Columbia City and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wayt of South Bend. (a poem is included and their 60th is noted 16 Nov 1944 in the Independent).


·         Waveland Independent, March 30, 1917 -- M/M Geo. Dooley anniversary.

M/M George W. Dooley, of Milligan, entertained at noon on Sat. last, it being the anniversary. of their wedding. The guests were rec'd by M/M D. after which a two-course dinner was served.  The rooms were decorated in pink and white.  After dinner, musical selections were rendered by Misses Josephine shepherd and Myrtle Mendenhall and Miss Ethel Heslar gave two readings.  A prize cake was awarded the young people.  A table of cut glass and hand painted china was received.  Those assisting were: Josephine Shepherd, Myrtle Mendenhall, Mrs. Henry Swaim, Sulla Davis, Mildred Dooley, Evelyn Swaim, Opal Holiday and Mrs. Hiram Davies.  Guests from a distance were: M/M Earl Brown of Jessup; Mrs. Grace Payne of Rossville and M/M Alva Walden and Mrs. Melville W. Cunningham of Crawfordsville.  


·         Rockville Tribune, 21 Sept, Thursday,  1893 -- Huston Dooley turns 36

Last Saturday was the 36th birthday of Huston Dooley who lives on the Allen farm, northwest of town and Saturday evening about twenty-five of his friends from the Kelly school house neighborhood arranged a little surprise for him, which was a grand success.  On behalf of the friends Rev. S.K. Fuson presented an elegant family Bible appropriately inscribed, which Mr. Dooley accepted with a few well-chosen words.  Refreshments were served, and after a very
pleasant evening the guests departed, wishing Mr. Dooley many happy returns of the day.

Waveland Independent, Sept 12 (?), 1899 -- Dooley/Dooley firm

Messrs. Dooley & Dooley of Rockville are preparing for a cooking exhibit commencing Sept 25 and continuing one week.   The object is to show beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Majestic steel range is the best cooking arrangement in the whole country.  That it will do more cooking, more satisfactorily, with less fuel than any other stove or range in the market.  If anyone has any doubts, come to the exhibit and have them removed. 


·         Rockville Saturday Eagle, 15 Nov 1884 (Milligan) -- Dooley marriage

Miss Ada Mayes and Joseph Dooley of Dooley's Station were married on the 5th.  We were slipped upon again.


·         Rockville Saturday Eagle, 22 Nov. 1884 (Milligan) - Dooley warehouse

There is talk of losing the warehouse.  Mr. Dooley is going to move it and make a barn of it.


·         Waveland Independent, July 23, 1898 -- Mrs. LE Dooley serves 150

Mrs. L.E. Dooley and daughters of Milligan, served dinner to 150 railroad men last Sunday between noon and 4 o'clock.   They had no orders to prepare dinner until a half hour before.


·         Waveland Independent, Sept 16, 1921 -- Sarah Dooley - paralytic stroke

Mrs. Sarah Dooley, who suffered a paralytic stroke two weeks ago that left her helpless and speechless, is now able to talk a little and walk with assistance.  

·         Rockville Tribune, 21 Sept 1893:  -- EC Dooley sales photo gallery

E.C. Dooley has sold his portable photograph gallery to Peacock, of
Rockville, and is preparing to move to Missouri.  (Tribune issue of 5 October
1893 says the family moved to Hopkins, MO.)

·         Waveland Independent, May 21, 1920 -- Harold Durham falls

Harold Durham fell at the Russellville skating rink on Tuesday night and fractured his right arm just above the wrist.  The rink is getting a bad reputation for accidents. 


·         Waveland Independent, May 21, 1920 -- John Durham operation

Will Durham received a letter on Wednesday from his niece, saying that his brother, Dr. John Durham of Sullivan had been operated on in the Mayo Bros. hospital at Rochester, Minn., for the removal of a cancerous growth in his left jaw.  He has had a cancer on his lip for some years, but that had apparently healed.  He stood the operation very well for his age and is likely to recover but the surgeon said that the result would not be permanent.    Note: Dr. Durham died a little over a year later. 


·         Waveland Independent, April 19, 1918 -- Durham tidbit

Sixty-eight years ago, last Friday, M/M Youse Durham arrived here from Kentucky, and settled in the practically unbroken forest on the Old Durham homestead.  The late Crittenden Durham, better known as Governor, was two years old the day they arrived.  


·         Rockville Republican, Sept 30, 1908 -- W.W. EWING

W.W. Ewing of Reserve, SD thankfully acknowledges the receipt of the Republican, giving the report of Co. A 85th Reunion at Annapolis.  Mr. Ewing has been in the government employ for a number of years.  He was formerly county superintendent of Montgomery Co, having served in the 8th in time of the great war in the 60's.  It is in this connection difficult to refrain from making special mention of that little paper, The Rockville Republican, in the days of the Rebellion when it stood as a Gibraltar to the invasions of treason.  Its service at that time should become an interesting feature of our present day reunions. (Thanks to Randy Wright  -- you are GREAT to send these interesting tidbits to me for the Parke Co GenWeb page). 

·         Waveland Independent, Feb 5, 1926 -- Ferrell-Loop Wedding

Raymond Ferrell and Miss Trilby Loop of Judson were married on Saturday morning. They will make their home at Judson where Ray is foreman of the Vandalia section.  They were vigorously charivaried at the home of Mr. Ferrell's mother, Mrs. Martha Ferrell in Browns Valley on Saturday night.  Firing dynamite was a part of the festivities, giving rise to a report that the Browns Valley bank has been raided by bandits. 


  • Waveland Independent, April 17, 1903 -- Dr. Gillespie

 Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Gillespie returned yesterday from Dana, wither-they were called by the death of the doctor's brother-in-law, Mr. Julius Groves.

o        Waveland Independent, July 29, 1898 -- Dr. Goldsberry

Dr. J.A. Goldsberry, one of the wealthiest men in Parke county, and 63 years of age, has   offered his services as an army surgeon and has been accepted.  Added  6/22/99

·         Waveland Independent, Feb 8, 1924 -- Greene Twp. Farmers

The regular monthly meeting of the Greene Township Farm Bureau will be held at the school building, Tues evening Feb 12 at 7:30 p.m.  An interesting program on poultry has been planned.  Mr. E.C. McClain will discuss "Blood Testing for Diseased Hens" and Mr. F.R. Huffman will talk on "Grading and Candling of Eggs."  A report of the sowing project adopted by the county for the past year will be heard at this meeting. 


·         Waveland Independent, June 23, 1922 -- Greene Twp. Graduates

The Greene Township annual commencement will be held next Monday evening, June 26, at the Parkville church.   There are 12 graduates as follows: Minnie Reedy, Rosalie McCutchan, Mary Ruth Smith, Laverne Pressler, John Jr. Rush, Reeve Thomas, Byron Scott, Lucille Colling, Robert Freed, Floyd Hester, Lola Thomas and George McCutchan.  The address will be delivered by Dr. McBrien of the State Normal. 


·         Waveland Independent, April 18, 1924 -- Greene Twp. Health

On Wed. and Thurs, April 23 & 24 a health conference will be held at the school building.  Wed. eve. an interesting program will be given consisting of a lecture and moving pictures. All day Thursday, a doctor and a nurse will be here to examine all children up to 7 years of age. This is all free and a fine opportunity to consult a child specialist.


·         Waveland Independent, Oct 11, 1929 -- Green Twp Officers

A good crowd was present Fri. night to enjoy the box social held at the school building. The people first met in the auditorium, where they were entertained by the Jr. and Sr. classes.  The juniors gave a fine one-act play and the seniors dedicated their beautiful scenery.  From the auditorium all went to the gymnasium where the sophomore class sold sandwiches, ice cream and coffee.  After the beautiful boxes were sold some fished, while others went shopping in the Grab It store. Miss Mary Kelly was chosen as the most popular young lady, while Mr. Carter won the prize as the ugliest man.  At a late hour everyone left feeling he had had a most enjoyable. evening.  Class officers and sponsors for the year are: Srs - Pres, Richard Hixon; Sec-Treas Marshall Houser; Sponsor Margaret Payne.  Jrs - Pres, Forrest Coleman; Sec-Treas Kathryn burke; Sponsor, Margaret Porter.  Soph - Pres, Lois Burnside; Sec-Treas Silvia Watson; Sponsor, JC Carter;  Freshman - Pres, Paul Jones; Sec-Treas Forrest Watson (no sponsor listed).  8th - Pres, Robert Spencer; Sec-Treas, Janice Smith; Sponsor Irene McGill.  7th  - pres Walter Taylor; Sec-Treas Dorothy Evans; Sponsor, Gladys Kinman.  Misses Gladys Kinman and Margaret Payne were greatly missed on Oct 3 when they journeyed to Bloomingdale and Montezuma to visit their schools.  The teachers and pupils are expecting a visit from the trustees and principals of the county, Thurs Oct 10.  Basketball season is now open. The boys began practicing Mon. night getting ready for their first game. 


·         Waveland Independent, Sept 10, 1926 -- Greene Twp. Teachers

The Greene Twp. Schools began on Monday with the following teachers: Clyde Cunningham, principal and science; Mrs. Cunningham, history; William Leminger, Voc. Agriculture; Helen McClain, domestic science; Mrs. Dale McClain, mathematics; Gladys Kinman, Latin; Margaret Payne, music and art; Mildred Jack 5th & 6th; Irene McGill 3rd & 4th; Cozette McClain 1st and 2nd grades. 


·         Waveland Independent, March 23, 1928 -- Greene Twp. Fly Contest

The fly killing contest held last week was quite successful and we hope Green Twp. will be greatly benefited.  The first prize of $1 was won by a pupil in 6th grade, James Coleman who killed 250.  2nd place of 50 cents won by Everett Ray Ramsey, 8th grade.   Several won tickets to the show.  Altogether, 1023 flies were slaughtered.


·         Waveland Independent, June 30, 1922 -- Greene Twp. School

The first bricks were laid on the Greene Twp. school building Tuesday.  Ris Alward, Harry Selby and Bruce Jacks have been working on the job.  The bricklayers, some of whom are from Frankfort, are all non-union men.


·         Waveland Independent, Sept 12, 1919 -- Mart Grimes – problems

Uncle Mart Grimes, age 92, lost the lower part of his teeth somewhere about the town Tuesday.   Anyone finding same please return.  He did not miss the teeth from his mouth till hours afterwards.   (Rockville News)


·         Waveland Independent, Feb 13, 1916 -- Barnett Harris visits

Barnett Harris, of Chicago, was in Rockville, Monday, for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. SS Harris.  Mr. Harris is vice-president and manager of the Chicago feature Film company, and while his headquarters are in Chicago his duties take him all over the country, and unless his plans miscarry he will leave for Japan next week to look after the companies interests in that country.  The Feature company has agencies in almost every country in the world, and every day films are being made in foreign lands.  (Rockville Tribune)

·         HASKETT -- see Hopper


·         Waveland Independent, May 28, 1926 -- Mrs. Ray Heslar - wins prizes

Mrs. Ray Heslar, of Seelyville, a former Greene Twp. girl won six prizes at the State Baking Show at Purdue University last week.


·         Waveland Independent, Feb 28, 1919 -- Hester -Dooley Marriage

One of the prettiest of home wedding occurred Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of M/M George W. Dooley, when their daughter, Miss Ruby became the bride of Claude Hester.  Preceding the ceremony, Miss Myrtle Mendenhall began the wedding march to which the bride & groom proceeded by Rev. Olin Stewart, marched down the stairs & took their position beneath a columned archway decorated with crystallized evergreen and pink roses tied with white tulle.  In the center of the archway was a wedding bell.  The ceremony was performed in the presence of about 50 guests. The bride was attractively gowned in white crep-de chine.  Many beautiful presents of silver, china and cut glass were received.  The groom is a prosperous young farmer.  They will be at home to their many friends after the tenth of March at their farm near Marshall. 


·         Waveland Independent, March 23, 1923 -- Hobson Sawmill

The Hobson sawmill that has so long been the principal industry of Marshall, will remove to Clinton or Terre Haute. Mr. Hobson has been sawing mine timber and wants to get closer to his market. 

·         Rockville paper ?? -- Hopper - Haskett wed

Joseph Glenn Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hopper of Minshall, was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Haskett of No. Terre Haute Dec. 19 at six o'clock the nuptial vows being heard by the Rev. Clyde Lininger at the ME parsonage at Rockville.  The young couple left immediately for the home of the bride's parents, M/M Emerson Haskett of No. Terre Haute where they will reside until spring.  The bridegroom is a young man well known over Parke Co. as he made a canvass for county recorder last fall.  He is a grad. of Bridgeton HS and attended business college in California. At present he is assisting his brother, Donald Hopper, general merchant of Bridgeton, having charge of the trucking.  The bride is a charming young woman, a grad. of No. Terre Haute HS and well known in southern Parke Co.  They are receiving the congratulations of their many friends. 


·         Rockville Paper 10-12-1950 -- Hoppers entertain

Mr. and Mrs. William Hopper entertained for Friday eve. dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hopper and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hopper of Los Angeles, Cal.  Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Rolland C. Hopper, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hopper, Jr. and son of Whiting; Mr. and Mrs.. Leeland Jones and family of Indianapolis who were weekend guests in the Jones home.  On Sun. a family dinner was held at the Jones home with the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopper and son of Brazil; M/M Charles Smith of Marshall; M/M Bob Walters of Attica; M/m Ernest Jones of Hume, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mohlar and children, Mrs. Lula Cullin of Terre Haute; Donald Hopper of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hopper and daughter of New Palestine; Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge; Mr. and Mrs. William Rutledge and sons, Mrs. Ethie Humphrey, Byron; Vivian and Ben Jones and Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam Hopper.  Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hopper and Sandra Forrest; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eup? / Mr. and Mrs.? Barnes; Mrs. Lucia Jones; Claude Adams.  


·         Rockville Tribune, Aug 13, 1918 -- Glenn Hopper near death

Glenn Hopper, 8-year-old son of M/M William hopper, of Minshall, came near losing his life Sunday evening when run over by an automobile driven by George Scott of Rockville.  The child had been blind in one eye for several years, losing the sight when attacked by an old hen.  This probably accounts for his not seeing the approaching car.  An ugly gash was cut in his head. (Thanks Randy Wright for this one -- Randy is so great about sending me cool stuff like this -- it's greatly appreciated!)


·         Waveland Independent, May 28, 1926 -- Tommy IRELAN broken arm

Tommy Irelan and Richard and Ronald took a contract to break some colts for John V. Milligan.  They were getting along pretty well when Tommy got tumbled off and had both bones of the right arm broken above the wrist.  A little accident like that isn't going to keep him from raising another prize pig. 


·         Crawfordsville Journal Review, Monday Feb 12, 1923 -- Jackson-Copeland Wedding

Mrs. Ida Copeland of this place (Marshall) surprised her friends here Thursday when she announced her marriage to Thomas Jackson of Kingman. Their wedding took place Thursday afternoon at the home of Rev. SK Fuson of Rockville.  They were entertained that evening at supper by Mr. and Mrs. RC Cannon.  The groom is a stock buyer of Kingman and they will reside at that place after a few weeks' stay at her home here.  Their many friends extend to them their best wishes. 


·         Rockville Republican, ?? -- KALLEY reunion

A delightful family reunion was held in Bridgeton last Friday in celebrating the 77th birthday of Mrs. Malinda Kalley.  Mrs. Kalley was the next oldest child of a family of 11 and her maiden name was WIMMER.  Those present at the dinner were: Isaac Wimmer & wife of Bellmore; Mrs. McGILVERY of Danville, Ill; H. Clay Wimmer and wife of Rosedale; IH Kalley of Sullivan; Rev. D. Kalley and wife of Ferndale; Mrs. M. Kalley and daughter, Mrs. CE BENSON, daughter and son, Mr. OVERPECK, wife and two children; Mrs. Sue BENSON and son A.O.; Mrs. A. SPRAGUE; Mrs. Barbara CRABB and daughter, Misses Gertie and Lena Crabb of Bridgeton and vicinity.  The Republican editor being in town was an invited guest.  A sumptuous dinner was set in the yard, around which the whole party gathered and enjoyed the good things so abundantly provided.  Mrs. Kalley occupied the seat of honor at the head of the table.  After dinner a picture of four generations was taken, consisting of Mrs. Kalley, her daughter, Mrs. Sprague, her granddaughter, Mrs. CE Benson and great granddaughter, Miss Benson. Afterwards the whole party was taken in a group.  With two exceptions the near relatives of Mrs. Kalley were all present and for her the day was peculiarly pleasant tho for that matter everyone greatly enjoyed it.  Thanks to Randy Wright of Rockville for this one -- Randy has been great to share lots of these super tidbits (like the one below) with you.  Thank Randy!


·         Rockville Tribune, Wed, Feb 7, 1906 -- KALLEY injured

Nat Kalley, who lives near Piattsville (under Bridgeton news) suffered the fracture of the bone of his right leg above the ankle last Monday morning while turning logs on a carriage at iiath & Clark's saw mill.  The canthook slipped out of the log and the force with which he was thrown back upon the limb broke the bone.  Dr. O.L. Baldridge reduced the fracture at the residence of Henry Faith, where Mr. Kalley was taken and in the afternoon the injured man was taken to his home.  


·         Rockville Tribune, June 29, 1938 -- Nora KALLEY will

The last will & testament of Nora May Kalley has been admitted to probate and after making the usual provisions for payment of all just debts, the following bequests are made: To her cousin, William E. Rutter, the sum of $500.  To the Rockville public library all the books of her late deceased brother, Arthur E. Kalley.  To her cousin, Ione C. Gilbert, d/o deceased cousin, Robert H. Catlin, and to her cousins, Alvah E. and Albert Catlin or to their survivors the rest and residue of the estate, to share and share alike.  The instrument is dated Sept 27, 1932 and witnessed by Frank W. Bell and H. Lee Bastin -- thanks Randy Wright!


·         Waveland Independent, Feb 15, 1924 -- Rev. Kenaston

The people of the Guion Church were glad to have their old pastor, Rev. G.F. Kenaston with them Sunday.  A large crowd attended.

·         Waveland Independent, Sept. 12(?), 1999 -- Kite -- Taylor wed

Lemuel Kite and Miss Celia Taylor, of Guion, were married last Sunday.  They will live in Tennessee.


·         Waveland Independent, Sept 17, 1915 -- Lambert moves

JG Lambert of Milligan has opened a general repair shop in the north room of the Harrison block on the E. side and is installing the necessary machinery to do his work.  Mr. Lambert said that he expected within a few weeks to not only do pump repairing and well drilling but would install lathes, drills and other machinery to do general repairs.  Frank Ginn of Waveland and James Shouse have been employed by Mr. Lambert to assist in the work - Rockville Tribune.


·         Waveland Independent, Nov. 24, 1924 -- Mrs. Lanning - Baking School

Mrs. Charles Lanning and Miss Mary Rush attended the two-day Baking School at Rockville put on by the Extension Department of Purdue University, last week.  At the demonstration the home flours were used with splendid results. people attending this school were asked to go home and hold a similar school in their own communities. Green Township will have a Baking School Dec 3-4 at the home of Mrs. Charles Lanning. Anyone interested in taking this baking course should call Mrs. Lanning not later than Dec. 1st. 


·         Waveland Independent, Sept 12, 1919 -- George Lough lost watch

Uncle George Lough says that no one has returned his watch as yet.  He really wants it back, as he is used to traveling by it and does not want to change his gait.  He wants this off his mind so that he can give full attention to his duties as mayor of Wapello and dealer in old iron.  No rags, thank you.