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The Boyd - Lewis Family

by Louis (Lewis) Boyd - Boyd - Lewis Reunion Aug 31, 1921

   By request of our efficient president, Dora Myers, I have tried to prepare a short biographical sketch or history of the Lewis family; and in doing so have met with obstacles or hindrances.  The greatest obstacle, being a lack of any record or written history of the family.  It seems that none of the relations anywhere along the line (and that includes myself) have been interested enough in our ancestors to keep tab on, or make a record of, the succeeding generations.  Consequently, the contents of this sketch are based largely on conjecture, hearsay, and bad memory and may contain many mistakes. 

    Grandfather Jason Lewis's parents were natives of Wales.  The family name was originally Lewellen in the Welsh language, but was changed to Lewis in our language when they came to this country in an early day (date unknown) and settled in the state of Maryland.

   Grandfather Lewis married Nancy Ashford about 1812 or 13 and moved to Columbiana County, Ohio, where most, if not all of a family of 8 children were born and partly raised.  Three boys, viz George, Aaron, and Jason and 5 girls, viz Elizabeth, Rebecca, Patience, Nancy and Eliza.  In the year 1840 Grandfather Lewis with wife and family moved to Parke County, Indiana and located on a farm about 3 1/2 miles Northeast of Rockville and nearly 1/2 Mi. East and South of Sand Creek Church.  Grandfather Lewis died December 25, 1850.  Grandmother Lewis died October 1875.

   George Lewis married Polly Hamilton and they with their six boys, viz: David H; Howard; George B; Abner; Walter D and Frank and one girl, Lilly moved and settled near Lawrence, Kansas about the year 1865.  David H. Lewis died Sept 3, 1917 at Lawrence, Kansas.  Howard Lewis died in 1919 at Dyerville, NC.  George B. Lewis d. 1915 near San Francisco, California.  Abner Lewis never married.  He has been living at Santiago, California.  Walter D. Lewis lives at Lawrence, Kansas.  He is an optician.  Frank Lewis lived at Tulare, California.  Lilly Lewis lived at Portland, Oregon when last heard from (pencil note added: Walter D. died November 21, 1928 Washington DC).

   Elizabeth Lewis married Abraham Crow.  They had 10 children.  Three, Jason, William and Maria died in infancy and the rest of the children, Mary, Tom, Nancy, John, Robert, Lucy and Matilda went to Wisconsin in October 1864 with their parents.  Three of the Crow children are still living.  Thomas lives at Monroe, Wisconsin; Robert lives at Hamilton, Iowa and Lucy lives at Janesville, Wisconsin.  Abraham Crow d. Oct 15, 1892.  Matilda Crow d. May 24, 1896.  John Crow d. May 14, 1897.

   Aaron Lewis was b. August 20,1 819 in Columbiana County, Ohio.  He died January 20, 1879.  His wife, Hester Williams Lewis, was born December 31, 1833.  She died May 28, 1908.  They had 8 children, two died in infancy.  Five boys and one girl are still living, namely: George, William, Bruce, Aaron and Fran and Nancy Lewis Nutgrass.  They all live in Parke Co, Indiana except George who lives in Clinton, Indiana.  Bruce died in 1924 at Mecca, Indiana. 

   Rebecca Lewis Boyd was born in Ohio on May 30, 1822.  She died October 1893.  Her husband, Harrison Boyd, preceded her in death Sept 24, 1893.  Their family consisted of five boys and two girls namely: James M, William, Albert, Elbridge; Anna L and Mary E. Boyd and Lewis.  William died in Montezuma, Jan 27, 1896.  James died at Rockville, Indiana Nov 1927.  Mary Boyd Hann lived in Beatrice, Nebraska and the rest lived in Parke co, Indiana.

   Eliza Lewis Boyd was b. August 8, 1832 and died February 8, 1913.  Her husband, John R. Boyd, died July 28, 1888.  To them came 11 children, two died in infancy and Patience grew to woman hood and died in April (penciled ?).  There were also 4 boys and 4 girls.  William lived at Cayuga, Indiana and died near Rockville, Indiana June 1925.  Ed lived at Tangier, Indiana.  Riley lived at New Goshen, Indiana.  The four boys, Dora, Allie, Verna, Maud and brother Jim Boyd lived in Rockville or nearby.

   Jason Lewis was b. May 12, 1836.  He with his family moved to Kansas in 1876 and settled near Perry, he died there in 1880.  His wife, Louisa Lang Lewis died in 1901.  they had 8 children: 5 girls and 3 boys: Bell, Flora, Nerva, Ollie and Bertha, Wallace, Festus and Warren.  Festus and Warren died young.  Bell died in 1880.  Flora Lewis Beck lived in McPherson, KS.  Ollie Lewis Whitlock lived in Kansas City, Mo.  Bertha Lewis Lang and Wallace lived in Louisburg, KS and Nerva Lewis Elder at Osawattomie, KS. 

   Nancy Lewis Hann with her husband, Joseph Hann went west in 1873 and settled in Kansas.  Joe Hann died in the 90's and Nancy, his wife, died February 17, 1920.    Four boys and one girl are living: john, Little Joe, Abb, Owings and Mary Hann Lewis.  Owings lives at Lawrence and the rest live at Tecumseh, Kansas.  (Added note: Mary Hann Lewis died at Berryton, KS October 30, 1924). 

   Patience Lewis Tyrrell and husband, William moved to Kansas in 1877.  There were 3 boys and one girl.  Perry Tyrrell is supposed to live in Oregon.  Henry died about 1915.  William lives in Topeka, Kansas and Mary Tyrrell Fisher lives in Perry, Kansas.

   This brings the record down tot he first cousins of the Boyds and Lewis's of which I will say, the most of them are married and have large families..

   Politically, the Lewis's were of the old died in the wool Jeffersonian Democrats.  Religiously, the trend of thought, devotion and worship among the Lewis family was in and through the tenants of the Christian Church.