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Copyright © 2023  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Rockville Sanatorium Residents

(extracted from the 1920 Census)

Be sure to thank  Carol Ealey for transcribing these residents.

M = Married    S = Single    WD = Widowed

Males Sex Race Age Born
? Solomon M W 56 M IN
Brown William H. M W 58 S IN
Burch C. M. M W 62 S IN
Burjan Orville M W 17 S IN
Cale Luther M W 52 M IN
Carter Halfred M W 22 S IN
Deal Samuel C. M W 63 S IN
Dinalin Frank M W 31 M IN
Flood John M W 48 S WI
Gilliam James R. M W 42 WD IN
Gouty George Lawrence M W 30 S IN
Gratzer John M W 25 WD IN
Hubbard Roy M W 37 M IN
Hyde James Raymond M W 28 S IN
Johnson Harry M W 20 S IN
Kelly Eugene M W 19 S KY
Lewis Elden M W 16 S IN
McLaughlin Gilbert M W 28 S IN
Miner Keny C. M W 24 S IN
Myers Edmond M W 37 S IN
Nolen Samuel M W 60 WD NC
Payne Harold F. M W 34 S IN
Pitts Harry G. M W 23 S MD
Ramsey Perry M W 18 S IN
Rocket Wallace O. M W 25 S IN
Rogers John Henry M W 63 WD IN
Schroeder Phillip L. M W 23 S IN
Smith John M W 53 S KY
St. John William M W 45 S IN
Stowe Edward Allen M W 20 S IN
Taylor William M W 32 S IN
Thompson Levi M W 63 S IN
Wilson William H. M W 27 M IN
Glendyl Comer F W 27 S IN
Anderson Florence F W 23 S IN
Bafford Jennie F W 35 M IN
Brown Mattie F W 26 S IN
Carlson Viola F W 16 S OH
Dunley Clitha F W 17 S IN
Durham Mary F W 25 M IN
F? Edith F W 39 WD IN
Feld Jennie Katherine F W 33 M IN
Firestone Minnie F W 24 S IN
Haney Roney F W 20 S IN
Harvey Fern F W 19 S IN
Hassock Gertrude F W 40 WD IN
Hauffman Margaret F W 29 S IN
Jackson Lora F W 16 S IN
Jones Lula Agnes F W 23 S IN
Jones Stella F W 37 WD IN
Ketner Anna F W 32 M IL
Ketner Wilhelmina F W 15 S IL
Littleton Helen Louise F W 27 M OH
Long Martha F W 24 S TN
Markley Hattie F W 48 M NY
McCarty Grace F W 32 S IN
Moffet Mattie F W 58 S IN
Moore Lina F W 19 S IN
Murphy Katherine Mildred F W 28 S IRE
Nelson Maude F W 19 S IN
Nichols Jesse F W 18 M IN
Parsley Mary F W 15 S IN
Pl? Luella F W 33 M IN
Presnall Alta Mabel F W 32 S IN
Pritchard Orphea F W 29 S IN
Russell Anna F W 16 S IN
Shumaker Lola F W 30 M IN
Standish Flora F W 26 S IN
Strobel Vera F W 15 S OH
Surface Nellie F W 25 S IN
Williams Jennie May F W 20 S IN
Baxter Stella F W 8 S IN
Beasley Laurence M W 15 S IN
Beaver Gladys Marie F W 13 S IN
Bertetto Domick M W 13 S IN
Bertetto Frank M W 12 S IN
Bertetto Lany M W 9 S IN
Bertetto Margaret F W 14 S IN
Bertetto Mort M W 6 S IN
Daniels Bernice Evaline F W 12 S IN
Daniels Ursel F W 10 S IN
Dunfin Mona F W 6 S IN
Dunfrise Katherine May F W 8 S IN
Fisher Gerald M W 14 S IL
Foster Roba F W 6 S IN
Hall Leroy M W 13 S IN
Keiffer Geraldine F W 9 S IN
Li?ce Melvina F W 12 S IN
Miller Clifford Eugene M W 10 S IN
Miller Leon M W 13 S IN
Miller Opal F W 16 S IL
Penwell Homer M W 13 S IN
Pitger Agnes F W 14 S IN
Rodobinski William M W 15 S IN
Rogers Robert M B 4 S IN
Rumer David M W 15 S IN
Rumer Forest M W 13 S IN
Simpson William Robert M W 8 S IN
Small Joseph M W 14 S IN
Smith Velma F W 13 S IN
Yausco Joseph M W 15 S IN