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   James D. VanDerMark   -
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Monroe County Obituaries - Surname "V"


Died on Saturday, April 5th, of inflammation of the bowels and stomach, Caleb Vannoy, of Washington Township, aged 48 years. - Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 50, Bloomington, Monroe County, 9 April 1873

Died on March 13th, at the residence of her grandmother in this place of Erysipelas, Miss Priscilla Vannoy, aged 20 years. - The Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 47, 19 Mar 1873, Page 3


Died on April 24th, on Bean Blossom, of Measles, infant daughter of Geo. Vanoy, aged 2 years. - Bloomington Progress, Volume 7, Number 2, 07 May 1873, Page 3


Jesse Van Pelt - 71 years old - Died December 25, 1955 in Bloomington, IN - Survived by sons, Fred, Opal and Dalmar; brothers, Charles and LeRoy and sister, Mrs. Cynthia May.  Preceded in death by wife, Dollie in 1946.  Services at Clear Creek Christian Church with burial in Clear Creek Cemetery. - Daily Herald-Telephone, Bloomington, IN, Tuesday, December 27, 1955


Funeral services for Hiram Vaught, who died late Monday evening from a complication of diseases, were held this afternoon at 1:30 from the Knights Ridge church.  Interment at an adjoining cemetery.  – Bloomington Evening World, 08 August 1923


Mattie E., wife of Henry H. Voss, died on Monday morning, Augus 8th. - Bloomington Progress Volume 4 Number 15 Aug 10, 1870, Page 3

W. D. Voss of this place died of consumption on Thursday morning last and was buried by the IOOF of which order he was a member. The deceased was aged about 30 years.  - - Bloomington Progress Volume 3 Number 25 on 20 Oct 1869