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Monroe County Obituaries - Surname "V"
Died on Saturday, April 5th, of inflammation of the bowels and stomach, Caleb Vannoy, of Washington Township, aged 48 years. - Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 50, Bloomington, Monroe County, 9 April 1873
Died on March 13th, at the residence of her grandmother in this place of Erysipelas, Miss Priscilla Vannoy, aged 20 years. - The Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 47, 19 Mar 1873, Page 3
Died on April 24th, on Bean Blossom, of Measles, infant daughter of Geo. Vanoy, aged 2 years. - Bloomington Progress, Volume 7, Number 2, 07 May 1873, Page 3
Jesse Van Pelt - 71 years old - Died December 25, 1955 in Bloomington, IN
- Survived by sons, Fred, Opal and Dalmar; brothers, Charles and LeRoy and
sister, Mrs. Cynthia May. Preceded in death by wife, Dollie in 1946. Services
at Clear Creek Christian Church with burial in
Funeral services for Hiram Vaught, who died late Monday evening from a complication of diseases, were held this afternoon at 1:30 from the Knights Ridge church. Interment at an adjoining cemetery. – Bloomington Evening World, 08 August 1923
Mattie E., wife of Henry H. Voss, died on Monday morning, Augus 8th. - Bloomington Progress Volume 4 Number 15 Aug 10, 1870, Page 3
W. D. Voss of this place died of consumption on Thursday morning last and was buried by the IOOF of which order he was a member. The deceased was aged about 30 years. - - Bloomington Progress Volume 3 Number 25 on 20 Oct 1869