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Monroe County Obituaries
Surname "R"
Died on Friday, Feb. 21st, at the Poor Farm, Miss Radcliffe, aged 23 years, of Typhoid Fever. - The Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 45, 05 Mar 1873, Page 3
Clifford Rader Born February 3, 1915 in Monroe Co, IN Died December 9, 1980 in Indianapolis, IN Parents were Albert O Rader & Daisy (Hays) Rader Gillespie Survivors are daughter, Carol Mood; brother, Elmer; sisters, Phyllis Payne, Freda Adams & Joan Fuller. Services at Day Mortuary. Rev. Donald Talley will officiate. Burial at Valhalla Memory Garden. - The Herald-Telephone Bloomington, IN - Wednesday December 10, 1980 – shared by Judy Jefferson
There was a very sad death five miles northeast of Bloomington last Friday night. James Ramage, a well known citizen in that part of the county, awakened Saturday morning to find his wife (Caroline) dead in bed by his side. Mrs. Rampage had worked at the usual house work the day previous and seemed as well as usual. She and her husband retired at the accustomed time the night before, and she did not complain of not being well. Early Friday morning he got up to do the usual chores about the house, and noticing that Mrs. Rampage was lying in a peculiar position, he spoke to her before he left the room. She did not answer and he addressed her again, when no answer came and he was astonished upon a hasty examination to find that his wife was dead. At that time the body was cold and she had evidently died some time during the night unbeknowns to the husband. The sad occurrence was at once reported to the neighbors, and the general supposition is that death resulted from heart trouble. Mrs. Rampage was about 45 years old and was the mother of ten children, and was a woman held in high esteem by all that neighbors. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at the Bethel church, which is only a short distance from the home of Mr. Rampage. - - Bloomington Weekly Telephone, 16 September 1892, Page 004
Mrs.Mary Elizabeth Ramsey - Born May 10, 1862 in Monroe Co. - Died May 31, 1954 in Bloomington, IN Parents were John and Frances Skinner Scott. Survived by daughter Mrs. Ray Inman; son Don Everett Ramsey and sister, Mrs. Elsie Southern. Services at Allen Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Clear Creek Cemetery. - Daily Herald-Telephone Bloomington, IN, Tuesday June 1, 1954 – shared by Judy Jefferson
Died on Tuesday, March 4th, at the residence of Geo Armstrong, five miles north of Bloomington, of Erysipelas, John Raney, aged 34 years. - The Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 46, 12 Mar 1873, Page 3
Joseph Wayne Ratliff aged 5-month, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ratliff Unionville station, died Sunday morning at 3 o’clock of stomach trouble. Funeral was from Mt. Gilead church this morning at 10:30 in charge of the Rev. Joseph Campbell. Burial was at Mt. Gilead. – Bloomington Evening World Mon 12 Jul 1915
COLORED WOMAN DROPS DEAD Mr. and Mrs. William Ray, colored who cook at one of the university chapter house, were up town Saturday night doing some trading in a store when Mrs. Ray became ill. She went to the office of Drs. Rogers and while there dropped dead of organic heart trouble. She was 40 years old. The body was sent to Louisville on the 3:58 Monon train this afternoon. Bloomington Evening World Bloomington, In - Monday March 15, 1920 – shared by Judy Jefferson
Robert Raymond, four months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardy west Fourth street, died at nine o’clock last night. Funeral at the residence tomorrow at two o’clock in charge of Elder Homer Adamson and interment at Rose Hill cemetery. - Bloomington Evening World 14 Jan 1915 Page 1
A terrible accident happened to Burrell Reeves, a man of 72 years, who resided on his farm in the south part if the county. On Wednesday last he had gone out to a field to burn brush, and some three hours afterwards he was found dead in a pile of brush which was burning rapidly. He was dead when found, and a portion of his body charred. He was lame in his knees, and it is supposed that he was overcome by the heat and smoke and being unable to get up after he had fallen, was suffocated and burned to death. He was a bother of Geo. Reeves, now a policeman in Chicago. - Bloomington Republican Progress, 2 May 1888, Page 003
Saturday a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reeves. The babe died Sunday. Mrs. Reeves has been in serious condition but is thought to be slowly recovering. – Bloomington Evening World Fri 30 Apr 1915
Died on Monday, March 10th, at the residence of his grandfather (N. L. Stockwell) in Bloomington, William Renshaw, aged 16 years, of Consumption. - The Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 46, 12 Mar 1873, Page 3
Mary Ann Reynolds - Born January 8, 1910 in Monroe Co., IN Died February 1, 1996 in Bloomington, IN Parents were John and Phoeba (Sipes) White. Survived by daughters, Madonna Swafford, Jane Ryan, Marjorie Frye and Sandi Neill and sisters, Opal Grubb, Ephra Abbitt, Maudie Crebbs. Preceded in death by husband, Donald Reynolds. Services at Pentecostal Faith Assembly with burial at Valhalla Memory Gardens. - The Herald-Times Bloomington, IN - Saturday February 3, 1996 – shared by Judy Jefferson
Mrs. Cynthia Rhorer - born December 4, 1863 in Monroe Co., IN, died September 26, 1949 in Bloomington, IN. - Parents were Mrs. and Mrs. John T Whisenand. Survived by a sister. Mrs. Sadie Campbell, nephew, Russell Rhorer and a niece Mrs. Inez Anderson. Preceded in death by her husband, J. Edgar Rhorer and son Melvin. Services at First Christian Church with burial in Clear Creek cemetery. - The World Telephone Monday Sep. 26, 1949– shared by Judy Jefferson
James M. Rice of Bloomington, aged 56 years, died last Saturday. – The Stinesville Review, 10 Jul 1901, Page 002
Stella M Richardson - Born August 26, 1896 in Brown Co., IN - Died July 31, 1977 in Bloomington, IN Parents were Nelson and Catherine (Fleener) Fishel. Survived by sons, Homer, Earl and Ralph; sister, Kathryn Haymaker and brothers, Elmer, Bert, Noland and Jake. Preceded in death by husband, Alva R Richardson, sons, Paul and Harry; daughter, Mary and brother Leonard. Services at Little Union Baptist Church with burial at Little Union Cemetery. - Bloomington Herald-Telephone, Bloomington, IN, Monday August 1, 1977 – shared by Judy Jefferson
The 18-month-old child of J. T. Richardson, living on the W. J. Allen farm northeast of town, died Thursday afternoon. - Bloomington Telephone, 28 February 1893, Page 001
After an illness of a month of tuberculosis of the throat, William Ridge, age 46, died this morning at the home of his brother, Crit. Ridge at Sanders. He had been in failing health for two years before his final illness. The funeral will be held at the Mission Church at Sanders, of which he was a member, Saturday afternoon at two o'clock in charge of Rev. John Hays. Funeral at the Lucas Cemetery. – Bloomington Daily Telephone, 23 October 1924, Page 001
An old citizen of Washington Township, James W. Roberts, died Tuesday night at 9 o'clock of paralysis at the age of 78. Mr. Robertson is a lifelong resident of the county and was one of the best known farmers in the northern part of the county. He leaves a widow and six children, four sons and two daughters. One son, Marion Robertson, is a resident of this city. The funeral is Thursday at at 11 o'clock at Hindustan. Burial in adjoining cemetery. – Bloomington Daily Telephone, 22 January 1908
Freedley Robertson age 66 Died October 30, 1960 in Bloomington, IN He was a veteran of WW I and a retired school bus driver. Survived by his wife, Nellie, daughter Doris Kinser; two sons Robert & Richard; brothers, Elmer & Millard and sisters, Emma Michaels, Hazel Elkins, Daisy Fleetwood & Nellie Lewis. Services at Greene & Harrell Funeral home with Rev. Robert Edinger officiating. Burial in Rose Hill Cemetery. - Daily Herald-Telephone Bloomington, IN - Monday October 31, 1960 – shared by Judy Jefferson
Harold I. "Heady" Robertson - Born April 29, 1923 in Bloomington, IN Died April 24, 1987 in Bloomington, IN Parents were Charles and Inez (Phelps) Robertson. Survived by wife, Mary (Floyd) Robertson; sons, Stanley and Kenneth; brother, Paul Robertson and sisters, Phyllis New and Betty Landrum. Private services at Allen Funeral Home with burial in Carmichael Cemetery in Greene County. - The Herald-Telephone, Bloomington, IN, Saturday April 25, 1987 – shared by Judy Jefferson
The widow of Charles Robinson. Died recently at Hindustan. Age 97. - Republican Progress, June 14, 1893
Died. On Dec. 31st. of Dropsy, the wife of Jas. Robinson, aged 72 years – The Bloomington Progress, Volume 6, Number 37, 08 Jan 1873, Page 3
Aquilla W. Rogers, of LaPorte, (Well known here) died on the 26th ultima, aged 74 years. – Bloomington Progress Volume 5, Number 42, Feb 14, 1872 Page 3
Bona Rogers, the well-known liveryman of Bloomington, died suddenly last week. – The Stinesville Review, 22 Dec 1900, Page 006
Dow M. Rogers, 50 years old, a well-known farmer, one mile southwest on the city waterworks pike, died at two o’clock this afternoon of heart failure. He had been sick for a day or so and returned from Lake Helen, Fla., only one week ago. He had been in Florida five weeks. Mr. Rogers is survived by a daughter, Miss Clara, and two sisters, Mrs. Voris Delap and Mrs. Matt Turner. His father, Jonathan Rogers is still living. Funeral at the Kirkwood Avenue Christian Church at 10:30 Friday in charge of the Rev. Wh. H. Smith. Interment at Mt. Gilead cemetery. – The Bloomington Evening World 10 Mar 1915 Page 1
James R. Rogers, father of Prosecutor Rogers of this place, died at his residence on Monday last of Consumption. -– Bloomington Progress, Volume 4, Number 45, 08 Mar 1871, Page 3
Died on Thursday August 10, 1871, Minnie Z., only child of T. J. and V. Rogers, aged 4 months and 11 days. – Bloomington Progress, Volume 5, Number 16, August 16, 1871, Page 3
Wm. T. Rogers, two years od son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rogers, 420 north Morton Street, died last evening at 7:30 o’clock. The funeral service will be held at the house at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial at Rose Hill. – Bloomington Evening World Sat 3 Jul 1915
Mary Brevoort Ruddick - Born August 12, 1900 in Columbus, OH - Died May 16, 1982 in Bloomington, IN Parents were Charles and Lulu (Brevoort) Baker. Survived by husband, William Ruddick; son, Larry Ruddick; daughter, Martha Boswell and brother Brevoort Baker. Services at Allen Funeral Home with burial in Valhalla Cemetery.- The Herald-Telephone, Bloomington, IN, Wednesday, May 17, 1982 – shared by Judy Jefferson
Leon 'Pete' Rumple, 71, born 17 August 1933, died 27 June 2005 - of Spencer, died Monday at his residence. He was a truck driver and served in the Army National Guard. Services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Whitehall Cemetery. – unknown source newspaper
Wilma (Henry) Rumple, 77 born 30 November 1927of Spencer, died Saturday at her residence. She had worked as a cook at the American Legion in Spencer. Prior to that, she worked in Bloomington at RCA, GE and Sarkes Tarzian. Survivors include her husband, Pete Rumple; one son, Ernest Hupp of Worthington; three brothers, Gaylord Henry of Gosport, Paul Henry of Solsberry and Warren Henry of Indianapolis; and three sisters, Viola Sowders of Michigan, Gilena Arthur of Loogootee and Byrel Jeffries of Lawrence, Kan. Services will be 1 p.m. Thursday at West & Parrish & Pedigo Funeral Home in Spencer. Burial will be at Whitehall Cemetery. – unknown source newspaper
Gen Runyan aged 55 years after an illness all summer from dropsy and general debility died at his home Monday, and was buried in the Stines cemetery south west of town. He leaves a wife and two children. Deceased had been a kind man through all his life and made many friends. One by one the older citizens pass away but their kind acts and generous deeds are handed down to other generations. – The Stinesville Review, 22 Jul 1899, Page 003
John Russ, 56 years old, a farmer twelve miles northeast of the city near Mt. Gilead died Sunday after an illness of paralysis. He was stricken las Thursday while filing a saw in his yard and never regained consciousness. He is survived by five children. Funeral will be held at 11:30 tomorrow at Bean Blossom church in charge of the Rev. Charles Williams. – Bloomington Evening World 13 Apr 1914 Page 1
Ella May, colored, 13-year-old daughter of Mrs. Anna Russell, of New Albany, died last night of tuberculosis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, colored, near the Covenanter graveyard southeast of the city. – Bloomington Evening World Wed 11 Aug 1915
Martin V. Ryan, a well known citizen of this county, died at his home six miles northeast of the city Sunday night at 11 o'clock of typhoid fever. Deceased was 70 years of age at the time of his death. The funeral will occur Tuesday at 11 o'clock at Bethel Church. Mr. Ryan was one of the oldest and best known citizens of that section. - Bloomington Telephone, 28 August 1894, Page 004
Belle, daughter of Howe Ryors, died Thursday and was buried Friday. Among those who knew her Belle was quite a favorite. She was eight years old. - Bloomington World Telephone, 26 Nov 1881