WADE, James T.

Thanks, dreamstimes for this nifty clipart :)
NOTE: Make sure you include me in your will - as in, please send wills of your Fountain County, Indiana wills my way - love to share them here :) KBZ
James T. WADE
Deed Joseph Ristine (Commissioner) To Jonathan Wood
This indentured witnesseth that whereas Henry MCalle executor of the last will and testament of Andrew J. Wade deceased filed his petition the Court of Common Pleas of Fountain County Indiana on the 18th day of December A.D. 1855 praying the appointment of a commissioner to execute a deed of conveyance all the right and title of the heirs of James T. Wade deceased and of the legatees of the last will and testament of said Andrew J. Wade described in and to the following lands to-wit the West half of the Northwest quarter of Section Six in Township Eighteen North of Range Eight West containing Sixty acres and seventy four hundredths and such proceedings were had thereon by said court that on the 14th day of July 1856 at a term of said Common Pleas Court it was ordained and decreed that Joseph Ristine be appointed a Commissioner to convey to Jonathan Wood all the right title and claim of Susie Wade, Ruth A. Wade, Barbara Wade, Elizabeth Wade and Cristal Wade heirs of James T. Wade deceased and Martin Van Buren McBroom Legatee of Andrew J Wade deceased. Now therefore to confirm to the said Jonathan Wood all the right, title and claim of the said heirs and legatee as aforesaid in and to the cause aforesaid in and to the aforesaid and in the consideration of the payment of the sum of four hundred dollars paid by the said Jonathan Wood. I Joseph Ristine Commissioner aforesaid convey to the said Jonathan Wood his heirs and assigns forever all the right , title and claim of the said heirs and legatee in and to the Courts aforesaid is as in a full and ample manner as the said James T. Wade and Andrew J. Wade in their lives could have done. In Witness whereof I hereby subscribe this day of July A.D. 1856. Joseph Ristine Commissioner State of Indiana, Fountain County. This day personally appeared before me in open court Joseph Ristine the above named Commissioner and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein specified. Witness the Clerk and seal of said court this 18th day of October 1856. E.E. Wileot, Clerk Received and recorded July 27th 1887 at 11 O’clock A.M., C.L. Hunsicker R.F.C.
File Created: 2008-Sep-20