MORGAN, Nathaniel

Thanks, dreamstimes for this nifty clipart :)
NOTE: Make sure you include me in your will - as in, please send wills of your Fountain County, Indiana wills my way - love to share them here :) KBZ
Nathaniel Morgan -- Property Settlement
(property settlement vs. will but put here)
Although not a will, this goes right along with one and is much more fun :)
Settlement of the estate of Nathaniel Morgan -- died May 16, 1872
$1800 personal property. One of Nathaniel's sisters married John Roach Those who took care of the estate were David Roach, Henry Roach Jand ames D Morgan (son). They were bound by $3600 (Sarah Morgan, widow)
1 bedstead $1.50 taken by: widow
3 plain bedsteads, bedding 60.00 " 1 plain bureau 5.00 " 1 dining table .75 cupboard ware " 1 breakfast table 2.00 J.D. Morgan (son)
1 sideboard .10 taken by widow
1 cook stove 2.00 " 1 safe 2.00 " 8 chairs 5.00 " 1 writing desk 3.00 Allen Gooding
1 chest 1.50 widow 1 clock 3.00 " 1 rifle gun 5.00 John Nickel
2 iron kettles 5.00 widow
1 iron kettle .75 JD Morgan
1 oven and stew kettle .20 Valentine Day
Flour bbls .25 Widow
1 meat tub 1.00 " 5 bbls & lard tub 1.25 Joe Morgan & Valentine Day
1 book Family Companion .15 widow
books and papers 6.50 VJ Day
3 wash tubs .30 widow
l looking glass 1.00 " one 1/2 bushel measure .30 widow
1 know mawl .50 George Barker
2 smoothing irons .50 widow
9 sacks 1.00 " Brass kettle, jars, milk pans 2.65 " 1 sorrel mare 120.00 " 3 pitch forks .50 " 1 gray mare 30.00 " cash 15.00 geese & tobacco (Sarah smoked a pipe so this would be important to her) 2.30 Total taken by widow $264.45
1 carpenter's bend .75 JD Morgan
sundries 2.10 " spinning wheel .50 Valentine Day
box tools 3.50 Singletrees 2.50 Joseph Morgan
shoe tools, ax handles 1.30 JD Morgan
9 cotton bags 1.00 Double and flax 2.50 VJ Day
Map of Fountain Co Indiana 1.50 JD Morgan
white lead and oil 4.00 log chain 2.20 15 acres stalk pasture 1.00 JD Morgan
chisels & bucksaw 1.50 " hatchet & double trees Joseph Morgan
spade & hoe .65 Allen Gooding
scythe cradle pitchfork 1.50 George Barker
4 mowing scythes .50 Absolom Bowers
Grindstone .75 Joseph Morgan
1 wheat fan 2.00 " 1 patent cutting box 4.00 Thomas Cunningham
1 cultivator .50 Joseph Morgan
4 plows 5.00 Absolom Bowers; T. Cunningham
1 harrow 2.00 VJ Day
set harness 5.00 Joseph Morgan
1 wagon 40.00 " 1/2 interest in wheat drill 20.00 " 1/2 interest in hay fork 6.00 " spoon molds 1st stack hay 13.00 2nd stack hay 15.00 3rd stack hay 13.00 4th stack hay 10.00 1 stack straw 15.00 2/3 interest in Champion Reaper 26.66 2/3 l sorrel mare 120.00 1 bay horse 100.00 David R Morgan
1 gray mare 30.00 1 white milch cow 25.00 1 roan milch cow 25.00 1 roan milch cow 25.00 3 steers 38,00 1 heifer 16.00 Joseph Morgan
2 calves 20.00 25 head hogs 37.50 Joseph & JD Morgan
22 head hogs 154.00 700 bushels corn 175.00 91 bushels wheat 100.10 John Scott
cash 15.10 geese & tobacco 2.30
TOTAL $1260.26 appraisement