FOREMAN, Michael

Thanks, dreamstimes for this nifty clipart :)
NOTE: Make sure you include me in your will - as in, please send wills of your Fountain County, Indiana wills my way - love to share them here :) KBZ
Fountain Democrat Covington, Ind., Wednesday, October 1, 1856 Vol. III. No. 16. Page 2 (of 2), column 7
Administrators [sic] Notice Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Michael Foreman, deceased, late of Fountain county, Indiana. Said Estate is supposed to be solvent. B. B. LA BAW, Adm'r. [no date is given]
Public Sale Notice is hereby given, that I will expose to sale, at public auction, at the late residence of Michael Foreman, deceased, in Shawnee Township, on Friday, the 17th day of October, 1856, the following property, to-wit-- Horses, Cattle, Hogs, one Wagon, Farming Utensils, Corn in the field, & Household and