PRICES, 1856
"Fountain Democrat" Office, Dec. 31, 1856.
FLOUR, per brl. $6.50
WHEAT, per bushel 400.
CORN, 30 cents in the ear sheled [sic]
32 HAY, per ton, $10.
OATS, per bus. 25cts.
POTATOES, per bu., 75.
HAMS, per lb., 15cts.
SHOULDERS, per lb., 9cts.
SIDES, per lb., 10cts.
CORN MEAL, per bu. 50 CTS.
CHICKENS, per doz., $100.
BUTTER, per lb. 15cts.
EGGS, per doz., 8½cts.
APPLES, Dried, per bu. 175.
PEACHES, " " " $3.00
COFFEE, per lb., 16-2/3cts.
TEA, per lb., 37ca$1.25
MOLASSES, per gal., 70cts.
SUGAR, per lb., 15cts.
LARD, per lb., 10cts.
LUMBER Inch Square Edge, per M a1.25a1.50 Siding. " 1.00a1.20 Shingles, Poplar " 3.25a3.50 Lath, 3.25a3.50
WOOL--Washed, Common, 20a23c. Half to Full Blood, 25a38c. Unwashed 13a17c
File Created: 2-10-2010