Newman, Sharon - 1961 4-h queen

Source: Lafayette Journal Courier Thu 10 Aug 1961 p 27
Sharon Newman (right) of Cain Township Fountain County was judged queen of the Fountain 4-H Fiar Monday night and returned Tuesday night to take top honors in the dress revue. The 17-year-old queen will represent the county at the state fair queen contest on Aug 29. Runner-up both the dress revue competition and the queen contest was Susie Phillips, 16, left. The queen's duties included presentation of grand champion ribbons and trophies to fair winners.
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Veedesrburg - Miss Sharon Newman, a pretty 17-year-old senior at Hillsboro HS will be Fountain County's entry in the state fair queen contest Aug 29 at the state fairgrounds. But until state fair week, Sharon will still be "walking on air" over the honors she has won this week at Veedersburg. She was selected queen over nine other Fountain County beauties in the final judging Monday night. Since then her reign has entailed handing out grand champion and reserve grand champion ribbons to the hard-working 4-H exhibitors. However, Sharon's excitement hasn't been limited to the passing out of ribbons. She has also received her share and the one she is most proud o fis the grand championship in the dress revue Tuesday which she won with her attractive blue dress and coat outfit.
After completing her high school education the county fair queen plans to attend Purdue University and take up courses in - what else - home economics. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Newman.
Miss Shirley Grubbs, Troy Township and Miss Maelinda Crawford, Logan were the first and second alternates. The other candidates as chosen by the 4-H clubs in 10 of the 11 townships in FOuntain County were: Nancy Simpson, Fulton; Nancy Alward, Jackson; Janice Kay Drollinger, Millcreek; Janie Shade, Richland; Cheryl Kay Foster, Shawnee; Susie Phillips, Van Buren and Shirley Abernathy, Wabash.
Miss Connie Martin, the 1960 queen, ended her reign and began Miss Newman's by crowning her in the ceremonies Monday night. Mrs. John Martin of Richland township was chairman of the queen committee. Other members were EA Lambert and Paul Mann. John C. Pickell, Attica's superintendent of school was master of ceremonies - kbz