JAIL - articles - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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JAIL - articles

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Thursday 5 January 1978 p 10

Covington - Bids will be opened here Friday for construction of a proposed $630,000 Fountain County Jail that could be opened within 18 months after contracts are awarded.  Fountain Auditor Lillian Flora said the bidding process will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the county courthouse.  Contracts will be awarded for general construction, mechanical work and electrical work.
And according to County Commissioner Robert Janeway, barring any unforseen delays, the proposed 21-prisoner lock-up could be opened by late Spring, 1979.  Fountain County has been without a jail since August 1976 when its landmark 106-year-old red brick structure was closed by court order.  Since then, prisoners have been housed for a $12 per day fee at the Montgomery County Jail, Crawfordsville.  The old jail, at 216 Union St was the scene of a demolition accident Dec 29 when several walls and ceilings caved in on two construction workers during demolition of the building.  Kevin Powell, 16, Covington, son of Jack Powell whose construction firm was contracted to raze the jail, died of massive head and internal injuries. Another worker, David Spear, 26, Covington was listed in "good" condition today at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Danville, Ill with ankle and jaw injuries. The pair was buried under tons of brick and stone rubble in the accident.  Plans for the new jail, to be built on the site of the old one, cleared a final hurdle last fall when Fountain commissions and county councilmen approved project plans.
The jail will feature a rectangular, one-floor lock-up of "block construction with brick facing," and include separate facilities for adult and juvenile male and female prisoners.
A prisoner's exercise area is also included but separate sheriff's living quarters were eliminated from plans in a cost-cutting measure.  

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