Founain County Hospital?
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Sat 23 Nov 1946 p 10
Attica, Nov 23 - Fountain County voters will go to the polls Tuesday Nov 26 to vote in a special election in which it will be decided whether or not Funtain County will build a hospital by issuing bonds in the amount of $240,000. Because of its central location, Van Buren Township in which the town of Veedersburg is located has been chosen for the site of the proposed hospital. It is estimated that the hospital tax levy would be two mills with the county likely to share in the $1,500,000 federal grant to Indiana under the Hill-Burton act. A meeting was held at the high school gymnasium at Veedersburg Wednesday night for an explanation of the county financing of th eproposed hospital. THe regular voting places in the various precincts of the county will be open for the balloting from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in charge of an inspector and clerk. The ballots will be counted at the courthouse at Covington the following day. - kbz