FOREMAN, Michael C.
FOREMAN, Michael C.
Administrators [sic] Notice Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Michael Foreman, deceased, late of Fountain county, Indiana. Said Estate is supposed to be solvent. B. B. LA BAW, Adm'r. [no date is given] Public Sale Notice is hereby given, that I will expose to sale, at public auction, at the late residence of Michael Foreman, deceased, in Shawnee Township, on Friday, the 17th day of October, 1856, the following property, to-wit-- Horses, Cattle, Hogs, one Wagon, Farming Utensils, Corn in the field, & Household and Kitchen Furniture; including all the personal property of the deceased that is not taken by the widow.
Terms of Sale.--Nine months' credit on all sums over three dollars, the purchaser giving note and approved security. B. B. LA BAW, Admr. Sept. 23, 1856 15-3w
File Created 2-10-2010