COFFING, Ira - mishap
Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat 19 Oct 1922 p 1
Ira Coffing who resides north of Covington a few miles met with a narrow escape from death Sunday by the explosion of the acetylene tank to his lighting system. The plant had been giving him some trouble and he climbed down in the tank to make an investigation. Immediately after he climbed out of the tank it exploded and Mr. Coffing was still near enough the mouth of the tank to sustain severe burns of the hands and face. Had he remained in the tank a minute longer he would have lost his life in the explosion.
I assume this is Ira Allen Coffing 1 April 1892 Fountain County died 22 May 1973 buried Mount Hope so glad he was around a long time thereafter - kbz