Twinkie Cake
"Twinkie Cake"
You're right, just as the name indicates, this cake tastes like Twinkies. I got this from my brother-in-law's (Brad Hurt) sister-in-law, Linda, I think at a 4th of July gathering years ago.
It's quite tasty and if you're a chocolate lover use Chocolate Pudding Cake Mix instead of the Yellow Pudding Cake and you will have a cake that resembles Hostess Cup Cakes. KZ

Yellow Pudding Cake Mix -- fix as directed -- bake in 13 x 9 pan -- turn out and freeze 1 hour -- cut in 1/2 - lengthwise.
Heat: 1 Cup Milk and 5 T. Flour stir until thick -- cool COMPLETELY!
Mix: 2 C. Confectioner Sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla 1/2 tsp. Salt 1/2 C. Crisco 1/2 C. Butter Whip these ingredients until fluffy -- mix with cooled milk and whip again! Spread on 1/2 of cake -- add other 1/2!