Turkey Casserole - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Turkey Casserole

I got this, oh, about 1975, at a Morgan Reunion from Betty Morgan Devitt. It's been one of my favorite recipes since then.

2 C. Turkey cut in small pieces
2 cans Green Beans (Drained)
1 Can Cream Chicken Soup
1 Can Cream Mushroom Soup
1 Small Onion, cooked in 2 or 3 T. Oleo -- cook until brown.

Add: 1 small can Mushrooms
Dilute soups with 1 C. Milk.
Heat to boiling and add green beans, turkey and small can of pimento, if desired.

Prepare 1 C. Rice per recipe on box (Uncle Ben's converted rice works best).

Put in bottom of casserole and pour turkey mixture on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
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