Strawberry Swirl

This was a Christmas Eve must for many years at my Gma’ & Gpa’ Smith’s (Leland “Carl” and Sarah “Hazel” Morgan Smith in Waveland, Indiana) usually made by my Aunt Hulda.
1 C. Cracker Crumbs 1 T. Sugar ¼ C. Melted Butter
2 C. Sliced Fresh Strawberries 1 , 3-ox pkg Strawberry Jello
1 C. Boiling Water ½ lb. Marshmallows
½ C. Milk 1 C. Cool Whip
Make crust by mixing crumbs, sugar and butter – press firmly over bottom of 13 x 9 baking dish. Chill until firm.
Sprinkle 2 T. Sugar over fresh berries, let stand ½ hour. Dissolve jello in boiling water. Drain berries, reserving juice. Add water to juice to make 1 C> and add this to gelatin and chill until partially set. Meanwhile combine the marshmallows & Milk. Heat & stir until melted. Cool thoroughly then fold in the whipped cream, add the berries to the gelatin, then swirl in the marshamallow mixture. Pour over crust and chill until set.