Pineapple Easy Cake

"Pineapple Easy Cake"
Actually, this recipe is already out there somewhere in internet land. I received an e-mail from a lady in Australia who calls it Karen's Kake, though -- she said she took it to her mother's retirement home party and everyone there loved it and they're passing it all around "down under." Hey, be my guest, isn't that what recipes are for -- to share? Anyway, this recipe makes one of my daughter, Suzie's favorite cakes. It is TRULY EASY (the only thing hard about it is getting it done "just right" -- don't overbake it or it is dry - but don't underbake it either, or, obviously, it's not done -- but just think how EASY it is to mix-up all in one pan!!) It's SCRUMPTIOUS, too!
2 C. Sugar 2 tsp. soda 2 C. Flour #2 Can Crushed Pineapple - do not drain 2 Eggs (hey, maybe we should call it the 2 cake?????) Mix above ingredients in a 9 x 13 pan. DO NOT GREASE. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Icing 8-oz. Philadelphia Cream Cheese 1/2 Stick Butter 1 tsp. vanilla 1 C. Confectioners Sugar. Cream all together -- frost cooled cake.