One-Skillet Meat Ball Meal - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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One-Skillet Meat Ball Meal

Again, I'm not sure where I got this recipe, either, but I like it! After I've thought about this one, I think one of our long-time employees at our restaurant, Margaret McKinney gave it to me!
Meatballs: 1 # Ground Beef
1/2 C. Uncooked Rice
1 Small Onion, chopped Fine
1 tsp. salt

Combine and roll into meatballs. Brown in Skillet. Using 3 T. Bacon Drippings.

Add: 2 1/2 C. Water -- Cover and cook for 30 minutes over a low heat.

Add: 2 C. Canned tomatoes
3 Med. Potatoes (cut)
2 tsp. Salt (or to taste)
1/2 tsp. Pepper. Cook slowly until potatoes are done.
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