Italian Cream Cake
"Italian Cream Cake"
Well, since I'm Italian and this came from my Italian cousin's wife (Jeanie Nestler Certain) it's gotta' be good I also note Christmas 1975 must have been a fattening year since I got this recipe at the same time as the one above!!!
Karen Z

1/2 C. Crisco
1 C. Buttermilk
1 stick butter
2 C. Sugar
2 C. Flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
2 C. coconut
1 tsp. soda
1 Cup Chopped Pecans
5 eggs, separated
Cream crisco, butter and sugar. Add 5 egg YOLKS one at a time -- beat after each.
Add dry ingredients along with buttermilk and vanilla. Stir in coconut and chopped nuts. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
Bake in 3 greased 9" pans - 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Icing == 1 Stick Butter 1, 8-oz. Philadelphia Cream Cheese 1 Cup Pecans 1 tsp. Vanilla 1 Box Powdered Sugar Mix all ingredients together until smooth. Ice Cooled cake. DELICIOUS!!!!!