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If you would like to submit a Wabash county biography, please email it to Mike Sweeney
Be sure to include your Name and the biography Source.
A special thanks to Linda Thompson, who has contributed the majority of these Wabash biographies.
REASON McCLENAHAN, was born in Virginia on the 14th day of July, 1827. His parents, Augustus and Mary (Brewer) McClenahan, were also natives of Virginia, and of Irish-English descent. He accompanied his parents to Ohio in 1837, where he attended school a short time. In his youth he assisted his father in a cooper shop, belonging to the senior McClenahan. Reason lived in Fort Wayne several years, finally locating in the village of LaGro, Wabash County, in 1853. In August, 1855, he was united in marriage with Lucy Boyle, who was born in Ireland, November 9, 1836. To this marriage were born eight children, six of whom survive, viz., Marietta, Lawrence, James, George, John and Lizzie. Mr McClenahan has acquired considerable property, the fruits of a well-spent and industrious life. Himself and family are worthy members of the Roman Catholic faith.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 369.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
John McClintock was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in 1789. He moved to Ross County, Ohio, in 1796, and was in the war of 1812. Having enlisted for during the war, he served six months as a substitute, in the meantime helping to build old Fort Meigs. In 1841, he came to Wabash County, Indiana, and lived here until the year 1863 on the farm with his son Joseph.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 159, "War of 1812".
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Joseph McClintock was born in shelby County, Ohio, in 1822, and came to Wabash County in 1840. He married Rachel Ann Thrush in 1847, and they have been the parents of eight children, five of them living and one married. His father entered 160 acres, being the place on which Joseph still resides. He is an Episcopal Methodist and a Republican, having been in former times a Whig. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812. The family of John McClintock, father of Joseph, consisted of himself and his two unmarried children, and his son-in-law, Watson Briggs, as also his daughter, Mary Ellen Briggs. He was a widower, his first wife having died in Ohio; he married a second wife in 1848, and she is living now. Mr. McClintock, the elder, died in 1863, at the age of seventy-three years, having been born in 1790.
Joseph L. Thrush, the father of Mrs. McClintock, came from Richland County, Ohio, arriving about a week after Mr. McClintock did. His family were himself and wife and five children, one of them being a half-grown lass, the future wife of Mr. joseph McClintock. They made the trip in a Yankee covered wagon, drawn by three horses, having traveled the longer and more tedious journey from Pennsylvania to Richland County, Ohio, years before, when the country was far more wild and unsettled, in a three-horse Pennsylvania Conestoga wagon. Mr. Thrush settled on the Marion * Lagro Road, called the Boundary Road, because it was laid on the eastern boundary of the Big Miami Indian Reservation, which the whites, with their accustomed greediness and disregard of the rights of the weaker party, located wholly upon the Indian land. Some of them have received a sort of reward for the greediness of their predecessors in the fact that the lands on the west side of the boundary are less in extent by half the width of the road. Mr. Thrush died in 1877, at the age of eighty-one, having been born in 1796. At the time of his settlement, there were already residing amidst the forest shades a considerable number who had made themselves pioneers in the wondrous work of changing the desolate waste into the "garden of the Lord." Among these may be mentioned Abner Dillon, one-fourth mile north, who had been there perhaps two or three years; Barnabas Van Ness, one-half mile west; James Smith, who lived East and came in 1839; James Grant, one and a half miles south, who had been there several years; William T. Ross, who came in 1835; Richard and John Duffton and their father, James Duffton, who came there in 1840, and was drowned, say eighteen months later in the Wabash River, in March, 1842; Philip Goodlander, several miles east of Mr. Thrush's.
At that time the people went to mill at English's mill at Lagro. No schoolhouse had them been heard of,. The first schoolhouse was two miles east of Mr. Thrush's, near Washington Dale's, about 1843, and Mr. Dale himself taught the first school there. Her brother boarded at Mr. Dale's and attended school two winters. The first school in the neighborhood of Mr. Thrush's residence was about 1851, near Mr. McDaniel's.
Mrs. McClintock had been at school in Ohio, and she attended only three weeks in Indiana, going to George Moody as her teacher in Grant County, on Josina Creek, in somebody's old log cabin that had been fixed up for a schoolhouse when she first came there. Her folks resided in that neighborhood from October till the next harvest. "When we first got to Grant County," says Mrs. McClintock, "we children lay in a tent under blankets,while father and mother slept in the wagon. It rained hard nearly all night, but before morning the rain turned to snow. As we were moving, by taking the wrong road the wagon went into a mud-hole nearly to the axle. A man who happened to live near came with a horse and helped the wagon out, but in a few rods it got in worse than before, and the goods had to be unloaded, and the family were obliged to camp down and stay all night there.
"The first preaching was by the Disciples, north of LaFontaine, in an old schoolhouse, which, however, was before we came. The first preacher that I heard was Elder John L. Stone, and he lives in Liberty Township now where he lived then. Henry McPherson also held meetings there in that early day."
"Father bought his place second-hand, and there was a little cabin that we could occupy when we first came, that was some (though not very much) better than staying out in the open air. It would keep the rain off and the cold out somewhat, and we had all the woods on the farm to get fuel from to keep a big blazing fire with, to warm us by in the winter."
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana pages 335-336.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Mr. McKimmey was a Friend, who, having been a native-born son of the "Rip Van Winkle State" (North Carolina), thought there was more room for him and his in the great and boundless Northwest. He was born in 1794, moved to Fayette County, Ind., in its early settlement, and after that to Rush County, Indiana, teaching school in the latter county when a young man, and giving promise of active usefulness in his maturity of manhood. He was married in 1819 to Mary Slatter, who had been born in South Carolina in 1799. Mr. McKimmey resided during some years in Wayne and Henry Counties, Ind., removing in 1839 to Wabash County, in the same State, settling one mile south of Lincolnville, and residing in that vicinity until his death in 1865. Mr. McKimmey and his family were (Hicksite) Friends, and he was a Republican, having been formerly a Whig. They had ten children, eight boys and two girls; all lived to be grown; nine have been married, and eight survive to this day. One of the two daughters is the worthy and respected wife of Jehu V. Straughn, who has long been and still is a leading citizen of Lincolnville, and a most estimable and valuable member of the body social and political. Mr. McKimmey was an active and intelligent man, a preacher among Friends, and highly respected and greatly esteemed by the community in general, and by his friends in particular. His aged widow is still living, residing near Lincolnville, being about eighty-four years of age. Some of the settlers when Mr. McKimmey came in 1839 were James Grant, three miles west, who had come to Wabash two years before (1837); William T. Ross, three and one-half miles northwest, on Ross Run, 1835; John Fall, west of New Holland, 1837; Samuel Banthum, two miles north. There were no settlers east within the limits of Wabash County. In Huntington County there was the Jennings family, four miles east. The Satterthwaite family were five miles off. The first good mill was the one built in about 1845, by Minnick Brothers, at Dora, on the Salimony River. Mrs. Straughn, daughter of William McKimmey, was sent back to Wayne County to school at a private institution in Richmond.
Source: HISTORY OF WABASH COUNTY by Thomas B. Helm, Author and Editor; Chicago: John Morris, Printer, 1884 Pg. 336
Submitter: Lillian McKimmey
Thomas Meranda. Jonathan Meranda was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, and his wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Stewart, was a native of Hamilton County, Ohio. They had nine children, viz., John, Isaac, James, Thomas (our subject), Elizabeth, Matilda, Jane, Martha and William S. Thomas Meranda was born in Clark County, Ohio, June 21, 1822. He came to Wabash County, Indiana, in 1850. In 1852, he went to California, where he remained until 1855, when he returned to Wabash County. While in California, he followed the occupation of mining, and was quite successful, having in three years saved enough money to purchase a farm upon his return. The event of his marriage occurred November 6, 1856, being then united with Anna Weaver, whose parents were of Ohio birth. Mr. Meranda served as Justice of the Peace from 1862 to 1872, and was a fair and impartial officer. He is very pleasantly situated on his fertile farm in the suburbs of the village of Laketon, Pleasant Township.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 463.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Daniel D. MILES, M. D., homeopathic physician and surgeon. In the homeopathic practice, Dr. Miles is second to no physician in the county. His general education is thorough, and his professional education was acquired in the Homeopathic College of New York and in Bellevue hospital. His experience has been extensive and successful, and his reputation is well established.
He was born in Miami County, Ohio, October 8, 1830. His father, Dr. David Miles, was a native of South Carolina, but lived in Ohio from an early period. His mother, whose maiden name was Susanna Dibra, was originally from Germany, but was reared in this county. They raised a family of six children, of whom Dr. D. D. was the eldest. Dr. D. D. was brought up in his native county.
After attending private schools in early youth, he entered Earlham college, at Richmond, Indiana, one of the principal Quaker institutions of the country, where he remained as a student three years. While in college his father moved to Wabash County, Indiana, and on leaving college in 1852, went to that place and began the study of medicine under his father, who was a prominent practitioner and had a large medical library. He continued the study for two years, applying himself with great energy, and, having had the advantage of constant instruction front his father, at the expiration of that time he entered into the active practice of his profession. He continued the practice until 1862, when he went to New York and entered Bellevue hospital as a student, remaining there one term. Returning to Wabash county, Indiana, he and Dr. S. D. Jones, his brother-in-law, established the Rural Home Water Cure. Afterwards, in 1863, he went back to New York and entered the Hygo Therapeutic college, from which he was subsequently duly graduated. After his graduation he became the physician in charge of the Knightstown Springs, Indiana, continuing there through the summer. He practiced the following year in Wabash county, and in the fall of 1865 carne to Boonville, where he has since lived and practiced his profession. Here he has had charge of the health office for five years, and was medical examiner for the United States pension office an equal length of time, and until he resigned the position. He takes a deep interest in educational affairs. and has been president of the school board of the city for two years. In all matters relation to the general good he is public spirited and active. Dr. Miles was married in 1855 to Miss Mary Jones, originally of Montgomery county, Ohio. They have six children: Stephen E., now a physician, located at Holden, Missouri ; William, now of New York City, and one of the leading telegraph operators of the country ; Oscar, now attending Earlham college, and Misses Ellen and Leonore, both at home. Resolved to keep up with the progress of his profession, Dr. Miles attended the Homeopathic Medical college, of Chicago, in 1881-2, from which he was graduated with distinction.
Once in a generation, if a community be favored by Providence, there appears a physician of such transcendent ability, filled with such love for humanity and for his profession, that he towers above his contemporaries, is revered and his memory held green unto the third generation. Boonville and its vicinity was thus blessed when, in the year 1864 Dr. Daniel D. Miles arrived and announced that he had come to make his home there and to practice his profession. For almost fifty years he was known to almost every man, woman and child in Cooper and Howard Counties.
A few, a very few, of those who were young half a century ago will recall the advent of the sturdy young doctor at whom all looked askance for he stood convicted of the double crime of youth and of preaching a new doctrine in therapeutics, which was that medicine need not be vile in taste or drastic in action to produce curative results. Here was a heresy which none of the present generation can comprehend, for lack of experience with "old time" medicines.
The young physician was at once ostracised by the other doctors who refused to meet him in consultation, this being equivalent to forbidding the people to employ the new doctor for a consultation, and was held over all patients who were seriously ill, a sort of "last sacrament" without which one might not die in comfort.
For years the new doctor was employed only in cases where patients "were going to die anyway;" but in the course of time it began to be noticed that they did not die! Then some of the bolder citizens called the doctor at night, for it would never do to have the heretic seen entering the homes of respectable people. For a long, long time the good man did not understand why he should be so busy only after nightfall, but he soon grew accustomed to it and then the night calls lapped over into the early morning hours and finally into regular day calls, after which the doctor had little opportunity of distinguishing night from day so far as professional duties were concerned, for his days were not infrequently twenty four hours long.
"For over twenty years I did not have a full night's sleep," he told me some years ago. He (did not add that he was often more ill than those to whom he ministered, for Dr. Miles was a lifelong sufferer from asthma which was of a violent type and yielded slowly or, not at all to medication.
Intensely hot weather gave him his only respite. After being deprived of essential sleep for many nights, it was not unusual for wayfarers to meet the doctor's horse grazing by the roadside with his exhausted master sound asleep on the buggy seat; and oft times the same faithful horse would bring the sleeping man safely home on the darkest night.
A giant in stature, endowed with titanic physical endurance, he never spared himself, expending his wonderful energy without thought of financial return. In fact he was as a child in money matters, far more likely was he to leave a coin at the bedside of a needy patient than to ask a fee. Literally he defied the elements in making his round of professional calls. One night while a blizzard was raging and the snow was drifting over the fence tops, he was called twelve miles in the country to see a croupy child. Getting out of his warm bed, he hitched his horse to a sleigh and after overcoming incredible difficulties, he arrived at the farmer's home, his hands and feet numb with cold. Pounding on the door for several minutes, he finally had the satisfaction of hearing the second story window being raised and a voice call out quite cheerily: "That you, doctor? Well, when we sent for you little Bessie was pretty bad,but she seems all right now so we won't need you. Good night!"
Down came the window leaving the doctor no alternative but to return home. Being now thoroughly chilled and almost exhausted, he faced the terrible storm once more and managed to reach home by daylight. This is but one case of boorish ingratitude; there must have been thousands of them but no complaint did I ever hear from this great-hearted, gentle, natural man; if he was at times treated discourteously, he was too big to allow it to color his life or his work; on the other hand he earned and retained the love and gratitude of thousands and this made life very sweet to him.
Dr. Miles remained in active practice until past eighty-three years of age and even then he put off the harness only at the earnest solicitation of his family, when growing infirmities made the burden of professional duties too heavy for the grand old veteran of many battles with Death. He could conquer when he fought for others, for these he poured out his health, his strength, his knowledge and his love. What was left? Only a shell and when Death's great ally, Time, gave notice to the Reaper that he might now strike with impunity, who shall say that Death did not remember his ancient adversary and touch that shell gently and with awe!
Note: In the 1860 census, the family was living in Noble Township, Wabash County, Indiana ... page 205 --- Daniel D. Miles is 29, born in Ohio, Mary J. is 30, born in Ohio, Stephen E. is 4, born in Indiana, Mary A. is 2, born in Indiana and William O. is 6 months, born in Indiana.
Source: Cooper Co. biographical sketches from the "1883 History of Howard and Cooper County" with a smattering of Howard Co. bios and bios from the 1919 History of Cooper County Missouri by W. F. Johnson.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Abram Miller, a worthy and extensive agriculturist of Pleasant Township, was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, April 21, 1824. His father, Michael Miller, was of Pennsylvania birth, and his mother, whose maiden name was Sarah Creamer, was also a native of the same State. They were the parents of eleven children, nine of whom are married and still survive; five reside in Indiana, three in Ohio and one in Iowa. Mr. Miller, Sr., had five children by a subsequent marriage. Early in life, Abram chose the occupation of farming, and in 1850 moved to Wabash County, Indiana, and settled upon his present farm. At the time of purchase, the premises were covered with a dense forest, in which deer abounded. Mr. Miller cleared the place and has a fertile farm, with ample farm buildings. He is the father of eight children, two of whom died in infancy -- Lydia married G. Butterbaugh, Henry E. married Sarah L. Landis, Mary E. married John Cupp, and John W., Emma M. and Jacob remain single. Mr. Miller is the owner of nearly 800 acres of choice land. As a citizen, he stands high in the esteem of his fellow men. His temperate life, quiet demeanor and close attention to his occupation commanding respect, and gaining for him the regard and confidence, not only of the community, but of the entire county. He united when a youth with the German Baptist Church, and has since been an earnest worker therein.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana pages 462-463.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
FLORANDEEN MILLER, farmer, P.O. North Manchester. Florandeen, son of John and Elizabeth (Steel) Miller, was born in Ohio December 30, 1832. His father was born in Germany, and his mother in Pennsylvania. Both are now deceased. They came to Wabash County in 1843, and purchased 135 acres of unimproved land, from which they developed a fine farm. They had fourteen children, thirteen of whom grew to maturity. Two of their sons, George and William, were in Illinois regiments during the late war. William served until the close of the war, but George died from drinking at a spring that had been poisoned by the rebels. The subject of this sketch was married, January 1, 1854, to Eliza Strickler, daughter of Emanuel and Sarah (Zortman) Strickler. They have three children, viz., Mary E., Sarah E. and Emanuel F. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Miller is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and Blue Ribbon Lodge.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 295.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
JOHN MILLER, farmer, P. O. North Manchester, was born in Lancaster County, Penn., March 11, 1830. His parents, Frederick and Elizabeth, were both natives of that State, and both died there. Mr. Miller came to Wabash County, Ind., in 1853, and purchased eighty acres of land in Pleasant Township. This he subsequently sold, and purchased his present home in Chester Township, to which he has added until he now has 447 acres. He was married, February 6, 1853, to Miss Esther Shively, a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, and daughter of Christian and Barbara (Ulery) Shively. They are the parents of nine children, eight of whom are now living, viz., Christian, Guilford, Lydia, John, Nathaniel, Joseph, Clara and Esli. Samuel died at the age of twenty-two years. Mr. Miller has risen in the world by his own exertions, and his success is the result of industry. He has a fine farm under good cultivation. For four years he worked at the tanner's trade, but has since been engaged in farming and the live stock trade. In politics, he is a Republican, and himself and a portion of his family are members of the German Baptist Church. Three of his sons and one daughter are married--Christian to Martha Shively, and Guilford to Elizabeth Snepp. The former is living near his father, and the latter in Kosciusko County. Nathaniel married Alice Cripe, and Lydia is the wife of Noah Landis.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 295.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Samuel F. Miller was born in Allen County, Ohio, February 10, 1840. His father, Abraham Miller, was a native of Rockingham, Virginia, and his mother, whose maiden name was Saloma Frantz, was born in Franklin County, Virginia. They were the parents of thirteen children, of whom Samuel F. was the youngest. He came from Ohio to Wabash County, Indiana, in 1865, and was married, May 20, 1866, to Martha Harter. Her father, Israel Harter, was a native of Ohio, while her mother was a Canadian. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have had four children, viz., Emmett (deceased), Ada, Olive and Wealthy. Mr. Miller has a farm of eighty acres, upon which he resides, and has comfortable and convenient buildings. Himself and wife are memebers of the German Baptist Church.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 463.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Autobiography of Dr. John Moritz Modricker
(1833-1907) Wabash physician
Source: Family Papers.
Submitter: John Modricker, great grandson.
John E. Mohler was born in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, October 28, 1845. His father, Samuel Mohler, died November 26, 1853, and his mother, Mary Mohler, now the widow of Daniel Cripe, is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Mohler, Sr., had six children. John E. came to Wabash County, Indiana in 1852, where he remained several years, and then went to Tippecanoe County, Indiana. Finally, at the age of twenty-seven years, he returned to Wabash County, since which time he ahs engaged at farming, until the past several years, he has given his attention to the drug business in Laketon, Wabash County. April 6, 1869, Mr. Mohler was married to Clara M. Shaw. Her parents, Ezra D. and Francis M. Shaw, were natives of New York and Illinois respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Mohler have had four children, only one of whom survives, viz., Mertie E. Mr. and Mrs. Mohler are members of the German Baptist Church.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 463.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
The Mount farm and the Mount deadening were objects of well-known interest to wayfarers through the Wabash roads, whether land hunters, deer hunters, or in later years, corn hunters. David Mount, a rich farmer of Metamora, Franklin Co., Ind., called also Judge Mount, because he held the office in early times as Associate Judge, came into the forests north of the Wabash, and selected and entered many tracts of choice land, from 1830 onward. The first entry in his name is recorded in the Tract Book as having taken place November 10,1830, as follows: 217.70 acres in Section 2, Town 28, Range 5, entered in the name of Samuel Merrill and David Mount. November 10, 1830, Judge Mount is affirmed by some who think they know the fact, to have become the owner by govermental entry of 3,500 acres of land; 800 acres of this land lay in one great body in Paw Paw Township , south of the Eel River, the tract being known as the "Mount estate." This tract of 800 acre was given to Peter Mount by his father, Judge David Mount. Some years after the entry of this land, a considerable deadening was made, whether by Judge Mount or Peter Mount we cannot tell. It was made at any rate, and remained uncleared for several years, and became known far and near. It grew up to shrubs and briers, and turned out to be in time a famous place for hunting, and it was made also a conspicuous mark for the guidance of travelers.
Mr. Peter Mount remained unmarried until somewhat late in life, spending more or less time upon his land in Paw Paw, deadening and clearing and otherwise improving upon the tract. The amount of land in the deadening cannot now be stated. Some declare that it contained 200 acres, while others aver that forty to sixty acres will cover the whole. But it matters not, the deadening was there at any rate, and by and by a fine farm was opened, and Mr. Peter Mount established his domicile thereon. He was born in New Jersey in 1810; his father, David Mount, was the parent of six children, three sons and three daughters - Sarah, James, Jonathan, Peter, Rebecca and Maria. Peter was married to Miss Eliza Ellen Kidd February 4, 1847. Miss Kidd was born October 23, 1824. Their eldest child, who is now the wife of James H. Barnhart, residing on the Mount farm, of which her husband has been for fifteen years the care-taker and manager, was born November 30, 1847. Mr. Mount did not live long after his marriage, his death occurring April 3, 1849. Two children were born to him, the second of which he never saw, as its birth was subsequent to his death.
His widow has since been twice married, and is for the third time a widow, having been such since the death of her third husband. She was married the second time to Adam Haas, April 5, 1857, by whom she had one child - Charles S. Haas, who is now engaged in the office of the Wabash Courier. Mr. Haas died August 24, 1868, and after a widowhood of nearly seven years, Mrs. Haas was married the third time, January 13, 1875, to Archibald Kennedy, who died in about two years, February 8, 1877, and Mrs. Kennedy remains still a widow, having been such in all about twenty-one years. The family to which she belongs is a remarkable one. Her parents were Edmund J. and Christiana (DeCamp) Kidd. Her father was born in Carolina County, Va., September 14, 1793, and her mother April 12, 1803, in Addison County, Vt. They were the parents of fourteen children. Ten of them lived to be grown and ten have been married. Edmund J. Kidd died in Miami County, Ind., May 29, 1861, aged about sixty-eight, and his widow still survives, being eighty years old. The children, with their births, etc., were these: Eliza Ellen, born October 23, 1824, married three times; James Lawrence, born October 1, 1826, dead; Meredith Helm, January 7, 1829, resides in Wabash; Parker, November 25, 1830, dead; Mary Ann, September 16, 1832, in Peru; Martha Jane, February 24, 1835, dead; Elmer Elwell, January 14, 1837, dead; Amanda Frances, October 20, 1838, Granite Falls, Min.; Harriet Alice, November 2, 1840, De Witt County, Ill.; Maria. Louisa, September 1, 1843, Albuquerque, N. M.; Sarah Josephine, August 10, 1845, Miami County, Ind.; Gideon Paramore, October 1, 1847, Roann, Ind.; Charles Redfield, April 11, 1850, Miami County, Ind.; an infant, no name.
Peter Mount and his father, David Mount, were old Whigs. Mr. Kidd was a Whig and later a Republican, and his wife and himself were Methodists of the most earnest sort, joining in 1832, more than fifty years ago.
Mrs. Kennedy has also been for many years and still is a most sincere and active member of that useful body. She is, moreover, a thorough and steadfast advocate of the cause of total abstinence. At the death of her first husband, she removed to Miami County, remaining there eight years; coming in 1857 to Wabash, she has been mostly a resident of that city, ever since. Her three husbands were all excellent men, and Mrs K. herself highly beloved.
Mr. Edmund J. Kidd was brought by his parents from Virginia to Kentucky in 1803. The father of E. J. K. was nearly broken up in fortune by buying slaves and bringing them to Kentucky, because be would not separate families. The father of Mrs. K. came to Brookville, Ind. in (about) 1816. He owned at one time a woolen factory, but he sold it out and followed farming. He first met his wife in Connersville, and married her there. They came to Miami County, Ind., in 1837, when nearly all was woods. They could hear the wolves howl almost any night, and could see the deer well-nigh every day.
Mr. Peter Mount was a pleasing, affable, quiet, genial gentleman, an economical and thrifty business man, and a valuable member of the community; and it is greatly to be regretted that such a life as his could not have been prolonged, that he might have risen to honor among his fellow-citizens.
The Mount dwelling, now standing, was built about 1850, by a gentleman who had rented the place for a series of years, Mr. James McClure. He grew rich, leasing the farm for 75 cents an acre for the cleared land, and raising seventy to eighty bushels of corn to the acre and selling it sometimes for 75 cents a bushel. In one year he took a contract to deliver 5,000 bushels of his own raising, at Wabash,for 75 cents. He filled the contract, hiring all the teams in the neighborhood to help him haul the corn off, and he got his money. The estate is still managed undivided, since Mrs. K. has her life dower upon it. An arrangement has been made, however, by which she has the exclusive use during her life of one-half the land, four hundred acres.
Judge Mount came to Franklin County, Ind., in 1808 or 1809, being the outside settler, eight miles northwest of Brookville on White Water River. He was Associate Judge, as also member of the Legislature. He lived near a small town and, in about 1832, a storm blew the whole thing away. William Holland was the store keeper and some of his goods were found miles and miles away in Dearborn County. Henry Pond had a tan yard and the storm blew away his dwelling and tannery, and would have taken him, too, but he held to some shrubs and, strangely enough, made out to cling fast to Mother Earth.
Source: History of Wabash County, Indiana, 1884. (Paw Paw Township by Professor E, Tucker, pages 429 & 430). Chicago, Illinois. USA: John Morris, 1884.
Submitter: David R. Guinnup, great-grandnephew of Eliza Ellen Kidd (03/05/2009)
Neri M. Mowrer, farmer, P. O. North Manchester, was born in Pennsylvania April 18, 1828. His parents, Samuel and Susanna (Howell) Mowrer, were also natives of that State, but removed to Wayne County, Ohio, about the year 1828. They had thirteen children, nine of whom are now living. Neri, the subject of this sketch, came to Wabash County, Indiana, in 1847, and has followed the carpenter’s trade together with the pursuit of farming. In January, 1864, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirtieth Indiana Regiment, and took part in the battles of Kingston, North Carolina, and Nashville, Tennessee. His brothers, Perry, Jacob and Madison, were also in the Union army. The former was in the Forty-sixth Indiana, and the two latter were in the Forty-seventh. Jacob enlisted in 1861, serving until the close of the war/ On the 5th of April 1852, Mr. Mowrer was married to Nancy J. West, a native of Ohio, and daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Mills) West. Her father was a native of Kentucky, and her mother of Virginia. They are the parents of ten children, six of whom are living, viz., Alonzo E., William L., Olive M., Geneva, Frank and Cora L. Their son, Alonzo E., is a graduate of the Normal School at Terre Haute, Indiana, and a very successful teacher. Their daughter Mary (deceased) married William Taylor; William married Nancy E. Pavy; Alice M. married Marcus Wright. Mr. Mowrer has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1858. He is identified with Deming Lodge, No. 88. Himself and three of his children are members of the Christian Church. Mrs. Mowrer had two brothers, Amos L. and James H. West in the Union service during the late war. Alonzo E. married Emogene Turner, also a graduate of the Normal School at Terre Haute. Both himself and wife have positions in the public high school at Shelbyville, Indiana.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 295.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Charles A. Moyer, one of the most popular and successful young farmers of Pleasant township, Wabash county, Ind., is a native Indianian and a young man who is an honor to the state as well as the township in which he lives. He was born in Perry township, Miami county, Ind., September 23, 1862, and is the second son of Jesse and Eliza (Hoover) Moyer, both natives of Ohio. His brother, whose biography also appears in this volume, is George N. Moyer of Laketon, Ind., proprietor of the Laketon Nurseries. When our subject was two years of age he removed with his parents to Wabash county, Ind., and settled on the farm where he now lives. He was educated in the district schools of Pleasant township and the Laketon schools and acquired a liberal education. He chose agriculture as his vocation for life and has been eminently successful, being known as a progressive, careful and intelligent farmer, prosperous and enterprising and, above all, of a moral character above reproach.
Mr. Moyer was united in marriage May 16, 1885, to Miss Etnie Mylin, of Paw Paw township, Wabash county, Ind. Mrs. Moyer is the eldest of four children born to Henry and Mary (Sholty) Mylin and was born in Chester township, Wabash county, September 1, 1866. She was educated in the public schools and is a lady of varied accomplishments and well known as a woman of culture and refinement. She is an ideal hostess, a loving wife and affectionate mother who gives her attention to the improvement of her home and the education and training of their little daughter, Ethel E., the only child born to them. Mis Ethel was born February 22, 1891, and is a charming little daughter, the pride of her parents and a favorite with all who know her.
Mr. Moyer is one of the most prominent citizens of Pleasant township. He is a man who believes in public improvements and the advancement of the public welfare. Every movement for the advancement of the people at large meets his hearty approval and he is ever ready to put his shoulder to the wheel to help in a commendable enterprise. He is an earnest supporter of the public schools and does all in his power to encourage those who are seeking an education to put forth their best efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer are highly esteemed and honored citizens of Pleasant township. Their home is famous for the unbounded hospitality and supreme good fellowship which prevails, and the guests who are entertained within its walls always carry pleasant recollections of the deligthtful entertainment afforded by these estimable and popular young people.
Source: p. 597 et seq. of Biographical Memoirs of Wabash County, Indiana, published 1901 by B. F. Bowen, Publishers, Chicago
Submitter: Don T. Mitchell, great nephew of Etnie (Mylin) Moyer
Mr. Moyer was born in Pennsylvania in 1800, was brought to Montgomery Oounty, Ohio, in 1802, and came to Wabash County, Ind., in 1841. He was married, in 1821, in Montgomery County, Ohio, to Elizabeth Narr, and they had nine children, six of whom grew up. The emigrating group in coming from Ohio to Wabash County was large and interesting, containing several families, ten or eleven wagons with teams, some having two or three span of horses, and thirty-five or forty people, besides a large-drove of animals of various kinds. A considerable number of persons came simply from curiosity, and some were hired to help drive the teams and the stock. The journey was not very long either in distance or in time, beginning on Tuesday and ending on Saturday. It was not, however, without some trouble, the rain pouring down from the skies much of the time for two days. On their journey, they met several six-horse teams that were hauling great heavy wagons laden to the full with pork, bound for Cincinnati. Their route lay through Eaton, Richmond, Williamsburg, Economy, Muncie, Marion. He entered 180 acres, but he lived not to improve or to enjoy his new home, for he died June 14, 1844, aged forty-four years. That season was very wet and very sickly, Mrs. Loudenbarger died first, and then Mr. Moyer, and after him many others. The sickness was s0 severe and so general that the crops could not be attended nor gathered. The season was so wet also, that almost nothing was raised. Jessie Moyer, on seven acres, raised only twenty bushels of corn. The squirrels were very plenty also, and ate up much of the little that did grow. Wild hogs were abundant in the woods, but not very easily managed. A man had caught some wild hogs (young ones) and shut them in a pen in the woods, and he traded them to Mr. Moyer. The purchaser went to the pen, caught and tied the shoats and hauled them home, putting them in a tight inclosure. The creatures would not fatten, and by and by got out and cleared themselves for the timber and Mr. Moyer let them slide, glad to get rid of the squealing, yelling, fighting torments. Michael Moyer was an excellent citizen and a worthy and exemplary Christian, and his untimely death was a heavy loss to the feeble band of believers gathered in that fearful wilderness. His dust lies deposited in the Elliott Graveyard, and on his tombstone may be read the fitting monumental inscription, "Michael Moyer, a worthy member of the United Brethren Church, died June 24, 1844, forty-four years." Peace to his memory!
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana, page 396.
Submitter: Mike Sweeney
Jesse Moyer was born in Ohio June 21, 1830, son of Mathias and Mary Moyer. His parents came east from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania and established the first nursery in northern Indiana. They first settled near the Wabash-Miami County lines and later moved to Laketon.
Jesse married Eliza Hoover (born June 21, 18400, daughter of Elias Hoover (born 1815) who came to Wabash County in 1844 and Mary (Whitmier) Hoover, Pennsylvania, daughter of George who died February 16, 1855, and Anna Whitmier who died January 13, 1878 and are buried in Laketon Cemetery.
Jesse's wife, Eliza, came from a family of 9: Eliza, Margaret, Nancy Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Emily, Hezakiah, Henry, George Washington, and Charles Albert.Eliza was a real pioneer wife of Laketon. Jesse died 1887 and is buried in Laketon Cemetery. They were parents of two: Charles and George Noble. Eliza then married James Horning who was born in 1835. By a former marriage James was the father of two sons: Clyde and Earl, the latter going to Africa to live for a time. James died in 1928 and Eliza died in 1925. She was buried in the Laketon Cemetery.
Charles Moyer, son of Jesse and Eliza Moyer, was born in Miami County. When he was two years old, his family moved to Laketon. He married Etna Mylin and they were farmers. Etna died seven years later and Charles died January 25, 1887. They are buried in Laketon Cemetery. They were parents of two: Ethel and Charles M. Moyer, Jr.
Ethel Moyer married Randall Longenecker. They were parents of three. Keith Marvin (June 16, 1912) married Vada M. Kinzie December 28, 1945. Keith died December 27, 1971. They were parents of Mrs. Gray (Kathaleen) Jurek, Gonzales, Texas; Vickie Lynn (Mrs. Dennis R. Horoho) Laketon; Lisa (Mrs. Ted Alan Little, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Little, North Manchester; Mrs. (Rosalee) Bridge, North Manchester; Mrs. Ronald (Sally) Week, Tonasket, Washington. Other children of Ethel and Randall Longenecker are Mrs. Ralph Foster, Marion, and Mrs. Lois Knee, North Manchester.
Charles M. Moyer, Jr. was born August 18, 1903, in Laketon. August 9, 1926, he married Josephine Haupert, daughter of Joe, Sr. and Helena (Wendell) Haupert. Charles was senior member of the Moyer and Haupert Funeral Home, Akron. Josephine died in 1952. The following year, Charles married Edna Jones. He retired because of ill health, died February 12, 1968, and was buried in Akron Cemetery. He was the parent of one son, Don Moyer, Brownsburg, and a stepson, Kim Jones.
George Noble Moyer, second son of Jesse and Eliza Moyer, was born December 8, 1860. He was the founder of the Laketon Nursery in 1880 and a member of the Indiana State Nursery Association. He married Rosa Thomas, who died in 1941. They were parents of three.
George Noble Moyer married second time to his wife's sister. They became the parents of four: John, who with his wife, Grace, took over the Laketon Nursery; Grace Moyer, married Carl Zimpleman, make their home in North Manchester; Walter Moyer, Laketon, deceased; Celia Moyer who has a home in Elkhart.
Mary Moyer, daughter of George, married Charles Speicher, Evanston, Illinois. Carrie Moyer married Noel Schull, Muncie.
Robert Lincoln Moyer, son of George born March 29, 1883, married Trula Fern Sanderson, born August 15, 1887, daughter of Frank and Alsadie Sanderson. They made their home in Gilead. Fern died in February 1948, and is buried in Laketon Cemetery. They were parents of six. Jesse Lee Moyer, born April 23, 1905, married Bertha Easterday. They make their home in Silver Lake. They are parents of five: Harold Lee, Mae, Herbert Earl, Thelma, and Merideth Lynn. George Franklin Moyer, born September 1, 1910, married first Barbara Coon and second Fern ?. They made their home in Macy. George died December 25, 1973, buried in Silver Creek Cemetery. He had a stepson, Richard Lee. Beulah Mae, born April 6, 1918, married and has a home in Macy. They are parents of Beverly, Louise, Nancy, Lawrence Everet and Dennis. William Raymond Moyer, born in Miami County, married Mary Beam. He died July 22, 1940. They had one daughter, Evelyn Marie. Mildred Moyer, born January 25, 1921, married Keith Snyder. They made their home in South Whitley. Keith died January 22, 1973. They were parents of one daughter, Marcia Elaine who married a student from India. They make their home there. Marcia is the mother of Mya Datta, Manek, Ricky Keith, Depolli.
Robert Lincoln Moyer married a second time, following the death of his first wife, to Sadie Moore who had two children, Mrs. Fred (Pauline) Stein and Pete Young.
Robert Wayne Moyer, born July 11, 1929, married Ruth Stouffer. They live in Roann and are the parents of three: Ronald Lee Moyer (born December 6, 1947), married Kathy Harris and are parents of Julia Ann and make their home in Wabash. Richard Dean Moyer (born January 5, 1949), married Kitty Tyner Mendenhall and are parents of Lisa Ann and Kimberly Jo, live in Wabash; Cheryle Ann Moyer (born May 9, 1950) married Edward Brinkle and were parents of Angela Marie.
[Update, Jan 2014 by Angela Marie Moyer, granddaughter of Robert Wayne Moyer]
[Robert Wayne Moyer, born July 11, 1929 married Ruth Ann Stouffer (b. Oct. 1928) on September 5, 1947. They were the parents of three children: Ronald Lee Moyer (b. December 6, 1947) married Kathi Harris and are the parents of Julie Ann and Michael. Richard Dean Moyer. (B. January 5, 1949) married Kitty Tyner Mendenhall and are the parents of Lisa Ann, Kimberly Jo, and Chad. Cheryle Ann Moyer (b. March 9, 1950) married Edward Brindle Jr. and were the parents of Angela Marie. They divorced and Cheryle married Brian "Bud" Steele (b. January 5, 1951) on January 6, 1978. They had two children: Travis Wayne and Amy Renee.]
[Dates of death:
Robert Wayne Moyer d. July 1990.
Ruth Ann Stouffee d. July 1998.
Cheryle Ann Moyer d. July 3, 2012]
Source: 1976 History of Wabash County, Indiana, page 435-436.
Submitter: Mrs. Lawrence Coblentz
John Murphy was born June 1, 1824, in York County, Pennsylvania and came with his parents to Ohio in 1829, where he received such education as the schools of those days afforded. March 26, 1850, he was married to Anna Judy, a native of Champaign County, Ohio, who was born July 26, 1830. The couple are the parents of the following children: Susan, Joseph, John P., Mary, Sarah, Lydia, David, James, George, Charles, Emanuel and William. Philip Murphy, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and also a native of York County, Pennsylvania. He was married to Elizabeth Sterner, and settled in this state in 1849, where he died May 12, 1875 and his wife in August, 1882. David Judy, the father of Anna (Judy) Murphy, was a native of Virginia, as was his wife Susan (Finch) Judy. The couple settled in Wabash County in 1843. John Murphy owns a good farm of 160 acres and is a worthy citizen.
Source: Helms 1884 Edition of Wabash County History page 270.
Submitter: John Wilson
John F. Murphy, son of Oliver P. and America (Flora) Murphy, was born in Wabash County, Indiana, March 5, 1842. Oliver P. Murphy was one of the earliest settlers of Wabash County, having located in La Gro Township in 1836. John F. was engaged in the duties upon the home farm until 1861, when he enlisted in the Fourteenth Indiana Battery, with which he took part in the siege of Corinth. In a skirmish with Forrest, he, with twenty-five men of the battery, was taken prisoner. They were paroled and furloughed home, but as soon as an exchange was effected he rejoined the battery at Corinth, Mississippi. He remained in the army until the close of the war, and participated in many of the principal battles, where he distinguished himself by his bravery and hard fighting. After the war, Mr. Murphy returned to his former home, and was married, May 30, 1866, to Angeline Anson. To this marriage was born one son - Frank. Mrs. Murphy died in 1868. The present Mrs. Murphy, to whom he was united September 14, 1869, was Miss Elizabeth Bechtol, a native of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy are the parents of four children, viz: Olive Ellena, Irvin, Augustus and John Lee.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 369.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
John F. Murphy. Born more than three score and ten years ago in Lagro Township, John F. Murphy has not only lived through all the scenes from pioneer times to the more modern electric age, has witnessed such transformations as few other men now living can recall, but at the same time has fought a good fight all his own from poverty to a prosperity only a little short of wealth. It is a story of individual, hard-won success, and is not without its lesson and inspiration.
Mr. Murphy resides five miles east of Urbana, on the Murphy Pike, and owns four hundred acres, one hundred and sixty acres situated in Chester Township and the remainder in Lagro.
His parents were Oliver P. and America (Flora) Murphy. The former was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, and the latter in Fayette County, Indiana, coming to Wabash County with her mother and a half-brother, William T. Ross. The Ross family located three and a half miles south of Lagro, where the Ross Run Church now stands, as a family memorial in that locality.
Oliver P. Murphy on coming to Wabash County settled on the first farm east of that of William T. Ross, locating there about three years later.
Oliver Murphy first came to this country in 1836, and was one of a party of about ten men who came and entered land in the same locality. They walked from Fayette County, Indiana, and after making his selection Oliver Murphy walked on to the Fort Wayne land office, paid two hundred dollars in gold for a quarter section at a dollar and a quarter per acre, and in the meantime, in order to prepare his land partially for cultivation, he had deadened a portion of the heavy timber which covered it. After that he walked all the way back to Fayette County, and in 1840 returned to take possession. He married Miss America Flora, and they began housekeeping in a cabin in the woods. After clearing and cultivating a portion of that land for some years he sold in 1851 and moved to Lagro, where he built a warehouse on the banks of the old canal and engaged in the buying of grain. That venture was not successful and he lost a great deal of money. His death occurred July 30, 1861, when forty-five years of age. His wife passed away in 1871, at the age of fifty-two. Their children were: John Flora, born March 5, 1842; Peter S., born December 11, 1844; Emily, now deceased, born March 11, 1848; Morris, deceased, born February 21, 1850; Caroline, born March 27, 1853; Flora Bell, born March 5, 1858. The mother of this family was born in 1820, and the father in 1815.
John F. Murphy was born March 5, 1842, the eldest of the children, and first saw the light of day on the old home farm first mentioned and all the children with the exception of the youngest were born there. He was ten years of age when the family moved to Lagro. It was one of the typical old schools which John F. Murphy attended while living in the country, a one-room structure built of logs, heated by a bog fireplace at one end, from which ascended a mud and stick chimney, and all the older boys had as a part of their school duties the task of cutting and bringing in the firewood. While attending that school he sat on a rough slab bench, wrote with a goosequill pen and studied the three Rs, which constituted the bulk of the curriculum in those days. After the family moved to Lagro he attended a one-room school house of frame construction. His home was in Lagro until 1870, and during his early youth he had assisted his father in the old grain warehouse situated on the canal.
A few years after attaining man's estate John F. Murphy enlisted, on February 28, 1862, in the Fourteenth Indiana Battery, under Captain M. H. Kidd. Captain Kidd was later promoted major, and was succeeded by Frank Morris as captain. Mr. Murphy saw long and arduous service as a soldier, and is one of the honored veterans who still survive that great war. On December 18, 1862, at the battle of Lexington, Tennessee, he was taken prisoner, but was subsequently paroled, returned to Indianapolis and was exchanged, after which he rejoined his regiment. He fought with his command in all its many battles and campaigns, and was for thirteen days engaged in the siege of Mobile, Alabama; was at Guntown, Mississippi, where his battery lost two guns, and was in the final great battle of the war at Nashville, besides many others of lesser importance. From the roar of the cannon his hearing was so impaired that he has suffered that incapacity ever since, and that was one of the sacrifices which he made for the Union. His honorable discharge was given at Indianapolis, September 1, 1865, and he then returned to Lagro.
In the spring following his return from the army, on May 30, 1866, Mr. Murphy married Angeline Anson, who died January 28, 1868, leaving one child. This child, Frank Murphy, lives on the Chester Township farm of his father, and he married Eva Huddleston.
On September 14, 1869, Mr. Murphy married Elizabeth Bechtol, and to them the following children have been born: Olive, living at home; Irving, who lives across the road from his father's place, and who married Loretta Ellison; Augustus, mentioned at the close of this sketch; Frank, who lives in Chester Township; and John Lee, who died when twenty-one years of age. Mr. Murphy also has four grandchildren, namely: Fern, who married Cecil Martin, and has two children, Joseph William and Ralph T.; Ralph; Robert John; and Ruby Elizabeth.
Mrs. John F. Murphy was born three miles north of Marion in Grant County, a daughter of Edward and Emily (Huff) Bechtol. Her father was born and reared in Virginia, and was left an orphan at the age of nine. He came north at the age of twenty-five years, having married in Virginia. His wife was a daughter of John and Dorothea (Chapman) Huff, the Huffs having come from Pennsylvania and the Chapmans from England.
Edward Bechtol was a self-made man who never had school advantages, but who, Nevertheless, acquired a substantial position in life. He lived near Marion until Mrs. Murphy was nine years of age, and then settled on the Dora Pike in Wabash County. There he acquired five hundred acres of land. Mr. Bechtol died there, and his wife passed away at Wabash.
There were ten children in the Bechtol family, as follows: Francis, who is seventy-nine years of age and is living in Seattle, Washington; John, of Lagro Township; Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy; Anna, who lives in Marion; Edward, of Wabash; Wesley, of Marion; Emma, of Wabash; Alice, whose home is in Marion; Sylvia, of Wabash; and Alena, of Marion.
John F. Murphy received his financial start in life from the money paid him as a soldier of the Union.
After the death of his first wife he took his little son, then but four months old, to the home of his mother, and was thus free to prosecute his endeavors and finally accumulated enough to enable him to buy his first farm in January, 1876. Previous to this time he had rented land. This purchase was a portion of his present farm in Lagro Township.
He moved his household to that place on March 22, 1870, and the eighty acres were largely in the midst of the green woods, with a poor log house as the only shelter for his family.
From that time forward he steadily prospered, and six years later erected his present comfortable abode. Mr. Murphy has long since reached a position far above want, and does considerable business in loaning his surplus.
He has done a large business in live stock, having sold many carloads of cows, though he never bought one. He buys heifers, raises them on his farm, and then sends them to market. He has also dealt in horses, hogs, sheep, and has never sold a bushel of corn from his farm, provided he had anything to feed it to.
Another rule of his business life is that he has never given a mortgage. He and his sons now carry on farming operations together.
One of the sources of profit from his land has been the timber, much of which has been converted into firewood and sold in the town.
Mr. Murphy had very few advantages in the way of education when a boy, having had to work too hard to absorb much book knowledge. However, he has since educated himself by outside reading, and has even looked into law books, as he quaintly says.
He is one of the honored members of the James H. Emmett Post, No. 6, G. A. R., at Wabash, and in politics is a democrat.
If one could transcribe all the pictures contained in the early recollections of this venerable Lagro citizen they would present a faithful representation of pioneer days. he can remember the Indians, when they camped near the old farm, and herds of deer and other wild animals were often seen in the clearings.
Augustus Murphy, a son of the Wabash County pioneer, was born in the log cabin on his father's farm, April 4, 1874. He has followed agricultural pursuits throughout his life, and is now residing on a farm of one hundred and twenty acres of well improved land located one mile south of Servia, in Chester Township, Wabash County, engaged in general farming and stock raising. He is a democrat in Politics and has fraternal relations with the Knights of Pythias at Manchester.
Augustus Murphy married, on 28th of December, 1898, Miss Emma Troxel, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Amacher) Troxel.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana, pages 727 - 729.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Jesse Myers, Sr. This venerable and Christian gentleman may properly be called one of the old settlers of Wabash County, as he was the second white man who located in Pleasant Township. His parents, John and Sarah (Royer) Myers, were natives of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and had thirteen children, only four of whom are now living. Jesse Myers was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, August 13, 1809. He attended school during his youth and obtained a good education. He was united in marriage, August, 1828, with Lavina Lukens, with whom he lived happily until they were separated by the death of Mrs. Myers, May 4, 1872. They were the parents of the following children, viz., Wilson H., Joseph T., Cordelia, Samantha, Martha, Albert, Sarah Ann, Theressa, Nancy S., Caroline M., Evangeline. Mr. Myers came to Wabash County, Indiana in June, 1835, and settled in what is now known as Pleasant Township. In 1839, he moved to Kosciusko County, Indiana, where he remained until 1855, and then went to Iowa, finally returning to Pleasant Township in 1864. He has been a minister in the German Baptist Church since 1856. Elder Myers and Col. Anderson named the township of Pleasant. Mr. Myers was again married, June 17, 1873, to Mrs. Lettie Miller, a native of Virginia. She had fifteen children by a former marriage. This aged couple are comfortably situated on a tract of five acres a short distance west of Laketon, Wabash County, where they are passing the evening of life in peace and happiness.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 463.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Chauncey Maxwell Mylin. Of the younger generation identified with the agricultural activities of Paw Paw Township, there is no better representative than Chauncey M. Mylin. a keen and alert young business man, he has brought ideas as well as hard labor into his vocation, and his showing has all the elements of success. His homestead comprises one hundred and sixty acres on the Laketon Road, on the west side of that thoroughfare, about nine miles north of Wabash.
A representative of an old and honored name in this county, C. M. Mylin was born on his grandfather Mylin's farm three-quarters of a mile north of Servia in Chester Township on September 19, 1872. Chester Township was the original place of settlement of the Mylin family in Wabash County. His parents were Henry E. and Mary E. (Sholty) Mylin. His mother was a daughter of William and Barbara (Hoffman) Sholty, pioneers of Pleasant Township who came from Ohio and both died in Pleasant Township. Mary E. Sholty was a girl when the parents drove all the distance from Ohio to Wabash County, and her earliest recollections were of a country covered with woods. After she married Henry Mylin they lived in Chester Township. Henry E. Mylin was born on a farm in Chester Township, a son of Christian and Lucinda Mylin, who were among the first settlers of Chester Township, and grandfather Mylin died on his farm north of Servia, survived many years by his widow, who passed away at the home of a daughter, Mrs. David Krisher at North Manchester. After their marriage, Henry Mylin and wife lived on his father's farm north of Servia in Chester Township for eight or nine years, and it was during this time that the son Chauncey M. was born. From that place, they moved to the farm now occupied by Chauncey, Henry Mylin having acquired this land from his father-in-law, William Sholty. It had a set of buildings, and most of the land was under cultivation when he occupied it, and for a number of years followed the general lines of agriculture until retiring about 1904 to the village of Laketon, where his death occurred July 16, 1907, at the age of sixty-nine years. His life was one of useful labor, of kindly helpfulness in the community, and many friends paid him the tribute of their respect and esteem at the time of his death. The mother is still living in the village of Laketon. There were four children, mentioned as follows: Etnie B., who is now Mrs. Charles Moyer, of Laketon; Christian S. of Urbana; Shirley B., of Paw Paw Township; and Chauncey M.
The youngest of the children, Chauncey M. Mylin, was about two and a half years of age when the parents moved to his present farm. His training was acquired by attendance at a district school, followed by one year in the public schools at Laketon, and two winters in the college of North Manchester. He early determined to make farming his regular vocation, and in all his activities along that line followed progressive methods and few of his contemporaries have made a better success. He lived at home until his marriage, afterwards rented the farm form his father for a number of years, and in January, 1912, bought the old place. Among the various improvements which should be credited to his labor and management is the fine ten-room modern dwelling, one of the best homes along the Laketon Road.
In the fall of 1894, Mr. Mylin married Dora E. Flora, daughter of Alex and Susan (Squires) Flora. A sketch of the Flora family is given in detail on other pages of this work. Mr. and Mrs. Mylin have three children: Helen, Glenn and Lois. Mr. Mylin affiliates with the Knights of the Maccabees, is a republican, and is a member of the United Brethren Church, his wife being a member of the Christian Church.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana, pages 701 - 702.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Wabash county has long been noted for her fine farms, and among those who aid in sustaining this reputation at the present day is Henry E. Mylin, an enterprising agriculturist of Paw Paw township, who owns and cultivates two hundred and forty acres, pleasantly situated in one of the most fertile regions of northern Indiana. This is a valuable property, owing to the well directed efforts of the owner, who has placed the fields under a high state of cultivation and made many excellent improvements in builldings and other accessories of the farm. His business methods are above question and industry and energy are among his predominant characteristics. He is one of the most progressive agriculturists and stock-raisers in the township where he lives, and is an intelligent, broad-minded citizen, has the confidence and good will of all with whom he has been brought in contact.
Mr. Mylin is a native of Wabash county, born in the township of Chester on the 21st day of December, 1841. His father, Christian Mylin, was a native of Pennsylvania, and there married Lucinda Evans, who was also born in the Keystone state. Some time after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Mylin moved to Ohio, thence, in 1841, to Wabash County, Ind., settling in Chester twonship, where the remaining years of their lives were passed. Christian Mylin purchased land, cleared a farm, and took an active part in the early growth and development of the community where he located. He died in the year 1877 at the age of seventy-four, his wife surviving him until 1884, when she was called away in her seventy-sixth year. They were the parents of seven children, three sons and four daughters, the subject of this sketch being the fifth in order of birth.
Henry E. Mylin was born on the farm in Chester township not long after his parents reached their new home in the forests of Wabash county, and his youthful years were spent amid the routine work common to this part of the state a half century ago. With the rugged duties of clearing land and fitting the soil for cultivation he became familiar, at an early age, and he remained at the parental home, assisting his father during the working season and attending school of winters, until after reaching manhood's estate. On December 4, 1865, he entered the bonds of wedlock with Mary E. Sholty, who was born in Stark county, Ohio, October 16, 1845. The parents of Mrs. Mylin, both natives of Pennsylvania, were William H. and Barbara (Hoffman) Sholty. They were married in Montgomery county, Ohio, and about the year 1854, moved to Wabash county, Ind., locating in Pleasant township. There, the father's death occurred in 1876, at the age of fifty-two. Mrs. Sholty survived her husband until 1895, in September of which she departed this life, aged seventy-six. Of their twelve children, Mrs. Mylin was the second in order of birth, and the majority of the others lived to become well settled in life and have families of their own.
After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Mylin began housekeeping on a farm in Chester township where they continued to reside for nearly eight years, when they removed to their present place in the township of Paw Paw. Since coming into possession of the latter, Mr. Mylin has added to the purchase as originally made and his career as a progressive agriculturist presents a series of continued successes which places him to-day among the leading and farmers and stock raisers of this section of the county. Having been fortunate in all his transactions, he is now able to live without recourse to the arduous labor which he was formerly obliged to perform, and he knows how to appreciate the rest which comes to one who has so long and so successfully battled with the world while preparing a home for himself and for those dependent upon him. Mr. Mylin has not only been active as a farmer, but in the public affairs of his township he has always manifested commendable zeal, discharging the duties of citizenship in such a way as to benefit his immediate neighborhood and the community at large. He has earned the reputation of a kind husband, an indulgent father, and those who know him best bear testimony to his worth as a neighbor and citizen. He and his wife are faithful members of (the) United Brethren church, and their daily lives are practical exemplification of the genuineness of their religious profession.
Mr. Mylin's long residence in Wabash county marks the period of the county's greatest development. In early life it was his lot to encounter many hardships difficult to surmount, but with a fortitude which no discouragement could dampen he has gradually overcome the obstacles in the way of succes until, as already stated, his fortune has been achieved and his standing among the substantial men of his county firmly established. Mr. and Mrs. Mylin have a family consisting of four children: Etna B., wife of Charles Moyer; Christian S.; Shirley B. and Chauncey M.
Source: p. 440 et seq. of Biographical Memoirs of Wabash County, Indiana, published 1901 by B. F. Bowen, Publishers, Chicago
Submitter: Don T. Mitchell, great grandson of Henry E. Mylin
In Paw Paw township there is no man more widely or more favorably known than Shirley B. Mylin, a representative farmer and stock-raiser and at the present time the efficient and popular township trustee. He has been actively identified with local public affairs for a number of years and his devotion to the best interests of the community is above question. As an official he has been faithful and true, and as a succesful agriculturist and honorable citizen there has fallen on his character no suspicion of wrong.
Mr. Mylin is proud to claim Wabash county as the place of his nativity. He was born March 16, 1871, in the township of Chester and is the third in a family of four children, whose parents are Henry E. and Mary E. (Sholty) Mylin. He was quite young when his parents moved to Paw Paw township and in the district schools of that section of the county he received his educational training, which was continued during the greater part of his minority. Later he pursued his studies for some time in the North Manchester schools and laid a substantial foundation for the succesful career which he achieved in after years. On the farm he also learned valuable lessons in industry and thrift, which proved potential forces in his life work, and he continued to till the soil until arriving a manhood's estate. In 1890 [probably 1900; DTM] Mr. Mylin was employed by the Acme Company of North Manchester, in drilling wells and for a limited period he followed that business with fair success in various parts of Wabash county. In 1891 he opened a meat market in Laketon, in partnership with Charles A. Moyer, and was thus engaged till the summer of 1893, when he disposed of his interest in the business and accepted a position as guard at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. After continuing in that capacity for three months, he turned his attention for some time to different vocations in Chicago and elsewhere, finally returning to Wabash county and locating on the farm in Paw Paw township, where he has since made his home.
Mr. Mylin was married in North Manchester, June 26, 1895, to Miss Mary E. Shock, daughter of the late Elijah Shock, and old and prominent citizen of that city and for some years one of its active and succesful agriculturists. Mr. Shock died in September, 1900. Mrs. Mylin was born in Ohio, but came to Indiana in her girlhood,. She is a lady of varied accomplishments, popular with a large circle of friends in the township where she lives and has nobly seconded all her husband's endeavors, being his efficient co-laborer and contributing much to his success in the work in which he is engaged. She is the mother of one son, Maurice H., a bright and promising child, whose birth occurred on the 20th day of August, 1899.
Mr. Mylin is one of the Republican leaders in his section of the county, and for some years has been a very active party worker. His efforts and ability secured him public recognition, and in November 1890, he was elected to the responsible office of township trustee. Thus far he has shown himself a faithful and efficient public servant, untiring in his effors in behalf of the people's interests and proving in every way worthy of the confidence reposed in him. He has undertaken many valuable internal improvements which, no coubt, will be pushed to successful completion, while his interest in the cause of education has already resulted in a very marked increase in the efficiency of the schools in his charge. As a farmer, My. Mylin is easily the peer of any man in Paw Paw township. He is a careful student of the science of agriculture and a thorough believer in the dignity of his calling. He knows how to obtain the largest results from his labors, and in his busineess has met with encouraging financial success. He evinced a clear insight and sound judgment in the management of his affairs, possessing a resourceful mind, full of latent and inherent forces, which do no easily succumb to difficulties. His abilities are versatile and to his various interests he gives personal attention even to the minutest details, which fact accounts for much of the success which he has achieved.
Mr. Mylin is a man of unbounded energy, which is only equaled by his capacity to accomplish the great amount of labor of different kinds which he undertakes. He has built up a comfortable fortune and his home, which is supplied with many of the conveniences of modern country life, is one of the most desirable rural residences in the township. His interest in public affairs makes him a leader in the community and his standing with all classes is deservedly high. He has the confidence of his fellow citizens, and his sterling worth as a man and as the custodian of a responsible trust has been duly appreciated and rewarded.
Source: p. 442 et seq. of Biographical Memoirs of Wabash County, Indiana, published 1901 by B. F. Bowen, Publishers, Chicago
Submitter: Don T. Mitchell, grandson of Shirley Benton Mylin
Mike Sweeney / Cottonwood, Arizona /
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