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If you would like to submit a Wabash county biography, please email it to Mike Sweeney
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A special thanks to Linda Thompson, who has contributed the majority of these Wabash biographies.
Old Mr. Garrison had six sons who settled in Wabash County, near America P.O., in Liberty Township. He himself lived on Killbuck Creek, three miles from Anderson. The old gentleman, for some years after his sons moved to Wabash County, would go to Cincinnati with wheat or pork, etc, and buy seven barrels of salt, one for himself and one for each son; and, leaving one at home for his own use, he would bring the other six to the "boys" away out here. But, after 1841, when the canal had been finished and put into operation, and the connection with Toledo and Lake Erie had been completed, the "tide" turned the other way, and the boys would buy salt for themselves at LaGro, and take one barrel to their father on Killbuck. The Garrisons were a prominent and influential family group. Several of them were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. William Garrison was one of the founders of the town of America, and he was also Justice of the Peace there for years. Elihu had been a soldier in the Black Hawk War, and it is a source of regret that we have not a fuller and more detailed history of that important pioneer group.
Since writing the above, some information has been obtained concerning them, which we subjoin: The first assessment we have dixcovered (in 1836) gives the names of Jeremiah and Elihu Garrison. That of 1838, gives also William Garrison; and in 1838, Oliver Garrison's name is added to the list. In 1841, William Garrison is rated at $1,002, and Elihu Garrison at $1,310. In 1842, they were assessed thus: Elihu Garrison, $1,698; Jeremiah Garrison, $2,075; William Garrison, $1,318; Oliver Garrison, $1,318.
The six brothers were William, Jeremiah, Elihu and Oliver Garrison and two others.
WILLIAM GARRISON had a large family of children; was a prominent citizen and business man, and possessed the esteem of his neighbors and acquaintances in a high degree. He was a merchant in America and a Justice of the Peace for several years, asquiring a good property. He was born in 1805, and died just before the war. Mr. G. was a Methodist in religion, and a Whig and Republican in political faith. He was buried at America Graveyard, but no tombstone marks his place of Sepulture.
JEREMIAH GARRISON also had a large family, some of whom still reside in Wabash County. He died at his residence, east of LaFontaine, in about 1879; an aged and venerable man, having been a useful and esteemed citizen, a Methodist and a Whig and Republican. He had been twice married, and his second wife, still a widow, is now living, and resides near the village of LaFontaine. He was a gentleman of modest and quiet deportment and retiring, unobstrusive manners, attending steadily to his own business, meddling little with public life.
ELIHU GARRISON settled in America, building one of the first houses in that town, emigrating to Liberty Township in 1835. He afterward became a resident and active business man of that place during its day of prosperity, removing to Eel River, near Roann, in 1857. Still again he changed his residence to Wabash City, at which he died September 25, 1870, in the sixty-fourth year of his age, and now lies buried in Falls Cemetery. By his first wife he had no children. His second wife was Amanda (Hallbusky), daughter of Matthew Hale of Liberty Township. They had one child, a daughter, but were divorced; and Mr. G. took for his third wife Mary Shall, and by this marriage he became the father of three children. This third wife survived her husband, and now resides upon the farm, which he used to own upon eel River. The second wife is living also, her home being at Wabash. E. G. was an active member of the community, an Episcopal Methodist, and also a Republican, having been in earlier times a member of the Whig party. Concerning the others, we have only slight information, and as to some of them, none at all except what has already been given. We can not forbear to add an incident in the life of William Garrison:
While residing at America, he had built a new dwelling, using the old one as a corn crib, etc. William Garrison was an earnest Whig, and John S. Williams an eager and zealous Democrat; and many a tug at argument did they have, though warm friends. Benjamin Franklin Williams, the son of Mr. Williams, when a lad, went to Mr. Garrisons after some corn. Mr. G. was husking the corn in the old house, and had a "skillet," of coals standing there almost in the husks, to warm his fingers by. The lad said to him, "You will set the house a fire," "No," said Mr. G. "we are Whigs -- such things don't happen to us; there is no danger." The boy got his corn and left for home, but before he had gone very far, looking back he saw that same corn crib house bursting out in flames. The fire had caught in the corn husks, even though they belonged to a Whig; and the whole building went up in smoke, or remained upon the ground in ashes. The lad could not help reminding Mr. G. of the occurrence, and he had to own that once his confidence was misplaced.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana pages 394-395.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
MRS. MARY B. GARRISON, Roann. This estimable lady, born in Miami County, Ohio, April 23, 1833, is the daughter of Joseph H. and Elizabeth (Williams) Shell, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Ohio. Mrs. Garrison was educated in Miami County, Ohio. Became a resident of Wabash County in 1854; was married, September 13, 1857, to Elihu Garrison, who was born in Butler County, Ohio, January 5, 1807. He was the son of Samuel and Hannah (Gaughf) Garrison, who were natives of New Jersey. This union was blessed with four children, three of whom are living, viz: Kenton, born April 30, 1859; Morton, born January 16, 1862; and Rosa, born March 8, 1869. Mr. Elihu Garrison served as Trustee of Pleasant Township for a number of terms. Was a minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church for a great many years. But previous to his death, which occurred September 6, 1870, he and his worthy lady became members of and earnest workers in the Christian Church. Mrs. Garrison owns a fine farm of 227 acres in Section 30, and with the exception of nine years (from 1866 to 1877) has been residing on the same since 1854. Mrs. Garrison is a thorough Christian lady, and is highly respected by all who know her.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 435.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
JACOB GARST, farmer, P.O. Somerset, a properous young man of Waltz Township, was born in Rockingham County, Va., February 10, 1847; he is the second son of Thomas and Elizabeth Garst. Young Jacob attended school in Wabash County, where his parents had settled in 1849. After receiving a suitable education and leading an industrious life upon the home farm, he purchased in 1875 the Isenhour place, one mile north of Somerset, where he owns 160 acres of fine land, which is under superior cultivation. He is a successful farmer and worthy citizen. Mr. Garst married, February 27, 1876, Miss Alice Rogers, a daughter of Ezekiel Rogers. Mrs. Garst was born in Grant County in 1855. Their wedded life was blessed with four children, of whom three are living - Eleanor, Dorsey (deceased), Edward and Charlie.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana pages 487 & 488.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
JOHN GARST. Probably no family has been more prominently identified with the development of Wabash county from the time when it was nothing but a wilderness to the present, when it abounds with prosperous farms and thriving villages, the abode of a happy, contented population, than that bearing the name of Garst, a worthy representative of which is found in the person of John Garst, who is now cultivating a handsome farm in Waltz Township. Mr. Garst's life has been one of constant and well-applied industry; he has succeeded in his earnest endeavors, and has become highly respected by those who have come into contact with him in any manner. He is a native of Roanoke county, Virginia, and was born February 10, 1844, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Brubaker) Garst.
The parents of Mr. Garst were both born in the Old Dominion state, and were there married. They were honest, industrious people, but were in modest financial circumstances, and finally came to the conclusion that they could better themselves and find better opportunities for their children in the newly opened West. Accordingly, about 1850, the father secured a horse and wagon, gathered together such means as he could, and with his little family struck out bravely for the woods of Indiana. It was a long, tiresome and dangerous journey, and at times it seemed that the horse would never be able to drag the wagon through the dense timber which the little party of immigrants encountered. However, they finally arrived in Wabash county, where the father took up eighty acres of timberland, on which was located a log cabin, and he spent one dollar for ten apple trees, which he planted in the weeds on his farm. This primitive structure was the family home for some years until the father was able to replace it with a more commodious frame structure. An energetic and hard-working man, Thomas Garst continued to reside in Waltz township during the remainder of his life, although he later added to his holdings from time to time until he owned 420 acres. He won a high place in the esteem of his fellow-citizens, and was always known as a public-spirited citizen in whom the utmost confidence could be placed. He and his wife were the parents of eight children; John, Jacob, Henry (deceased), Sarah, George, Eliza, Joel, and Mary.
John Garst, the oldest child of the family, was but six years of age when he was brought to Wabash county by his parents, and he still remembers the long and wearisome trip over the mountains, across the streams and through the forests. He was early put to work in assisting his father and brothers clear the homestead of its timber, and because of primitive conditions his education was decidedly limited. The first school which he attended was a deserted log cabin, in which the winter terms lasted for about two months, the teacher usually arriving at daylight and beginning his lessons when the first pupil would arrive. Later a frame school was erected, and terms in this building lasted three months a year. Thus Mr. Garst's education was slight and his opportunities for culture of a genuine sort were few, but one cannot now be in his presence long before realizing that he is a man of broad general information and with a wealth of knowledge on a number of of subjects, so it is probable that he made the most of the opportunities that were granted him. He remained on the home farm, assisting his father, until he reached the age of twenty-six years, at which time he was married to Miss Lydia Stambaugh, daughter of William and Regina Stambaugh, natives of Pennsylvania. She had one brother and one sister: David and Mary. Mr. Stambaugh, after the death of his first wife, was married to Eliza Winger. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Garst; Lizzie, at home, who married Elza Burns, who met an accidental death about six weeks after their marriage, and Cora, who died at the age of six weeks.
At the time his father bought his additional 160 acres Mr. Garst purchased eighty acres, and subsequently purchased the balance of the land in 1883. He now owns 158 acres of farm land and four lots and three acres in Somerset. The present buildings were all erected prior to this time, but he has made numerous improvements of a modern character, and has practically rebuilt the house. From early boyhood he has been accustomed to the various duties pertaining to the management of a farm, and as the years have passed he has adopted modern ideas and methods, so that today he is one of the best-informed men in his line in the county. Public-spirited and progressive, he gives his earnest support to new industries and enterprises, and always contributes to the movements which promise to promote the progress of his county or township. He and his family now reside in Somerset, where they have lived for about thirty-five years. The farm lies across the river from Somerset. His home in Somerset is one of the finest and most modern in the village, and, while he did not erect the house, he has completely remodled and modernized it. A member of the Brethren Church, he has served as a trustee for fifteen years. In political matters he is a democrat.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana pages 702-704.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
THOMAS GHARST, farmer, P.O. Somerset, an early settler and substantial farmer, was born in Roanoke County, Va., June 15, 1815. His education was rather limited in scope; his youth and early manhood were passed upon the home farm. In 1842, Mr. Gharst was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Brubaker. Mr. and Mrs. Gharst are the parents of eight children, seven of whom are living, the two oldest of whom, John and Jacob, are prosperous citizens of Waltz Township; Sarah is the wife of Isaac Pressler, resident of Kosciusko County; George, Joseph, and Eliza )now Mrs. Oliver Cochran), and Mary. Mr. Gharst remained in Virginia some six years after marriage, coming to Indiana in the fall of 1848, locating upon premises adjoining his present home, where he experienced the various privations and pleasures of pioneer life. Mr. Gharst purchased the place upon which he has since resided about 1862, occupying the original log house until its destruction by fire in 1872; and as an instance of industry and indomitable energy, might be mentioned the fact of Mr. Gharst, during the following summer, burning the brick and having ready for occupancy the ensuing winter, a handsome and commodious brick mansion, in addition to working a large farm. He is the owner of 420 acres of land. A successful and self-made man.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 487.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Philip H. Goodlander. Fully fourscore years have passed since the Goodlander family first acquired a foothold in the wilderness country of Wabash County, and the descendants of the pioneer have worthily lived up to the honor associated with those who first blazed trails in the unbroken forest, built log cabin homes, and cleared the land for cultivation.
The above named Philip H. Goodlander is the oldest son of the family in Wabash County. He was born on the farm he now occupies, February 24, 1843, a son of Philip and Clarissa (Webb) Goodlander. His paternal grandfather was Jacob Goodlander and his maternal grandfather Forrest Webb. Philip Goodlander first came to Wabash County in the year 1834. At that time the smoke rolled up from only a few scattered log cabin homes, and the work of the early settlers had only fairly begun.
Philip Goodlander entered one hundred and sixty acres of Government land, wild and uncultivated, and presenting a discouraging task to any but men of the hardy old stock of which the Goodlanders were sterling representatives. Having secured his land, Philip returned to his former home in Fayette County and lived ther until 1839. In that year he came as a permanent settler, making the trip from Fayette County with a cart and a yoke of oxen. He also brought with him one horse. It required ten days to make the journey. After leaving Wabash, he had to blaze a trail through the woods and across the swamp, and was two days before he reached his prospective farm in Noble Township. Judge Jackson went with him and helped to clear the road, which required three days. On a clearing in the woods he erected a log cabin, and that was for some time the shelter of himself and family. His household provided for, Philip Goodlander and some set to work to hew a farm from the forest, and during the following years endured all the hardships incident to pioneer life, and also found a reasonable degree of prosperity before his death. That old homestead is one of the oldest in Wabash County in the continuous possession of one family. The son of the pioneer, Phillip H., finally came into possession of this farm. Philip Goodlander, the father, was likewise a prosperous farmer citizen and became one of the foremost men of his township. The old log cabin which had first stood on the farm was replaced with a brick home, which was destroyed by fire about seventeen years ago. Philip Goodlander and wife were active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and it is a pioneer fact that should be mentioned that their first home was in later years occupied and used as a church for the newly organized society of Methodists, and it also did service as a schoolhouse.
Philip and Clarissa Goodlander became the parents of nine children, of whom brief mention is made as follows: Susan married Captain Levi Ross, who served in the Mexican and Civil wars with honor and distinction. Mary A. is the wife of L. W. Murden. Nancy D. married Green Story. Forrest M. was a Civil War veteran, a member of Company A/ Eighty-ninth Indiana, and he married Lyda Nance. John W. married Mary E. Kimball, and was also a soldier in the Civil War in Company F of the Eighth Indiana Infantry. Philip H. was the sixth among the children. Jacob S. married Emma Lynn. George W. married Anna Maxwell. Oliver P. married Mary Myers. All the children were born in Fayette County except Philip H., Jacob S., George W. and Oliver P., who were born in Wabash County.
Philip H. Goodlander, like some of his brothers, saw active service in the Union army during the Civil War. He was a member of Company A in the Eighty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, enlisting in 1862 and remaining with his regiment until discharged at Mobile, Alabama, in the latter part of 1865. He was a corporal in this company, and the only injury he sustained was the breaking of an arm as the result of a fall. It is the proud record of his regiment that it never retreated and was never defeated, and that record is a source of satisfaction to every soldier who composed that gallant organization. Since his service as a soldier Mr. Goodlander has applied his time and energies to the cultivation of the old homestead, and he has long been one of the most substantial agriculturists in Noble Township.
The old Goodlander place, where all his children were born, and endeared to the family by associations of several generations, comprises about one hundred and sixty acres of land, is well improved and highly cultivated, and has a group of excellent farm buildings, all of which have been erected under the direction of its present owner.
Mr. Philip H. Goodlander married Emma J. Stone, a daughter of Silas H. and Emmeline (Carothers) Stone. Her death occurred on January 10, 1896. Their five children are: Homer H., the oldest, married Pearl Needham, and has one child, Emma. Elbert also married. Anna L. became the wife of Arthur Palmer, and they live in California. Guy H. married Estelle Morrison, and they have two children, Enid and Philip. Lola, the youngest, is the wife of Homer H. Hoover, and is the mother of two children, Lois and Harold G.
Mr. Goodlander has long been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and that society in Noble Township has for many years been largely supported by the Goodlander family. His chief service in a civic capacity has been as supervisor of roads, and much credit is due him for the excellent condition of the public highways in this section of Wabash County. All of his life, since casting his first vote when a soldier of the Union, he has been devoted to the principles and policies of the republican party.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana, page 893-895.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
James A. Grover. This particular branch of the Grover family date their origin back to England, from which they fled to Ireland 200 years ago to escape religious persecution. From there, they emigrated to this county with the same colony in which Garfield's progenitors came and settled in Gov. Winthrop's colony in Massachusetts. We next hear of them in Mercer County, Ohio, where James A. Grover, the subject of this sketch, was born December 20, 1837, being the eldest of eight children. Having removed to Gallia County, he was there married to Frances H. Grover March 17, 1858. She died six years subsequent to her marriage, in Wabash County, whither they had removed in the fall of 1864, leaving behind her three children. September 2, 1866, Rebecca J. Day became the wife of Mr. Grover. By this second marriage he also has three children, namely, Avery B., Laurie E. and Edgar A. P. During the late war, Mr. Grover did his full share to assist in putting down the rebellion, driving team first in Virginia. Being a member of the Ohio National Guard, he was called out in the summer of 1864. In the fall, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifty-third Indiana, and served until the close of the war, being mustered out July 5, 1865. He had the honor of assisting in the capture of Morgan, and was promoted to the rank of Corporal for his bravery.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 268.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
David Ginther, M. D. For more than forty years Dr. Ginther has quietly performed his round of professional services and duties at North Manchester and vicinity, and is not only one of the oldest but one of the most highly esteemed practitioners in Wabash County. A physician can not live and practice his calling for so many years in one locality, without possessing a faithful character, and a certain high ability and skill in his profession, and no one would deny Dr. Gintner the possession of the best qualifications of the faithful and efficient physician. Dr. Ginther is also well known for his relations with business affairs in that community.
A native of Wabash County, born on a farm in Waltz Township, Dr. Ginther’s parents were Benjamin and Anna Marie (Keller) Ginther, both of whom were natives of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and were among the pioneers of Wabash County. In 1847 they located at the county seat, then a small village deriving its principal importance from its location on the old Wabash and Erie Canal, and also from the possession of the county government offices. For a time after their arrival the Ginther family lived in a sheep stable owned by Col. Hugh Hanna, who laid out the first plat of the city, and whose name has always been esteemed as the founder of this thriving commercial center. Later Benjamin Ginther, having found time to erect a log cabin about eight miles southwest of Wabash, moved his family to that place. There his activities were those of a general farmer and stock raiser, until illness rendered further work impossible. Having acquired some property neat the south tollgate on the canal at Wabash, he moved there and up to 1870 acted as gateman. In that year the family residence was moved to North Manchester, and there he had his home until overtaken by death in 1885. His wife survived him until 1888, and both now rest in the cemetery at North Manchester. To their marriage, which occurred about 1838, the following children were born: Henry, Catherine, Anna, Benjamin, Jr., Eva, and David.
Dr. David Ginther was born May 27, 1848. His career has been one in which self-reliance and individual initiative have played a more important part than any fortune that comes from inheritance, or as the result of chance or circumstance. Until he was thirteen years old he lived at home, getting some education in the district schools, and assisting his father. He then started out for himself, and after working for a farmer in the neighborhood found a job in a sawmill. In this way he earned his own living, and when about seventeen years old, in 1865, took up the study of medicine, with an older brother at Hagerstown, Indiana, where he remained until 1871. In the meantime he had attended lectures in the Eclectic Medical Institute at Cincinnati. In June, 1871, Dr. Ginther came to North Manchester, walking to that village from Wabash, and such were his financial circumstances that during his first six months of his practice he attended all his patients even when they loved at a considerable distance in the country on foot. The best years of his life have been spent in administering to the ills of the people around North Manchester, and by hard and conscientious labor he long ago built up a splendid practice.
Aside from his medical activities, the doctor has interested himself in various commercial enterprises, owning stock in two local banks, and several times has conducted drug stores in the city. He also has the honor of being president of the new Union Trust Company. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masonic Order, is a republican in politics, and espouses the doctrines of the Lutheran Church denomination. He has served several terms as a member of the school board and the city council, and at an earlier date had an influential part in local politics. In December, 1877, Dr. Ginther married Miss Laura Whitlow, a daughter of H. C. Whitlow, of North Manchester, Indiana.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 826-827.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
A true humanity, rounded and moulded by a life consecrated to duty both as a civilian and as a brave defender of the Union in the days of its peril, is presented in the career of the gentleman whose biography is herewith outlined. Mr. Gushard is one of the sterling characters that Ohio has contributed to the Hoosier state. He was born September 20, 1842, in Stark county, Ohio, and on account of the limited circumstances of his parents was thrown at the early age of nine years upon his own resources. During the summer months he earned what he could by working on a farm and in winters as opportunities would admit attended the district schools of his neighborhood. He continued to support himself in this way until his eighteenth year, when he opened a blacksmith shop which, under the direction of a hired manager, he operated until the breaking out of the great Rebellion. In August, 1862, he closed his shop and with the spirit of a true patriot entered the army, enlisting in Company B., One Hundred and Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he served till the cessation of hostilities. Mr. Gushard's regiment formed a part of Sherman's command during the Atlanta campaign and he participated in the numerous battles which made that particular section of the south historic. He was also under Thomas in the engagements at Franklin and Nashville, Tenn., and in all the actions in which he took part his conduct was that of a brave and unflinching soldier who did his whole duty under the most trying circumstances. At the expiration of his period of service he was mustered out at Cleveland, Ohio, in July, 1865, after which he returned to his home in Stark county, where for some months he worked as a farm hand.
On the 23rd of November, 1865, Mr. Gushard was united in marriage to Miss Candace Sunday, who was born and reared in Wabash county, Ind. Immediately following his marriage he settled on a farm in his native county and for a period of one year carried on the pursuit of agriculture. At the end of this time he engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes near Middlebranch, Ohio, to which line of business he devoted his attention for two years, removing at the end of that time, March, 1869, to Wabash county and locating on his father-in-law's farm, where he remained until the following fall. He then purchased a small place of fifty-three acres in the northern part of Pleasant township, where he made his home during the six succeeding years, then disposed of this property and bought and located on his present farm and has since tilled it with a degree of success that places him among the most prosperous agriculturists in the part of the county where he resides. Mr. Gushard is in many respects a model farmer and since purchasing his home place has made additions thereto from time to time until he now owns two hundred and five acres, the greater part in a high state of tillage and containing improvements in the way of buildings which rank with the most substantial in the community. A student of agriculture, he is widely read upon all matters pertaining to the farmer's vocation and keeps fully abreast the times in all the latest and most approved methods of tillage, stock-raising and every detail coming within his sphere as a scientific and progressive farmer. The only educational training he ever received was in the common schools of the old neighborhood in which he was born. Realizing the importance and need of greater intellectual advancement, he set about storing his mind with useful information by devoting all of his leisure time to a careful perusal of the best literature to be obtained. This pursuit of knowledge has been successfully prosecuted until now he is a well-informed, broad-minded, intelligent gentleman.
Mr. Gushard has not confined all of his attention to his own affairs, but has devoted much of his time and energy to the public, in which for years he has taken an active interest. He served two years as trustee of Pleasant township, and for three years was a member of the board of county commissioners, in both of which capacities his duties were faithfully and efficiently discharged. He proved a most capable official while a member of the commissioners' court and was untiring in behalf of the people's interests. They reposed in him the utmost confidence as guardian of very important trusts and the universal verdict is that the county has never been served by a more careful, painstaking and conscientious official. In connection with his official career Mr. Gushard has served in the capacity of administrator, executor and assignee in the adjusting and settling up of ten different estates in Wabash and Kosciusko counties. Mr. Gushard has devoted the greater part of his life to agriculture and stock-raising, though still manifesting an intelligent interest in all public enterprises of a local or general character.
Mr. Gushard's first wife died December 22, 1875, and on the 15th day of November, 1876, he entered into the marriage relation with Mrs. Sue A. Hamilton, widow of the late Dr. Chauncey Hamilton, who died February 6, 1876, in the state of Florida. The maiden name of Mrs. Gushard was Sue A. Mylin. She was born in Wabash county October 6, 1846, and is the daughter of Christian and Lucinda (Evans) Mylin, who formerly lived in Chester township, three miles south of the city of North Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Gushard have had three children, viz: Elvah Hope, born August 3, 1880, is a graduate from the North Manchester high school and also took a course in music at Chicago, Ill., and is now teaching music, still making her home under the parental roof. Mary Ruth, born July 25, 1883, died when three months old. Chauncey Mylin, born December 14, 1886, is at home and is his father's able assistant on the farm. He attends school in winter and will enter the high school in 1902. The first marriage was not blessed with any offspring.
Both Mr. Gushard and wife are active members of the United Brethren church and take high position in the best social circles of their township. She is a lady of varied talents and possesses traits of mind that have endeared her to a large number of friends in her own neighborhood and elsewhere. Her childhood was spent at the old home where she was born, and by availing herself of the advantages afforded by the district schools she obtained a thorough knowledge of such branches as then constituted the common school course and for some time engaged in teaching. Much might be said of interest of a woman devotedly attached to her home and domestic duties, doing through all the best years of life the ennobling work that lay before her. While attending to the claims of home with an almost religious fidelity, Mrs. Gushard has not permitted her mind to become narrowed by too close application to the ceaseless round of toil which leads so many lives to premature graves. She is a reader and thinker, endeavoring to keep in touch with the great world of thought, and with a sweet and beautiful moral nature has been a blessing to the poor and unfortunate of her community. She is an true helpmeet and earnest co-laborer with her husband, contributing not a little to the success he has achieved in the various capacities to which he has been called. Mr. Gushard is a kind husband and father and as a citizen his honor and integrity have never been questioned. He has acted well his part in life, and whether as a civilian, an official, or a soldier, has pursued and performed his duty with conscientious fidelity and made for himself a name which is a synonym for all that constitutes honorable and upright manhood.
George Gushard, father of Tobias, was a native of Lancaster county, Pa. Many years ago he left the state of his nativity, immigrating to Stark county, Ohio, where his death occurred at the ripe old age of ninety-five. By occupation he was a stonemason, in connection with which he also carried on for a number of years the pursuit of agriculture. He married in Stark county, Ohio, Catharine Krall, a native of Lebanon county, Pa., and was the father of two children, the subject of this review, and Elizabeth, who became the wife of Henry Aultman, of Portage county, Ohio. The father of Catharine Gushard was Tobias Krall, a descendant of one of the oldest and most widely known families of Lebanon county, Pa. He died in Stark county in an early day. Mrs. Catharine Gushard departed this life in the same county in her seventy-third year.
Source: p. 649 et seq. of Biographical Memoirs of Wabash County, Indiana, published 1901 by B. F. Bowen, Publisher, Chicago
Submitter: Don T. Mitchell, great grand nephew of Susan Ann (Mylin) (Hamilton) Gushard
CHARLES S. HAAS. Indelibly impressed on the pages of Wabash's business history, the name of Charles S. Haas stands conspicuously forth as that of one who has been prominent in newspaper work and in financial circles of the city. He has possessed the power of foresight which recognized the resources of this region and has had the executive ability and merit to marshal and put in working order the forces of progress, development and upbuilding in journalistic and banking circles. Mr. Haas is a native product of Wabash, having been born in a house at the corner of Market and Miami streets, November 26, 1859, a son of Adam and Eliza E. (Kidd) Haas, the former a native of Harper's Ferry, Virginia, of German descent, and the latter a native of Connersville, Indiana.
Adam Haas was born in 1799 and when a boy was taken by his parents to Licking county, Ohio, where he was reared and given a common school education. He came to what is now Wabash county, Indiana as early as 1836, and settling among the pioneers erected a home and here passed the remainder of his long and useful life. Not long after locating here he embarked in general merchandising, dealing largely in dry goods, and became prominent in this life of endeavor, following the same occupation until 1864, at which time, owing to failing health, he relinquished active work and lived practically retired until his death, August 10, 1868. Mr. Haas was an old line Whig in politics and was one of the organizers of the Republican party in 1856. Prior to and during the war between the North and the South he took and important part in the operation of the famous Underground Railway, the figurative appellation for a spontaneous movement in the free states - extending sometimes into the slave states themselves - to assist slaves in their efforts to escape from bondage to freedom. He was a man of unquestioned honor and prided himself in the reputation for probity which he had built up. He was extremely conservative, never taking a chance when slow conservatism was an assured success. His two predominant characteristics were his careful attention to business and his beautiful domestic relations. He loved the quietude of his home, where, surrounded by family, friends and books, he partook of his greatest pleasure. But while he was extremely conservative in handing his business transactions, he was never close in his contributions to worth public enterprises, and his private benevolences were numerous, and liberal. He was married in 1857 to Mrs. Eliza E. (Kidd) Mount, daughter of Edward and Christina Kidd and widow of Peter Mount. They became the parents of one son: Charles S., and the mother died August 7, 1903. By her first husband she was the mother of two daughters.
Charles S. Haas has spent his entire career in Wabash. He received his education in the public schools of this city, and as early as 1881 became identified with newspaper work, as a reporter on the Wabash Courier, and from that time to the present the greater part of his time and attention have been given to journalism. In August, 1883, he became city editor of the Fort Wayne Sentinel, but in December of that same year returned to Wabash as city editor of the Courier. In the spring of 1887, he assisted in the consolidation of the Plain Dealer and the Courier, the latter going out of existence as far as name was concerned. Mr. Haas became editor of the Plain Dealer, and in 1909 was made president and manager of the Plain Dealer Company, in addition to which he has continued in the position of editor. To make a permanent impression upon the public with which he has to deal requires something more than talent-it calls for positive genius, and the fact that an editor can make a deep and lasting imprint upon the public conscience, shows him to be possessed of that genius. Through Mr. Haas' efforts, the Plain Dealer has become a power throughout Wabash county, and, not strangely, reflects a great deal of his personality. In the world of finance, Mr. Haas is equally well known and his achievements have probably been as many and as important. In 1888, he was one of the incorporators of the Wabash National Bank, in which he still continues to be a stockholder. In 1902, he was one of the leading factors in the incorporation of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank, of which he became a member of the board of directors, in 1908 was elected vice president of that institution, and in January, 1910, was elected to the presidency of the bank to succeed Judge Shirley at the time of the latter's death. Mr. Haas is a director and treasurer of the Wabash Exchange and was president of the Carnegie Library Board from 1902 until 1910, being at present the secretary of that board. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and popular with the members of the local lodge. He has ever taken a keen interest in public matters, but his only political office has been that of alderman, he having served as a member of the Wabash City Council from 1883 to 1887.
On December 5, 1894, Mr. Haas was married to Miss Lilla M. Pyke daughter of Charles W. and Mary B. Pyke, of an old and honored family of Fort Wayne.
Source: History of Wabash County, Indiana: A Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Principal Interests. 1914. Vol II, pages 473-5. (Compiled under the Editorial Supervision of Clarkson W Weesner, Assisted by a Board of Advisory Editors. The Lewis Publishing Company. Chicago & New York, 1914).
Extracted, reformatted and submitted by: David R. Guinnup (03/23/2009), first cousin twice removed of Charles Haas, and great-grandnephew of Ellen Eliza Kidd (Mount-Haas-Kennedy, married & widowed three times).
Elijah Hackleman, Senator from Huntington and Wabash, was born at Cedar Grove, near Brookville, Indiana, October 18, 1817. His parents and grandparents were of American birth, but his great grandparents were natives of Germany. abraham, father of Eligah Hackleman. was a native of North Carolina. He removed to Scott couty, Kentucky in 1802, and in 1807, came to what was then known as a part of the Territory of Indiana, now Franklin county. During the war of 1812, he served as a Federal officer. In 1821 he moved to Rushville, though the town was not then laid off; at that time this was the extreme settlement and the West was an unbroken wilderness. Here was laid the foundation of Senator Hackleman's greatness. With his trusty ax he here began at an early age to carve out his own fortune. The narrow limits of educational facilities peculiar to pioneer time did not prevent his acquiring an education. He mentally devoured all the books accessible and it was often said of him that he was never known to be without a book in his pocket even when at work, availing himself of every opportunity to stock his mind with its contents. When nearing the age of maturity the sire saw that the son was not cut out for a hewer of wood, etc, so he sent him to school at the Connersville Seminary where he soon became quite proficient in mathematics and Astronomy. He was for sometime a student of Honorable Benjamin F. Reaves and reading law with General P. A. Hackleman, his cousin, now deceased. In the earlier days of his manhood Senator Hackleman taught school and acted as Justice of the Peace. In May 1849, he moved to Wabash county and improved a farm through habits of industry acquired in earlier life. Then he was this time elected County Surveyor, twice receiving every vote cast, in the county for that office. Twice elected Clerk of the Circuit Court, he served to the satisfaction of all. At the last election he was elected to the Senate of Wabash and Huntington by the Republican party, a member of which party he has been since the disruption of the Whig party. In person Senator Hackleman towers up to a height of some six feet in his stockings and can kick the beam at two hundred and ten pounds, and has never been sick except with the "shakes." But the Senator is not a bold bad man as such a big fellow could be with safety to himself. He is kind, affable, good natured and a member of the Christian Church and has never had a difficulty with any of his fellow men. If you would like to hear some good stories about old times just call on or address the gentleman from Wabash and Huntington, at Wabash.
Source: Indianapolis Sentinel, Saturday, 23 Jan 1875, The Solons of the State as Sketched by the Sentinel Indiana and Ohio the Nativity of the Great Majority of Our Legislators.
Submitter: Mike Sweeney
Was born at Cedar Grove, near Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana, on the 18th day of October, 1817. His parents and grandparents were of American birth, but his great-grandparents were natives of Germany. Abraham Hackleman, his father, was a native of Lincoln County, North Carolina, born September 25th, 1775, and at an early age moved to Abbeville district, South Carolina; and from there to Scott County, Kentucky, in 1802; and in 1807 came to what was then known as a part of Indiana Territory, now Franklin County. During the war of 1812 he served as a Federal officer in what was called the frontier service, guarding the western settlements from Indian depredations. In February, 1821, he moved to Rush County, about three miles southeast of where the town of Rushville was afterwards laid out. At that time this was the extreme settlement of civilization, and the west was an unbroken wilderness. Here Elijah Hackleman with his trusty axe began at an early age to carve out his own fortune, helped to fell the forest, clear the lands, build the fences, and cultivate the farm, and was subject to all the vicissitudes of pioneer life. Here he aquired habits of industry that have followed him through life.
The narrow limits of education facilities peculiar to pioneer times did not prevent his acquiring an education. He mentally devoured all the books accessible, and it was often said of him that he was never known to be without a book in his pocket, even when at work, availing himself of every opportunity to stock his mind with its contents. He was for some time a student of the Hon. Benjamin R. Reeve, who still resides in Rush County. He afterwards attended the best school the country afforded, the Connersville Seminary, where he soon became quite proficient in mathematics and astronomy. He read law with General P. A. Hackleman, his cousin, now deceased. He was a resident for a short time in 1835 and '36 of Cass County, Illinois, then a part of Morgan County, and during those years, in company with an older brother, Abner Hackleman, made extensive explorations west of the Mississippi River, through the present State of Iowa, and in the latter year returned to Rush County. He was married to Margaret Davisson, daughter of Aaron Davisson, of Monmouth County, New Jersey, on the 28th day of October, 1841.
Several years of his early life were spent in teaching school, and also discharging the duties of the office of Justice of the Peace. In May, 1849, he moved to Wabash County and improved a farm in Liberty Township. In 1852, he was elected Surveyor of Wabash County, and was continued in office three terms by the unanimous vote of the county. In 1859, was elected Clerk of the Wabash Circuit Court, and in 1863 re-elected, serving eight years, the constitutional limit, to the satisfaction of all. At the election in October, 1874, he was elected to the Senate from Wabash and Huntington Counties by the Republican party, a member of which he has been since the disorganization of the Whig party, and was one of the active members of the Senate at the last session of the Legislature.
Senator Hackleman is one of those affable, kind, unassuming gentleman, always ready to do an act of kindness, and to administer to the wants of his fellow-citizens; never had a personal difficulty with any one; never was sick a day in his life, except having a few shakes of the ague the first year he came to the county, so prevalent on the Wabash at that time. He is temperate, never having used intoxicating liquors; is a member of the Christian Church. The Senator has a well-selected library of several hundred volumes of rare and valuable books, where he spends most of his leisure hours, and, when engaged on his farm, can generally be found there. He has also in his library more than one hundred volumes of newspapers, carefully bound. He has for the last forty years kept a dairy of the most noted events coming under his observation, which he finds of value as matters of history.
Mr. Hackleman was the youngest of a family of ten children, of whom he alone survives. His eldest brother, Richard Hackleman, was long a resident of Hancock County, this State. Dr. James Hackleman was one of the early settlers of Wabash. Another brother, Abner Hackleman, was several years a member of the Territorial Legislature of Iowa, and conducted one of the first emigrant companies to Oregon. A fourth brother, Dr. Jacob T. Hackleman, was an early resident of Iowa. He died many years ago.
Senator Hackleman has resided for the last sixteen years in the city of Wabash, but spends a considerable portion of his time on his farm.
Source: 1875 Historical Atlas of Wabash County, Indiana page 44.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Cornelius Halderman, farmer, P. O. Roann, son of John and Mary Halderman, was born in Preble County, Ohio, May 30, 1815. His father was born September 8, 1773, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. His mother (formerly Mary Kinsey), was born in Maryland July 6, 1780. The subject of our sketch in his youth had moderate opportunities only for acquiring an education. He improved well such opportunities, however, thus preparing himself to act a practical part in life's dealings. At the age of twenty, he entered the printing office of his older brother, who was at that time editing and publishing the Eaton Register, of Eaton, Ohio, and was thus engaged, with the exception of a few months spent in teaching school, for a period of seven years. At the expiration of that time, he was exclusively engaged in teaching for two years. The event of his marriage took place November 12, 1843. The chosen companion through life being Julia A. Riner, born in Preble County, Ohio, June 17, 1821. She is the daughter of Henry and Sarah *Fouke) Riner, who were natives of Virginia, the former having been born in Berkeley County April 11, 1790, and the latter in Shepherdstown June 18, 1797. Mr. Halderman purchased and settled on a farm near Camden, Ohio, in 1844, and waqs there engaged in farming for a period of nine years. At the expiration of that time, he opened a mercantile establishment in Green Bush, Ohio, and was thus engaged for one year. He purchased his first real estate in Wabash County in September, 1834, but did not become a resident of the county until 1854, when he purchased and settled on the farm where he now resides. He purchased at first 520 acres. The town of Roann now stands on the tract. He sold a portion of the land, leaving him now the owner of more than 300 acres of excellent land, a large portion of which is under a fine state of cultivation. His dwelling has been built nearly twenty years, and is a substancial and comfortable residence of the style then in vogue. The first business house in Roann was built by him in 1855, and shortly after its completion he purchased and brought to Roann a full line of general merchandise, which was the first stock of goods brought to the place. He was then successfully engaged in conducting his store until 1857, when he sold out. Since then he has been extensively engaged in farming. In politics, Mr. Halderman is a Republican, a Universalist in religion. He is a friend to education, and advocate for and supporter of good schools, and ever stands to aid in advancing general improvements in his county. Mr. And Mrs. Halderman have had born to them eleven children, viz.: Philena A., born September 18, 1844; Harriett B., June 18, 1846; Lurton D., May 7, 1849; Charles S., March 29, 1851; Henry R., born January 30, 1853, deceased November 15, 1853; Clarence, born September 30, 1854, and deceased April 8, 1855; Abbot L. and Florence B., born May 13, 1857; William H., March 8, 1860; Laura I., July 25, 1862; U. S. Grant, August 31, 1864.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 435.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Fergus Halderman, farmer, P.O., Roann, born in Preble County, Ohio, March 24, 1839, is the son of John and Jemema (Scheidler) Halderman. The former was born in Virginia December 24, 1805, and the latter in Preble County, Ohio, in August, 1811. The subject of this sketch was educated in Eaton, Ohio. In 1860, he opened a dry goos store in Rush County, Indiana, and successfully conducted the same until 1864, when he sold out, went to Cambridge City, Indiana, and opened a grocery store, and was thus engaged for one year, thence to Eaton, Ohio, and was engaged in the oil business for a period of one year. He became a resident of Wabash County, and settled on the farm where he now resides in 1866. The event of his marriage took place November 6, 1862, to Sarah A. Colwell, who was born in Fayette County, Indiana, December 14, 1840. She is the daughter of Train and Sarah (DeHaven) Colwell, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Halderman have had born to them six children, five of whom are living, viz: Dora B, born August 27, 1863; Clement L., September 16, 1865; John T., May 16, 1867; Sarah M., August 28, 1869; and Charles S., April 27, 1874. Mr. Halderman is a genial gentleman, and is known as an enterprising farmer and thorough business man.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 435.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Among the representative farmers of Wabash County, Indiana, none are more worthy of mention than J. M. Harrell, of Lagro Township, whose landed interests are in both Lagro and Chester Townships and whose extensive farming operations have been carried on in a systematic and business-like manner.
He was born January 10, 1857, in this county, his parents being Jacob and Mary A. (Creamer) Harrell.
Jacob Harrell was born in Decatur County, Indiana, July 29, 1818, and spent his entire life in this state. He learned the trade of a machinist and worked at it for a number of years, Making spinning wheels, reels, stands and a great many caskets. Later in life he turned his attention to agriculture and about 1845 moved to Wabash County, purchasing land in Lagro Township. He made this his home for a time and then bought a farm in Chester Township and moved there, remaining there until his death, which occurred April 13, 1895. He was a democrat of the Jackson type and a zealous member of the United Brethren Church. He married Mary A. Creamer, who was born in Ohio, September 20, 1820, and is still residing in Chester Township. They were the parents of seven children, four of whom are living at this time. They are as follows: Thomas, a farmer of Lagro Township; Mary E., wife of James H. Barnes, of Lagro Township, who is represented on another page of this work; J. M., our subject; and Martha J., who married John W. Burton, of Chester Township.
J. M. Harrell received a limited education in the public school and made himself useful at home during his boyhood and youth. He had been industrious and at the age of twenty-one was undisputed owner of one horse, his time having been given to his family. He had been brought up on a farm and found the employment so much of his liking that he has made it the vocation of his life and has been eminently successful.
August 6, 1885, he was joined in matrimony to Miss Rose E. Burton, who was born in Shelby County, Indiana, January 15, 1867, and is a daughter of James and Martha A. (Ferguson) Burton.
One child, a bright little son, George Grover, has been born to them and is a student in the sixth grade at school. He is exceptionally bright in his studies and stands highest in his classes, receiving a grade of ninety-four per cent.
Mr. Harrell and his bride began their wedded life in the frame house which stands on their present homestead. They went to work with a will, meaning to make a success of their undertaking if industry and endurance counted for aught. They now own four hundred and forty acres of good, tillable land in Lagro and Chester Townships, and have prospered above their fondest hopes. They made it a rule to improve their place as they were able and to put there only such improvements as were lasting, and as a result they have one of the most desirable homes in the state of Indiana. Fruit and shade trees have added to the attractiveness of the surroundings and furnish the most delicious fruit to tempt the appetite.
In 1898 a modern brick residence of handsome architecture and elegant appointment replaced the modest frame which has formerly served as their home. This tasty structure, surrounded by a well-kept lawn and beautiful trees, is one of the pleasantest sights the county affords ad never fails to attract the pleased notice of the casual passerby.
Mr. Harrell is one of the enterprising farmers of Wabash County who may be safely counted on to take the lead in agricultural methods and who is looked up to by his neighbors as a man whose judgement may safely be relied on.
He has been a life-long Democrat and bases his opinions from intellectual research into political questions.
Both he and his wife are earnest workers in the United Brethren Church of Urbana, in which he holds the office of trustee, while Mrs. Harrell is a teacher of the young ladies' class in the Sunday school and holds a warm place in their affections.
Her father, James Burton, was born in the state of West Virginia, July 3, 1810, and died June 2, 1883, after a long and useful life which had been crowned with successs. After arriving at mature years he moved to Ohio and later to Indiana, reaching this state when the country was yet but sparsely inhabited. He was a practical farmer who appeared to know intuitively just the proper method to pursue on every occasion. In 1868 he came to Lagro Township and purchased one hundred acres of land upon which he built a cabin and made his home working unceasingly and adding to his original purchase from time to time until he owned six hundred acres of land and had provided liberally for his children. There are but two children living, Mrs. Harrell and her brother, John W., who is a prominent agriculturist of Chester Township, a third child, a daughter, having passed into the light of the eternal morning.
Source: 1901 Biographical Memoirs of Wabash County, Indiana ... pages 494 - 496
Submitter: Linda Thompson
JOHN HENDRICKS. This gentleman was born in Clark County, Ohio, March 18, 1852. His parents, John and Lydia Hendricks, were also natives of the same county. They had one child, John, who was born soon after the death of his father, John, Sr. Young John attended school, and obtained a fair education. In 1861, he accompained his mother to Indiana, and they settled in Huntington County, where they remained five years, finally coming to Wabash County in 1866. Mr. H. was united in marriage, in April, 1875, with Mary A. Dinius, a native of Huntington County, Ind. She is the daughter of Hiram and Hester Dinius. Mr. and Mrs. H. are the parents of two children, viz., Bertha M. (deceased) and Emma H. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks are members of the German Baptist Church.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 462.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
William Hippensteel, farmer, P.O. North Manchester, son of John and Mary (Hendricks) Hippensteel, was born January 9, 1811. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and died in that State. He came to Wabash County, Indiana, in 1849, and purchased eighty acres of land from which he developed a good farm. He was married, December 10, 1835, to Susanna Warren, daughter of David and Tracy (Newal) Warren, natives of Pennsylvania, and both now deceased. This union was blessed by nine children, all of whom are now living and married, viz: James, Sarah, Henry, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, William J., Tracy, David and Harriet. All the sons and daughters reside in Wabash County. Two of the sons served in the Union army during the late war. James was in the One Hundred and Thirtieth Indian Regiment, and participated in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged during the last two years of their term of service. Henry enlisted in the Forty-seventh Indiana Regiment for three years, but was discharged on account of disability nine months after enlisting. In February, 1863, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirtieth Indiana Regiment, and served until the close of the war. He was married, January 10, 1867, to Naomi Misner, a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, and daughter of Jacob and Mary (Clark) Misner. Of the six children who blessed this union three are now living, viz: Orren A., Harvey R. and Maud V.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 292.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
ELIAS HIVELY, one of the properous and energetic farmers of Pleasant Township, was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, September 25, 1834. His father, Christian Hively, and his mother, whose maiden name was Mary M. Clay, were of Pennsylvania birth. Elias Hively came to Wabash County, Ind., in 1853, and settled upon the farm where he has since resided. In 1883, he erected a neat frame residence about half a mile west of his former home. Mr. Hively and Elizabeth Aukeman were inited in marriage January 2, 1861. She was born in Ohio. They are the parents of three children, Viz., Jasper F., Oliva E. and Arthur B. Mr. and Mrs. H. are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 462.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Was born in Bedford County, Virginia, January 14th, 1801. In 1824, he was married to a lady of Starke County, Ohio, and emigrated to Wabash County in 1843, and settled on Section 7 in Liberty Township. From there he subsequently removed to Lincolnville, where he now resides. Jason Holloway is a born member of the Friends, or Quaker Church, and one of the leading men in his denomination. His son, Job Holloway, one of a family of eleven children, also a member of the Quaker Church, is a prominent man among them, and the principal blacksmith in the village of Lincolnville. He was married in Henry County, Indiana, to Rebecca Copeland, and has a family of five children.
Source: 1875 Historic Atlas of Wabash County, Indiana page 44.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
HEZEKIAH HOOVER. Elias Hoover was born in 1816, and his wife, whose maiden name was Mary Whitmire, was born in 1822. They were the parents of nine children, viz., Eliza, Margaret, Nancy E., Mary Ann, Emily, Hezekiah, Henry, George W. and Charles A. Hezekiah Hoover is a native of Wabash County, Ind., where he was born in October, 1855. He attended the common schools, and was a studious pupil, thus acquiring a fair education, which has been improved by home reading. He remained upon the home farm, with the exception of three years, until his marriage, which occured September 29, 1878, the bride being Florence A. Onstott, a native of Miami County, Ind. This union is blessed with one child, Georgia Ann. Mr. Hoover still resides upon the farm formerly occupied by his father, and is an energetic and successful farmer.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 462.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
A. C. Huggins. This gentleman's parents are natives of Perry County, Penn. His father, Abner Huggins, died in 1853, aged forty-one years, while his mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Keagle, is still living, a resident of Wabash County. A. C. Huggins was born in Marion County, Ohio, October 6, 1840. He attended school and obtained a fair education. He came to Wabash County in 1862, and learned the painter's trade, which he followed until 1878, when he was appointed to the position of Posmaster in Laketon. June 27, 1882, he was married to Miss Amanda E. Pflieger, a native of York County, Penn., where she resided until her marriage. In addition to attending to the duties of Postmaster, Mr. Huggins conducts a general store, and enjoys a large and profitable trade.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 462.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
JOHN ISENBARGER. This is a name that has many familiar associations not only to the people in and about North Manchester, where Mr. Isenbarger has his home and is prominent as a realm estate man, but also in different sections of the state. Mr. Isenbarger was twice candidate for the office of state treasurer on the Democratic ticket, and the second time was defeated by a very narrow margin of votes. He is also a member of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture. In many ways he has identified himself prominently with the business and civic affairs of this county.
John Isenbarger is a native of Indiana, and was born in Kosciusko County, August 7, 1868, a son of John and Catherine (Shoemaker) Isenbarger. His father was twice married, and by his union with Susan Shaefer had the following children: William, of Manchester; George, of Kosciusko County; Martha, the deceased wife of Aaron Arnold; and Lucinda, who died young. The children of John Isenbarger by Catherine Shoemaker, were Noah; Ella; John; Eli; Waity; and Samuel, who died in infancy. The father died February 23, 1890, and his wife passed away August 12, 1886. David Shoemaker, father of Catherine Shoemaker, was greatly interested in church work, and as a Dunkard, or old German Baptist, organized practically all of the churches of that denomination in Wabash County.
John Isenbarger, Jr., has the usual training of a farmer boy. While still on a farm and earning monthly wages, he saw the promise of larger things in business, and after perceiving his opportunities was not slow in making the best of them. He attended district school, and helped his father until about eighteen years old, when he began for himself. His first winter away from home was spent in clearing twelve acres of timberland for a neighbor, and any one at all familiar with this kind of toil will recognize that he could not have selected a harder means of beginning the foundation for his individual prosperity. Three years later he became a partner with Noah Butterbaugh in the hog business. Mr. Isenbarger in 1891 came to Wabash County, locating at North Manchester. For a time his work was as a farm hand at different places in that vicinity. Then for two years he operated a dairy farm, the owner of which was Gilford Miller. He had already become aware of the unusual opportunities presented by the real estate business, and from dairyman opened an office at North Manchester, and began dealing in real estate on a broad basis. Mr. Isenbarger has not confined his operations to affording a medium for the trades and transfers of the local supply and demands, but has enlarged the range of his operations so that he has made land in this part of the state familiar to investors all over western Indiana and in the state of Illinois. By this broadening of the market he has done more perhaps than any other one individual to bring land values in the vicinity of North Manchester up to the high average of first-class farm lands in the middle west. In 1905 Mr. Lon Fleming was admitted to partnership, and together they have prosecuted a very successful and extensive business.
Mr. Isenbarger for many years has taken an active interest in public affairs. As already stated, he has twice been nominee of his party for the office of state treasurer, being defeated in 1905 by thirteen thousand votes, and in 1909 by only two hundred and seventy votes. It is his intention to make the race again, and if past performances are a criterion his success is practically assured. Mr. Isenbarger was also one of the organizers of the Indiana State Bank at North Manchester, and was the prime factor of the organization of the Commercial Club. To his influence and work was due in large measure the location of the Dunkard College at North Manchester. Aside from his active connection with business, Mr. Isenbarger has found time to cultivate the social side of life, and is identified with the Masonic Lodge, the Knights of Pythias, and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
On March 24, 1894, was solemnized his marriage with Cora Shanafelt. Her father, John Shanafelt, was one of Wabash County’s pioneers, and for years resided near North Manchester. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Isenbarger were born the following children: Paul, secretary of the North Manchester Milling Company; Bland in high school, and Lawrence.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana, page 824-826.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
The parents of this lady were natives of Germany. They came to America in their younger days. ELIZABETH ISLEY was born December 14, 1826. She was a studious pupil in the log school-house of early days, and while she attended school always applied herself to the branches assigned her. April 22, 1856, she was married to Henry Isley. They were the parents of four children, viz., Martha A., Lawrence O., Margaret L. and Lydia A. Margaret A. is the wife of Ellis Bussard. By a former marriage, Mr. Isley had seven children, viz., John, Mary E., Sarah C., Levi C., Thomas B., William A. and George W. Mr. Isley was an industrious and prosperous farmer, and was respected by all who knew him. He died May 6, 1867. The homstead farm is situated near the post office known as Rose Hill, and has an elegant brick residence of modern architecture. Mrs. Isley died September 8, 1881, leaving a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her departure.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 462.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Amos Ivens was born in New Jersey, five miles from Philadelphia, in 1797, his parents being David and Delila (Canarroe) Ivens. His father was a soldier in the Revolution, serving through the war. He was one of the "Continentals" engaged at Bunker's Hill, Trenton, Morristown, Yorktown and elsewhere. He was wounded once, but was not disabled. The father of A.I. was born in 1748, and he died in 1838, ninety years old. The mother died in 1837 at the age of ninety-three years. They had thirteen children, five boys and eight girls. Nine of the group grew to maturity. Some of them were Isaac, Rachel, Rebecca, David, Abigail, Samuel, Amos, Mary, Achsah. All of them are dead but Amos, and he is eight six years of age. A.I. grew to manhood in New Jersey, and was married there to Hannah Nippins (who was born in that State in 1807), the marriage taking place in 1826. They have been the parents of eleven children. The whole family survive but one, and she died only about two months ago. They are Mary Ann, born October 7, 1827 (six children); Rachel, born October 7, 1828 (nine children); Adeline, November 11, 1830 (five children); Isaac, February 17, 1832 (three children); Rebecca May 4, 1835 (nine children); David, August 15, 1837 (no children); John February 13, 1840 (no children); Amanda, August 20, 1842 (eight children), died March, 1883; Amos, September 20, 1844 (two children); Hannah, December 17, 1846 (four children; William Edward, October 4, 1848 (two children). Mrs. Ivens is far beyond the allotted threescore and ten, yet both her husband and herself bear their age well. She was one of ten children-Susan, Joseph, Eliza, John, Mary, William, Edward, Emeline, Hester Ann, Hannah, and three others. Her father died in 1818, and her mother in 1850.
Mr. I. in politics has been a Democrat all his life, and is so still. He belongs to the German Baptists. He was partly raised a Friend, but moved away from them, and finally joined the "Dunkards" in 1877. He moved to Logan County, Ohio, in 1839; to Warren County, Ohio in 1840; to Madison County, Ind., in 1844, and to Wabash County in 1854. Mr. Ivens owned land in Madison County, but has had none in Wabash. He has dwelt in various places, working as a farmer all his life, having resided several years on the "Mount farm." He has never been rich in this world's goods, but they have had enough; and he feels that he is rich in faith and the heir of an endless kingdom. He was but a lad in the war of 1812, but he longed to go into the army; yet he did not because his father thought him to young, and advised him not to enlist, and he stayed at home. His father was a Quaker, but did not join them till after the war with Great Britain. Mr. I., although so old, is quite active and strong, being seen often on the streets mingling pleasantly and cheerfully among his fellow citizens.
Note: Amos and wife Hannah are buried in the Old Laketon Cemetery located in Ijamsville just south of Laketon. He died 1-4-1886 and she 10-3-1884 Son Amos and his wife are also buried there. Taken from Pleasant Township Cemeteries of Wabash County, Indiana by Woodward 2001.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 427-428.
Submitter: Ron Woodward
Mark Jones. Among the early settlers who deserve a permanent place in the records of their county was Mark Jones, who located in Noble Township in 1847. He was an interesting character and a man of solid worth and accomplishments. He was one of those old-fashioned Quakers, who were not only devoted to the tenets of their faith, but lived up to their teachings in all respects. When he came here the country was in a primitive condition. The Indians were still here, and wild animals and game abounded. He possessed the courage of the pioneer and by the hardest kind of manual labor bore his part in converting Wabash lands from a wild condition. His creed was to do unto others as he would be done by, to worship God after the teachings of his father, to walk uprightly in all the paths of life, to which he was appointed, and to rear his children to fear God and to honorable citizenship. If success in life is measured by succeeding in undertakings, then mark Jones' life was eminently successful.
He married Esther Jenkins, and both he and his wife were natives of Darke County, Ohio. After coming to Wabash County, Mr. Jones farmed until about the close of the civil War, when he turned his attention to the manufacture of lumber, having previously in connection with farming, operated a "muley" sawmill, on the Somerset Pike. From 1865 to 1868 he had a circular sawmill, one of the first in the county. In 1868, he started a hub and spoke factory in Wabash, but later, in partnership with Eli Hutchins and W. D. Jones, converted this into a concern for the manufacture of a cheap grade of furniture for which there was at that time a large demand.
Mr. Jones was uniformly successful, but success was attained only through discouraging circumstances at times, hard work and sound business judgment. Few men have left a better impress for good upon the minds of the people than Mark Jones. He died February 5, 1877, when fifty-two years of age. To this marriage four sons and three daughters were born.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana, page 949.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
William Preston Jones. The record of William Preston Jones in his independent relation with commercial enterprise in the city of Wabash will soon have covered a period of forty years. Men do not remain in one locality and steadily prosper without furnishing an adequate service to the community, and a veteran merchant like Mr. Jones always has a place of peculiar esteem among a large patronage, and in the general citizenship. Mr. Jones has been furnishing the homes of Wabash County citizens with furniture and household goods for more than a generation, and in point of continuous years is one of the oldest of Wabash merchants.
A son of Mark Jones, whose career is briefly sketched in preceding paragraphs, William Preston Jones was born on his father's farm three miles southwest of Wabash, November 25, 1849. When a baby he was taken to another place, two and a half miles from Wabash on the Yankee Road, where he lived until twelve years of age. After that his home was in south Wabash until he was married. In the meantime he had acquired an education in the neighboring district schools, and was employed as a farmhand until about twenty years of age. His father in the meantime had become identified with the lumber industry, and also had a shop for the manufacturing of cabinet work, and in this shop William P. Jones learned the trade of cabinet maker, and gained a practical experience in the turning and fabrication of various kinds of furniture. He remained until 1875 in that factory, and in 1876 began his independent career when he bought an interest in the retail furniture store with nelson Rector of Jone, Hutchins & Company in Canal Street. Three years later, in 1879, Mr. Jones bought the interest of his partner, and has continued at the head of the establishment ever since. With the progress of time other lines have been added to his furniture business, such as carpets, stoves, certain lines of leather goods, curtains and a general stock of household equipment. Undertaking was a feature of the establishment when he bought the property, and Mr. Jones now has a record of having officiated as undertaker at the burial of more people in Wabash County than any other in that profession. In this line of work he has bestowed a care which harmonizes with the affection felt by the living for the dead.
Mr. Jones is a republican, and for four years served in the city council. He has taken the Knights Templar degrees in Masonry, and is also affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In April, 1875, he married Miss Louise S. Coble. Four children have been born to their marriage as follows: Howard C.; Homer M.; Porter E.; and Paula L., who is the wife of Goldwin Small. Of his sons, Howard C. and Homer M. since 1905 have been associated with their father in business. Porter E. is the manager of the Dearborn Drug & Chemical Company over the states of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, with headquarters at Philadelphia. Mr. Jones holds a birthright membership in the Quaker Church.
Source: 1914 History of Wabash County, Indiana, page 949-950.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Wiley S. Jordan, farmer, P.O. North Manchester, was born in Wayne County, Indiana, January 16, 1831. His father, William Jordan, was born in Pennsylvania in 1792, and his mother was born in County Down, Ireland. His father served fifteen months under Captain Shoults in the war of 1812, General Zachary Taylor being their mustering officer. He moved to Wayne County, Indiana, in 1810 or 1811, floating down the Ohio in a flat boat from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. In 1816, he entered land about seven miles southeast of Richmond, Indiana, and afterward entered other tracts of government land, until he had large possessions. He was a farmer, and followed that occupation through life, sometimes assisting in the survey of public lands. He began life very poor, and by hard work accumulated a fortune of $70,000. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for more than fifty years, and for forty-four years was a licensed exhorter. He was a liberal, public-spirited man, and contributed to all the benevot enterprises of his day. He was a strict temperance man, and one of the first in Wayne County to abolish the distribution of whisky to laborers on the farm. He died in September, 1878, at the advanced age of eighty-six years. His wife still survives, and is living with her son in Henry County, Indiana. They enjoyed a happy wedded life of sixty-six years, and had eleven children, ten of whom grew to maturity. Wiley S., the subject of this sketch, received a common school education, and grew up a farmer, which occupation he has ever since followed. It was the custom of his father to present each child with $500 when he or she left the homestead to begin life. In lieu of this amount, Wiley accepted 160 acres of unimproved land in Wabash County, and addressed himself to the task of clearing and developing the farm he now occupies. In November, 1855, he married Miss Hannah Smith, and for a while lived in a log cabin on his new farm. About four years later, he determined to have a good house, and began the erection of his present residence at a time when his cash capital consisted of three "Yonkers' shillings," carrying it, little by little, to completion, with what money he was able to earn in the meantime. He taught school in early life, and employed all honorable means to gain a livelihood. Little by little his fortune has accumulated, until it has reached very comfortable proportions. He has a fine farm of 440 acres, under a good state of cultivation. In politics, he is a Republican, and has served as County Commissioner. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and since 1861 has been a local preacher. Mr. Jordan and wife are the parents of eight children, seven of whom are living, viz., William H. (now attending college at Greencastle, Indiana), Russell P., John A., Mary E., Ida M., George L. and Charles W. Nancy E. is deceased. Mrs. Jordan was born in Fayette County, Indiana, and is the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Dowd) Smith, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Ohio.
Source: 1884 History of Wabash County, Indiana page 293.
Submitter: Linda Thompson
Mike Sweeney / Cottonwood, Arizona /
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