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USGW Archives: Vermillion County
Obituary Surnames E - H
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Earles, James Gloyd Sr.
Earls, Lois (Chew)
Eaton, W. F. "Web"
Edwards, Nema
Elder, Clarence
Elder, Martha
Ennis, Marshall
Ephlin, Charles Tillman
Fable, Susan A.
Fenton, John N.
Finney, Agnes (Porter)
Fishback, Joseph
Fisher, Floy Jean (Richards)
Fisher, Iva M. (Thornton)
Fitzgerald, William
Foncannon, Maddison
Foos, Anna Jaggers
Foos, Archie
Foos, Bessie
Foos, Claude M.
Foos, Edgar
Foos, Edyth M.
Foos, Eliza Jaggers
Foos, Enoch "Buck"
Foos, Enoch B.
Foos, Eric Dewayne
Foos, Jesse
Foos, Joe
Foos, Joseph
Foos, Lovisa
Foos, Lydia E.
Foos, Maude Jane (Collins)
Foos, Raymond M.
Foos, Rebecca
Foos, Valentine
Foos, Velma Fern (Craft)
Foos, Vorie
Foos, Zona Mae (Bonebrake)
Foose, James Otis
Foose, Jesse
Ford, Rosanah
Forte, Anna
Foster, Ethel G.
Fox, Homer Wesley
Fox, William E.
Frantz, Ruth Helen
Frist, Beulah
Frist, Jediah R.
Frist, Patricia J.
Fultz, Albert F.
Gilbert, Joan Milligan
Gilmore, Florence
Ginn, Frank J.
Goforth, Blanche Botner Saxton
Good, Lizzie (Steinbaugh)
Gormey, Joseph
Gouty, Roy Leslie
Gouty, Vernon
Graves, Vira
Greulich, Frank C.
Groves, Eugene
Groves, Mrs. Cecil O.
Groves, Goldie (Miller)
Guinn, George E.
Hagenbaugh, Almeda
Hagenbaugh, Scott
Hale, Corintha Smith
Hall, Amelia Catherine (Hedges)
Hall, Oscar Thomas
Hall, Sally P. Conard
Hamersley, Charles
Hamersley, Mrs. Laurence
Hansicker, Mrs. Henry
Harmon, Charles
Harmon, Orva (Houchin)
Harper, Emily
Harrington, James
Harrington, Melissa J. (Mack)
Harrington, Sadie Ellen
Harrington, William Riley
Harris, Elizabeth (Chezem)
Harrison, Milo
Haskell, Max M.
Haskell, Rex T.
Hasty, Samantha
Hathaway, Madge
Hathaway, Paul L.
Harvey, Edgar
Haverty, Mary Ruth
Hawkins, Amney C. (Tucker)
Hathaway, Robert Edward
Haun, Mabel
Hayes, Benton
Hayes, Clarence Lee
Hayes, Francis C.
Hayes, Gary Gene
Hayes, Gerald
Hayes, H. Claude
Hayes, Harry
Hayes, Hershel J.
Hayes, Josephine
Hayes, Lawrence
Hayes, P. Ethel
Hays, Fred
Hays, Luanne
Hays, Luke
Hays, William G.
Heber, Lawrence H.
Heber, Orlow
Hedges, Amelia Catherine (Hall)
Hedges, William
Hegg, Gladys (Hinton)
Helt, Charles B.
Helt, Sarah Taylor
Henry, Mrs. Ora
Henthorn, Emma Steinbaugh
Hess, Sarah Jane
Hickman, Wilber
Hicks, Daniel A.
Hines, Bertha
Hines, Mae (Keister)
Hines, Pete
Hines, Susan Edna (Hay)
Holbert, Ray Peer
Holder, Herman E.
Hollingsworth, Catherine
Holt, Norvin
Holtz, Lizzie
Holycross, Roscoe Jenning
Hooker, John E.
Hooper, Infant
Hopkins, John
Hosford, Milo
Houchin, Alice Carrie
Houchin, Elizabeth Jackson
Houchin, Frank Newton
Houchin, Jesse
Houchin, Mary Malinda
Houchin, Mrs. Elizabeth
Hudson, John
Huff, Catherine
Hughes, Helen (Wait)
Hupp, Callie