Towns - Putnam

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Note: To date 118 towns have been found, as of 8-30-2024 - --  kbz -please let me know if you have others -- Remember, Uncle Harry's Crossing may have existed only for a day, but it may qualify for history!!!

Alma -- According to Post Offices of Indiana (by V.A. Ross) there was a PO here from 1-28-1858 to 11-14-1860 but it is not known exactly where the town was.

Almeda – on Deer Creek south of Fillmore – 1878 map

Arcola -- the only Arcola on the internet is of course the larger city in Allen County (and other states) but an early obit said born Arcola, Putnam County - hopefully, we'll find something sometime :(

Bainbridge -- located in upper Monroe Township, one of the older communities in Putnam, it is located in Monroe Township and has about 750 people in 2012. It was named for William Bainbridge, an early U.S. Naval Captain. Still a fairly active small town, they have a church, school, Legion, and volunteer fire department, among other things. The Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Railroad kept the town alive for many years. Adam Feather was the first blacksmith; Joshua Lucas, the first tanner while John Cunningham was the first merchant. Bainbridge was incorporated in 1847. The town was named for Commodore Bainbridge of the US Navy. Quite the religious diversity was alive and well in the early 1900s with Catholics, Presbyterian, Methodists, Christians living happily side by side. Bainbridge had a newspaper (Bainbridge News) for some time, and a bank. Joshua Lucas was the first postmaster. Joshua Lucas was the first postmaster, appointed 2-13-1835 -- it has one of the longest running Post Offices in the county.

Barnard -- a neat little town located on State Road 236 about 5 miles east of Roachdale. The town had a Post Office from 3-29-1880 to its closing in 6-30-1912. A small cemetery and a few houses are there today, 2012.

Belle Union -- a tiny community located in Section 12 in Jefferson Township, and was once a fairly thriving community which had a school, a couple of groceries,restaurants and a church thrived there for many years. Robert McCammack was the first official postmaster at Belle Union and took office April 6, 1870. The PO was closed May 14, 1906.  Also read this article

Berne -- Howard Moser was born there in 1922.

Billtown –found in Source: Greencastle Star Press 7 April 1894 p 4 – People in article – Mrs. Fred Harris has taken an orphan boy to raise; WF Wilson; Wm. Ader; JT Harris; Canaan Church; GW Vice – “the Billtown cow made more butter in the month of January than the Reno Jersey even if the Reno Correspondent does think it was misrepresented.  Also the Reno correspondent is mistake – Fred Harris has been living here for 36 years; he is no spring chicken!”

Black Hawk -- Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana 4 April 1913
Under the "Black Hawk news" these names were found -- Ollie Bowman; Isaiah Craft; Jane Harris (widow of James Harris)

Blakesburg -- a small town on Raccoon Creek that is extinct today ? but existed in at least the latter part of the 1800s the town’s postal service existed from 5-26-1828 to 10-19-1839.  See James Blake Biography for much more on this town thanks to Sol :) Source: Laws of the State of Indiana Chapter CCLXV --An act to vacate the town of Blakesburg in Putnam County – Approved Jan 15, 1846. Section 1 – Be it enacted the General Assembly of the State of Indiana. That the town of Blakesburg in the county of Putnam, heretofore laid off by James Blake, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2 – This act to take effect from and after its passage. Article

Bobtown -- Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana 4 April 1913
Under Bobtown news items these names were mentioned: Oscar Phillips; Joseph & Alonzo Evans; Ross Huffman; Raymond RIghtsell; James Huffman.  -- Evans; Sendmyer; Craft; Bullerdick were names found under this town's news in the Herald-Democrat 7 January 1916 p 8  (likely in western Cloverdale or in Mill Creek Township near Belle Union perhaps - let me know if you know where Bobtown was :)

Brick Chapel -- located on US 231 South it is at the edge of Co. Rd 350 North. A Post Office existed here from 4-28-1873 to 11-5-1875 and reopened the next year on May 8th. It permanently closed 2-28-1905. A beautiful church and cemetery plus a couple of homes is all that exists of the town today, in 2013.  Source: Noblesville Ledger Mon 11 July 1983 p 2
Brick Chapel, Ind – Benjamin Jones preached the first sermon at Brick Chapel in 1824 when it was little more than a few log cabins in the hills. Dean McCoy is the preacher now and, in many ways, little has changed. Time moves slowly in this small west-central Indiana community, tucked in between Greencastle and Crawfordsville.  A few houses and peeling barns dot the country roads that scribble across the landscape. Some spools of hay lie on empty fields, although residents mainly grow corn and soy beans.  The town’s namesake, Brick Chapel, juts up alongside US 231.  It’s not the original chapel where Jones delivered the area’s first sermon 159 years ago. That was given in a log cabin, the home of George and Elizabeth Howlett. The Howletts settled the area in 1822 and not long after building their cabin, longed for Sunday sermons. They convinced Jones, a preacher at a church where Greencastle now stands to give a sermon and a tradition was born. Services were held in the Howlett cabin until 1828, when the congregation became too large and they moved into a log schoolhouse. The first brick church was dedicated in 1834. In the 1870s that was destroyed by fire and another built. The present Brick Chapel was dedicated in 1912.  McCoy, who came to the area only a year ago when he was transferred from a congregation in Marengo, described Brick Chapel residents and “quiet and hardworking.”  They hold very strong to the tradition of the church – strong in their loyalty to the church.  Mc Coy said, “They are very family-oriented.”  Glenn Flint, 87, is known by most in Brick Chapel as the local historian as well as part of the local history. One of three man-made lakes in Brick Chapel bears his name and the path to his house, which takes drivers over several one-lane wooden bridges has been well-traveled. He has a stack of papers documenting the history of Brick Chapel, including copies of speeches, excerpts form logs written by pastors in the 1890s and several photographs. One shows Mrs. Howlett, a stern-looking woman with steely eyes and hands laced across her lap.  “I was born in Fillmore and then my parents moved to Brick Chapel community in 1903,” said Flint, reclining on a sofa in the modest, two-story house on his farm. “They, in turn, stayed in the Brick Chapel community until their passing and, of course, they’re now resting in the Brick Chapel cemetery,” he said.  Flint and his wife, Nellie, 82 were married Sept 1, 1923. Two years later, they bought the farm and in 1927, they built the house where they raised five children, two of whom live in Greencastle.

Broad Park -- It is unknown where this town was located but a Post Office was held there from 3-26-1892 to its closing the last day of 1903.  More on this town - In 1913 (Herald-Democrat 29 August) there was still "news" from Broadpark (a good crowd was present at the festival at Walnut Chapel Saturday night so probably near there. Rollie Hill and wife of Cloverdale spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Vaughn. Thomas Broadstreet is having two new barns built and John Stringer is having a shed added to his barn.  (Section 7, north and east near Belle Union close to the county line. --

Brunerstown -- The little burg bridged Section 17 & 18 in Madison Township, dating back to the late 1830s. Isaiah Wright was the first postmaster November 1839 following by M.F. Wright who had the PO briefly and Coleman P. Wright who again had it briefly. Samuel H. Witt from April 20, 1858 was the postmaster when the office closed August 8, 1859.
According to the  Greencastle Star, 14 Dec 1895 -- Brunerstown was still going strong in this year including a Fruit supper at the school, Charley McHargue's family building a new kitchen; Alva Johnson in bed with a fever and much more!

Butler -- a small burg existing in at least the mid-1870s was a whistle stop on the I & St. L Railroad.

Cagle Mill -- Many of the Herbert Family are buried in the Herbert Cemetery at Cagle Mill.

Cairo -- Corner of Section 13 & 14 of in Russell Township (Source: 1878 Indiana Maps

Canaan Chapel -- Source for the town name:  Greencastle Herald, Putnam County, Indiana 25 July 1928 – Names included in the small article are: Beaman; Hassler; Young; Donald; Dunn; Mercer; Trester; Reberger; Rawley; Eaglesfield – anyone know where this might have been located, please let us know.  In 1929 there was still a listing for this town in local newspapers – names were Best, Marshall, Young …

Canby -- The location of this town in Putnam is not known but a post office existed for a little over two years here from 5-5-1873 to 6-25-1875.  W.P. Bailey was the only post master there in its brief existence.  However, even as late as March 15, 1937 (Greencastle Daly Banner) an article noted that in the early days Nate Hollingsworth's "Route permitted him to deliver the mail daily to Brick Chapel, Canby, Mortin, Portland Mills and Clinton Falls ... first stop in a town was at Brick Chapel - the postmaster there would open his pouch, take out the mail for the residents between it and Canby which Hollingsworth delivered, then so on." (from an article by Larry Tippin, County Historian in Dec 2018 passed along by Mary Lou. Thank you!  In 1885 (March 26th Greencastle Banner) a man accidentally shot himself near Canby in Monroe Township.  People living in the area were: Nelsons; Darnalls; Whitteds; Collins; Gaines and others. School No. 2 was right there.  Basically about 9 or so miles north of Greencastle and four west of Bainbridge in northwestern Monroe Twp.    

Carpentersburg -- Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852.  (there were no maps or explanations for these towns thus this may/may not be Carpentersville

Carpentersville -- still a dot in the road, but not the active community it once was, Carpentersville was a wonderful place to grow up for several of my friends. The Watson store was there for decades. Located in Sec 24 and 25, Franklin Township, dates back to 5-23-1850 when the Post Office began (later closed 10-15-1910).  Source: Greencastle Star Press 18 June 1892 p 1 -- The town of Carpentersville has voted in favor of surrendering its town charter and after the required time and the paying of its debts, will become a part of Franklin Township.

Carthage -- see Mount Meridian (early name for that town).

Cary -- Rosa Christ was born there in 1879 (source: her obituary)

Clinton Falls -- a small town in the 1870s + in Clinton Township, Putnam County. The Post Office at Clinton Falls existed from 8-31-1874 to 8-31-1901.

Cloverdale -- quite a thriving little town even today, in 2012, the poulation sets at about 2200 people. It is located almost in the center of Cloverdale Township. A unique organization today is the Cataract Yacht Club, but there is much more to do there. Cloverdale is a fun place. The Louisville, New Albany & Chicago RR (Monon) helped this town thrive -- it was and remains the second largest town in the county. It was laid out by Andrew McCoy and Moses Nelson (Sect 1) in 1839. Thomas Nelson was the first postmaster with the post office in his store. It was early to grab the telephone system in the late 1890s. It was as early as 1824 when the Methodists held the first church. An early newspaper called, "The Bee" was established as early as 1877 but was short lived as was the Local Item of Lyman Naugle's. The Graphic which later combined with the Banner to become the Banner-Graphic eventually went on to Greencastle to be published and is in existence today in December 2012. William Hart was the first postmaster taking office Feb 11, 1836.

Corn Stalk Valley - Herald-Democrat, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana has a column in it titled Corn Stalk Valley and here are the following people mentioned: Bowen; Dobbs; Sechman; Hurst; Cooper; Downey; Newman; Buis; Hicks.  Anyone know where it is, please inform us :)

Cricket Ridge found in Greencastle Star Press 3 March 1894 – people of the area are Leatherman; Littell; Moore; Brattain; McClintock; Dolby  

Crooked Creek - Source: Greencastle Herald 7 May 1913, p 4 - heading titled, "Crooked Creek."  Names mentioned were:Letha Graham (visiting at Kingman) Sunday visitors at Albert Priests; Chaim  &Glen Graham.  

Cross Creek -- Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852.  

Darter -- this small town was near Russellville and existed from at least 12-5-1882 to 9-30-1885 when there was a Post Office there.

DAY – just over the line into Putnam from Montgomery southeast of Roachdale and near Wheaton – 1908 Indiana map

Deer Creek --  Source:  Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher.  NY: JH Colton, 1852.  

Delmar – northeast of Greencastle – 1878 map Still listesd on the 1908 County Map - in Greencastle Township - a stop on the old Van Railroad

DePauw University -- An old institution, DePauw was founded as Asbury College back in 1837 and was named for Francis Asbury, the first American Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Greencastle residents raised an unbelievable amount of money for the time ($25,000) so that the Methodists would want to organize their college in their little village. Originally an all-male school, women were admitted in 1867 and beyond. Washington DePauw contributed a great deal of money in the 1870s thus the name was later changed to DePauw University. DePauw continues to receive large donations, including $128 million from the Holton Family. DePauw has a very rich history and deserves your attention if you enjoy Putnam County or college memories.

DeWees Bridge - Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852.  

Doe Creek -- Source:  Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher.  NY: JH Colton, 1852.

Dunbar Hill -- Source: Greencastle Herald 19 May 1919 p1
Dunbar Hill – those mentioned in the town article were – Miss Lucy Vanhook has been visiting in this neighborhood. Mrs. Pearl Richardson called on Mrs. Abe Vanhook Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Vanhook visited Austin Dodd and family. Mrs. Harley Head and Mrs. Pearl Richardson visited their brother at Knightsville Sunday.  Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boswell and little daughter, Helen Lavaughn, visited relatives near Morton.  Carpenters are recovering Big Walnut Creek bridge in this neighborhood.  In the Banner Graphic 9 May 1983 p 10 – Dunbar Hill Road, a half-mile south of County Road 300 West was the scene of a one-vehicle property-damage accident late Friday afternoon.

Eberle -- A very short Post Office run existed in this tiny town from 8-10-1848 to 11-19-1849.  However, just found (Oct 2019) that it was still in existence in 1852 according to the Colton's Maps of Indiana

Eel River Heights -- Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana 4 April 1913
Eel River Heights news items include these names: Robert Hooser; Earl Young; Eark Barker; Bessie Dean

Fairview - Source: Greencastle Herald 10 July 1907 p 4
“Fairview” is the place where the news items for this paper on this date are listed – names include: Charles Toney; George Shilling; William Boswell; William Dills; Elmer Fuqua … may be near the upper northern border.  

Farrowtown -- This town must have failed miserably as the Post Office only existed for a little over a month starting 3-7-1840 to 4-17-1840.  Addition: It does indeed seem logical that the one and only post master there was Col. Alex S. Farrow.  He lived at the top of (Northwest) corner of Hanna's Crossing and is buried in the small cemetery there on Detro's Trailer lot.  This was at some time and often yet today called "Nine Mile" as it is is 9 miles north of Greencastle - it seems Farrowtown and Samuelsburg were earlier and then Canby came into existence then after that probably still in the same place or very close was Hanna's Crossing. Thanks to Mary Lou for all the help with these towns. Know there are yet more so any help appreciated~!

Fern -- Although I’m not sure of this it stands to reason this small town (from 3-13-1883 to 3-31-1904 which is when the Post Office existed) is probably near Reelsville where Fern Cliff is (a mountain cliff 764’ high) today, a nature preserve area.

Fern Station - may/may not be same as Fern - probably is but not sure - Source: Greencastle Star, 31 Jan 1880
 “Fern Station” – Mr. Hart, the stone mason has commenced working just west of Fern, on the I & St. L. Railroad. Mrs. Plummer is the hotel keeper at Fern

Fillmore -- is located in Section 8 in Marion Township and tallies about 550 people. It is not quite 2 square miles. The E-W highways are US Rt 36 and US Rt 40 with the N-S road being US Rt 231. Dixie Chopper lawnmowers are made in this small town. The town dates back to at least 1848 when William Matthews is listed as the first postmaster. In 1853 William C. Hopwood is listed as the first physician and John Denny as the Justice of the Peace. A post Office was opened there on 12-5-1861.

Fincastle -- Section 24, Russell Township Fincastle is southeast of Russellville about five miles -- extinct. The Post Office for Fincastle was opened 10-21-1847 but only existed until 12-20-1858. Makes a person wonder if the little town had a rebirth as the Post Office reopened 2-15-1877 and was there for quite sometime until 1-14-1905.

Floyd Center -- Source: Greencastle Star 28 Feb 1880 p 2
Found in the Greencastle Star in 1880, people and places mentioned were John Millman; William Wilson; H. Underwood; Zion Church (Elder AS Mayhall); Wesley Chapel; WR Allee is teacher; Omer Wright went to the Far West.  

Fort Red -- This town may be Barnard or it was near Barnard and had a Post Office from 3-1-1876 to 3-29-1880.

Four Corners – Charles Thomas and Hazel Reeves made a business trip to Greencastle. WW Vinzant from near Carbon is visiting his daughter, Mae Thomas; Celia Spurgeon died. Eva Thomas is improving. The ice cream supper at Lena was well attended and a nice time reported by all. Cleared $32.40. Son born to Otto Sawyer and wife July 25, a son. Charles McHargue is sick.   This is likely near or at Morton. from: Source: Greencastle Herald 29 July 1909 p 3

Fox Ridge -- Susan H. thinks this might be in Greencatle Township.  (thanks so much for finding this one for us, Susan !   Source: Greencastle Star Press 13 Oct 1894 p 8
RA Brown of Franklin, was the calamity howler on deck at the Fox Ridge Republican meeting on Saturday night. He exerted himself to a fearful and wonderful extent in endeavoring to convince his hearers that riot, ruin, devastation and demoralization were upon the country because of the present Democratic administration but his endeavor was a failure.
Greencastle Herald 1 April 1908 p 1 -- In a game of baseball between the teams representing the Fox Ridge and the Third Ward grade schools Saturday afternoon, the Fox Ridge lads won by a score of 34-24. The game was played on the field by Locust Street Church. The Fox Ridge boys now claim the grade school championship. They say they will win every game this season. Harold Burks is the captain of the Fox Ridge team and Melvin Burton manager. The batteries for the game Saturday were: Fox Ridge – Monnett, Field; Third Ward, Atwood and Thomas
32 years later -- Daily Banner 9 April 1940 --Republican Committee Candidates includes Russell Clapp, Fox Ridge and others -- this could actually be a portion of Greencastle - 1880ish --

Gibson -- Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana 4 April 1913
Gibson News Items include these family names -- Henry Perry; Ike O'Dell; Lem Hubbard; Bethel Church; Edward Burgess; "The Sulphur Springs school close Saturday. schools was successfully taught by Miss Ruth Oliver."  Sem Hubbard  

Greencastle -- county seat of Putnam County, Greencastle's biggest claim to fame is probably DePauw University, with about 2500 students. See DePauw. There are several interesting National Register of Historical Places in the county including Brick Chapel Church; several covered bridges; Richard Hazlett House; McKim Observatory; The Towers; The Elms; Lycurgus Stoner home; DePauw buildings; Schuyler Arnold Seed Farm; Putnamville Methodist Church and more. Greencastle dates back to 1821 when Ephraim Dukes created a land grant and named the little village for his Greencastle, Pennsylvania home. It was finally incorporated the 9th of March in 1849 then became an official city on the 8th of July in 1861. E.R. Kercheval was the first mayor. The town's official 2010 census population was 10,326. Today, the college, downtown, library all make it a great little place to raise a family. Note: Green Castle existed from 3-15-1824 until the year 1879 when the two words were incorporated becoming Greencastle, what we know today.

Groundhog Valley -- anyone know where this is??? Source: Greencastle Herald newspaper, April 25, 1907 -- "Groundhog Valley" -- people listed in this news item clipping were: Knauer, Phillips, Rowings, Ewing, Lancaster

Groveland -- in the northern portion of Floyd Township. This town was laid out by Benjamin and Daniel Summers on March 18, 1854 and was in Section 2 & 3. There is a bit of discrepancy here in information as the town had a post office before it was platted (7-19-1852) that existed until 3-31-1905. The town was near Coatesville near the Hendricks County line.

Hale School Crossing (December 18, 1923 - Crawfordsville Review p 11) mentions Obenchains (Frank); Plunketts; Warney Young; Ross RIggle; Willis Edie; Irene Shumaker; Lonnie Robbins

Hamrick -- known as Hamrick Station from 1866 (Post Office 10-11-1866) through 11-28-1882) when the town dropped the station part and became Hamrick. The Post Office existed here until the last day of March in 1905 then the Reelsville PO delivered mail.

Hanna's Crossing - thanks to Mary Lou for sending me an article by Larry Tippin, county historian in August 2019. Intersection of US 231 and US 36 (referred to as the Interocean or Ocean-to-Ocean highway - I remember this town or burg as late as mid-1950s referred to that). George Hanna was born in Waveland December 3, 1844, living on a farm in Montgomery County.  He tried to join the service and fight in the Civil War but was deferred because of age.  He married at age 21 to Mary Nelson who died just four days before George.  He had a store at Morton for several years then purchased a farm at what became known as Hannah's Crossing.  Very well respected he was Clinton Twp Trustee, on the Monroe Township Advisory Board and President of the Putnam County Civic Union.

Happy Hollow  - names listed in the Herald-Democrat newspaper, Putnam County, Indiana 7 January 1916 p 5 under this town's news are:  Grover Barker; Davis; Keck; Disney; Graham; Disney.  Probably in between Roachdale and Bainbridge but can't tell for sure by those names where this is located - Mary Lou H found that this was in Madison Township and that there was a long-time school there.  COOL!

Happy Lane -- anyone know where this is??? Source: Greencastle Herald newspaper, April 25, 1907 -- "Happy Lane News items" -- people listed in this clipping were: Dodds, Hurst, Blue, Wallace, McCammack

Hathaway's Mill -  Source: Greencastle Star 9 Oct 1880 p 1  
Article Appears throughout the year 1880 at least -- “Hathaway’s Mills” – Our school is progressing very nice W. M. Sutherlin, teacher.  The Clodfelter boys are hauling logs for Hathaway again … Solomon Grimes, an old resident of Russell township died on Saturday Sept 18th, aged about 75 years

Hebron -- (Source: Greencastle Star 31 Jan 1880) Hebron “news items” include – Elder Johnston of Darlington addressing worship at Hebron and the notation that “Hebron is one mile and a half southeast from Russellville.”  Today, 2019 there is only the Hebron cemetery there to mark what was a small town over 100 years ago. It was about one mile and a half southeast from Russellville

Herron -found in the Herald-Democrat newspaper, Putnam County, Indiana 7 January 1916 p 8 - mentions Clodfelter, McGaughey, Whitson; Hazlett so this has to be west of Russellville.  Fairly confident about this one.

Higgins Creek - Found in the Greencastle Banner & Times 15 Feb 1895 - tells about mosquitos not being troublesome because of the cold weather. Mentions Thomas Reese. Not sure where this would be or possibly it's not even a town but they are just discussing a creek only but seemed like a town  

Hopwood Bend -- Source: Greencastle Herald 4 April 1907 p4 -- “Hopwood Bend” has an article in this paper – names are: Earnie Smith; Otis Wilson; Dwight Ford, Hugh Pritchard; EL Kersey and OO Baker – anyone know where it might be?

Horntown -- near Cloverdale, this little place had a Post Office from 4-15-1899 to 9-30-1901.  

Independence Station -- see Fountain City

Jenkinsville -- located in the bottom portion of Section 29 in Warren Township, existed in the mid-1870s. It is not known how long it existed, however.  

John's Switch --- Source: Greencastle Daily Banner 3 July 1924 p 4
“John’s Switch” – names mentioned Harry Sutton; Joseph Hutcheson; Conley (Mrs); White; and Tom Nelson

Jones Branch -- Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, 11 April 1913
In the Jones Branch items, these names are noted: Garrett; Gardner; Cox (Elmey) and Rowings

Judson -- Roberta Wysong asked on the Putnam County Genealogy page if anyone knew where Judson was in Putnam County.  She found this on the Putnam page -- Russellville News article of 7-12-1940 that, with the 1940 census, confirmed that there was an area (?) called Judson. In the obit for Jackson Clodfelter, it lists Carl Clodfelter and Mrs. Sanford Romine as from Judson. Both are on the same 1940 census page as my guy, William Newgent, in Clinton Township, Putnam Co. Strange that I never heard of it growing up in the 40's and 50's. And neither had my sisters, William's granddaughter or another friend who does genealogy and grew up there.  Thanks sooooo very much Roberta for this new town to add 😊

Keytsville - - One of the niftiest little places I discovered as I found Robert Wesley Keyt's WWII draft card that listed his birthplace as Keytsville, Putnam County, Indiana.  Then on his brother's it gave the exact same into.  Check Keytsville businesses(on the business section of this site) for several stores that were active in the 1930s here.  (this info next is from the Putnam County Museum Article on Keytsville and I thank my wonderful group on the Putnam County Indiana Genealogy page for all the help they give me about any time I ask any question) -- Keytsville was a collection of homes and a few businesses on the Putnam/Parke County Line about eight miles west of Greencastle, and just west of Brunerstown. About a mile north of Keytsville was the village of Vivalia. Keytsville, sometimes referred to as Keyt’s Corner, does not show up on very many maps and was never platted, never had its own post office and is not included in the earlier histories of the county. Several local residents have stated that if one lived in this rural area a hundred years ago you would not need to come to the big city very often, as there were three general stores within a mile or so of each other, one each in Keytsville, Brunerstown and Vivalia.

Langsdale -- One of the briefest Post Offices in Indiana, this one existed from 2-3-1880 to the 24th of that month. It was near Roachdale.

Limedale -- the first Catholic mass was held at the property of Clinton Wallace in 1848 where Limedale was then a village and later a town. This was a community south of Greencastle and was a whistle stop on the TH & I Railroad. The Louisville, New Albany & Chicago (Monon) RR also went near the area. Limedale was official in 1864 when William Stegg and William Shields surveyed and platted the town in Greencastle Township. Alpheus Morris was the first postmaster. The post office existed until October 30, 1909.

Little Walnut -- this little town was near Morton and had a post office twice briefly, the first from 10-9-1855 to 7-17-1857 and then again 1-23-1861 to 10-9-1861.

Long Branch -- found in the Herald-Democrat newspaper, Putnam County, Indiana  21 January 1916 p 8 - mentions Hamilton; Boswell; Johns.  Unknown as to location please let us know if you know. This is likely in Madison Township – Elizabeth Jane Ewing Thomas attended school here (late 1850s), father as teacher, and she united with the Christian Church there in Aug 1857 and they lived in Madison Township. -- More information about Long Branch - thanks to leah H. -- The church of Christ that is called the Long Branch church is at 6242 W Co Rd 100 S, Greencastle, IN 46135

Madison Center -- Source for the town name: Source: Greencastle Herald, Putnam County, Indiana 25 July 1928 – Names included in the small news article are: Rowings; Carr; Dillinger; Chadwick; Timmons; Johns; Johnson; Thomas; Salmon – please let us know if you can locate the specific place of this town.

Malta (Malta Station) -- a whistle stop on the I & St. L. Railway in the 1870s. A Post Office existed here from 2-5-1872 to 11-13-1876.  Note:  in the 19 October 1915 Greencastle Herald the town is still in existence but obviously  just does not have a post office anymore.

Manhattan -- platted in 1829 on the National Road by John M. Coleman and Thomas H. Clark the town existed until the 1870s -- it was located in Sec 23 in Washington Township. Lloyd B. Harris owned the first hotel of the township in this little town. Thomas H. Clark, was its first postmaster and Thomas Lewis the first shoemaker. The post office existed until October 31, 1905.

Maple Grove --– In the Greencastle Banner and Times in January 1892 there are articles – tidbits from Maple Grove.  Priest, McFarland are names.

Maple Hill --  Ellis; Long Branch Church; Gardner; Irwin; Johnson; Biddle; Ragle were names found under this town's news in the Herald-Democrat 7 January 1916 p 8

Maplewood --19 October 1915 Greencastle Herald mentions the following names: Guilliams, Grider, Nutgrass – anyone know wheree it is?

Mill Creek -- Source:  Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher.  NY: JH Colton, 1852.

Minitree – southeast of Cloverdale – 1878 map
Morton -- located on State Road 36 on the corner of North County Road 450 West, in Section 2, Clinton Township, a once thriving little community dating back to at least 1875, today in 2012, is just a spot in the road. Its Post Office existed from 7-17-1857 until 1-14-1905.

Mount Meridian -- was located on the township line between Marion and Jefferson and existed in at least the mid 1870s. It was East of Westland. William Bailey was the first postmaster taking office July 24, 1835. The PO was discontinued February 28, 1905. It is listed in Wikipedia (currently on US 40). It is reported as the highest point in the county

Mount Washington -- was also known as Mt. Belle Union or was near there and existed (Post Offices of Indiana by VA Ross) from at least 11-9-1891 to 8-31-1894.  

New Maysville -- Section 34, Jackson Township is the home of New Maysville which is still a tiny burg today.

Nicholsonville -- now extinct located in Marion Township. Little is known of this town except that the first store was kept by Abijah Robinson about 1845. Robinson also had a post office there in his store. The PO was later moved to Fillmore. The towns may be the same -- it was unclear in the early history.

North Ball Hill -- Quinlisk; Gardner; Ragle; Rodgers; Johns are names mentioned under news items for this town in the Herald-Democrat, 7 January 1916 p 8 column.

North Jackson --   (note this simply might indicate the people who live in the northern part of the township of Jackson but since it is treated as a town in the newspaper, we will count it until otherwise noted differently)
Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, 11 April 1913
Under the "North Jackson news items, these names are mentioned as living there) - Zola Cox; Mary Walls; Will Stevenson; Sarah Eggers

North Washington (note this simply might indicate the people who live in the northern part of the township of Washington but since it is treated as a town in the newspaper, we will count it until otherwise noted differently)
Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, 11 April 1913
Under the "North Washington News Items,"  these names are mentioned: Brown; Heatt; Reel; Girt Ozment

Oakalla Station -- a small burg on the I & St. L. Railway in Section 34, Madison Township. The first postmaster was Charles Eppinghousen (June 1872) and the last when the PO discontinued was Joseph Torr (Nov 30, 1908).

Palestine -- Source for the town name: Source: Greencastle Herald, Putnam County, Indiana 25 July 1928 – Names in the news article include: Games; Pierson; Hanks; Beck; Knauer; Baker; Osborn. Please let us know if you can pinpoint the exact location of this town.  

Parkersburg -- Although the town is technically in Montgomery County, the southern part is in the topmost section of Putnam County. It is almost a ghost town today yet at one point had one of the most impressive drinking springs in the area in the mid 1900s. - Note: this town was at one time spelled Parkersburgh

Perkinsville - located 3 miles north of Greencastle; in existence in 1900s.

Pleasant Garden -- a fairly thriving community in the 1870s it was located in Section 21 in Washington Township. John Matkins laid-out the town in 1830 as a rival to Manhattan, but this town did not take off like Manhattan did. More info on this one - Pleasant Garden – still in existence 10 March 1894 (Greencastle Star Press) – Edward Evans and Mollie Lister married;  house vacated by Chas. Baumunk will be occupied by Wm. Counts and others – Sears; Osborns; Vickers; Walden and others mentioned

PLEASANT VIEW – names found in the news article with this town as its heading were: John Sweeney; Rev. Nidy at Long Branch Church; Saul Marshall; Alice Frank; Samuel Colglazier; Harry Dickey; Sunday school convention at Pleasant Hill Sunday.  Source: Greencastle Herald 29 July 1909 p 3

Poplar Grove -- located in Cloverdale Township it had an early Methodist Church of the area.

Poplar Springs -- a brief Post Office stay was from 6-14-1834 to 5-6-1835 but it is not known where the place was.

Portland Mills -- is partialy in Parke County and partially in Putnam, mainly Putnam, the Post Office moved back and forth, first in Parke County from 5-25-1835 to 9-11-1837 then to Putnam until 9-15-1851 then back to Parke until 11-6-1854. Several years then it was with Parke until 1-25-1875 then to Putnam County until 12-7-1888 and finally Parke until the last day of the year of 1904 when the Judson Post Office (which is in Parke County) took over the mail and the Portland Mills PO was closed forever.  Source: Boonville Standard Fri 13 Aug 1897 p 3
The village of Portland Mills is peculiarly located, the boundary line of Parke and Putnam Counties runs within its corporate limits, so also the corners of Russell and Clinton townships, Putnam County and Greene and Union townships, Parke County.  Because of this complication, relationships there is now a dispute over a schoolhouse which will reach the courts. Twenty years ago there was a school house on the banks of Raccoon Creek which the trustee of Greene Township wanted to move.  This would have deprived a large number of children of school privileges, to prevent which the trustee of Clinton Township, Putnam County bought the house at public sale, and to the present time the trustees of Clinton Township have been paying for a school really located in another county, although furnishing school privileges for the children of Portland Mills. Last year the trustees of Clinton Township filed a bill with the commissioners of Putnam County for school supplies. Under advice of the county attorney the commissioners declined to pay the bill, because the schoolhouse was located in Parke County.  Last year the trustee of Greene Township, Parke County, carried the school but this year he moved the schoolhouse one mile and a half away. This he did on his own authority. Meanwhile, through all these years, the deed to the schoolhouse has disappeared, and it is very doubtful if he can be compelled to move the schoolhouse back. If he can not, Portland Mills will be seriously distressed in finding a place for its school children. Again, there is a probability that Putnam County will demand that Parke reimburse Putnam for the expenditures of the past 20 years. Recently an appeal was taken to the department of public instruction but nothing came of it.  

Putnamville -- Sec 9 -- Warren Township -- this little town is famous for two unusual items -- one the Putnamville Correctional Center and #2 the Lincoln Park Speedway where each Saturday night for many years there is oval track racing. Lincoln was supposedly a guest at a small inn while on his way to Springfield -- the little building is still in existence today. Laid out in 1830, James Townsend was its founder and had the first store there. D.W. Layman was the first postmaster December 4, 1832. Archibald Cooper built the first blacksmith shop and had that business there for many years. The first grist mill erected on Deer Creek was 1/2 miles SE of Putnamville and was operated by Alexander Conley. Hugh Thompson had a wagon shop there in the early years. Greencastle's rival, Putnamville made a push to obtain Asbury College but Greencastle's money won out. The Methodist Episcopalians were the first to establish a religious base but was soon followed by the Presbyterians. Virginian D.W. Layman was the first physician in the town and remained there for many years without competition because of his successful practice. In late 1864, a group of Davis supporters came by his home and cheered loudy and raucously -- Layman was hidden across the road in the dark and became so angry, he flung a stone across the road. Shortly thereafter, a couple of men came begging Layman to come take care of their friend. A bit leary, Layman made the call. In the middle of the road a short distance away, a man lay bleeding from his head. Layman fixed him up, and rode home. A few days later the man came to his office offering to pay for the aide. Layman said no and reminded him of the dangers of cheering for Jeff Davis!.

Rabbit Line - no kidding -- Source: Greencastle Herald 10 July 1907 p 4
“Rabbit Line” is the place where the news items for this dated are listed – names Lillie Kennedy, Sallie McGaughey; Jim Dickerson; Charlie Potter, Archie Sutton; Ples McGaughey (and Simpson – brothers); Alice Epperson; Edgar Pitts; Ira Sutton and others – from these names I could guess this is near Russellville. Anyone knows for sure - please let me know!

Reelsville -- in Section 21, Washington Twp, this town is still in existence and dates back to 1852 and was laid out by John Reel. Reelsville was still flourishing in 1910. It was a stop on the TH&I Railroad. William A. Reel was the first postmaster with John Reel following behind. Volney Smith seemed to be the last postmaster from his appointment time August 20, 1892 to when the post office was discontinued on Halloween in 1902.   Source: Greencastle Banner and Times 14 Jan 1892 p 8 – Reelsville is a quiet little village; it contains two dry goods stores, one drug store, two saloons, one boarding house, one doctor shop, one blacksmith shop and one grist mill. Then we go west and find the tank house. This is the pleasant place in town, nicely decorated with all of the pot flowers of the village and there is where you meet the proprietor of said tank or pump house, Mr. CN Crummel, who is a pleasant gentleman to meet, full of pranks and good company.

RENO -- Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, 11 April 1913
Under the "Reno News Items,"  these names are mentioned: Crews; Johnson; Roark; Vice; Mohart; Mann
**NEWLY ADDED** This town dates back to at least 1895 when James Greenlee was unexpectedly found dead at Reno (7 December 1895 Greencastle Star) - whoops, just discovered Reno is actually in Hendricks county (so guess better take it off?  But it was in Putnam County's listing of early towns so maybe there were TWO Renos ???

Roachdale -- is one of the larger smaller towns in the county having over 900 people in the 2010 census. It lies on State Road 236, part in Jackson and part in Franklin Township. A newer town compared to most, Roachdale did not become a town until March 25, 1882 after the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield Railroad came through the area. The current railroad there takes ya' back to the old days when you're stuck waiting on the train and reminesce. William Lewis was the first postmaster followed by more Lewis' and Ghormleys. Great site regarding Roachdale, here

Rock Branch - names listed in the Herald-Democrat newspaper, Putnam County, Indiana 7 January 1916 p 8 under this town's news are: German; Tinder; Bayldes; Kurtz; West; Gentry; and Gleason.  Can't tell by those names where this is located - please contact us if you know.

Russellville -- Sect 2, Russell Township is the home of Russellville, Indiana, a small area with about 350 people in 2012. Once an extremely thriving town with a doctor; veterinarian; school; churches; funeral home; grocery.. it still has a bank, community church and great people trying to help their little town survive. Sadly, that is the story of many of the area towns. 3-9-1832 to 12-5-1882 - mail sent to Darter but Russellville PO reopened 9-3-1885 (fairly sure it's all RR now but I do remember the PO there). Source: Crawfordsville Star May 31, 1877 -- The Union Agricultural Fair will be held this year, commencing on the 20th of August, and continuing five days. A strong effort is being put forth by the Board of Directors to render the exhibition of 1877, the fair of Russellville; and we hope they may succeed. George S. Durham, the present secretary is a man that knows no such word as fail. He will keep the kettle boiling from this till the day of opening.  Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 Jan 1896 p 12 -- Russellville was platted and surveyed by Mr. Owens and Mr. Manners in 1829. There was no additions made to it until after the ID&W Railroad was built when Mr. JB Brumfield esq. had the addition made known as South Russellville and platted by him. Since the late JE Sinnet had platted and added to the town about nine acres, then JT Lowe bought of IJ McGan a strip of some 10 or more acres and had it platted as an addition to Russellville. Now every lot in all the additions have been sold but there are a few lots that have no buildings on them, but some parties are not satisfied without some more room than one or even two lots will give them.

Samuelsburgh -- 3-28-1840 to 10-4-1842 (existed for at least these two years when there was a post office there with the only post master, Samuel Darnall).  This was between Bainbridge and Portland Mills and probably at or near Hanna's Crossing.  (thanks to Mary Lou and Mr. Tippin for additional info)

Somerset - found in the Greencastle Herald 28 May 1919 p 3- people listed there are: Bryan Brackney; Floyd Love; OV Thomas; OM Woodworth - anyone know for sure where this was?

South Madison -- Source: Greencastle Star, 14 Dec 1895 -- John Moss moved to Greencastle; people were busy killing hogs; no school would be at Oaklaia on Monday because of the teacher sick and the church would be held there at Oakalia School.

South Manhattan -- Rogers; Skelton; Evans; Daggy; Roberts; Sublett; Wright; Peyton; Daggy are names mentioned under this town's news in the Herald-Democrat newspaper (7 Jan 1916 p8) , and is likely in Washington Township where most of these names are shown in the 1910 census.  

Springfield -- in upper Floyd Township a small town east of Bainbridge -- extinct in 2012 and probably a long time before that!.

Swanksville - just south of Montgomery County Line - on 1860 map

Sycamore Grove – found in Greencastle Star Press 10 March 1894 (p 5) – people mentioned are Clara King; Robert Thomas; Harris; Hamrick  

Tarbutton --I assume was named for Eli Tarbutton, an early Putnam settler who was in the War of 1812 and is buried 1 1/2 miles southwest of Fillmore, in Mt. Carmel Cemetery. Seems it was a place center on the creek named Tarbutton Branch which I think was a side portion of Big Walnut. -- More information just found -- “Daily Banner 29 Aug 1938 p 4” – Tarbutton Creek – name of a small creek or large branch which enters Big Walnut Creek upstream a mile or so from the Wildwood Bridge in Floyd Township. The small stream received its name, evidently from Eli Tarbutton, who back more than a century, was a considerable land owner in that township.  Deeds from him to Jesse Purcel, Alex Gorham and James L. Bird appear in the first deed records of the county.
Thus, this “place” in the county had several homes along a mile or so and had a correspondent who sent in news for several years, at least from the early 1890s through the 19teens, but imagine it was much older than this as Tarbutton passed away in 1858.

Tater Ridge -- anyone know where this is??? Source: Greencastle Herald newspaper, April 25, 1907 - "Tater Ridge News items" -- people listed in this clipping were Lewellen, Lisby, Jacks, Wilson, Purcell and Proctor

Trotter’s Mill – from Weik’s History of Putnam County Indiana 1910 -- A Mr. Dennis was the first death which occurred at Trotter's Mill north of Greencastle. He was a millwright and died later in 1821.

Valley Forge -- Source: Herald-Democrat newspaper, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana 4 April 1913
Valley Forge news items include these names - Lon Nichols; Leroy Davis; Mrs Parish; Addie Coleman; Ollie Terry

Vivalia -- 12-26-1882 to 2-28-1906 --this town is barely in the county not far and southwest of Clinton Falls.

Walnut Hill -- Source: Greencastle Star 7 Feb 1880 p4
Walnut Hill Items – in this newspaper, the little place had a Literary Society – I’ll try to find more information on that – kbz

Westland -- located northeast of Putnamville a few miles, Westland dates back to about 1830 and was located in Section 1 of Warren Township and existed until about 1900 or shortly before. There never was much in the town, a couple of businesses and a couple of houses. .

Wheaton -- 11-12-1880 to 5-14-1904 (near Roachdale)

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