The Pulaski County website has been adopted by the Pulaski County Genealogical Society.
Pulaski County was formally organized May 6, 1838, when a group of men
met at a log cabin and designated "Winnemack" as the "Seat of Justice," and
received donations of land for a public square, a public seminary and a
graveyard. Winamac was named after an Indiana Chief who lived in the area in
the early 1800's. The county was named after General Casimir Pulaski, a
Polish-born soldier in the American Revolution. The county's first election
was held May 13, 1839. In addition to being the county seat, Winamac was the
location of a government land office from 1839 to 1857.
Located in northwestern Indiana, Pulaski County is rectangular, 18 miles
north and south, and 24 miles east and west. The county is generally level,
except in areas along the Tippecanoe River which runs from the northeast
corner of the county through the south central part of the county. There are
four incorporated towns: Winamac, Francesville, Medaryville and Monterey.
Unincorporated villages include Star City, Pulaski, Denham and Beardstown.
Pulaski County has had three courthouses since its organization. The present
structure was completed in 1895 at a cost of $50,000.
Please email the County Coordinator if you have any suggestions or contributions you would like to make.
I hope you find these efforts helpful in your research of your County roots.
Pulaski County Genealogical Society meets bi-monthly at the Pulaski County Historical Society Museum. If you have specific requests you may email the county coordinator and members of the society will try and locate items for you.