GenealogyCemetery Records |
Pike County,Indiana |
Clay Township | Jefferson Towmship | Lockhart Township | Logan Township | Madison Township |
Marion Township | Monroe Township | Patoka Township | Washington Township | Cemetery Index |
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= Clicking on this
will bring up an image of the Cemetery location.(Satellite view also)
= Star indicates a Veteran OPD = Obits Press-Dispatch DC = Daily Clarion
The Pike County Cemetery records that are on this web page are the work of Joan Woodhull, Marjorie Malott, and the DAR
Thanks to the above, these records are saved for the ages. These cemetery records were compiled and typed by Joan Woodhull.
If any one finds any mistakes, or if you know of someone that is not on these records, please contact the Pike County Coordinator.
All names that are underlined are related to the Pike Country Coordinator, Michael ( Aaron ) Pierce.
All Additions and Corrections are at the end of each cemetery.
Names that have a * have other info in the Additions & Corrections.
Clay Township (16) ( All Cemeteries in Clay Township are online.) | |
Bethlehem | Located abt 1 1/2 miles NW of Union, Just N of HWY 56 near Rd 900w. |
Catt | Located abt 3 miles N.E. of Union just N of Hwy 56 near Rd 700 W |
Conger One | Located abt 3 Miles N of Union near Rd.350N on Courtney Colvins Old Farm |
Conger Two | Located abt 3 1/2 Miles N.W. of Union near Rd. 950 W Behind Paul Phillips Farm. |
Davidson | Also called Giro I00F. Located about 3 Miles N of Union near Rd 350N / 950W |
Family One | Located abt 2 miles S.E. of Union near Rd 700W / 225N on the Conley farm. No markers as of 1976 |
Fears | Located abt 1/2 mile South of Union near Rd. 825W |
Frederick | Also called Decker Cemetery. Located about 3 miles N.E. of Union in a field W of Rd. 700W. On the Old Sam Dillon farm. |
Hoover / Young | Also called Young Cemetery. Located about 2 miles East of Union near Rd 300N / 700W on the Herschel Walt's farm. |
Hornbrook | Located abt 1/2 mile S.W. of Union on Hwy 65 behind John Paul Hornbrook House. |
Lewis | Located abt 2 Miles N.E. of Union near Hwy 65 on the Perry Malott farm. |
Little Zion | Located abt 1 mile East of Union on Hwy 65 and Rd. 775 W. |
Lounsdale | Located abt 1/4 mile East of Union just off Hwy 65 in the Claude Gladish Field. Also called Patterson Cemetery. |
Traylor | Located abt 3 1/2 miles N.of Union near Rd 775 W / 675 N on old Geo. Selby Place. |
Union I.O.O.F. | Located abt 1/2 mile W of Union on Rd. 300 N. |
Family Two | This Cemetery is not listed in the original records. It is located south of Little Zion in section 4. |
Jeffrson Township (23) ( All Cemeteries in Jefferson Township are online.) |
Amos | Located abt 3 miles SW of Otwell near Rd 700 E at the Old Traylor School house Site. No Stones |
Arnold | Located abt 3 miles NW of Algires near Rd 750 N and 425 E.Also called Caress Cemetery. |
Backbone | Located abt 2 miles SW of Otwell on Rd 800 E near Flat Creek. Also called Arnold Cemetery. |
Bluff | Located abt 3 miles N of Algires, off Rd 500 E, near White River.On the Ben Wilson Farm. Also called Dove Cemetery. |
Burr Oak | Located abt 2 miles N of Otwell on Rd 1000 E near Rd 450 N. Also called Traylor Union Cemetery. |
Case | Located abt 4 miles NW of Otwell or abt 1 1/2 miles NW of Iva near Rd 550 N and 850 E |
Chappell | Located abt 1/2 mile N of Otwell near Rd 1000 E and 325 N. |
Coleman | Located abt 1 mile SE of Algires near Hwy 356 and Rd 625 E in a field. |
Craig | Located abt 1/2 mile SE of Otwell near Rd 1100 E and 200 N. |
Delectable Hill | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SE of Algires near Hwy 356, between Rd 675 E and 750 E in a field.Two of the graves here are the Great Grand Parents of John Foster Dulles. (Secretary of State under Dwight D. Eisenhower) |
Hargrave | Located abt 2 1/2 miles NW of Otwell on Rd 475 N near Rd 675 E. |
Hays | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SW of Otwell near Rd 900 E on the DeMott / Evans farm |
Kelso | Located abt 3 miles NW of Otwell near Rd 850 E and 425 N on Claud Colvin's farm Also called Traylor Cemetery |
Lett | Located abt 4 1/2 miles NW of Otwell, abt 1/4 mile W of Logan Cemetery on Rd 625 N |
Logan | Located abt 4 1/2 miles NW of Otwell near Rd 775 E and 625 N. |
McCain | Located abt 1 mile NE of Algires near Rd 550 N and 675 E in a field. |
McClure | Located abt 1 mile S of Algires on Rd 575 E. Also called Algires I00F |
Otwell I00F | Located in Otwell on Rd 250 N near Hwy 356. |
Public | Located abt 4 1/2 miles NW of Otwell near Iva, on Rd 850 E and 650 N. |
Teague | Located in Otwell on Rd 225 N. |
Trayler | Located abt 5 miles NW of Otwell on Claude Colvin's Farm near Rd 850 E and the White River. Also called Trailer Cemetery. |
Vincent | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SW of Otwell on Hwy. 56 near Rd 800 E. |
Willis | Located abt 4 miles E of Otwell near Rd 600 E and 250 N. |
Lockhart Township (17) ( All Cemeteries in Lockhart Township are online ) | |
Augusta I00F | Located just north of Hwy 64 on the Old State Rd. near Augusta |
Barrett | Located abt 1 1/2 miles NW of Stendal on Rd 550 E. Also called Bethel Cemetery |
Cup Creek | Located abt 1 mile SW of Pikeville on Rd 775 E near Hwy 257. Also called Pikeville Cemetery. |
Family One | Located abt 2 miles SW of Pikeville near Rd 257 on the T & R N Nixon Farm. |
Family Two | Located abt 2 miles N of Stendal near Rd 775 E near the Uppencamp property. No stones. |
Indian Mound | Located abt 1 1/2 miles E of Stendal near the Old State Rd. on the Wellemeyer Farm. |
Log Creek | Located abt 3 miles SW of Stendal on Rd 1300 S near Rd 400 E. Has been called South Fork Cemetery. |
Miller | Located abt1 mile NW of Pikeville near Rd 625 S and 775 E. |
Old Augusta | Located in Augusta. |
Pikeville Church of Christ | Located on the South side of Augusta |
Pikeville German Lutheran | Located on the East side of Pikeville. Changed to Primitive Baptist. |
Russell | Located abt 1/2 mile South of Pikeville on Rd 257. |
Stendal St. Paul | Located on the South side of Stendal.. |
Stendal St. Peters | Located in Stendal |
Stillwell | Located abt 1/2 mile E of Pikeville on Rd 725 S. |
Zion's Hill | Located abt 1 mile S of Pikeville on Hwy 64,by Zion's Hill Assembly of God Church. |
Zoar | Located abt 4 miles E of Stendal on Old State Rd near Rd 1050 E.Western half of Cemetery is in Pike County. Eastern half is in Dubois County |
Fan Todd | Was located about 1 mile north of Bethel(Barrett)Cemetery. Now strip mined. |
Logan Township (17) ( All Cemeteries in Logan Township are online) | |
Atkinson Chapel | Located abt 1 mile E of Oatsville on Rd 50 S near Rd 625 W. |
Barnes | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SE of Oatsville on Rd 200 S near Rd 550 W. |
Beck | Located abt 3 miles NE of Oatsville on Division Rd near Rd 500 W. Also called Rickard Cemetery. |
Carr | Located abt 3 miles NE of Oatsville in a field near Rd 200 N and 50 W. |
DeJarnett | Located abt 5 1/2 miles NE of Oatsville on Rd 50 N and Rd 275 W. |
Falls | Located abt 3 miles N of Oatsville near Rd 575 W on the Thomas Miley Farm. Also called Johnson Cemetery. |
Family | Located abt 4 1/2 miles E of Oatsville near Rd 250 W and 75 S. |
Knight | Located abt 3 1/2 miles E of Oatsville on Rd 375 W and 130 S near Knight's Chapel Church. |
Logan Public | Located abt 4 miles SE of Oatsville on Rd 350 W near Rd 200 S. Also called Old Public or Simpson Cemetery. |
Loveless | Located abt 4 miles NE of Oatsville on Division Rd and Rd 300 W. |
Masters | Located abt 3 1/2 miles NE of Oatsville near Rd 150 N in a field near Frankie Ropp's Home |
McGillem | Located abt 3 1/2 miles NE of Oatsville in a field off Rd 350 W and 50 N. |
Miller | Located abt 1 1/2 miles E of Oatsville on Rd 100 S and 550 W. |
Mt. Pleasant | Located abt 2 miles N of Oatsville near Rd 650 W and 50 N. |
Rumble Family | Located near road 350 W and Flat Creek, N. of Rumbletown Store. |
Wallen | Located abt 2 miles SE of Oatsville near Rd 200 S and 500 W. Also called Robling Cemetery. |
Willis | Located abt 6 miles NE of Oatsville on Rd 275 W near Flat Creek. |
Wilson | Located abt 2 1/2 miles NE of Oatsville in a field near Rd 50 N and 500 W. |
Madison Township (21) ( All Cemeteries in Madison Township are Online ) | |
Blaize | Located abt 3 miles S of Bowman near Rd 200 N and 325 W. |
Burkhart One | Located abt 1 mile W of Bowman near Hwy 56 and Rd 550 N near Old Burkhart School House. |
Burkhart Two | Located abt 1 mile NW of Burkhart Cemetery One. Near Rd 550 N and 550 W behind Lawrence Willis house. |
Cummins | Located abt 2 miles N of Bowman near Rd 400 W. |
Family One | Located abt 3 miles S of Bowman near Rd 200 N and 475 W. on Virgil Blaize Farm. |
Family Two | Located abt 1 mile W of Bowman near Rd 550 N. |
Fowler | Located abt 1/2 mile S of Hwy 56 and SE of Bowman near Rd 300 W. |
Harrison | Located abt 2 miles SE of Bowman near Rd 350 N and 325 W. In a field behind Dickersons. |
Hawkins | Located abt 3 miles S of Bowman near Rd 400 W and 200 N. In field on Emery Rogers place. |
Johnson | Located abt 1 1/2 miles W of Bowman near Hwy 56 and Rd 550 W. Near Dan Shawhans. |
Kinman | Located in the back of a barn on the Vance Myers Farm |
Poplar Grove | Located abt 3 miles SW of Bowman on Rd 475 W. Also called Rumble Cemetery. |
Sand Hill | Located abt 2 miles SE of Bowman on Rd 250 W.1/2 mile S of Hwy 56. Also called Malott / Weathers / Withers Cemetery. |
Selby One | Located abt 2 miles SE of Bowman near Rd 250 W and 325 N. |
Selby Two | Located abt 1 1/2 miles NW of Bowman off Rd 550 W near the Lawyer home. |
Shawhan | Located abt 2 miles SW of Bowman near Rd 350 N Shawhan Farm. |
Stewart | Located abt 2 miles W of Bowman on Rd 550 N near Rd 500 W. Also called Burkhart Cemetery. |
Van Sickle | Located abt 3/4 mile E of Bowman on Hwy 56 at Rd 300 W. On the Elmer Sutton Place. |
Wease | Located abt 1/2 mile SE of Bowman and 1/4 mile S of Hwy 56. Also called Weist Cemetery. |
White River Chapel | Located abt 3 1/2 miles W of Petersburg on Hwy 56 at Bowman. Also called Williams or Bowman Cemetery. |
Wright | Located abt 2 1/2 miles N of Bowman on River Road between Rd 400 W and 250 W. |
Snyder | Located abt 2 miles SW of Bowman near Rd 500 W and 350 N on the Shawhan Place. |
Marion Township (16) ( All Cemeteries In Marion Townshio are online ) | |
Beadles | Located abt 4 miles NW of Velpen near Rd 750 E and 175 S. |
Bruster Branch | Located abt 5 miles NW of Velpen on Rd 200 S near Brewster Branch. Also called Bruster Branch Cemetery. |
Corn | Located abt 2 miles W of Velpen in Pike County State Forest along fire trail 11. |
Flat Creek | Located abt 6 miles NW of Velpen near Rd 50 S and 600 E. Also called White Oak Cemetery. |
Hays | Located abt 4 1/2 miles NW of Velpen near Rd 50 S and 750 E. Near the Old Town of White Oak. |
McCarty | Located abt 1 mile NE of Velpen near Rd 400 S and 1100 E. |
Miller One | Located abt 3/4 mile NW of Velpen near Rd 900 E on the Walter Houchin's farm. |
Miller Two | Located abt 1/2 mile NW of Velpen near Rd 425 S and 900 E.near Miller Home. |
New Lebanon | Located abt 4 1/2 miles N of Velpen near Division and Hwy 257. |
New Liberty | Located abt 3 miles N of Veplen near Rd 900 E and 175 S. |
Old New Liberty | Located abt 3 miles N of Velpen near Rd 175 S about 1/4 mile W of New Liberty Cametery. |
Pleasant Grove | Located abt 2 miles NW of Velpen near Rd 775 E and 250 S. Also called Spraggins Cemetery. |
Risley | Located abt 1 mile E of Velpen near Rd 475 S and 1100 E. Also called Dillon Cemetery. |
Velpen | Located in Velpen on Hwy 257. Also called I00F cemetery and now known as Walnut Grove Cemetery. |
Wood | Located abt 2 miles NW of Velpen near Rd 775 E and 300 S in the Pike Stare Forest along fire trail # 17. |
Wyatt | Located abt 1/2 mile N of Velpen near Hwy 257 on the Eugene Halter farm. |
Monroe Township (10) ( All Cemeteries in Monroe Township are online ) | |
Black | Located abt 4 1/2 miles N of Spurgeon or 1 1/2 mile N of Coe and about 1/2 mile S of Rd. 600 S. & just east of Rd 50 E. |
Blackfoot | Located abt 2 1/2 miles NW of Spurgeon on Rd 900 S near the Meridian Rd. |
Coleman | Located abt 3 miles NW of Spurgeon on Meridian Rd about 1/2 mile S of Rd 775 S. |
Davis | Located abt 5 miles NW of Spurgeon or about 2 miles NW of Coe near Rd 600 S and Meridian. Also called College Twp and Houchins Cemetery. |
Family | Located abt 2 miles N of Spurgeon near Hwy 61 and Rd 900 S. |
Mason | Located abt 4 1/2 miles NW of Spurgeon or 2 miles W of Coe on Rd 775 S near Haul Rd. Also called Old Union Cemetery. |
New Liberty | Located abt 3 miles N of Spurgeon or 1/2 mile E of Coe on Rd 800 S. |
St Paul's | Located abt 2 miles SW of Spurgeon on Hwy 61 near Meridian. Also called Meier Cemetery. |
Simpson | Originally located about 1 mile W of Spurgeon near Meridian and Rd 1100 S. Moved to Spurgeon and Boonville in 1975.Also called Clark and Currey Cemetery. |
Spurgeon | Located on the South side of Spurgeon. |
Patoka Township (15) ( All Cemeteries in Patoka Township are online ) | |
Ashby | Located abt 2 miles S of Winslow on Rd 300 E near Rd 550 S. Also called Pancake Cemetery. |
Bower | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SW of Winslow on Hwy 61 near State Rd 364 |
Crow | Located abt 4 miles W of Winslow and about 1 mile SE of Glezen (Hosmer) near Rd 75 W. At (Little's) |
DeBruler | Originally located about 2 miles NE of Winslow near Rd 50 S and 475 E. Moved to the Sunset Cemetery on October 28, 1969. |
Dedman One | Located abt 1/2 mile N of Winslow about 200 Feet east of bridge on Hwy 61. |
Dedman Two | Originally located about 1 mile N of Winslow about 1/2 E of Hwy 61. Moved to East Section of Oak Hill Cemetery between 1925 & 1930. |
Hedges | Located abt 3 miles NW of Winslow on Rd 150 S. |
Loveless | Located abt 4 1/2 miles W of Winslow near Patoka River. Also called Old Massey Cemetery. |
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Located abt 3 1/2 miles West of Winslow and abt 1 mile SE of Glezen (Hosmer) near Rd.75W. At (Little's) |
Mt. Hebron | Located abt 1 1/2 miles W of Winslow near Rd 375 S. Also called Ayrshire Cemetery. |
Oak Hill | Located on the south side of Winslow. |
Sugar Ridge | Located abt 2 1/2 miles NW of Winslow on Rd 150 S. Also called Tolbert Cemetery. |
Sunset | Located abt 1/2 mile N of Winslow and about 1/2 mile E of Hwy 61. |
Williams | Located abt 4 miles SW of Winslow on Rd 475 S. Also called Patoka Grove & Whitman Cemetery. |
Wyatt | Located abt 5 miles W of Winslow near Glezen ( Hosmer) on Rd 125 S and Hwy 57. Also has been called Kloin, Hill, Willis and Shepherd Cemetery. |
Washington Township (31) (All Cemeteries in Washington Township are online) | |
Alexander One | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SW of Petersburg near Rd 200 W and 350 W. |
Alexander Two | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SW of Petersburg about 1/4 mile W of Hwy 57 on the Delmas Wyatt farm. |
Anderson Chapel | Located abt 2 1/2 miles NE of Petersburg on Hwy 57 near Rd 225 E. Also called Needmore Cemetery. |
Battles | Located abt 3 miles S of Petersburg near Rd 50 W on the Richardson farm. |
Brenton | Located abt 1 1/2 miles SE of Petersburg near Rd 350 N on the Martin farm. |
Butler | Located abt 1 1/2 miles S of Petersburg and 1/2 mile E of Hwy 57 near Rd 300 N. |
Canal | Located N edge of Petersburg between Walnut Hills and White River. As many as 100 persons may be buried here. Most were Canal workers. Cholera and yellow fever epidemics caused mass burials here. No stones. |
Cox | Originally located about 2 miles NE of Campbelltown about 1/2 mile E of the Washington & Jefferson line. Moved to Pleasant Ridge Cemetery by the Coal Co. |
Davidson | Located on the SW edge of Petersburg near Hwy 57 on the Whitlock Place. |
Evans | Located abt 2 1/2 miles E of Petersburg on Hwy 356 near Rd 300 E. No Stones. |
Fulcher | Located abt 1/2 mile S of Petersburg on Hwy 61 on the Old Fulcher Farm. |
Indian Mound | Located abt 1 mile west of Petersburg on Hwy 56 on the Indian Mound. Also called Siple Mound , Old Methodist and Campbell Buring Ground. Very few stones. List is from 1930. |
Johnson | Located abt 2 miles S of Petersburg on Meridian Rd about 1/2 mile S of 300 N. |
Lamb | This Cemetery is not listed in the original records. It is located west of the Don Davis Home |
Leslie | Located on the NE edge of Petersburg on Hwy 57. |
Twin Oaks | Located abt 1 1/2 miles NE of Petersburg near Rd 200 E and 500 N. Also called Lick Creek Bradfield and Decker Cemetery. |
Malott | Located abt 2 miles SW of Petersburg 1/2 mile W of Hwy 57 on the Old Malott Farm. |
Miley | Located abt 2 miles S of Petersburg near Rd 300 N and Old Hwy 61. |
Miley / Tislow | Located abt 2 miles SW of Petersburg on Rd 75 E near Hwy 61. |
Morrison | Located abt 2 1/2 miles E of Petersburg near 275 E and 475 N. |
Old Town | Located on East edge of Petersburg on Hwy 356 in the Petersburg Elementary School yard. Also called Miley Cemetery. |
Old Union | Located abt 2 miles SW of Petersburg on Hwy 57 near Rd 250 N. Also called Kinman Cemetery. |
Pleasant Ridge | Located abt 5 miles SE of Petersburg near Hwy 61 and Rd 75 N at the Pleasant Ridge Church. Also called White Church Cemetery. |
Poor Farm | Located abt 5 miles SE of Petersburg near Hwy 61 and 56 on Pike Central School Grounds. |
Rhoads | Located abt 3 miles NE of Petersburg, about 1 mile E of Hwy 57 near Rd 225 E Indianapolis P & E property. |
Robinson | Originally located about 6 miles SE of Petersburg near Hwy 56 on the Walter Robinson farm. Moved to Pleasant Ridge and Flat Creek Cemetery (Marion Twp) by coal co. |
Smith | Located on SW edge of Petersburg near Hwy 57 about 1/4 mile N of the Holiday Nursing Home. |
Stuckey One | Located abt 1/2 mile N of Petersburg near Old Ferry Rd on the Karl Weisheit Farm. |
Stuckey Two | Located on the SW edge of Petersburg near Illinois St. and the Railroad. Close to old Wooley Mine. |
Stuckey Three | Located just south of Petersburg on Hwy 57 near Rd 400 N. Also called Jones Cemetery. |
Walnut Hills | Located on the NW edge of Petersburg. The cemetery is sectioned into 16 divisions: a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p. The letter x is not a division but lists the names of people buried in unknown graves and without markers. |
Willis | Located abt 4 miles SW of Petersburg near Rd 200 N and 175 W on the Gardner Willis farm. |
The additions listed here for Walnut Hills Cemetery are by TERRY KINMAN These are not SORTED |
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Last updated on August 29 2018