Logan TwpWillis Cemetery |
Pike County,Indiana |
? , Gladys
? , Sarah
AHLSTADT, Georgia V., 3-23-1918 - 12-9-1918 - dau. of P. & M. Ahlstadt
AHLSTADT, Myrtle E., 1-5-1916 - 1-5-1916 - dau. of P. & M. Ahlstadt
BARRETT, Bessie G. West, 1893 - 1956
BARRETT, Carlson Rudolph, 7-6-1908 - 7-20-1908 - 14 da
BARRETT, Essie M., 8-24-1906 - 8-27-1909
BARRETT, Jessie I., 8-2-1909 - 4-12-1918
BARRETT, Julia, 1841 - sister
BARRETT, Willie, 1895 - 19__
BECK, Florence, d. Dec. 1936
BLAIZE, Grace Rumble, b. 9-17-1892
BLAIZE, Guy Hoover, 5-13-1884 - 7-2-1968
BLAKE, Buel, 1901 - 1935
BLAKE, Myrtle E.1 1904 - 1929 - wife of Buel Blake
BLAKE, Ruba. O., 1910 - 19 - wife of Buel Blake
BROCK, James, 11-4-1866 - 3-26-1941
BROCK, Lucretia, 11-18-1863 - 12-17-1940
C0RTEN, Thomas, 1879 - 1-11-1970 - 90 yr 2 mo 24 da
C0X, Sarah E., 3-12-1867 - 11-3-1936 - wife of Samuel Cox
COLVIN, Samuel N., 1842 -
1918 - Co G 58 Ind Inf
CORTEN, Claude, 1910 - 1924
CORTEN, Maggie E., 1882 - 1942
COX, Hezekiah N., 9-6-1846 - 11-26-1911
COX, Mary, 8-1-1852 - 10-20-1897 - wife of H. N. Cox
COX, Samuel, 1863 - 1951
CROW, Douglas, 7-14-1862 - 9-13-194?
CROW, Maggie, 7-25-1880 - 8-21-1944
ELKINS, Billie, 10-24-1925 - 12-5-1937
FOWLER, Kenneth "Ike", d. 8-4-1973 - 45 yr 11 mo 23 da
FOWLER, Ted, 3-14-1901 - 3-27-1968
GRAY, children, children of Willie & Virgil Gray
GRAY, Etta, 1870 - 1912 - wife of James P. Gray
GRAY, infant, baby
HALE, Walter, ~ 3-11-1897 - 10-7-1975 - 78 yr - hus of Opal Jones - son of Richard & Sarah Tooley Hale - (obit)
HARDEN, daughter, 10-28-1900 - 12-24-1901 - dau. of H. M. & P. T. Harden*
HAWKINS, Alonzo, 1884 - 1957
HAWKINS, Andrew W. J., Co H
80 Ind Inf
HAWKINS, Arbutus9 11-23-1916 - 8-4-1966
HAWKINS, Febia A., 1858 - 1937
HAWKINS, James J., 5-13-1891 - 5-26-1951
HAWKINS, Martin, 1893 - 1920
HAWKINS, Peter, 1854 - 1936
HAWKINS, Sanford B., 1905 - 1910
HILL, Charlie, 7-10-1891 - 11-15-1964
HILL, James, d. 7-13-1912
HILL, Lawrence, 1882 - 1934
HILL, Madge, b. 11-1-1906
HILL, Mattie, b. 1890
HILL, Orace, 1908 - 1910
HUMBLE, Lucy, 7-25-1848 - 10-4-1903 - wife of Daniel Rumble
INGERSOLL, John L., 1-3-1845
- 8-25-1923 - Co E 98 Reg Ill Inf Vol
INGERSOLL, Mary E., 9-22-1843 - 10-9-1887 - wife of John L. Ingersoll
INGLE, Mar?, 1 yr
JENKINS, Arbutus
JENKINS, Flora A., 1876 - 1902
JENKINS, Garland, 1908 - 1971
JENKINS, Greenberg, 11-15-187
- 1-5-1945 - Ind PYt Co 2 Inf
JENKINS, Joyce, b. 1912
JOHNS, Claude L., 8-3-1902 - 8-13-1967
JOHNS, Edna I., 3-17-1905 - 8-17-1941
JOHNSON, Hazel M., 7-14-1905
JOHNSON, Ollie J., 3-17-1888 - 4-7-1968 - 80 yr 20 da
JONES, James H., d. 2-20-1916 - 63 yr 8 mo 10 da
JONES, Prentice, 4-4-1887 - 3-5-1925
KNIGHT, Charles E. , 1883 - 1933
KNIGHT, Florence E., 1383 - 1951
KNIGHT, Sarah E., 4-19-1858 - 12-5-1907
KNIGHT, William
LOVELESS, Alta G., 1891 - 1942
LOVELESS, Christena, 5-6-1.820 - 9-8-1882
LOVELESS, Flora A., 1896 - 12-9-1960 - 64 yr 8 mo 15 da - wife of Clell Loveless
LOVELESS, Hosea, 1890 - 1962
LOVELESS, Ishmel E., 8-26-1926 - 4-4-1927 - son of Plora & Clell
LOVELESS, Jackson, 1864 - 1936
LOVELESS, Laura J., d. 4-6-1895 - 36 yr 4 mo 21 da - wife of W. H. Loveless
LOVELESS, Luke, 9-6-1813 - 12-9-1889
LOVELESS, MaClelian "Clell", 1892 - 9-21-1975 - 32 yr 9 mo 5 da
LOVELESS, Mamie, 1891
LOVELESS, Margarette, 12-7-1835 - 6-15-1917 - 81 yr 6 mo 8 da
LOVELESS, Monroe, 12-12-1937 - 72 yr
LOVELESS, Pearl, 12-11-1881 - 9-13-1888 - dau. of H. & L. Loveless
LOVELESS, Rufus B., 1881 - 1950
LOVELESS, Susan, 1863 - 1950
LOVELESS, Thomas J., 3-1-1386 - 10-__-1966 - 80 yr 7 mo
LOVELESS, Velma, d. 9-20-1975 - 61 yr 8 da - dau. of Clell & Flora A. Loveless
LOVELESS, Virginia
LOVELESS, W. Buell, 6-1-1895 - 7-21-1921 - son of Jackson & Susan Loveless
LOVELESS, William H., 4-1-1858 - 1-17-1894
LUSH, Edith, 1860 - 1936
LUSH, John W., 1856 - 1937
McGILLEM, Hillman, 4-23-1856 - 1-5-1944
McGILLEM, Jefferson R., 1868 - 1945
MILLER, Abbie, 11-5-1877 - 8-15-1948
MILLER, Aja, 2-22-1969 - 59 yr 1 mo 8 da
MILLER, Edward, 1873 - 1955 - father
MOSIER, Elizabeth, 11-30-1879
MOSIER, William, 5-17-1877 - 7-6-1942
PIPHER, Samuel, 8-18-1 881- 8-28-1938
POE, Cordia I., 3-3-1894 - 7-8-1926
POW, Ella
POWLER, Emery, 9-22-1855 - 11-16-1936 - father
POWLER, Wright H., 1891 - 1930
R0BLING, Maria, 4-3-1858 - 4-2-1900 - wife of Jackson Robling
RANEY, Frank, 7-5-1871 - 2-4-1950
RANEY,Amanda, 1l-17-l834 - 5-30-1963
RILEY, Catherine, 1847 - 1921 - sister
ROBLING, Alta, 3-24-1895 - 3-6-1915
ROBLING, Bertha, 1-31-189) - 11-17-1933
ROBLING, Ermil Austin "Doc", 8-31-1932 - 9-3-1970 - son of John & Grace Robling
ROBLING, George Washington, 1889 - 1940
ROBLING, James W., 8-9-1849 - 11-28-1912 - son of Shadrick & Phoeba Miller Robling
ROBLING, James Willard, 10-3-1926 - 4-3-1942 - 15 yr 6 mo - son of John H. Robling
ROBLING, John H., d. 6-2-1943 - 51 yr 10 mo 23 da
ROBLING, John, 8-10-1922 - 8-12-1922 - son of John & Grace Hill Robling
ROBLING, Linda Lou Shoultz, 6-14-1939 - wife of Ermil Austin Robling
ROBLING, Lorrene May, 5-8-1940 - (she was a triplet)
ROBLING, Mandy M, 1857 - 1935
ROBLING, Phoeba A. Young, 8-1-1855 - 12-11-1915
ROBLING, Phoebe J., 1-31-1939 - 2-1-1939
ROBLING, Silas, 1895 - 1972
ROBLING, William S., Nov. 1875 - 9 mo - son of J. & M Robling
RUMBLE, America, b. 3-25-1855 - wife of Sylvester Rumble
RUMBLE, Artimeca
RUMBLE, Bertha Mae, b. 9-30-1903
RUMBLE, Clarence E., 5-23-1904 - 8-5-1967
RUMBLE, Daniel, 4--28-1849 - 3-21-1909 (another stone has 190?)
RUMBLE, Erastus, 11-16-18?? - 7-11-1938
RUMBLE, George, 2-29-1877 - 4-24-1949
RUMBLE, Jessie, 7-13-1906 - 9-22-1908 - dau. of E. & M. Rumble
RUMBLE, Maggie M., 2-18-1864 - 3-1-1943 - wife of Samuel Rumble
RUMBLE, Mahala, 10-10-1846 - 4-27-1921 - wife of W. D. Rumble
RUMBLE, Perry, April ?
RUMBLE, Riley, L 4-1-18?6 - 12-21-1903 - son of S. & America Rumble
RUMBLE, Samuel, 2-21-1862 - 4-28-1908
RUMBLE, Sylvester, 11-30-1855 - 12-10-1911
RUMBLE, W. D., b. 9-8-1839
SHOAF, Henry, 5-11-1852 - 2-3-1938
SHOAF, Sarah E., 12-10-1854 - 12-1-1924
SNYDER, Ryan K., d. 2-22-1911
- Co D 32 Ind Inf
WEST, Celia, 6-15-1863 - 8-25-1902
WEST, Donald L., 1924 - 1932
WEST, Eliza H., 1912 - 19__
WEST, Ennis, 1866 - 1953
WEST, Estell E., 3-25-1895 - 12-25-1927
WEST, Evaline, 1873 - 1919
WEST, Helen Ione, 3-15-1924 - 3-23-1925
WEST, James, 4-27-1862 - 2-24-1938
WEST, Ruth M., 1912 - 1961
WEST, Walter A., 1918 - 1922
WHITE, Ansel Buel, 9-9-1916 -
8-10-1974 - Tec 5 US Army
WHITE, George, b. 12-9-1894
WHITE, Hattie, 2-11-1893 - 1-7-1970 - wife of George White
WILLIS, Addie M., 1888 - 1932
WILLIS, Burrell Bassell, b. & d. 1-12-1925
WILLIS, Burrell D., 12-21-1832 - 12-10-1900
WILLIS, Cleo E., 3-27-1911 - 6-3-1920
WILLIS, Emma F., 3-15-1886 - 4-13-1919
WILLIS, Estel, 11-__-1936 - 9-13-1955 - 18 yr 10 mo 12 da
WILLIS, Gladys, 1903 - 19__
WILLIS, Grover E., 1883 - 1968
WILLIS, Harry Porter, 9-10-1929 - 10-13-1929
WILLIS, Herman, 1887 - 19__
WILLIS, Ida May,1886 - 19
WILLIS, Jackson, 4-16-1875 - 48 yr 2 mo 10 da
WILLIS, Jesse H., 11-14-1820 - 1-3-1901
WILLIS, Joseph M., 1850 - 1927
WILLIS, Kate, 10-10-1886 - 8-28-1912
WILLIS, Lloyd H., 3-4-1913 - 10-1-1945
WILLIS, Loyd Donald, b. & d. 11-3-1930
WILLIS, Mahala, 12-23-1874 - 44 yr - wife of J. Willis
WILLIS, Maria E., 11-2-1823 - 7-4-1901
WILLIS, Pamala Sue
WILLIS, Patricia Ann, 11-10-1950 - baby
WILLIS, Ruby A. West, 1905 - 1967
WILLIS, Siendia, 1865 - 19__
WILLIS, Thomas J., 3-1-1886 - 10-6-1966 - 80 yr 7 mo 5 da
WILLIS, Turner, 1868 - 1931
WILLIS, Virgil T., 1899 - 19__
WILLIS, Winnie M., b. 1854 - wife of Joseph M. Willis
YOUNG, August, 11-20-1864 - 1-13-1918 - 54 yr 1 mo 26 da - brother of Phoeba A.
ZIMMERMAN, Clenith B., 1836 - infant
ZIMMERMAN, Flora M. Robling, 1887 - 1934
Additions & Corrections
White, George. -b-12-9-1894 - d - 1-21-1978 - 83 yr - s/o John & Nancy Hale White - h/o Hattie Robling (d-1-7-1970)
Willis, Herman C.-b-12-17-1885 - d-1-30-1977 - 91 yr - s/o Hosea & Martha Loveless Willis - h/o 1st Addie Beck - h/o 2nd Gladys Welton
Zimmerman, Fred C.-b-6-23-1908 - d-5-21-1977 - 68 yr - s/o Samuel C. & Flora Robling Zimmerman - WWII
West, Flossie.-b-3-27-1901- d-6-6-1977 - d/o Charles & Rose Kirk Dyson - w/o Walter West
Hale, Opal.-b-2-5-1899 - d-12-13-1977 - 78 yr - d/o James & Octavia Willis Jones - w/o Walter Hale (d-10-7-1975)
Blaize, Grace.-b-9-17-1893 - d-8-14-1978 - 84 yr - d/o Daniel & Lucy Borders Rumble - w/o Guy Blaize
West, Emmett E.-b-9-20-1899 - d-12-24-1979 - 80 yr - s/o Enos & Evaline Colvin West - h/o Grace Mae McGillem
Loveless, Virginia.-b-5-12-1868 - d-9-30-1902 - w/o John H. Loveless
Allbery, Gracy.-b-8-8-1904 - d-12-23-1904 - d/o Edward & Opha Rumble Allbery
Blake, infant.-b-3-27-1904 -d-3-30-1904 - ch/o Edward & mary M.Willis Blake
Howard, infant.-b- 8-12-1903 - d-8-31-1903 - d/o James & Celia Inglesoll Howard
Howard, Jane.-b-11-14-1870 - d-8-26-1903 - d/o J.L. & Mary Miller Ingersoll - w/o James Howard
Loveless, Frank.-b-1-18-1879 - d-7-28-1907 - s/o Albert & Martha Miley Loveless - h/o Eliza Loveless
Miller, Gladis T.-b-1-24-1890 - d-11-1-1904 - d/o Peter Miley
Willis, Martha.-d- Dec 1896 - 26 yr - w/o George Willis
Cox, daughter, -d- Dec 1896 - 3 yr - d/o Samuel Cox
* Harden, Hazel O. - 10-28-1900 - daughter of H.M. & P.T. Harden(by Shirley Arendell)
Added by Terry Kinman 2013
Most Pic's by Terry Kinman are online at FIND A GRAVE
Jensen, Correne, - b - 5-8-1940 - d - 6-18-2009 - d/o George & Mammie (Elkins) Robling (OPD)
Hill, Robert, - b - 2-21-1930 - d - 8-10-2009 - s/o Jack & Beatrice ( Willis ) Hill - (OPD)
Gordon, - b - 2-26-1926 - d - 3-23-2010 - s/o William & Eunice Hadlock - (OPD)
Perry, Mabel, - b - 11-13-1920 - d - 9-6-2010 - d/o John & Mabel ( Barrett ) Dyehouse - (OPD)
Delmas, - b - 7-22-1924 - d - 10-3-2010 - s/o Raymond & Myrtle ( Jenkins ) Stidd (
Edward, - d - 11-27-2010 - s/o Vincent & Rebecca Sparks - (OPD)
Matteson, Bonita Marquetta, - d - 6-19-2011 - (OPD)
Willis, Rita, - b - 10-8-1940 - d - 7-21-2011 - d/o Paul & Geneva ( Allen ) Grove - (OPD)
Miley, Michael Eugene, - b - 1-1-1954 - d - 12-6-2-11 - s/o Oscar Bennie & Thelma Bernice ( West ) Miley - (OPD)
Beard, Inez, - b - 12-30-1919 - d - 4-20-2012 - d/o Walter & Mernith ( Robling ) Willis - (OPD)
Kramer, Charles, - b - 9-4-1933 - d - 9-30-2012 - s/o Charles & Ina Mae ( Sidles ) Kramer - (OPD)
Hill, James, - b - 5-19-1935 - d - 11-4-2012 - s/o Rufus Jack & Georgia Beatrice ( Willis ) Hill - (OPD)
The above names were listed in the wrong Willis Cemetery Cox, son.-d- Dec 1896 - 6 yr - s/o Samuel CoxWillis, Myrtle - b-2-25-1907 - d-2-17-2004
- d/o Lawrence & Mattie Blaize Hill (obits Press-Dispatch) Willis, Doris - b-8-31-1910 - d-11-30-2004 - d/o Lawarence & Mattie Blaize
Hill(obits Press-Dispatch) Fowler, Thomas - b- 6-24-1947 - d- 1-28-2005 - s/o Theodore & Golda Evans Fowler
(obits Press-Dispatch) Davis, Jerry Lee, - d- 4-1-2005 - s/o Othnell & Bess Grubb Davis (obits
Press-Dispatch) Jenkins, Joyce, - b - 7-23-1912 - d - 8-16-2006 - d/o Bertis & Earl Harris (obits
Press-Dispatch) Miller, Homer, - b - 3-19-1945 - d - 1-5-2007 - s/o Aja & Hazel Loveless Miller
(obits Press-Dispatch) Willis, Gene, - b - 1-20-1955 - d - 1-1-2007 - (obits Press-Dispatch) Corten, Carl, - b - 6-4-1921 - d - 8-14-2007 - s/o Thomas & Maggie Miller Corten
(obits Press-Dispatch) West, Grace mae, - b - 5-13-1907 - d - 12-5-2007 - d/o Franklin & Molly Robling
McGillem (obits Press-Dispatch) Foster, Sheryl, - b - 8-15-1958 - d - 1-26-2008 - d/o Emil Robling & Linda Hale
(obits Press-Dispatch) Manion, James, Reggie, - b - 6-21-1959 - d - 5-15-2008 - s/o Jimmie Lewis &
Virginia Dean Keith Manion (obits Press-Dispatch) Barrett, Hazel, - b - 6-3-1927 - d - 6-10-2008 - d/o Virgil & Cassie Coleman Mize
(obits Press-Dispatch) Lindsay, Nina, - b - 6-22-1936 - d - 9-30-2008 - d/o Billy & Gladys Fettinger Grubb
(obits Press-Dispatch) Jobe, Nora, - b - 5-24-1928 - d - 1-16-2009 - d/o Billy & Gladys (Fettinger) Grubb
(OPD) White, Connie, - b - 2-3-1945 - d - 10-3-2013 - d/o Theodore Fowler - (OPD) Harrison, Carrie, - b - 8-19-1943 - d - 11-19-2013 - d/o Arvle & Mary (
Hopkins ) Wade - (OPD) Hale, Linda, - b - 6-14-1939 - d - 6-7-2014 - d/o Dexter & Inez ( McGillem )
Shoultz - (OPD) Perry, Robert, - b - 8-28-1921 - d - 11-4-2014 - s/o Gresham & Dessie (
Martin ) Perry - (OPD) Whitehead, Vonda Pearl, - b - 6-14-19244 - d - 11-29-2016 - d/o George &
Hattie ( Robling ) White - (OPD) Jobe, Virginia, - b - 10-23-1925 - d - 11-29-2016 - d/o Marlin & Myrtle (
Hill ) Willis - (OPD) Kinman, Dorothy Jean, -b- 1-9-1940 - d - 7-31-2017 - d/o Russell & Mayme
Miller - (OPD) Pride, Michael, - b - 2-22-1952 - d - 8-17-2017 - s/o Elwood & Helen (
Culbertson ) Pride - (OPD)