VICE, Virgil

Virgil was a Tec 4 in the US Army Air Corps (served in New GUinea) during WWII. He was born here 8 May 1924 the son of Winfred and Annita (Robbins) Vice. He and wife, Clare Harshbarger Keller (married July 27, 1948) parented several children: Rhonda, Debbie, Janice and Darla and a son Peter Keller.
Love his brother, Chet of Ladoga and he had at least two other brothers and at least four sisters. The Vice family has always been one to look up to in the Ladoga area.
Virgil worked at RR Donnelley for close to 40 years and was active in the American Legion, VFW, Eagles and F&AM. He was a member of the Ladoga Nazarene Church. He was buried (July 10, 2001) in the Ladoga cemetery with full military rites.
----Thanks Bill Boone.