SHULER, Arthur Merle

Source: Found in a collection of old obituaries and articles that were collected by Fauniel Hershbarger -- hand dated 1944
-- New Ross, July 15 -- Pfc Arthur Merle Shuler of the 4th Division of the US Marines has been wounded in action on Saipan Island in the Marianas, according to word that has just come to his wife, Mrs. Virginia Thompson Shuler of New Ross. The extent of Pfc Shuler's injuries is not yet known. He is now in a US Naval Hospital somewhere in the South Pacific. Pfc Shuler had previously participated in the invasions of Roi and Namu Islands in the Marshalls in Feb 1944. Enlisting in the Marine Corps Dec 7, 1942, he took his basic training at San Diego, Calif and went overseas early in January of this year. Pfc Shuler is a graduate of Sniper & Advance Sniper schools. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shuler of Kingman.