Love to have the orignal photo or one similar
- anyone from the Overstreet family send that to me? kbz
Source: Indianapolis News August 21, 1943
Crawfordsville, Ind - August 21 - Sgt. Aaron D. Overstreet, one of three sons of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Overstreet of Marshall in the service, has been awarded the Purple Heart for stomach sounds suffered in action at Okinawa May 11 and has been invalided back to the states. He has been awarded two bronze arrowheads for participation on assault landings in Leyte and Okinawa. He served in the Pacific with the 383d Regiment 26th Infantry DIvision. He also wear the Combat Infantry Badge, the Phillippines Liberation, the Asiatic-Pacific and Good Conduct ribbons. He entered the servicein March 1943, and has been overseas since AUgust 1944.
Shared by (with above) Bryan Overstreet on Facebook 5-25-2017 - attached to above article but think this one is from the Crawfordsville Journal-Review newspaper or even the Waveland Independent ??
Sgt. Aaron D. Overstreet, one of the three sons and two son-in-laws of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Overstreet, of Marshall, who are serving in the armed forces, has just returned to the army hospital at Galesburg, Ill following a 30-day convalescent leave. He was with his parents and wife, Mrs. Marjorie Overstreet and their nine month old son, Aaron Dale, Jr. while hom eon leave.
Sgt. Overstreet wears two bronze arrowheads for his participation in the initial asault landings on enemy shores. He wa sin the first wave going ashore on Leyte and later the first landing at Okinawa.
Wounded in action May 11, on Okinawa, Sgt. Overstreet has been awarded the Purple Heart. Following his wounds he was hospitalized overseas for four or five weeks, before being returned to the states, late in June. He arrive din the states as a litter patient. He was wounded in the stomach when struck by a Jap bullet. Sgt. Overstreet served in the Pacific with the 383rd regiment of the 96th Infantry DIvision.
Sgt. Overstreet also wears the combat infantry badge, three bronze battle stars, the Philippines Liberation ribbon the Asiatic Pacific ribbon and the Good Conduct ribbon. His regiment has also been given the presidential citation for meritorious service in action at Okinawa on May 7.
One of Sgt. Overstreet's brother,s now overseas, is Lt. Clarence R. Overstreet of the Crawfordsville HS faculty, who is with the US Navy Engineers, stationed at Shafter's Field, Plymouth, England.
The other brother is Ray Overstreet who has served with the Merchant Marines for two years.
One brother in law, Harold Spencer, yeoman third class of Carbon, Ind, is now stationed at Camp Shumaker, Calif with the US Navy while the other brother-in-law, Gordon Johnson of Kohler (?) Wis is also serving with the Merchant Marine.
Lt. Clarence R. Overstreet, at Plymouth, England, was the vocational agriculture teacher at the time he enlisted int he service in July 1944, 13 months ago. He is one of the 7 members of the Crawfordsville Rotary Club in service. While at Plymouth, he has attended several weekly luncheons of the Plymouth Rotary club.
Note: Aaron came back to the area where he raised a family, all graduating from Waveland HS. - kbz