MOODY, James T.
Sgt James T. Moody 

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 7, 1945
"Among the 185,000 men and women of the 8th AF congratulated today by Lt. Gen H. Doolittle, who assumed command of the 8th in Jan 1944 was Sgt. James T. Moody of Waveland, Ind.."
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 14, 1945
1st Base Air Depot, Warrington, England Sgt. James T. Moody, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sant Moody of Waveland, Indiana is taking advanced technical training with soldiers from all over the United Nations. Learning how to ready combat planes and equipment for front line action wherever they might be needed, he is now taking Air Service Command repair and modification depot in England.