McDaniel, James
Staff Sergeant James McDaniel 

Source: Darlington Herald, Darlington, IN Thursday July 19, 1945 (via the Darlington Herald Library's newsletter Feb 2007 - thanks Butch for sharing this wonderful history)
Staff Sergeant James McDaniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDaniel, has just been awarded the Bronze Star for heroic service on Caballo Island by direction of Major General William C. Chase, commander of the famous 38th Infantry Division. During the course of an advance, the squad of which Sgt. McDaniel was a lead scout, became isolated from the remainder of the platoon by intense enemy machine gun and small arms fire. Sgt. McDaniel estimated the position of enemy guns and with complete disregard for his personal safety, the citation said, advanced under intense fire to a location where he was able to determine the strength of the enemy installations and the safest route of approach for the remainder of the squad. By use of satch charge and smoke grenades the squad neutralized the enemy fire Sgt McDaniel, accompanied by another scout then continued to move to the right flank of the enemy installations. On this flank the enemy were using a small tunnel as an escape route. The Sgt, the citation added, attacked the tunnel with satchel charges and phosphorus grenades destroying much equipment and killing several of the enemy.