(& List of those receiving free newspapers - Waveland Independent)
NOTE: "We the publishers of the Independent are sending the paper free to service menon this list, because their parents or wives are paid-up subscribers (with 2-3 exceptions, those being paid for)."
Pvt. Leslie E. Allen ..................................... Pvt. Fred J. Mitchell
Sgt. Sidney E. Allen (32967620) .................. Cpl James T. Moody (35357980)
Pvt. Robert Arvin, Jr. .................................. Pvt. Robert Moore
A-C Rex O. Blacker .................................... Pvt. Robert McClure
A.C.S. Robert Max Blacker ......................... Pfc. Paul E. Perkins
Pvt. Clyde E. Brooks ................................... Sgt. Wilfred Dale Perkins
Pvt. Eugene Brooks....................................... Pvt, Robert L. Pitts
Cpl. Pearl L. Brooks ......................................Cpl. Joe Pointer (35369629)
Pvt. Eddie L. Burroff .....................................Lt. Paul L. Porter
Cpl. Ralph L. Burroff .....................................Pvt. Charles Priebe
Maj. William H. Durham ................................. Pvt. Charles B. Sayler
Pfc. William L. Fortune ...................................Charles Lee Smith, A.S.N.
Lt. Robert R. Fullenwider ............................... Pvt. Harold Spencer
S-Sgt. W.T. Fullenwider ..................................Pfc. Harold M. Spencer
Pvt. John GIlliland ........................................... Pvt. Richard Swearingen
T-Sgt. Raymond D. Hannah.............................. Eugene R. Tague, A.S>N.
Pfc. James Haskett........................................... Pvt. Garnett E. Tague
Sgt. Maurice D. Hayes ...................................... Pvt. Harley Tague (35356423)
Pfc. Milford R. Hayes .......................................? Tague ASN 351683?
Pvt.. Verne R. Hayes ......................................... Pvt. Herman J. Tague
Capt. Erwin C. Hostetler (0336226) ..................... Pvt Aubrey VanHook
Robert Ingersol, A.S.N......................................... Sgt John R. Weaver
Lt. David C. Irelan ................................................ Pfc. David R. Wiatt (35039966)
Pvt. Richard T. Johnson .......................................S-Sgt. Raymond Kesner
Pvt. W.R Lamson .................................................Cpl. John T. Kite 35350412
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 24, 1943
Camp Phillips, Kansas
Dear Editor:
Since having been inducted into the army on December 8th of last year, it is indeed a pleasure to receive your paper. Each week I look forward to receiving it and feel that I am one of the Independent Family. It is with a feeling of gratitude that I am writing as well as a request. I have been stationed at Camp Phillips, Kansas, since my induction and having finished my basic training I expect to be moved from here any time. If I am transferred, it is likely that I may be sent overseas. In that even I would like to continue receiving your paper. It is by this means, that I wish to say Hello - to all my friends and I am enclosing my address. I would be glad to hear from my friends back home. Sincerely, Pvt. Garnett E. Tague, Serv. Btry, 919 FA Bn. US Army, APO No 94, Camp Phillips, Kansas
SGT. P.L. Brooks
Orlando, FLorida, June 17, 1943
Dear Editor:
Just a few lines to let you know I receive the Independent each week and appreciate and enjoy it very much. I'm always glad to read about all the folks around Waveland and the other fellows in the service. Would you please change my address to the following: Sgt. P.L. Brooks, Unit Personnel 1156th School Squandron AAFSAT, Orlando, Florida - Respectfully, Sgt P.L. Brooks
Pfc. Robert L. PITTS
Dear Editor:
I wish to notify you of my change of address: It is now Pfc. Robert L. Pitts, 163rd Signal Photo Co, APO, 311 Ft. Jackson, S. Car. I enjoy the paper very much and am very grateful for you sending it. Yours truly, Pfc. Robert L. Pitts
Mrs. R.Y. Williams received a letter from her grandson, Bennie Bilbo, saying he had been transferred from Sika, to Anchorage, Alaska where he is First Assistant ENgineer in the Army Post. In his letter he enclosed a poem written by one of the boy sin his camp, John Gillespie Magee, R.C. A.F., killed in action over ENgland, 1942.