EZRA, (Esra) Harold
HAROLD EZRA - bronze star 

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 2-7-1945 ?
First Lt. Harold Esra living on rural route 3 out of Crawfordsville was recently awarded the Bronze Star medal for meritorious service while engaged in action with his field artillery battalion in crossing the Rhine River in Germany. Lt. Esra left for the service as a member of Battery B of the 139th Field Artillery at the time the Indian National Guard units were federalized in January 1941. Later, he was transferred to officer's candidate school where he won his commission as Lt. Overseas since August 1944 Lt. Esra is with the 399th Field Artillery battalion of the 8th Armored Division attached to General William H. SImpson's 9th US Army. The recent ceremony in which he was awarded the Bronze Star medal was held at Hann Munden in Germany. Brig.. Gen John M. Devine, commanding general of the 8th armorde division made the presentation. Mrs. Esra, the former Miss Elizabeth Fruits, is living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Fruits on rural route 3, while her husband is in the service. Lt. and Mrs. Esra have a son, Michael Wayne Esra, 4 years of age. His mother, Mrs. Frank Esra, lives at 308 North Street. His father, who was a veteran member of the Crawfordsville fire department has died since he arrived overseas. A brother, Cpl. Fred Esra, is stationed at Washington, DC with the US Army. -- kbz