Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review -- ? Date
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Elliott of near Yountsville with their address Waynetown RR 1, were in receipt of a telegram, Friday saying their son, Pfc Joe W. Elliott, age 19, who was wounded in action in France on October 14 has been invalided home and is now in an army hospital in Coral Gables, Fla. The message state he would soon be sent to another army hospital nearer home for further hospitalization. Pfc Elliott also called his parents by long distance. He informed them he had lost his left arm while in action an that he had been wounded seriously in the right shoulder. He has been awarded the Purple Heart. Entering the service Oct 9, 1943, Pfc Elliott was shipped overseas with an armored division, landing in Italy in June. He was with the Army that swept up the eastern part of France during the present invasion of Europe. At the time of being wounded he was serving in the infantry. Pfc Elliott was graduated in 1943 from the New Market high school. An only son, Pfc Elliott has two sisters, Mrs. Ernest Thompson of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Thelma Hedrick of Alamo. He was a cousin of Cyrus C. Elliott son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott of Crawfordsville who died overseas on June 6 from wounds received in action.