Boldt, Ernest - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Boldt, Ernest

Source: Unknown newspaper

Waynetown, Ind – Five of the seven Waynetown service men who have given their lives for the country in World War II were former employees of the Boldt Milligan Company. They are: Pvt. Ernest M. Boldt, died Nov 20, 1942 at Orlando Air Base, Orlando Fla.

Cpl. Forrest Rex Swank, Killed In Action in the Southwest Pacific Nov 13, 1943. Technically, Cpl. Swank “belonged” to Crawfordsville, residing there when he entered service.  However, Waynetown claims him because he was a native, a graduate of the local HS and a member of Church of Christ where a star for him is on the church service flag on April 3, 1944 at MacDill Field.

Cpl. Henry J. Wood, Jr. drowned in Tampa, Fla.

Pfc. Robert L. Cord, Killed In Action Aug 3, 1944 in France.

Pfc. Gwendolyn McKee, Killed IN Action Aug 30 1944 in France.

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