BANNON, Richard L.
Richard L. BANNON 

Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Aug 21, 1944
Pfc Richard L. BANNON, 21 of the city is missing in action in France according to a message received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bannon and his wife, Mrs. Jeanette Bannon all of whom reside at 706 S. Walnut Street, Crawfordsville. Prc. Bannon had been in France since about july1 it was believed. He arrived in England from the Untied State May 1 but had not taken part in the initial invasion of Normandy. The message received fromt he War Department said he had been missing since July23 and that any further word about him would be forwarded at once to the family. He was inducted into the infantry March 22, 1943 and was sent to Camp Polk, LA for primary training. He was sent to the replacement center at Fort Meade Md before being sent to England. Previous to his induction he was employed at the Alumnimum Plant at Lafayette. He attended Crawfordsville HS. Pfc and Mrs. Bannon have a 17-months old daughter, Patricia Ann. The Bannons were former residents of Waveland. Mr. Evan Bannon was a graduate of high school here. He is a brother of Mrs. Alva Smith.