S Announcements

S - Individual Marriages
Pearl SAGER - Kitty ALLEN
Ralph SAYLER - Virginia VAIL
Walter SAYLER - Elizabeth Opal BONWELL
Lucretia SEAMAN - Leo G. POWELL
Walter SERING - see Louise WINTON
Source: Crawfordsville Star Jan 20, 1898
The happy ending of a romantic love affair was the marriage on Monday evening at the residence of AF Ramsey by Rev. Trick, Mr. Pearl Sager of Iowa and Miss Kitty Allen of this city, formerly of Brown Township. The bride’s mother opposed the marriage but it went through just the same - kbz
Glenn SAIDLA - see Mellie CARTER
Nancy R. SAMS - Thomas J. SIMMONS
Source: CWJ 12 March 1857 - married on the 9th inst by the Rev. Mr. Gee, of the ME Church, Thomas J. Simmons of this county to Miss Nancy R. Sams, of Clermont County, Ohio.
Source: Waynetown Hornet, Dec 24, 1887 -- (hightlights of year)
Jan 13th - Neal Lidster and Miss Eva Sayers were married
Cline SAYLER - Teressa WALL
Source: Crawfordsville Review 6 May 1924 p 8
New Market, May 5 – Cline Sayler of this place and Miss Teressa Wall of Pittsboro were married Saturday afternoon at Lafayette by Rev., Oakel Hall. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sayler of this place and the bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. newton Wall of Pittsboro and was a former teacher in the New Market schools.
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 21, 1924
(1920?) A beautiful double wedding took place at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Davis, near New Market at 8 on Wed. evening, when their daughter, Louise Davis and Orvill Demoret, and Miss Mollie Stewart and Paul Sayler were marr. by Rev. Dwight Ives in the presence of friends and relatives. The ceremony took place under a beautiful floral arch. The brides were gowned in white organdie and carried bouquets of roses. Refreshments of angle food cake and pink and white brick cream were served. Mr. Sayler is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Sayler. Mrs. Sayler who has made her home with Mr. & Mrs. Walter Penn for several years was a graduate from our high school last year and has many friends in Waveland. - kbz
Ralph SAYLER - Virginia VAIL

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana August 26, 1948
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest VAIL of Linden announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia, to Ralph SAYLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sayler of New Market, which took place, Sunday afternoon (Aug 22) at half past 3 at the home of the groom. A single ring ceremony was read by Rev. CN McBrayer of Waveland before a beautifully decoarated altar baniked with a large white basket of Pickardy gladioli, fern and huckleberry, palms and two seven branch candelbra. A prelude of bridal aires was played over a radio phonograph followed by the Wedding March as the wedding party approached the altar. Charles Sayler was his brother's best man. The bride was lovely, dressed in a white linen two piece peplum dress with navy blue accessories and carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses with pink rosebuds tied in small knots from long white streamers. Her only jewelry was a strand of pearls...
Note: Thanks so much to Carolyn Sayler Harshbarger for this awesome picture which is likely their engagement picture or one taken later in a day or two after their wedding. It is likely not their wedding picture per se since her outfit does not match the description above :) Definitely that same time frame - kbz
Walter SAYLER - Elizabeth Opal BONWELL
Source: New Richmond Record 31 October 1912 p 4
A beautiful autumn wedding was that which took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonwell, two miles south of New Market, Wednesday evening of last week when their daughter, Elizabeth Opal Bonwell, was united in marriage with Mr. Walter L. Sayler, of New Market. Rev. H. C. Riley, of the First Methodist Episcopal church of New Market, performed the ceremony in the presence of about 100 invited guests. Preceding the ceremony the Misses Doyle and Johnson rendered the “Spring Song” by Hensler, “The Sweetest Story Ever Told” and “O Promise Me.” Promptly at 8 o’clock the wedding party entered the ceremony room to the strains of the Lohengrin march and before a beautiful bank of flowers the impressive words were said which united these two estimable young people. The bride was attended by Miss Susie Hash of Boswell, as maid of honor and the ring bearer was Edward Francis Haywood. James Malsbary, as flower bearer, preceded the bride and groom scattering blossoms in their path. The bride was beautiful in a gown of brocade satin with chiffon overdress. trimmed with pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. During the ceremony the Misses Doyle and Johnson gave “ ’Twas a Lover and His Lass” by Nevin. The bridal party recessional was made to Meudelsshon’s march and at the close the musicians rendered "I Love You Only.” The Bonwell home was beautifully decorated for the event, palms and ferns and white and yellow chrysanthemums being used to advantage. The color scheme throughout was white and yellow. Following the ceremony an elegant three-course luncheon was served by Miss Jessie Toner of Kewanna. Misses Mildred Malsbary and Margaret Haywood presided at the punch bowl. After receiving the hearty congratulations of the assembled guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sayler left on an extended wedding journey. They will be at home in a few weeks in New Market. Among the guests at the wedding from a distance were Miss Ella Hurst, Crawfordsville; Miss Mary McLain, Linden; Miss Alma Beckman, Anderson; Miss Carrie Cooper, Middleton; Mr. and Mrs. John W. X. Browne, Memphis, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Robinson, San Mateo, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Hoss, New Market; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Malsbary, Darlington; Mrs. Margaret Butler, Heron Lake, Minn.; Mrs. Elizabeth McMullen, Peabody, Kas.; Mr. and Mrs. Wonghter, West Branch, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Archey, Frankfort; Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Riley, Waveland; Leroy Demoret, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Malsbary, Lafayette; Mrs. John Coyle, Danville, III.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bonwell, Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Malsbary. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Riston, Miss Anna Kirkhoff, Romney; Mr. and Mrs. John M. Malsbary, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Martin, Miss Bertha Bastion, and Ben Smith, New Richmond.
Odelia SCHIRMER - see William WIDDOP (note - don't believe her first or last names are spelled correctly but close :) - indexed as was in the article
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News Jan 31, 1891 p 1
Otto Schlemmer is receiving the congratulations of his friends. He slipped quietly away to Tiffin, Ohio last week and was married to Miss Louisa Miller, of that place. They are at home at No 319 South Green Street. - kbz
SCHLEPPY, Elsie - see Claud BROADERS
Fred SCHOENMAN - see Dorothy CRAIG
Elizabeth SCHROEDER - see Clifford GOBEN
David SCOTT - see Martha HUNTER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, 9 October 1914
Jesse Plunkett of Advance and Miss Hazel Scott of New Ross were united in marriage by Justice E.M. Brewer at his matrimonial parlors Thursday afternoon. The groom is a young farmer and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott. They will reside in Advance. - typed by kbz
Ida May SCOTT - Daniel PIERCY
Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 2, 1882 p 1
About 75 guests witnessed the wedding of Daniel Piercy and Miss Ida May Scott last evening at 7:30 o'clock at the residence of the bride on South Green Street. The ceremony wa sperformed by Elder Piercy, father of the groom. The Star wishes Mr. Piercy and his fair and petite bride a long and happy life. - kbz
Laura D. SCOT - see Frank COOPER
Sarah SCOTT - see William ADAMS
Lucretia SEAMAN - Leo G. POWELL
Source: Crawfordsville Review 8 Oct 1892
Leo G. Powell and Miss Lucretia Seaman were quietly married in the parlors of the Nutt House Wednesday morning by rev. GW Switzer. Mr. Powell is a student of medicine at Louisville, Ky and the bride resides at Penoma, Iowa having arrived here some days ago on a visit with Mrs. Charles Whittington. - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 11-29-1951 p 1
At 4:00 in the afternoon on Thanksgiving Day, in the Presbyterian Church Miss Alice Search was united in marriage to Allen B. Maddox. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam E. Search of Waveland and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maddox of Hartford City. The bride was graduated from Waveland HS and Indiana University. For the past five years she has been a medical technologist at Ball Memorial Hospital Munice. Mr. Maddox was graduated from Hartford City HS and Indiana University. He is a representative for Proctor & Gamble in St. Louis Missouri. Rev. L.C. Rudolph read the double ring ceremony. Guests were several. Mr. and Mrs. Maddox are residing in St. Louis. - kbz
Walter SERING - see Louise WINTON
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Argus News, Jan 2, 1900
Walter S. Sering of this city and Miss Louise Winton of Indianapolis were happily married last evening by Rev. A.W. Runyon at his residence. They will reside here. - kbz
Wanda SEWELL - see Junior FULLER
Mable SEYBOLD - see George GEHRICHS
Martha SHANKLIN - see John B. AUSTIN
Source: Crawfordsville Star 10 Oct 1878 p 3
“Linden News” – John W. Shanklin and Miss Mattie White were married on Tuesday last at 6 o’clock p.m. This is the third wedding that has occurred in Mr. White’s family since last April. That’s what we call “going off like hot cakes.”
Source: Darlington Herald 3-23-1917
Friends of Roscoe Shannon a former well known young man of this place will be interested in knowing of his marriage which occurred at Bloomington IN Thursday evening. The Pantagraph of that city contained the following account of the wedding. Miss Lucile Woodworth and Mrs. R.C. Shannon, both of this city, were married last evening, the ceremony taking place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Woodworth of 607 East Mulberry Street (sic). Rev. Walter Aitken of Grace ME Church officiated, in the presence of aobut 25 immediate friends and relatives. The ceremony took place in front of a bank of pink and white flowers and foliage, the ring service being used. The whole room was beautifully decorated in pink and white and the bride wore a bouquet of pink and white sweet peas and roses. She was attired in white crepe de chene, and er bridesmaid, Miss Ethel Johnson of Normal, wore a dress of light blue casimere. Mr. A.W. Woodworth, uncle of the bride was in attendance to the groom. Immediately following the ceremony, light refreshments were served. The entire party then accompanied the young couple to the train. They will take a trip to Indianapolis and Ohio, but will return to this city to make their home. Both of the young people are quite popular and well known in this city, the bride being a daughter of Mr. R.N.. Woodworth of N. Main Street (sic) The groom, who was formerly manager of a restaurant in this city sold out his business again upon his return. - kbz
Ira SHARP - see Gertrude BROWN
John SHARPE - see Minnie CONNER
John SHARPE - see Minnie CONNER
Maude SHARPE - see George DUNWOODY
Felix SHAWNER - Maggie IRWIN
Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Oct 26, 1889
On Sept. 18, 1889, Felix Shawner and Maggie Irwin were married. On Oct 19, Mr. Shawner died, just one month and a day from his marr. The funeral services were conducted at Campbell's Chapel at 10:30 on Monday by Rev. ER Johnson who so short a time ago officiated at his marriage. The interment was at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery at Darlington. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star Jan 26, 1894 p 3
On Thursday morning at 8 o’clock at St. Bernard’s Church Rev. Father Dinnen united in marriage Daniel D. Donavon and Mary A. Sheahan. The groom is a popular conductor on the Vandalia and the bride is a handsome young lady who has many admirers in Crawfordsville. Many friends wish them happiness.
Minnie SHELBY - Ambrose REMLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 13 June 1867
Married on Thursday last June 6th at the residence of LB Slavens in Kansas City, Missouri by the Rev. J. Pierce, Mr. Ambrose Remley to Miss Minnie Shelby. Thus has a galiant soldier that never gave up to the sternest and most determined foe, at last surrendered to bright eyes and smiling lips. Long may he enjoy the blandishments of his new comrade as well as the choicest blessings of a government his valor helped to preserve.
George SHELBY - Wilma BRYAN
Source: New Richmond Record 10 Oct 1912 p 1
A wedding which was beautiful in all its appointments was solemnized Saturday morning at 11 o’clock at the home of Mrs. W. F. Bryan, 614 North Ninth street. Lafayette, the bride being her youngest daughter, Wilma Elizabeth, and the groom George Evan Shelby, son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Shelby, of Shadeland. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edwin W. Dunlavy, pastor of Trinity M. E. church, in the presence of about forty relatives and intimate friends. The ceremony was held in the back parlor which presented a very attractive appearance. An altar was arranged in front of the fireplace, and the mantel was banked with palms and ferns. Amidst the greenery were bouquets of white chrysanthemums. The chandeliers and doorways were festooned with smilax and placed in appropriate places about the room were baskets of white chrysanthemums. The library was artistically decorated with smilax, ferns and yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Bessie Palma played the wedding march. There were no attendants. The bride wore a handsome tailored suit of mustard color, with an exquisite waist of chiffon and lace over messaline. She wore a corsage bouquet of sunburst roses and lilies of the valley. Following the ceremony a four course wedding breakfast was served. The bride’s table was particularly attractive, all the appointments being in yellow and white. In the center of the table was an enormous French basket of yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby left Saturday afternoon for a short wedding trip. Upon their return they will reside on the Shelby farm at Shadeland and will be at home to their friends after November 1. The bride is an accomplished young woman, possessing a charming personality and has a host of friends. The groom is an energetic and popular young man. He is a graduate of the Lafayette high school and later attended DePauw university. Among the guests at the wedding were the following from out of town: Mrs. Frank Hemenway and daughter Ruth, of Liberty; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haywood, of New Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haywood, of Romney; Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, of Shadeland; and John Shelby, of Shadeland. —Journal.
William SHELLY - see Helene DEERE
Mildred SHELTON - Glen O. STATON
Source: Crawfordsville Review June 24, 1924 p8
Mildred Shelton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BO Shelton of this city was married to Glen O. Staton of Kentland, Ind Dr. Stewart Long officiating. The bride is a graduate of Crawfordsville HS and has studied at the Metropolitan School of Music at Indianapolis and at the time of her marriage was attending Butler and was a pledge to Delta Chi sorority. She is a popular and well known girl here. The wedding was kept secret until the close of school. Mr. Staton was a senior at Butler and member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He has been very prominent in Butler athletics having been pitcher on their baseball team for the past four years. The young people are at home to their friends at 519 Central Court, South, Indianapolis where Mr. Staton is in the employment of Fairbank & Morris Company.
William SHELTON - see Nannie GOBLE
Melvin SHIREY - Leah SMITH
Source: Indiana State Sentinel 5 July 1893 Wed p 8
Ladoga, June 28 – At high noon today, Melvin Shirey of Shoals and Miss Leah Smith of this place were married. Miss Smith is the only child of Richard Smith and wife and a society favorite. She has long been an active member of the Marguerite Club, all the members of which were present at the wedding. They wore the club colors. Miss Smith is the first member of the club to wed. Mr. Shirley and wife left at once for their home at Shoals.
Norma SHOAF - see Donald HYTEN
Ora SHOAF _ see Myrtle HAUSER
Source: Crawfordsville Semi-Weekly Journal, October 1, 1887
Jacob Shrader, of Montgomery county and Miss Julia Young were married at the home of her father, Edward Young, in Mecca, Tuesday evening, by Rev. W.P. Cummings. There was a fine feast a nice company and a general good time all around - Rockville Tribune. -- thanks to Kim H
Betty SHULAR - see Richard EAKIN
Earl SHULAR - Bertha Fay ELLIS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 14 June 1901 

The Journal has the pleasure of announcing today that the estimable and happy young couple to be married at the fair grounds on the Fourth of July are Mr. Earl E. Shular and Miss Bertha Fay Ellis. The groom is twenty four years of age, and is the popular young job printer. His bride is eighteen years of age and lived with her father in Hillsboro until three months ago, when they came to Crawfordsville, and are now residing on North Washington Street. Their pictures are presented about and it can be seen that they will make a handsome young pair. Both the bride and groom are natives of Fountain County, Mr. Shular having been raised near Wallace. He has lived in Crawfordsville for several years, however, and has many friends here.

Thomas SIDENER - Nannie VanSANDT
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 6, 1898 p 5
There was a pretty home wedding on Tuesday evening at 4 o’clock at the residence of the bride Jefferson and John Streets in the marriage of Mr. Thomas J. Sidener and Miss Nannie VanSandt. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Nave, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church and was witnessed by a number of relatives and friends. The bride wore a travelling gown of blue cloth. The young couple took the Vandalia for a trip to St. Louis. - kz
Herbert SIES - see Cora ZOOK
SIEKERMAN, Clairmont - Carole LaFOLLETTE
Source: Franklin Evening Star Mon 3 Feb 1964 p 2
Mr. and Mrs. Clairmont William Siekerman, Jr are at home at 505 Smith Valley Road, Greenwood following their wedding Saturday afternoon and a weekend in French Lick. The marriage took place in Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis with the Rev. Robert S. Stewart officiating at the double ring ceremony. The bride, the former Miss Carole Ann LaFollette, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. LaFollette of Indianapolis. Parents of the bridegroom are Mrs. CW Siekerman of Indianapolis and the late Dr. Siekerman. Both the bride and bridegroom were graduated from Hanover College and did graduate work at Indianapolis University. She is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority and is a teacher in Marion County schools. His fraternity is Beta Theta Phi. Mr. Siekerman is a reporter for the Daily Journal. Honor attendants were Miss Judy Munz, Mooresville and William Pirtle, West Lafayette. Miss Roberta Hunt, New York City; Miss Rochelle Galey, Crawfordsville and Miss Pam Siekerman the bridegroom's sister were bridesmaids. Ushers were Ross King, Roger Smith and Jack LaFollette, the bride's brother. The bride wore a white delustered satin gown with a fitted overblouse of white brocade satin and floor-length bell-shaped skirt. Her white tulle veil was held by a satin coronet headpiece. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white camellias. Bridal attendants wore turquoise satin and lace dresses. Headpieces were cranberry red roses with matching veils. All carried cranberry red and white carnations. - kbz
Note: Carole was born in Montgomery County 19 Dec 1939 (Birth Certificate 56532) on 19 Dec 1939daughter of Joseph Carlysle Lafollette and Beulah Mae Stuckey born at noon with Dr. James Noblitt attending physician. Father: School teacher. Mother housewife born at Culver Hospital – they lived at Waveland so assume he taught school there.
This is more of a tiny notation vs a real obit
Lima Ohio News Tue March 28, 2006 p 2
Sikerman, Carole Ann – 11 a.m. today at Hanson-Neely Funeral Home, Ada. Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery, ada. Visitation: until time of services today at the funeral home.
Lima Ohio News Tue March 28, 2006 p 2
Sikerman, Carole Ann – 11 a.m. today at Hanson-Neely Funeral Home, Ada. Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery, ada. Visitation: until time of services today at the funeral home.
Thomas J. SIMMONS - see Nancy R. SAMS
John Frank SIMISON - Olive NEAL
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 29 Oct 1909 p 8
Dr. John Frank Simison of Romney accompanied by his brother, D. Parker Simison and wife, left yesterday afternoon over the Wabash RR for Aylmer Ontario, Canada where tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ephriam Doolittle, Dr. Simison will be married to Miss Olive L. Neal. The bride-to-be is a sister of Mrs. Doolittle. She is a charming young woman and has many friends in this city, having been the guest of Mrs. L.P. Egnew here on several occassions. Miss Neal's parents live in Crawford County but for some time she has been living with her sister in Canada. After the ceremony Dr. Simison and his bride will take an eastern trip and will then return to Romney for residence. They expect to be back in Romney in 10 days. Dr. Simison has served two terms in the lower house of the Indiana legislature and has made a most efficient lawmaker. His many friends will extend heartiest congratulations - Lafayette Journal.
Same paper but most of article cut-off
Hon. John Frank Simison of Romney and Miss Olive I. Neal of Aylmer, Ontario were married at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at th ehome of the bride's sister, Mrs. Ephriam Dolittle in Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker Simison of Romney, were present at the wedding which was a quiet-home affair. Dr. Simison and his bride left Aylmer at 12:54 o'clock Sunday afternoon for Buffalo, NY and other eastern points and will be ...
Etta SIMMS - see Joseph H. RIVERS
Source: Waveland Independent, Montgomery Cunty, Indiana 2-7-1908 p 8
Miss Lulu Wilson and Mr. James Simpson of Hebron surprised their parents and friends by quietly slipping away on last Tuesday to Paris, Illinois where they were united in marriage. They will reside in Rockville. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 22, 1883 p 1
Married on Monday Feb 19 at the residence of the minister, Elder MM Vancleave, Robert E. Gwin and Arvilla A. Burroughs. This is the Elder’s 467th couple.
Elder Vancleave managed to tie four couples last week. He is still ahead of the divorce court.
Married by Elder MM Vancleave on Wednesday Feb 14 at the residence of Mr. Withem in this city, Charles Bassett and Laura Goldsberry.
Married at the home of the officiating minister, Elder MM Vancleave on Feb 15, Tilghman M. Cunningham and Rhoda Ellen Peyton.
Marion F. Skaggs and Emma Wilhelm were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thursday Feb 13. Elder MM Vancleave officiated.
Married at the home of the officiating minister, Elder MM Vancleave on Feb 15, Tilghman M. Cunningham and Rhoda Ellen Peyton.
Marion F. Skaggs and Emma Wilhelm were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thursday Feb 13. Elder MM Vancleave officiated.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday May 12, 1916
Joe A. Williams and Miss Ina Skelton were united in marriage Saturday afternoon at 5 at the residence of Rev. B.E. Antrobus, pastor of First Baptist Church. They left at once for Danville, Ill where the groom is engaged in the auto repair business. The groom formerly resided here. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Skelton of this city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Williams have a large number of friends here. kbz
Lillian SLADE - see Mertron PETRO
Fred SMILEY - see Marie CLORE
Alva Lee SMITH - see Lenna BANNON
Amy SMITH - Manford YADEN
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Review newspaper, March 2, 1911 p 1
Miss Amy Cleola Smith, aged 17, was married to Manford Yaden, 19, by Justice EM Brewer at 2 p.m. Friday. A number of friends were present. The bride is a daughter of Edward E. Smith and was employed at the match factory. The groom is a son of Richard Yaden and works in the wire mill. They will live in a home prepared for them.
Arthur SMITH - see Lydia BOLT
Carl Ambrose SMITH - Lelia ASHBY
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 31, 1914
At 3:00 on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. & Mrs. WH Ashby, Ladoga, occurred the marr. of their daughter, Lela Elizabeth to Carl Ambrose Smith of Tampico, Ill. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. & Mrs. AW Smith of New Ross, IN. The Rev. DN Clark of Ladoga performed the ceremony. The house was beautifully decorated, the color scheme being pink and white. A bower of bines and ferns in the north parlor formed the altar. Preceeding the ceremony Miss Edith McCampbell sang, "Because God Made You Mine," by d' Harcelot. Miss McCampbell played Mendelssohn's Wedding March as the bridal party entered, and during the ceremony sang very softly, "My Heart at THy Sweet Voice," from "Samson and Delilah." The ring and flower bearers, little Misses Erline Elliot and Helen Kirkpatrick preceded the bride who was met at the altar by the groom.. The bride wore a simple gown of embroidered voile and carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses. Immediately following the ceremony the bridal party lead the way to the dining room where refreshments were served by Miss Mary Procter, of Shelbyville and Miss Edna Kirkpatrick of Delphi. Mr. & Mrs. Smith left immediately for a two weeks trip in Ohio. They will be at home to their friends after Sept. 1 at Tmpico, ill. where Mr. Smith is Supt. of the Public School. -- typed by - kbz
DICK SMITH - Maggie McDANIEL - elope (see Maggie)
Edgar SMITH - see Anna CONNER
Emma SMITH - see Samuel GILKEY
Emma "Pearl" SMITH - Alonzo H. WOODS - see Emma Pearl CRISP
Ernest LeRoy SMITH - see Thelma CANINE
Frank SMITH - see Etta KING
Source: Crawfordsville Star, April 19, 1883 p 1
On last Thursday evening Fred Smith, the commercial tourist, a Crawfordsville boy widely known and highly esteemed by all, was married very quietly in this city to Miss Alma Ayres, a charming young lady of the city. The ceremony was pronounced by Elder Green of the ME Church. May joy, success and happiness be the future portion of the gallant groom and handsome bride. - kbz
Kate SMITH - see Fred BAZZANI
Kate SMITH - Keisel COLE
Source: Weekly Review 7 April 1910 p 8 c2
A marriage license was issued Thursday by County Clerk Rice to Alfred K Cole and Miss Katherine Roberta Smith, both of Crawfordsville.
Source: Same c. 1 – The marriage of Miss Kate Smith and Keisel Cole will occur at the ME parsonage this evening, Rev. Ernest Daily Smith, performing the ceremony. The bride came here from Caldwell, Ohio some time ago and has been staying with her sister, Mrs. NC Euler of West Wabash Avenue. Mr. Cole is employed at the Review office, coming here from Vevay, Ind. We extend congratulations to the young couple.
Leah SMITH - see Melvin SHIREY
Mabel SMITH - see Will COLEMAN
Nona SMITH -- Noah MYERS
Source: Waynetown Hornet 26 Dec 1887 -
Listed in overview of year -- March 15 - Noah MYERS and Nona Smith of Alamo were married.
Float (Florence) SMITH - Robert Thomas Mercer GIFFIN
Source: Crawfordsville Star 28 Dec 1889 p 5
Darlington news - Married at the residence of WHH Smith Thursday morning by Rev. Sphond, Mr RT M Giffin and Miss Flote Smith. The happy couple went to Logansport on the morning train to visit a sister of Mr. Giffins, the well wishes of many friends going with them. May they live long and happy together is the wish of your humble scribe.
Phyllis Ann SMITH - see Elward ANDERSON
William E. SMITH - see Bessie BLUE
Anna SNYDER - see William FINLOW
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal – 11June 1923
Miss Frances Snyder, daughter of Mrs. Frank L. Snyder, formerly of this city, and C.W. McGuire Jr. were married Saturday evening at the First Presbyterian church in Chicago by the Rev. William Chalmers Covert. The church was a bower of palms, ferns an garden flowers and the attendants who all wore gowns of various colored chiffon were Mrs. Kent C. Lamber, Fort Benning, Ga., matron of honor; Miss Elizabeth McGuire, sister of the bridegroom, maid of honor; Miss Florence Cook, Miss Marjorie Boyden, Miss Marion Daly, Miss Lillian Howard, Miss Florence Cameron, Chicago, and Miss Mabel Snyder, Indianapolis, sister of the bride, bridesmaids. Little Miss Jeanne Anne Lambert was the flower girl. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Kent. C. Lambert, of Fort Benning, Ga., was beautiful in an exquisite gown of white georgette trimmed in rhinestones. C.W. McGuire acted as best man and the ushers were: Emil J. Formhals, Robert D. Birkhoff, Forsyth Tramel, B.E. Ford, R.M. Cole and Arthur E. White, all of Chicago. A reception at the Cooper-Carlton hotel followed the ceremony and Mr. and Mrs. McGuire have gone on a motor trip through Michigan and Canada. Preceding the ceremony the bridal dinner was given at the Drake hotel with Miss Elizabeth McGuire as hostess. The bride is a very popular member of the social set at North Shore Chicago, and also in this city where she lived until her graduation from high school in 1918. She attended Fairy Hall and this spring graduated from Chicago University. The groom is the son on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willard McGuire of Glencoe. Ill. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire Sr., formerly resided in Indianapolis, and Anderson and are well known throughout the state. Mr. McGuire Sr. is the vice-president of the Indiana Society of Chicago.
File Created: 25 June 2011 - kz - thanks muches to Katie E. for providing this nice marriage article
Frank SNYDER - Mabel GALEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal – 5 Mar 1892
Even the expected is sometimes a surprise and it was so on Wednesday when it was announced that Frank L. Snyder and Miss Mabel Galey had been quietly married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.V. Galey, in Englewood. The affair was quite private, only the immediate family being present. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 o’clock by Rev. E.B. Thomson and immediately after it, the happy couple took the south bound Vandalia train for St. Louis. They will visit Kansas City and other places before going to their future home at Joplin. The bride has been one of Crawfordsville’s best known society young ladies and has endeared herself to hundreds by those charming graces which have always rendered her so deservedly popular. She carries with her to her new home the best wishes of all who knew her. The groom is an old resident of this city where he has hosts of acquaintances and friends. He is now engaged in lead mining at Joplin, Mo., and is the head of one of the most prosperous and wealthy companies. The Journal extends congratulations and best wishes.
File Created: 25 March 2011 - kz - thanks, Katie E for this nice nuptial article :)
Myrtle SNYDER - see James M. SWEARINGEN
Richard SNYDER and Mary Jane MACK
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Dec 1853
Married on Tuesday morning the 20th inst, by Rev. JH Johnson, Mr. Richard Snyder of Louisville, Ky to Miss Mary Jane Mack of this place. The Printers were remembered in the way of cake. Richard and his lady Jane have our best wishes!
Married on Tuesday morning the 20th inst, by Rev. JH Johnson, Mr. Richard Snyder of Louisville, Ky to Miss Mary Jane Mack of this place. The Printers were remembered in the way of cake. Richard and his lady Jane have our best wishes!
Source: Waynetown Hornet 26 Dec 1887 - overview of year
-- March 15 - Noah MYERS and Nona Smith of Alamo were married.
Daisey SOWDERS - see Arthur NORMAN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 April 1899 p 1
At the office of Burton & Jones by Justice Merrick Y Buck at 10:30 o’clock a.m. on Thursday, Richard Sowders and Mrs. Harriet J. Killen were married. The bride is a daughter of George Nichols of Linden who has bitterly opposed the attention paid his daughter by Sowders. There are now several cases in court growing out of this quarrel between father and daughter. Sowders is a well-known character about town.
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Feb 5, 1904
Miss Sarah McMullen and Benjamin Sowers were married at the residence of Rev IF Galey on Wednesday afternoon. Both parties are well and favorably known here. They will keep house on East Main Street. - typed by kbz
Sallie SPARKS - see Clyde ROGERS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 28 June 1890
John Spatz and Miss Mary Sullivan were married before a large audience at the Catholic church Wednesday by the Rev. Father Dinnen. The brother of the groom and sister of the bride stood up with them. The happy couple will make their future residence in this city and the Journal joins with t host of friends in extending its congratulations. - thanks Kim H
John SPEED - see Sarah RILEY
(James) Lowell SPENCER - see Zelma FUGATE
Guy SPRUHAN - see Wanetah KLEISER
STAFFORD, Annie - see Charles E. BUTLER
Otis STAFFORD - see Lulu DICE
Sarah STANLEY - see Philip BROWN
Ora STARKS - Orville HOSS
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana 25 April 1928 p 5
New Market, April 24 - Mr. and Mrs. Ora Starks of this place announce the marriage of their oldest daughter, Miss Edith to Orville F. Hoss on Saturday April 21 at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Alfred Blaser in Indianapolis at 2 p.m. The bride is a graduate of the New Market HS and has for somet ime been one of New Market's efficient telephone operators. The groom is the son of Frank Hoss and is a prominent young farmer living 2 1/2 miles from New Market on the state road. He is also a graduate of the local school. Both are popular young people and highly esteemed in the community. After a short wedding trip to Cincinnati they will be at home to their many friends at the country home of the groom. - transcribed by kbz
Glen O. STATON - see Mildred SHELTON
O.H. STEARN - Minnie CAVANAUGH - oh, my :(
Source: Crawfordsville Star Jan 10, 1889 p 1
O.H. Stearn, asbestos lamp wick man whose elopement with young Minnie Cavanaugh, a 16-year-old miss of this city occurred last week and was printed in this paper was located at Bradford, a little town in Northern Ohio last Saturday. A local officer saw an account of his escapade in the Cincinnati papers and immediately wired Marshal Ensminger asking if there was a reward for the apprehension and arrest of the runaway couple. It can be stated that Marshal Ensminger telegraphed to prepare orders which will cause the return of Stearn and the unfortunate young girl to Crawfordsville and the bigamous husband to the mercy of the law, if they have not got away from Bradford vicinity before this.
Source: Argus News May 3, 1890 p 8
Elmer J. Steele and Miss Maggie Swearengen were married at the home of the bride four miles west of Yountsville Tuesday afternoon. Rev. T.D. Fyffe performed the ceremony which makes two hearts b eat as one where formally they throbbed alone. Mr. Steele is a brother of Scott Steele, of the LaVets, and is an excellent young man. THe bride is a daughterof Frank Swearengen and is a most charming young lady. The Argun News wishes them a long, happy life. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review April 15, 1909 p 8
Charles R. Warrick, of Veedersburg and Emma L. Steele, of Waynetown were united in marriage at 2 o'clock this afternoon by Justice SA Stilwell at his office on South Washington Street. The newly wedded couple will reside at Veedersburg - kbz
Myrtle STEELE - see C.P. CURTIS
Lavinia STEPP - see Manson ROMINGER
Source: Greencastle Star 15 Oct 1881 p 1
The evening of Oct 11th was a gala day with the young people of this vicinity. (Orange Blossoms) Elder OP Badger at your city, who, by the way is the universal favorite among the young folks as a marriagist, preached to a very great concourse of people, old and young, in our church at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. after which precisely at 15 minutes to 7 o’clock, eight very finely dressed young people, four ladies and four gentlemen, were seen pushing their way up the densely crowded aisles. The ladies were all so fine looking, that words of comparison would be invidious. The bridesmaids were dressed in pure white, while the brides wore the popular stone-colored silks, with head-dresses of small white flowers. The Elder greeted them with a polite bow, and proceeded to station them to the best advantage, after which he introduced the ceremonies of this very interesting occasion with a few well timed remarks and a beautiful prayer. He then turned to Mr. Willis Stevens and Miss Emma C. Grantham and consummated the marriage rite in a most impressive manner; he then turned to Mr. Jerry Miller and Miss Cora A. Utterback, and they were soon made one, after which the benediction was pronounced; and while the bridal parties moved with measured step to the doors, the vast audience sat and gazed in mute silence. Soon the happy pairs and their many friends were whirling away to the residence of Elder Thomas Stevens, ¼ of a mile distant, where a sumptuous repast of good things was waiting for them. Truly, “All went merry as a marriage bell,” until a late hour and here I took leave of the happy throng and hied me to my house for repose. Exit – Fort Red, Ind Oct 12, 1881. – note: the article says he married four couples but only two are mentioned so not sure !
Jennie STEWART - see Elmer IRONS
Mollie STEWART - see Paul SAYLER
Tommie Oscar STEWART - Nettie Idell ALWARD
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly News-Review 9 Feb 1901
Tommie Oscar Stewart and Miss Nettie Idell Alward, both claiming Crawfordsville, Ind as their home were united in marriage Saturday at 3 p.m. by Justice HJ Hall in his office in the courthouse. They returned to the Athens of Indiana on the evening train – Danville, IIl. Press - kbz
STONE - Mr. L. D. - see Miss Maggie TALBERT
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star newspaper, Jan 19, 1882 p 5
Alamo News -- James Stonebraker and Carmelia Tucker appeared before your infant Esquire last Thursday and were made one. James Dowden, Jr. and Alice Harwood were also married last week. - kbz
Flossie STONEBRAKER - see Melvin ROGERS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 Jan 1874 p 2
“Prairie Edge news” – John Stonebraker was married about a month ago to Miss Lou Solomon and about a week ago his father, Henry Stonebraker, went to Warren County and brought a new wife home. So much for cold weather. It makes women in good demand.
Daisy STOVER - Arthur St. Clair WALLACE
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 29 June 1900 p 9
Miss Daisy Stover and Arthur St. Clair Wallace were married last Sunday at Wingate at 7:15 o’clock at the residence of Charles Grenard by Rev. William Warbinton of the Christian Church. The wedding was a very quiet one, taking lace in the presence of intimate friends and near relatives. The bride wore a gown of beautiful white organdie and her appearance was charming. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stover of Waynetown. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wallace of Shawnee Mound. The couple will reside with the groom’s parents on the Shawnee Prairie. They have many friends to wish them unlimited happiness. - kz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 28 January 1899 p 1
At the residence of HC Watson on east Wabash avenue at 11:30 Tuesday morning occurred the marriage of Urban C. Stover, an Anderson attorney, well known here as a student of Wabash College and Miss Helen Watson. There was no elaborate preparation and the only witnesses were the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The ceremony was performed by Rev LE Murray of Ladoga, a brother-in-law of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Stover left on the Big Four west on a short bridal trip, after which they will be at home at Anderson. The groom is a son of Daniel Stover of Ladoga and nephew of Judge Harney of this city. The congratulations of the New Review follow them to their new home. – kbz
Source: The Logansport Journal - Friday 7 November 1902 p 3
Crawfordsville, Nov. 7 - A notable double wedding occurred at Waveland, the brides being Miss Layia and Miss Nelle Kretz, twin daughters of Prof. Henry L. Kretz, for years a member of Wabash College faculty. Miss Layia Kretz was married to Dr. Benjamin Harbeson, a Waveland dentist, and her sister became the bride of Dr. Walter L. Straughan. The ceremony was by the Rev. R. V. Hunter, brother-in-law of the brides, formerly of Indianapolis. Over two hundred guests attended the wedding. The sisters so resemble each other that their friends frequently confuse one with the other.
Thanks so much to Ginny A for this - do NOTE that the name is KRITZ vs. KRETZ :)
I also had this one in my database - kz
Source: Waveland Independent, November 7, 1902 -
Miss Layla Kritz and Dr. Benjamin Harbeson and Miss Nelle Kritz and Dr. Walter Lee Straughan were married at the home of Prof. HS Kritz, on Jackson Street, Dr. RV Hunter, officiating. The Wedding March was rendered by Miss Maude Straughan on the violin accompanied by Miss Mayme Straughan on the piano. The brides wore Persian lawn trimmed in tucks and lace, high neck long sleeves and en train and carried bride roses. Misses Edith Johnson, Maude Moore and Mabel Robertson were ribbon bearers and carried white chrysanthemums. Immediately after the ceremony refreshments were served in the dining room by Mrs. Jessie Cowan, Mrs. Charles Kritz and Misses Edith Johnson, Maude Moore and Mabel Robertson. The guests were received by Mrs. RV Hunter, Mrs Jessie Cowan and Mr. Will Kritz. The guests from out of town were: Dr. RV Hunter and wife, Buffalo; Mrs. Bessie Steele, Rockville; Robert Williams and wife, Mrs. WG Straughan and Miss Georgia Straughan of Parkersburg; Miss Helen Myers, Mrs Allie Scott, Miss Maude McIntosh and Mr. Evans of Crawfordsville; Mrs. Sophia Gamble, Albia, Iowa; Miss Nelle Williams, Terre Haute; Miss Stevenson and Dr. Meeks of Indianapolis; Miss Jessie Boyland, Brownsvalley.
Mattie STRINGER - see Eddie THOMPSON
Hulett STROKE - see Florence FOSTER
James STUTESMAN -- see Jessie HERRON
Jessie STUTESMAN -- see Jessie Herron (their marriage and her marriage to Will HAYS)
Oveta SUITORS - Leslie M. BELL
Source: Crawfordsville Review 22 April 1924 p 8
Mr. Leslie M. Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Addison Bell and Miss Oveta Suitors, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Suitors both +of near Waynetown motored to Covington Saturday and were married at the home of Rev. Johnson, the Presbyterian minister. Miss Maurine Suitors, sister of the bride accompanied them. They went to housekeeping at once on the late Reuben Sanders farm, where the groom had the house already furnished. Their many friends wish them unbounded success on their new voyage of life. - kbz
Mary SULLIVAN - see John SPATZ
Julia Allie SUMMERS - see Calvin Toney - Julia Allie Elrod
Murray SUTTON - see Ruby WRIGHT
George SUYDAM - Gertrude WILKINSON
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 Dec 1901 p 1
Wednesday evening, Nov 27 at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson near Waynetown occurred the marriage of Miss Gertrude Wilkinson and George S. Suydam. About 50 friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Burkhart, of Irvington and after the vows had been spoken the bride and groom led the way to the dining room which had been appropriately decorated with plants and flowers, where an elegant dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Suydam are both excellent young people and will reside on a farm just south of Waynetown. Their many friends extend best wishes for their future life. - kbz
Lida SWAIN - Lida - Ora HARTLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 25 Oct 1901
The many friends of Ora Hartley here will be surprised to hear of his marriage last Wednesday evening to a young lady of Vincennes, where Mr. Hartley is now in the undertaking business. The following is from a Vincennes paper: "In the parlors of the Christian church parsonage Tuesday evening occurred the marriage of Mr. Ora J. Hartley and Mrs. Lida Swain. The happy ceremony was preformed by Rev. Oeschger at 8:30 o'clock in the presence of a few relatives and friends. The groom is a popular undertaker located in the opera house block. The bride is an excellent young woman of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley will go to housekeeping at once in a cottage on Vigo street, already neatly furnished bu the groom. The Commercial extends best wishes." – thanks to Kim H for this one 😊
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Crawfordsville 22 Feb 1895 p 1
Jake Swank and Bell Patton were quietly married at the home of the bride last Wednesday evening Elder Quillen officiating.
Maggie SWEARENGEN - see Elmer STEELE
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star newspaper, Dec 26, 1903 p11
Married at Rockville - December 22 at 5 p.m. in the Presbyterian Parsonage, William Allen of Alamo, Montgomery County, and Miss Ella F. Swearingen of Crawfordsville. They will make Alamo their home – Rockville Republican. – transcribed by kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News Oct 15, 1898 p 8
A large number of friends and relatives assembled at the Methodist Church in Yountsville Tuesday evening to witness the wedding of Mr. James M. Swearingen and Miss Myrtle Snyder, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benton Snyder. The ceremony performed by the Rev. White was exceedingly beautiful and impressive. The bride wore a costume of white organdie and carried LaFrance roses. Her maid of honor was Miss Maude Snyder, of Crawfordsville who was attired in white organdie. Mrs. Charles Mercer of Greencastle was best man. After the wedding a reception was given at the home of the brides parents. Mr. and Mrs. Swearingen are both well known young people and start on their new life with the best wishes of a large circle of friends - typed by kbz
Lewis SWICK - see Rella BELL
Source: Crawfordsville Daily March 9, 1909
William O. Swinney and Miss Bessie Whitecotton, both of near Linden were married this afternoon at half-past one at the matrimonial parlors of Justice S.A. Stilwell, on south Washington street. The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of friends and relatives. Both young people are highly respected. They live north of town, the groom near Cherry Grove and the bride near Linden. The will reside of a farm. - thanks to Kim H
Alda SWITZER - see Henry WEIR
Edward SWITZER - see Haley FAUNCE
Source: Waveland Independent, Aug 29, 1930 p 1
Joe Switzer who conducted our band in its infantile days got himself married to Miss Marie Hay in Connersville, July 29th but kept quiet about it. The bride is a Rockville girl. They will live in Rockville. Mr. Switzer is directing the Kingman band. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Friday, October 9, 1914
Samuel Switzer of near Yountsville and Miss Hilda Hopper of New Market were married at the residence of Rev. W.H. Fertich pastor of Trinity ME Church, Thursday afternoon. The ceremony was witnessed by a few friends of the bride and groom. They will reside on a farm near Yountsville. - kbz
W. D. SWITZER - see Artemia CLORE
Edythe SWOPE - Benjamin HARGRAVE
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 13, 1907
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Swope occurred the marriage of their only daughter Miss Edythe to Mr. Benjamin Hargrave, Wednesday evening June 5. The Rev. Mr. Weston of Rockville officiated. They will be at home at Ladoga after June 20. - kbz