T Announcements

T - Individual Marriages
Joe TAGUE -- see Daisy BAKER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 25 July 1891 p 5
The Paoli Republican, speaking of the marriage of Mr. Stone and Miss Talbert of Waveland after a courtship of 20 years says: “These happy people were in this county visiting their many friends and came without the least idea of marrying here, though they had been engaged for years, but a spirit of romance overtook them and they fell a victim to it
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, 25 July 1891 at the Hoosier State Chronicles
Waveland was all torn up Wednesday by the announcement that LD Stone had united his fortunes with those of Mrs. Maggie Talbert. The gossips were confounded and not one of them could be found who had the nerve to say, "I told you so." And with good reason for they had given up telling the good people so 10 years ago. About 19 years ago they were telling eerybody so and kept up their lick for 8 or 9 years when they got disgusted and quit. It has been a full 20 years since Mr. Stowe begin keeping company with Mrs. Talbert and so ardent was he in his suit that everybody was betting they would hitch up in no time, and bets of 3-1 on this opinion found no takers for at least six years when a few enterprising citizens did muster up the courage to put up some of their captal against the odds. Meantime the couple went on courting regardless of the grim expectancy of the public. They walked by moonlight and went to picnics together in the day time, but they didn't get married. There seemed to be no reason for this as there were no impediments in their way. But time drifted on and Mr. Stone became an old bacheler and Mrs. Talbert a lady of uncertain age. People quit talking about this "approaching marriage" and were knocked completely sill this day when they learned that the couple had married in Orange County where both had gone visiting some time since. There is probably Something in the climate of Orange County which is suggestive of orange blossoms and we heartily commend it to several Crawfordsville couples as a summer resort. Mr. and Mrs. Stone return to Waveland this evening and go to housekeeping. May joy attend them. They have not married in haste and won't have much leisure to repent in!
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 3-24-1899
Robert Tapp of Ladoga and Miss Effie Willoughby were married at the home of the bride's parents at 8 o'clock last evening, Rev. W.F. Brooks of Ladoga officiating. Only a few of the relatives and immediate friends of the contracting parties were present. Mr. Tapp is a freight conductor on the C&SE and his bride is one of the most popular young ladies in Waveland. The Independent extends congratulations -- kbz
Emma TAYLOR - see Harry BAUM
Erma TAYLOR - see Otie Loyd
William F. TAYLOR - see Fannie Graves Benjamin
Mary TERRY -- see Adam BAKER
Robert THERIEN - see Anita PATTON
Bertha THOMAS - Harry J. RICKEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 20 Sept 1901 p 15
Harry J. Rickey and Miss Bertha Lee Thomas were united in the holy bonds of matrimony Saturday evening at 5 o’clock by Squire Stilwell at his office.
Clyde Albert Thomas - see Mayme BIBLE
Mason THOMAS - see Anna DAVIDSON
William THOMAS - see Lula DARNELL
Source: New Richmond Record 9 July 1914 p 3
Will Marmaduke and Miss Charlotte B. Thompson, both of Wingate were married at 3:30 o’clock Monday afternoon June 29 by the Rev. Merle N. English at his residence in Danville, IL.
Clara THOMPSON - Fred WHITE (married in jail)
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana July 21, 1894 p 4
Last night about 7:30 o'clock a wedding occured at the jail. Fred White, who is in on a charge of assaulting Officer Grimes, signified his desire to wed Miss Clara Thompson, who was present to be wedded. Elder Pettiford, the colored clergyman, was also on hand and as no one was there to object the ceremony took place. Sheriff Davis says White's time will expire the 20th of August and that while he may be tough out of jail he makes a model prisoner. Now that he is married perhaps White may settle down when he is released and try to make a model man. So it be so hoped! - transcribed by kbz
Damon THOMPSON - see Gertrude GRAY
Source: Crawfordsville Review, Jan 7, 1919 p 1
Eddie E. Thompson and Miss Mattie Stringer, both of this city, were united in marriage by Justice E.M. Brewer yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock in the justice's parlors. Immediate friends were present. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam D. Thompson while the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Stringer - typed by kbz
Geneva THOMPSON - Joseph A. YOUNT
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 1-4-1940
At the home of Rev. Hugh M. Bannen (sic - Bannon) of the Lutheran Church of Rockford, Illinois, Saturday, Dec 31, occurred the marriage of Geneva Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Rockville to Joe A. Yount, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yount, of Wavland. The bride wore a beautiful dress of teal blue with accessories to match and carried a beautiful boquet of flowers, gift from Joe. They will live in Rockford, Ill, where Joe is employed with the National Lock Company of that city. All of their friends here and at Rockville wiish them a lot of happiness. -- kbz
Louisa THOMPSON - see Joseph S. WHITE
RUHAHMA Thompson - William McINTIRE
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 8 Feb 1855 p2
Married on Feb 1st, by Rev. JB Gray, Mr. Wm. McIntire to Miss Rhuhama Thompson all of this county.
Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star, Nov 11, 1901 p 5
Trinity Episcopal Church was the scene of a quiet wedding this morning in the nuptials of Miss Susan Thompson and Rev. Herbert Webster. The hour set for the wedding was 11 o’clock and the Rev. A.W. Seabrease officiated. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Edward White. Mr. Edward White and Mr. Fred Smith acted as ushers. After the ceremony the bridal party were driven to the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Thompson, where a wedding breakfast was served. The guests included the members of the two families. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster of Crawfordsville, Ind, parents of the groom, were in the city to attend the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Webster left at once for Moorehead, Minn. where the groom has a pastorate in the Episcopal Church – Ft. Wayne Journal
Walter THOMPSON - see Minnie BREAKS
Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 29, 1883 -p8
Alfred Harrison and Della Thornberry were married on the 24th inst by Rev. GW Stafford at the residence of the bride's p;arents six miles northeast of the city.
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Daily News-Review May 9, 1901 p 4
The wedding of William VanCleave and Miss Pearl Thornberry was celebrated at 8 o’clock last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Symmes. It was a quiet but very pretty affair, the witnesses to the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. A.W. Runyan, including a small company of relatives and immediate friends. After congratulations of a hearty nature, refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Vancleave will go to house keeping at he groom’s home place in Highland. They received a number of nice presents. Dr. Vancleave, wife and daughter of Rockville, were present at the wedding. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Saturday, February 22, 1890
At the residence of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Utterback, near Elmdale, were married Mr. Charles A. Tiffany and Miss Nettie Utterback at 6 p.m., February 15, 1890, the Rev. D.A. Rodgers officiating. - thanks to Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 7 June 1895
Rev. G.P. Fuson united in marriage Wednesday at 7 o'clock John Tilley and Miss Lena R. Perkins. The wedding was a quiet one and occurred at the home of the bride, corner of College and John streets, in the presence of a few relatives. After congratulations a bountiful wedding supper was served. The newly married couple will go to housekeeping at once. Both the young people are well known in Crawfordsville and the groom is an employee of the Rumble planing mill. -- thanks to Kim H
William DeCaux TILNEY - Josephine WICKHAM
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News July 13, 1895 p 2
At the home of Dr. and Mrs. WB Kreider, 501 South Sixth street at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon occurred the marriage of Miss Josephine Wickham of Indianapolis to Dr. Wm. DeCaux Tilney of Crawfordsivlle. The ceremony, witnessed by only the immediate family was performed by Rev. CT Sout, St. James' Episcopal Church. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Krieder whose guest she had been for the past two weeks and is well known in Goshen where she formerly lived. She is a most estimable lady. The bridal couple left for Crawfordsville this afternoon and will make their permanent home there- Goshen Times - thanks to Kim H & kbz
Harvey TINSLEY - Harriet McKee - 1898
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 July 1898 p 1
Lafayette Journal: Rev. Frank M. Elliott of Indianapolis was called to the city last evening to perform a very pleasant duty that of the marriage of Miss Harriet A. McKee, eldest daughter of Thomas G. McKee, ex-sheriff of Tippecanoe County and Harvey R. Tinsley, a prominent merchant of Crawfordsville. The ceremony was performed at 8 o’clock at the residence of the bride’s brother, Thomas C. McKee, assistant city engineer at No 113 North Fifth Street. There were no attendants and the witnesses were limited to near relatives and a few friends. The house was prettily decorated with flowers and plants and the supper was served by Weigele. The nuptials were entirely devoid of ostentation and, while all of the details were simple, the wedding was a pretty one. Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley left at 12:50 o’clock this morning for their home in Crawfordsville and were attended by the best wishes of a host of friends. The bridge has been engaged for a number of years as an instructor in the schools of Lauramie Township where she was born and reard and the highest regard is entertained for her by all who knew her. She has had the advantage of an excellent education and has been endowed by nature with attributes that challenge the admiration and esteem of her friends. The groom is active engaged in business at Crawfordsville, is one of the influential and substantial citizens of that place and is a gentleman who is held in high esteem by the people of the Hoosier Athens. Among the guests at the wedding were the following from out of the city; Mr. and Mrs. EM McKee of Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McKee of Crane; Rev. Frank M. Elliott of Indianapolis, Mr. Fred Diebold of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. CC Cann of Clark’s Hill and Mrs. Minnie McKee of Stockwell.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 9 May 1916
New Ross, May 8 - Harmon Rodgers and Miss Mae Tipton of this place were married at the residence of Rev. WW Speer at Advance Sunday at 2:30. Mr. Rodgers is a graduate of the New Ross HS of the class of '11 and a rising teacher of Montgomery County. Miss Tipton is also a graduate of New Ross HS of the class of '16. They are both commendable young people and the very best wishes of their many friends are exptended to the newlyweds. They will reside this summer at the home of the bride. Their future residence will depend on where Mr. Rodgers' profession calls him. He has taught 3 years at Fountain and last year was principal at Shannondale. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 December 1901 p4
Gilbert Titus and wife gave a reception to their son, Byron and wife, last Saturday evening. Only the relatives of the bride and groom were present. The home was beautifully decorated with ferns and potted plants of which Mr. and Mrs. Titus have a fine display. There were also lovely bowls of white and pink carnations. The supper was delightful and was served in three courses. The guests, about 30 in number spent a happy evening congratulating the young couple. Byron is a young man of exemplary character, a good boy to his mother and father and courteous to all his friends. The write rhas known him for many years and can only speak well of him. We extend our well wishes to Mr. Titus and bride. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. George H. Duesler of Lafayette, father and mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Titus of Waynetown, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rush of New Market and Miss Anna Bell of Crawfordsville.
Pearl TITUS - see Ora KROUT
Allan TODD - Maurine VORE -- see also license by clicking here
Source: Logansport Pharos-Tribune Nov 1, 1930 p 6
Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Maurine VORE and Allan (Allen) TODD, both of this city which took place at 6:30 Wednesday evening in the manse of the Broadway Universalist Church. The couple departed immediately following the ceremony for Indianapolis.
Clarence TODD - see Clara GRUBB
Dicey May TODD -- see Robert GLEASON
Joseph L. TODD - Edith B. JARVIS
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June15, 1901
Mr. Joseph L. Todd and Miss Edith B. Jarvis were married at the home of the bride’s mother Mrs. Eliza Jarvis at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening June 12. The rooms were beautifully decorated with roses. The bride was becomingly arrayed in white organdie, trimmed with valenciennes lace. The attendants were Mr. Zura Monroe and Miss Jessie Blake. Promptly at 8 o’clock the bridal party descended the stairs to the strains of Mendellsohns Wedding March played by Mrs. FW Kritz. They were met by Rev. JC Burkhart who pronounced them man and wife. Immediately after the ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room where refreshments were served. Those present were relatives or close friends of the family. The young people will reside with Mrs. Jarvis at present. - kbz
Austin TOMLINSON - see Edith GUTHRIE
Calvin TONEY - see Julia Allie ELROD (Summers)
Dorris TONEY -- see Bernard BICKETT
Edwin TONEY - see Cordie CORBIN
Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 April 1898 p 1
Andrew Townsley and Miss Pearl Dennis were married at the residence of Mrs. Eliza Willis on east Wabash Avenue, Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock, Rev HL Davis officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Tosnley left Thursday morning for New Richmond where the groom is engaged in the dry goods business. – kbz
Eleanor TOY - Clarence ALWARD
Source: Waveland Independent, Feb 13, 1931
Clarence ALWARD, son of George Alward of Crawfordsville and well known here where he attended school was married to Miss Mary Eleanor TOY, daughter of Owen Toy of Henderson, Ky on Saturday in Cincinnati, Ohio at 10 in the morning. They will live in Dayton, Ky a 10 minutes ride down the river from Cincinnati, where Clarence is in business. He is too busy just now to take a honeymoon but contemplates a trip to New York next summer with the family of his step brother, Robert Evans. Clarence has had a tough time with hospitals since leaving here, but he kept cheerful throughout and feels sure that with his artificial limb he will be able to get around as well as anybody. We certainly wish him success and happiness.- typed by kbz
Zella TRACEY - Elizabeth FOLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Star 13 July 1882 p 9
Zella Tracey, editor of the Waveland Call was married on last Thursday to Miss Elizabeth Foley of that town. Zella is one of the best young men connected with the Indiana Press and The Star wishes him unbounded prosperity. The marriage had been postponed on account of his late serious illness and Zella was inspired to get a good nurse for fear of another siege of fever.
Levi TRACY - Josephine HARPEL
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 May 1868 p 3
MARRIED – Tracy – Harper – At the residence of Wm. Gray, Esq on Thursday May 14, 1868 by John Holloway, Esq, Levi C. Tracy of Fairberry, Ill to Miss Josephine Harper of this county.
Elijah TRESSEL - Lillie Howard Terry BRUMFIELD
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 19 Jun 1915, pg. 5, col. 5
Tuesday morning at Indianapolis at the home of Rev. A. S. Buchannon in Indianapolis, occurred the marriage of Mrs. Lillie Brumfield of Ladoga and Elijah Tressel of Terre Haute. The bride has taught school for a number of years in Clark township and her many friends will be glad to wish her well. The groom is a farmer and resides in Terre Haute. The couple will go directly to Terre Haute after their wedding trip is over.
Thanks muches to Nancy for this one :) You rock, girl - thanks, KZ
May TRIBBY _ see Calvin McCUTCHEON
Omer F. TROUT - see Bessie YOUNT
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 4 Feb 1892
Alamo news item -- Miss Mary Truax and Lynn Smith were married last Sunday at the home of the bride, one half mile west of this place. May their matrimonial career prove as even as their long courtship.
Carmelia TUCKER - see James STONEBRAKER
Roberta TUCKER - see John Dewitt FISHER
Edward TULLIS - see Mary ELSTON