B Announcements

B - Individual Marriages
Estelle BACWELL - Ronald KIEM
Source: Crawfordsville Review 22 April 1924 p 8
Yesterday afternoon at the home of Rev. JL Wilkinson, 211 south Walnut street, Miss Estelle Bacwell and Ronald C. Kiem were united in marriage. The wedding ceremony was read by Rev. Wilkinson. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Kiem left for Indianapolis by motor where they will spend several days before returning to Danville where they will make their future home.
Ida M. BADGER - Perry W. GRAY
Source: Cville Review 10 Aug 1889 p 6
At the residence of Milton Holland in Sugar Creek Twp on the evening of Aug 3d, Perry G. Gray and Ida M. Badger were married, Rev. ER Jonson officiating.
Arch BAILEY - Lizzie KRUG
Source: Crawfordsville Star, April 19, 1883 p 1
There was a modest wedding on Tuesday morning at the residence of ex-Sheriff Krug, near Plum Street Depot, being no less than the marriage of Arch Bailey, deputy sheriff under JQW Wilhite, to Miss Lizzie Krug. The services were conducted by Rev. JW Harris, pastor of the Thorntown ME Church. Immediately after the marriage the newly-wedded, accompanied by the best wishes and congratulations of their many friends, took the LB&W Train for Pleasant Hill, Missouri. They will be absent about two weeks and will then return to make Crawfordsville their future home - transcribed by kbz
Camilla BAIN - Barton GRIFFITH
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 11 April 1901 p 1
Dr. Barton Griffith of Alamo son of Dr. TJ Griffith of this city surprised his friends in this city by getting married Wednesday. The young lady of his choice is Miss Camille Bain of Mt. Vernon and the wedding occurred there Wednesday morning. Dr. Griffith is located at Alamo at present and no inkling of his marital intentions was allowed to leak out until his arrival here yesterday with his bride betrayed the fact. They have the best wishes of their friends in this city. They will reside at Alamo. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star 20 Jan 1898 p 1
Married in this city on the 12th inst, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. GW Stafford, Adam W. Baker and Miss Mary S. Terry. Both bride and groom are highly respected and will continue their residence in the vicinity of Ladoga where they have a large circle of friends who wish them much joy in the long journey of life - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 15 Jan 1898 p 1
Adam W. Baker and Miss Mary S. Terry were married on the 12 inst by Rev. GW Stafford at the latter’s residence. Both the bride and groom are highly respected and will commence their residence in the vicinity of Ladoga where they have a large circle of friends who wish them much joy. – kz
Source: 1907 Hiram Pratt diary -- Pratt was a barber in Waveland Indiana and oft en commented on happenings in the community plus prices, etc.
Thursday Nov 14 -- $1.35. Cloudy 39. Mercury early this morning w as at 20 degrees... John Tague and Daisy Baker are to be married tomorrow. The report of their marriage last week was not true.
Saturday Nov 16 -- $11.60. ..... Jo (sic) Tague and Dasie (sic) Baker went to Crawfordsville today and were married sure.
Note: Maybe his name is Jos not John but it distinctly said John first and Jo later - her name spelled differently
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Nov 22, 1907
Miss Daisy Baker, daughter of Rev. H.R. Baker, who has been pastor of the Baptist Church for the past 3 years and Mr. Joe Tague, a respected young farmer of this vicinity, were married on Saturday Nov 16 by Rev. J.P. Henson at his home in Crawfordsville. - typed by kbz
Ellen BAKER - Cleve MISNER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 12 October 1916 p 5 c 3
This morning at eleven-thirty at his marriage parlors, Justice E. M. Brewer united in marriage Cleve Misner and Miss Ellen Baker. The groom is the son of Silas Misner and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of Smartsburg. A number of friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony. For the present they will reside with the bride's parents. - Transcribed & Submitted by Karen Bazzani Zach
Crawfordsville Review 23 Feb 1911 p8
Wednesday afternoon at 2 at the matrimonial parlors of Justice S. A. Stilwell on South Washington Street, Mr. Jasper Hammons and Miss Nora Alice Baker, both estimable young people of east of this city were married. The ceremony was witnessed by several friends of the young couple. They will reside on a farm east of this city March 1. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 April 1893 p 8
John T. Baldwin and Miss Addie McCartney, residing east of the city were married Wednesday afternoon by Rev. GW Stafford at his residence on east Market street. - kbz
Donald J. BALL -- Kathleen HARRIS
Source: Indianapolis News Tue 20 Sept 1932 p 10
Crawfordsville Sept 20 – Donald J. Ball, son of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Z. Ball, Crawfordsville and Miss Kathleen Harris, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. EC Harris, Sterling, Ill were married recently at the parsonage of the Presbyterian Church in Sterling. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Frank Travis, pastor of the Brighton Park Presbyterian Church there. The bridegroom is a senior in the Presbyterian Seminary in Chicago. He is a graduate of Wabash College. The bride has been associated with the Hull House in Chicago in settlement work.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review July 7, 1902 p 1
In its account of the wedding of Dr. TZ Ball of Waveland and Miss Myrtle Fordyce, which occurred at Topeka, Kansas June 26th, the Topeka Herald says: "The bridal gown was a notable one, a gift of the groom when he was on service in the Phillippines. It was woven especially for the bride and one dusky Fillipino woman spent three months in its weaving, all on a little hand machine. It is ecru stripped with yellow silks, filmy and extremely beautiful in texture - kbz
Thomas Z. BALL - see Doris WESNER
Source: Crawfordsville Review June 10, 1919 p 8
Monday afternoon at one-thirty o'clock at his marriage parlors on south Washington street, Justice E. M. Brewer united in marriage Miss Ida Ballard and Edward Cain both of Darlington. The ceremony was witness by a number of friends of the young couple. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Cain left on a short motor trip after which they will be at home to their friends in Darlington - kbz
Marilyn BANDEL - see Ray E. HARRIS
Ursula BANKS - George E. GOOD
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal May 14, 1907
At high noon today occurred the marr. of Miss Ursula BANKS, daughter of WB Banks of W. Pike St. and Rev. Geo. E. GOOD of So. English, Iowa. The ceremony was performed by Dr. DB Duncan in the 1st Presby. Church. The decorations were ferns and dogwood blossoms and the bride carried a bouquet of marechal nell roses. The bride is a grad. of Moody Institute, Chicago and the groom is a grad. of Wabash '04 and of McCormick Theological Seminary, class of '07. He was ordained in the ministry by the Presbytery of Crawfordsville and its recent spring meeting, April 16,1907. He is under appointment by the Presbyterian board of home missions as a missionary to Alaska. Mr. & Mrs. Good will visit at the groom's home next week. They will sail from Seattle for Shagway, Alaska about June 1, 1907. - Transcribed & Submitted by Karen Bazzani Zach
Evan BANNON - see Verna May CRANE
Lenna P. BANNON - Alva Lee SMITH
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Jan 20, 1922
Miss Lenna P. Bannon and Alva Lee Smith were married in Crawfordsville, Saturday at the home of Rev. DP Odell, pastor of the Baptist Church who officiated. The attendants were Misses Maude Hallet and Iva Bannon and Messrs David Glenn and ORval Pitcock. For the present they will live with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bannon. Mr. Smith is a son of Charles Smith of Bluff Mills. - Transcribed & Submitted by Karen Bazzani Zach
Clarence BANTA - Pearl G KITE
Source: New Richmond Record 22 Oct 1914 p 3
Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, west of New Richmond, was solemnized the marriage of Miss Pearl Genave Kite, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kite, and Mr. Clarence Banta, the wedding ceremony being said by Rev. H D. Dick, pastor of the New Richmond M. E. church. It I was an informal wedding, only the immediate relatives being present as witnesses of the happy event. Those present besides the immediate family were Thomas Bantu and family, Sant W. Black and wife of Sugar Grove, Mrs. Elizabeth Kite and Mrs. Sue Graves. A wedding dinner was served at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Banta will make their home at present with Mr. and Mrs. Kite. The bride is a graduate of the New Richmond high school; the groom is a hustling young farmer. – kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, April 20, 1917
Some weeks ago the marriage of J.M. Banta and Mrs. Alonzo Whipps was reported in this paper. We learn from Mrs. Whipps who makes her home with her mother and sister at Erhard, Minn that this marriage did not take place. On inquiry of relatives of Mr. Banta we find that they knew he was married but did not know who he had married and surmised that the bride was Mrs. Whipps. They now are of the opinion that the bride is an Indianapolis lady but have no positive opinion. Mrs. Banta would better get out some announcements.
Joseph BANTA - see Mary BURFORD
Fredericka BAPPERT - Leslie BRUCE
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana 19 Aug 1929 p 5
Miss Fredericka Bappert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bappert, 713 W. Pike and Leslie A. Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bruce who reside 3 miles east of the city, were united in marriage on Saturday evening in Indianapolis at 6 o'clock at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Moore, past of the Christian Church. The single ring service was read in the presence of a few immediate relatives. Mr. Bruce and his bride have returned to this city where they are at home to their friends at 713 W. Pike. The bride was for several years associated with WF Robb Grocery of South Washington. For the past sevearl weeks she has been employed in the office of Dr. Robert J. Millis. -- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana 21 June 1890 p 1
On Wednesday at 8 o'clock John W. Bappert and Anna Bloss were married at the residence of the bride's parents, 613 S. Washington Street. The Rev. E.T. Lane officiated and only the immediate relatives were present. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for Indianapolis wehre they will spend several days. The contrating parties are both well known here, having been raising in this city. The Journal joints with the community in wishing them a long and happy life. -- kbz
Ethel BARBER - Gilbert BURTON
Source: Crawfordsville Review 22 April 1924 p 8
Miss Ethel Barber of Montgomery County and Gilbert Burton of Champaign, Ill were united in marriage on Saturday morning at the court house by Rev. George Leonard of this city who is pastor of the New Richmond Christian Church. The only attendants were a few friends of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Burton spent Easter with friends at Indianapolis and will return to Champaign where Mr. Burton is employed the first of the week.
Abigail BARD - John V. KEERAN
Source: Crawfordsville Star 19 Apri l 1883
John V. Keeran and Abigail Bard were united in marriage at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. ED Blackwell. Only a few of the more intimate friends of the bride and groom were present. Mr. and Mrs. Keeran took the Vandalia for St. Louis a few moments after the marriage, and with a short pleasure trip they will locate at Strawberry Point, Iowa.
Theron BARKER - Nellie SWAIM
Source: Unknown Newspaper
On Sunday, February 24th occured the marriage of Nellie C, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Swaim and Theron E. Barker. The ceremony was performed at six o'clock at the Rush Creek parsonage, by Rev. Noah Dixon. The happy couple were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rabb, Vern Barker and Ondus Hadley. After the ceremony the wedding party returned to the home of the bride's parents where a few relatives awaited them. Most excellent refreshments of ice cream, cake and fruits were served. The contracting parties are well and favorably known and have a host of friends who join in wishing them a long, happy and useful life. Mr. and Mrs. Barker will be at home to their many friends after Marsh 1st on the Russell farm in South Sylvania. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Saturday April 18 1891
Frank W. Gregory, formerly connected with the Journal in a reportorial capacity but now managing editor of the Memphis Commercial was married on Monday morning at Memphis to Miss Rose Barnes. The bride is a young southern woman of literary ability and is connected with the Commercial. -- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 14 Dec 1895 p 5
Married on Sunday the 8th instant, Peter Barnhart and Hattie Lowery, both of this county. The marriage was solemnized at the residence of Rev. G. W. Stafford on east Market street. Mr. Stafford performed the ceremony in his usual pleasant manner. - kbz
Mary Christine BARR - Dory A. McGAUGHEY
Source: Obituaries pasted into a Spiegel Company Fall & Winter Catalog 1906 by Cloe Collings Myers thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
Waveland, Oct 13 -- A pretty autumn wedding occurred Wednesday evening, Oct 11 when Miss Mary Christine Barr became the bride of Mr. D. A. McGaughey, of Greensburg. The simple and impressive ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Barr, at 8 o'clock and was performed by Rev. WH Fertich of the ME Church in the presence of 40 guests. Previous to the ceremony Miss louise Oglesbee played "Simple Confession" by Thome, and during the ceremony she played "The Flower Song" by Lang. The bride and groom were unattended. The bride wore a beautiful costume of white French lawn trimmed in Valenciennes and cluny lace and insertion. When the guests arrived they were received by Miss Barr, Mr. McGaughey and Mr. and Mrs. Barr, parents of the bride. The parlor was decorated in white, pink and green. Throughout the room were draped festoons of pink and white crepe paper and the flowers were pink carnations. The bridal couple stood in a bower of ferns, autumn foliage and potted plants, while suspended over them was a large white wedding bell, while the ceremony was being said. The living room was in green and red, sprays of honey suckle, red carnations and salvia being used, and in the dining room red hearts were used in profusion and large bouquets of salvia completed the decoration. Light refreshments were served by Misses Edith McGaughey, Edith Brown, Etta Brown, Ruby Sharp, Eunice Sharp, Gladys Sharp and Louie Oglesbee. Mr. and Mrs. McGaughey will be at home after Oct 16, on a farm one mile east of Greensburg, where McGaughey is a prosperous farmer. Mr. McGaughey has won for his bride one of the most estimable and most popular young ladies of this place. She is a graduate of the Waveland HS being a member of the class of 1910 and was also active in church work. -- kbz
Mary L. BARR -- Benjamin L. ORNBAUM
Source: Crawfordsville Review 25 Dec 1858 p 2
Married – on Tuesday evening the 21st inst by the Rev. Griffith Morgan, Mr. Benj. L. Ornbaum and Miss Mary L. Barr all of this city.
Charles BARRETT - Alice BEAL
Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 12, 1885 p 1
This evening at 7 o’clock Chas. Barrett and Miss Alice Beal will be married at the residence of the bride’s father, Jonathan Beal. The ceremony will be pronounced by Elder JW Green. 50 invitations have been issued, and it will be an affair of much interest.
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Nov 29, 1907
Elijah Clore of Crawfordsville, aged 80, was married to Mrs. Anna Barriclow, Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Todd – kbz
Clarence BARTON - Marjorie WEITZEL
Source: Waveland Independent,Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Nov 12, 1926
The marriage of Miss Marjorie Weitzel and Clarence Barton took place Monday morning. The bride is the daughter of Charles B. Weitzel. She is a graduate of Lebanon HS with the 1926 class and is attending the Frankfort Business College. Mr. Barton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Barton and is a graduate of Waveland HS with the class of 1824 (sic). He is employed as a fireman on the Central Indiana Railroad. For the present the young couple will reside with the grooms parents (Lebanon Reporter, Nov 9). - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 22, 1883 p 1
Married on Monday Feb 19 at the residence of the minister, Elder MM Vancleave, Robert E. Gwin and Arvilla A. Burroughs. This is the Elder’s 467th couple.
Elder Vancleave managed to tie four couples last week. He is still ahead of the divorce court.
Married by Elder MM Vancleave on Wednesday Feb 14 at the residence of Mr. Withem in this city, Charles Bassett and Laura Goldsberry.
Married at the home of the officiating minister, Elder MM Vancleave on Feb 15, Tilghman M. Cunningham and Rhoda Ellen Peyton.
Marion F. Skaggs and Emma Wilhelm were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thursday Feb 13. Elder MM Vancleave officiated.
Martha BASTION - see William FLETCHER
Harry BAUM - Emma TAYLOR
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 12 January 1900
Last Monday at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's father, Thomas Taylor, of south Walnut street, occurred the marriage of Miss Emma May Taylor and Harry Baum, of Frankfort, 'Squire Stilwell officiating. - thanks to Kim H
Ivory BAXTER - Ralph J. DAZEY
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 10 Jan 1910
The marriage of Miss Ivory Pearl Baxter of this city and Ralph J. Dazey formerly of this county but now of Minneapolis, Minn was solemnized Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Rev. WA Hennagar on WIggins Street, West Lafayette. The ceremony was a very pretty and impressive one and was performed by Rev. Hennegar in the presence of a small company of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dazey came directly to this city where they are the guests of the groom's mother. They will reside in Minneapolis. The bride is a prepossessing young woman and has many accomplishments. The groom is a railroad employee and foreman of the yards in Minneapolis. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana June 4, 1892 p 6
Harry Brothers and Miss Daisy Bayless are married. They were spliced last Wednesday night at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Bayless by Rev. GP Fuson of the Baptist Church. That such a terminus of lvoe's young dreams might follow no one who knows the young people doubted but it was hardly looked for so soon. Harry secured his license at Indianapolis so that not until the ceremony was over did his friends know what had taken place. Now that it has taken place all join in good wishes and congratulations. Harry is in the employ of the Vandalia and has the making of a fine railroader in him and is in every way worthy of the charming little lady whom he has made a bride. She is sweet 16 and the Argus News hopes their married life began early will continue late and will be all sunshine and roses. -- typed by kbz
Jesse BAYLESS -- see Goldie BOWMAN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 Nov 1900 p 7
New Richmond Nov 26 – On Sunday, Nov 25th at six o’clock p.m., occurred the marriage of Miss Agnes Maude King, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JA King, to Dr. SL Bayless of Hot Springs Medical Institution of Hot Sprints, Ark. The wedding took place at the bride’s home only the immediate relatives witnessing it. Rev. HC Weston performed the ceremony. The bride is well known and is held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends. She is also an active member of the ME Church. – kbz
BAZZANI, Fred - Kate SMITH - see photo & article below

Source: Waveland Independent Feb 27, 1946
"Engagement announced - Feb. 27 - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of Waveland announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn to Fred Bazzani, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bazzani of Universal, Indiana. Mr. Bazzani was recently discharged after serving in the European theatre with the 51st Evacuation Hospital. Miss Smith has been employed with PR Mallory & Company of Indianapolis. The wedding will take place in the spring." - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, April 25, 1946
The marriage of Miss Kathryn Smith, daughter of Mr. and mrs. Carl SMith of Waveland and Mr. Fred Bazzani, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bazzani of Universal was solemnized Saturday afternoon April 20 at 4 at St. Leonard's Rectory in W. Terre Haute in the presence of immediate families and a few close friends. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Michael F. Djubasz. Mrs. Alice Certain and Thomas Makosky were the attendants. The bride wore an aqua suit with black accessories and a corsage of pink and white carnations. Mrs. Alice Certain, sister of the groom wore a gold suit with brocade accessories and a corsage of sweet peas. Mrs. Smith, mother of the bride wore navy blue with a corsage of sweet peas. Mrs. Bazzani, mother of the groom wore navy blue and a corsage of red rose buds. A wedding dinner was served Sunday at the home of the groom's parents. The table was centered with a beautiful two tier wedding cake topped with a minature bride and groom. The young couple are at home to their friends at 2149 N. 28th St, Terre Haute where the groom is attending arose Polytechnic Institute taking an engineering course. - kbz
Jacob BAZZLE - see Susan CONRAD (so sad - wish I could find the outcome :) :(
Lucinda BEACH - John S. PICKARD
Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906 - marked 1909 by Cloe Collings Meyer thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
John Sidney Pickard of Waveland to Lucinda Beach of Parke County. Married Aug 25 by Elder SK Fuson.
Alice BEAL -- see Charles BARRETT
Albert BEASY - Ruth YOUNT
Source: Waveland Independent, Thursday, Dec 11, 1941
A lovely wedding was solemnized Sunday afternoon Dec 7, at 2:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry YOUNT when their daughter, Ruth became the bride of Albert BEASY, son of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Beasy of Monon. Rev. McBrayer of the Mehtodist Church read the single ring ceremony in the presence of many friends and relatives. The bride wore a lovely street length dress of navy blue trimmed in medium blue with navy accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Miss Marsella Beasy, the bride's attendant, wore medium blue trimmed in white with navy accessories Arthur Smith of Chalmers served as best man. Light refreshments were served immediately following the ceremony. A lovely three tiered wedding cake decorated in pink and white, adorned with a miniature bride and groom was the centerpiece on the decorated dining table. Mrs. Beasy attended the Waveland school and was employed in Waveland. Mr. Beasy graduated from the Monon HS and is employed as a mechanic at the SMith Garage in Chalmers. Mr. and Mrs. Beasy will reside in Chalmers where they have a furnished apartment. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Charles Beasy and daughter, Miss Marsela of Monon; Arthur Smith of Chalmers; Miss Margaret Britton of Rockville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Britton of New Market.
Source: The Monon News - Friday 12 December 1941 p 1
A pretty wedding was solemnized at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yount at Waveland when their daughter, Ruth, became the bride of Albert Beasy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beasy of Monon. The Rev. McBrayer of the Methodist church in New Market, once Monon minister, read the ceremony in the presence of many friends and relatives. Attendants were Miss Marcella Beasy a student nurse in Ravenswood hospital, Chicago and sister of the bridegroom, and Arthur Smith of Chalmers. The bride wore a lovely street-length dress of navy blue with trimming of medium blue and black accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. Miss Beasy wore light blue trimmed in white with navy accessories. Light refreshments were served following the ceremony after which the couple left for a short trip. A three-tiered wedding cake with pink, white and green trimmings, formed a centerpiece for the decorated dining table. The cake was baked, decorated, and presented the couple by Mrs. Levi Hern of Chalmers. The bride attended Waveland high school and later was employed there. The bridegroom is a graduate from Monon high school, class of 1938, and is now employed as a mechanic at Chalmers, where they will live. Mrs. Clarence Beasy of Monon, mother of the bridegroom and Miss Marcella Beasy and Arthur Smith of Chalmers attended the wedding.
Thanks muches to Ginny A for this one that fills in a few more details :) kz
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Sunday Star newspaper, Nov 21, 1903
On last Thursday evening occurred the marriage of Will Beatty and Miss Ruth Duckworth, daughter of John Duckworth and wife, at their home in Highland. Rev H.L Nave officiated and Miss Jessie Stilwell played the Lohengrin wedding arch. The parlor was adorned with palms, plants and white chrysanthemums. The bride wore a dress of white Persian lawn, trimmed in valenciennes lace. Following the ceremony, with the ring service, refreshments were served and the couple were the recipients of many nice presents. The next day a dinner was given by Mrs. Nathaniel Beatty at her home west of the college and where Will Beatty and wife will remain this winters. - transcribed by kbz
FLORA J. BECK - see William J. RHOADS
Frank BECK - see Maggie BURROUGHS
Source: New Richmond Record 8 October 1914
Charles K. ABERNATHY of Seymour, Ind and Miss Emma L. Beckley, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Beckley of New Richmond were quietly married at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning by Justice Sutton at his office in Crawfordsville. Mrs. Beckley and daughter, Esther, mother and sister of the bride, were witnesses of the happy event. Mr. Abernathy is a moving picture operator, for several months having been connected with the Bayliss Overland Electric Show out of New Richmond, where loves romance began which culminated in the wedding of Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy will remain in New RIchmond for the present. -kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star 3 Aug 1882 p 5
“Wring Neck News item” – Another wedding, Pannel Beckner to Miss Rosa Gossett on Thursday evening July 13. They were married by Rev. Johnston at the residence of Mr. Parker one mile southwest of Darlington.
Hannah Cristy BELL - Malcomb Scott McDONALD
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 3 Jan 1901 p 1
The marriage of Malcomb Scott McDonald, a former Wabash student and Miss Hannah Cristy Bell, a prominent young society lady of Richmond, took place at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning at the Episcopal Church at Richmond. It was a fashionable wedding there being a large number of friends in attendance. After a bridal trip Mr. and Mrs. McDOnald will take up their residence at Newport News, VA where the groom is engaged in business. - kbz
Leslie BELL - see Oveta SUITORS
Margie BELL - Carl BOND
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana 26 Nov 1928 p 5
The marriage of Miss Margie Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell of this city and Carl W. Bond of Bedford was celebrated on Friday evening Nov 23 at 6 o'clock at the officiaint minister, Rev. John F. Clearwater. Miss Janette Davis, Jay Mitchell and Estel Bell of this city and Miss Mary Clark of Indianapolis accompanied them. After the ceremony a dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents at 212 Bluff Street. Mr. and Mrs. Bond left immediately to make their future home at 1127 14th St, Bedford where Mr. bond is the manager of the Haven's Bros. Produce company. This day was also the 23rd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bell, parents of the bride. - kbz
Rella BELL - Lewis SWICK
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 10 January 1902
The marriage of Miss Rella Bell and Lewis Swick was solemnized at the home of the bride, near Clark's Hill, Wednesday. Mr. Swick has for many years held the record for corn husking in this part of the state, having on one occasion husked 100 bushels in nine hours. The bride if a niece of Prof. T. J. Bell, superintendent of schools at Stockwell. - thanks to Kim H for this one
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 June 1895
To be married .. Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Holbrook have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Nellie, and Mr. Loren A. Benham of Wabash. The ceremony will occur at the home of the bride's parents on Wednesday June 26 at 11 a.m. - kbz
Fannie Graves BENJAMIN - William F. TAYLOR
Source: New Richmond Record 13 Feb 1913 p 1
William F. Taylor of near Darlington, and Mrs. Fannie Graves Benjamin, of near Wingate, were united in marriage by Justice E. M. Brewer at his south Washington street matrimonial parlors Wednesday afternoon. They left immediately for the groom’s farm near Darlington where they will reside in the future. The groom is a prominent farmer of Franklin township. The bride is a daughter of the late Brantley Graves, of Ladoga, and a niece of the oldest resident of the county, Drake Brookshire, aged 94. — Crawfordsville Journal.
Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 8, 1877 p 8
"Campbell Chapel news" -- One wedding since our last writing that of Mr. E.P. Bennett and Miss Annie Paxton. The wedding took place at the residence of the bride's mother in this neighborhood. They were married Thursday evening at 5 o'clock after which the wedding supper was served. A few of the bride's relatives and some of the bridegroom's friends and relatives from near "Round Hill" were present. May all joy and happiness be theirs - kbz
Fred S. BENNETT - see Estella MONTAGUE
Charles BERRY - see Eva CORN
Sarah BERRY - Frank GINN
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Aug 4, 1916
Frank J. Ginn and Miss Sarah Berry were married in Crawfordsville on Thursday afternoon of last week by Squire TW Sutton. Mr. Ginn has brought DA Lough's fruit farm W. of town, a part of the old Buddie Kelso farm, and will build a house on it immediately. For the present they are staying with Mr. & Mrs. MQ Collings. - kbz
Leona BIBLE - see Edmond WHITE
Mayme BIBLE - Clyde Albert THOMAS
Source: New Richmond Record 13 Feb 1913 p 3
Last evening at 8 o’clock at the home fl the bride’s mother, Mrs. Mary Bible, occurred the wedding of Miss May me Opal Bible, youngest daughter of Mrs. Bible, and Mr. Clyde Albert Thomas, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James N. Thomas, in the presence of a few immediate relatives of the contracting parties, the ceremony being performed by Rev. H. D. Dick, pastor of the New Richmond Methodist church. The guests present included Mr. and Mrs. James N. Thomas, Mr., and Mrs. John G. Utterback, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic E. Bible, and Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Dick. Immediately following the ceremony a two-course wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas go to the home of his parents this afternoon, and shortly go to housekeeping on their farm of 160 acres, the Carlton Moore farm southwest of Elmdale. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are of the finest young people of this vicinity, and their great host of friends wish them all of joy and happiness in their matrimonial venture. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Dec 1899
The wedding of John G. Utterback and Mae Pearl Bible which occurred Wednesday Dec 27 at noon at the home of the bride's mother near New Richmond was beautiful in its appointments and attractive in its simplicity. Promptly at the appointed hour the bride and groom, attended by Miss Dell Clarson and Mrs. Swisher entered the back parlor and took their station in the baby window before the officaiting minister Rev. MH Appleby of Valparaiso and were made husband and wife according to the rituarl service of the ME Church. A bountiful dinner was then served the guests in the dining rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Utterback are most estimable young people and are held in high esteem by all who know them. They will reside on a farm 7 miles NW of Crawfordsville in one of the most complete country homes in the county. The best wishes of numerous friends follow them into their new life. -- typed by KBZ
Source: CWJ 29 Dec 1899 p 4 –
#13 News – Young Cupid has been sharpening his arrows during the passing year, ready to consummate about the Christmas Time. Miss Pearl Bible and John Utterback were married Wednesday at high noon at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Richard Bible in the presence of immediate relatives and in the evening occurred the marriage of Miss Winnie Dazey and Rob Monnell. Probably there may be others to report
Bernard BICKETT -- Dorris TONEY
Source: Crawfordsville Review 22 April 1924 p 8
At his marriage parlors 105 ½ south Washington Monday evening at 9:30 o’clock, Justice Edward M. Brewer joined together as husband and wife Bernard Bickett of Frankfort, Ind and Dorris Toney of Darlington. The groom is a boiler maker and the son of Benedict Bickett and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Toney of Darlington. A few friends were present at the ceremony. The couple will take a short wedding trip and on their return be at home to their friends at Frankfort, Ind.
Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906 + by Cloe Collings Myers thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
Waveland, Oct 3 -- Miss Etta Brown entertained Saturday afternoon with a miscellaneous shower for Miss Ferrol Bilbo, who is soon to be married to Hubert Loudermill. The gifts were placed in a small cart decorated with streamers of pink and white crepe paper. It was pushed by little Margaret Louise Sharp, niece of the hostess. The gifts were accompanied by orgiinal verses, which when read, caused much merriment. Dainty refrehsments were served, in which the color scheme of pink and white was carried out. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Ira Sharp and little Misses Vera Spencer and Louse Deitrich. Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906 + by Cloe Collings Myers thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this: Waveland, Oct 9 -- Sunday evening just as the clock was striking the hour of six Miss Ferrol Dean Bilbo and Mr. Hubert Loudermill both of this place were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bilbo. The Rev. Hallie C. Burkhart, pastor of the Waveland Christian Church performed the ceremony in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives. The bride wore a becoming costume of brown silk with accessories to match. Immediatley after the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal couple led the way to the dining room where light refreshments were served. They have gone to Culver for a few days visit and will be at home to their many friends here in a cottage on West Main Street upon their return. -- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 8, 1880 "Campbell Chapel news"
Mr. Binford (Marcus) and Mrs. Annie Irons were united in the silken bonds on Christmas day; the wedding took place at the residence of the bride's mother, Sarah Irons. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Buckels, of Thorntown; at 12 o'clock. Mr. Moffett of Thorntown and Miss Bell Irons were the attendants. The bride received some very fine presents but we cannot give a list of them at present. - transcribed by kbz
Leverett BINNS -- see Roxie Myrtle APPLEGATE
Hayes BIRCH - Myrtle HUFFMAN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News 10 oct 1891
At 11 o'clock this morning at the home of the bride's father on East Franklin Street Hayes Birch and Miss Myrtle Huffman were married by Rev. GW Switzer in the presence of the relatives and a few intimate friends of the contracting parties. After the ceremony a big dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Birch took the afternoon train for Chicago where they will reside. The groom is an expert machinist and has a good position in the world's fair town. The bride is a daughter of Officer Charles Huffman and is one of Crawfordsville's most handsome daughters. The Argus News extends to the happy couple its hearty congratulations. kbz
Source: Crawfordsville (Montgomery County, Indiana) Daily Journal 8 October 1891 p 4
Just before noon today Rev. GW Switzer pronounced the marriage ceremony for John H. Birch and Myrtle M. Huffman, daughter of C.D. Huffman, who lives on East Franklin Street. The immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present and after the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served. The couple left on the noon train for Chicago, where they will reside, taking with them the best wishes of their numerous acquaintances. The groom is a son of John A. Birch and a young man of much promise. Both the young people are favorites in Crawfordsville society and it is with the greatest reluctance that they are given up. That they will succeed in the new home we feel assured and are most hearty in extending sincere congratulations. - kbz
William T. BIRCH - Florence JONES
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 13 Dec 1901 p6
Invitations have been received in this city as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Florence D, to Mr. William T. Birch, Tuesday evening, December 24, 1901 at Wabash.” Mr. Birch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Birch of this city, and will bring his bride here for a visit immediately after the marriage. They will reside in Chicago, where Mr. Birch is employed. – kbz
Source: Daily Banner, Greencastle, 22 August 1932 p 2
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milburn, of Crawfordsville, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Josephine Milburn to E. Frank Birchfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Birchfield of Mace. The wedding took place Saturday evening, Aug 13, at the home of the Rev. Louis at 7:30 o'clock. The couple were accompanied at the wedding ceremony by Misses Louise and Pearl Milburn, sisters of the bride. The bride was dressed in blue with accessories to match. The bride and groom are both well known in this community. The bride is a graduate of Roachdale HS and Central Business college in Indianapolis. For the last several years she has been employed as a stenographer on the Indianapolis News. The groom is employed by the Service Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company in Crawfordsville.
George BISHOP - Sallie VORIS
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 30, 1875 p 1
Married at the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday morning, Nov 25 by Rev. LC Buckles of this city, Mr. George Bishop, jeweler of Waynetown and Miss Sallie Voris of Longview - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 November 1899 p 7
“Number 35” – Charles Ruffner and Miss Bertha Blacketer were quietly married the other day.
Mable Juanita BLACKETER - George Earl HARTLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Wednesday Dec 11, 1918 p 5
George Earl Hartley, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley, a farmer of near this city was united in marriage to Miss Mabel Juanita Blacketer, 19 years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Blacketer of Parkersburg in the marriage parlors of Justice EM Brewer yesterday afternoon. After a short wedding trip the newlyweds will make their home at the groom's farm on RR No 8 out of this city. -- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 31 Dec 1889
The marriage of CN McDaniel and Maggie Blair (New Years Day)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 Nov 1894
Miss Rilla Fishero has at last married an actor and will doubtless be seen upon the historionic boards herself in the near future.
About a week ago Ben S. Blanchard left the Kelley and Angel Comedy Company at Connersville and made a bee line for Crawfordsville where he put up at the Nutt Home. He was there since Monday. Mr. Blanchard is a young man of about twenty-eight years old and' not a bad looking sort of a chap. Few here knew of his presence and no one his business for he kept it to himself. Did we say no one'.' That is hardly correct. Miss Rilla Fishero, teacher of the primary department in the Alamo schools, knew it and in fact was equally interested. She kept as mum as Kenny, however, and not even her most intimate friends here knew of her intentions when she arrived in town last Saturday. She was met by Mr. Blanchard and they took dinner together at the Nutt House and immediately after Mr. Blanchard ambled gracefully up to the court house and took out a license which entitled himself and Miss Fishero to all the privileges and immunities of married life. They then went off presumably in search of a minister. Mr. Blanchard is a widower. Last February his wife and her mother were burned to death in Cincinnati by an explosion of benzine with which they were cleaning some stage clothes. The bride is a very pretty young lady and is well known all over the city. She has had histrionic aspirations for some time and last Summer was with the Carrie Lamont Company for a few days.
Mr. Blanchard was seen at the Nutt House in the afternoon about 3 o'clock just as he was unrolling a lot of new popular songs for the stage. He did not deny the soft impeachment said the ceremony had not yet ocurred. All the arrangements been made, however.
They went to the residence of R.J.Cunningham at half past three, where the nuptials took place in a very quiet manner. Mr. Blanchard said there was no secret about the affair at all. He declared that the Nutt House folks had known about it for a week. Miss Fishero's mother is not opposed to the match, he says, but the father rather objects because he does not want his daughter to get in the show business. "But that's just where she will be in a very short time," continued Mr. Blanchard. "We will join my company at Logansport on Monday and about three weeks later will go to New York and become a part of the John T. Kelley farce comedy company where my wife will be given a part. She has a pretty voice and will take well I am sure. I sing baritone myself. My wife has not yet resigned her school but will do so Monday if it can be supplied. If not, she will continue for a short time until her successor can. be chosen.'' - kbz
Anna BLOSS -- see John BAPPERT
Annie BLUE - see Julius LePAGE
Bessie BLUE - William E. SMITH
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Daily-News Review March 14, 1901 p 3
On Wednesday evening, March the 6th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Blue, near New Richmond occurred the marriage of their daughter Bessie to William E. Smith, of Kirkpatrick. At 7:30 the Mendelssohn wedding march was rendered by Prof. McCrea to which the bridal party entered the parlor attended by Miss Frances Montgomery of Wingate and Mrs. Leslie Smith, brother of the groom. Rev. Harris of Veedersburg performed the ceremony in the presence of 100 guests. After the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where an elaborate supper was served. The dining room was handsomely decorated with pink and white ribbons and carnations. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white organdie trimmed in Duchene lace white satin ribbons and beads, while the bridesmaid was dressed in white Swiss, trimmed in lace and ruffles. The groom wore the conventional black. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home in Linden to their many friends after March 15… a guest
Source: New Richmond Record 28 Feb 1901 p 3
The marriage of Miss Bessie Blue and Mr. William Smith will occur at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Blue, east of town, on Wednesday evening, March sixth, at half past seven o'clock. Rev. Robert Harris, of Veedersburg, pastor of the Newlight Christian church at Linden, will perform the ceremony
Source: New Richmond Record 7 March 1901 p 3
The wedding of Miss Bessie Blue and Mr. William Smith of Kirkpatrick was solemnized last evening at 7:30 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Blue, east of town.
Katherine BOLING - Kenneth MILLIGAN
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, August 29, 1940
Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Boling, 801 S. 13th St, Terre Haute, has announced the marriage of their daughter, Katherine to Kenneth Milligan, son of Mrs. Ruby A. Milligan of Waveland which took place Friday afternoon, August 23, at four o'clock. The marriage vows were read by Rev. OC Starn at the bride's home in the presence of the immediate families. The attendants were Miss Martha Boling, sister of the bride and Milford Milligan, brother of the groom. The bride wore a white chiffon sheer dress and carried a mouline bouquet of white roses. The maid of honor wore a peach-colored dress and carried a colonial bouquet of talisman roses with delphinium. Following a wedding trip they will be at home in Waveland after Sept. 1. Mrs. Milligan is a graduate of Indiana State Teachers College where she was a member of the Lambda Delta Phi Sorority and Kappa Delta Pi Honor fraternity. For the past several years she has taught in the Waveland HS. Mr. Milligan graduated from Wabash College where he is a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He is engaged in the insurance business in Waveland. Mr. Milligan was for several years associated with the Journal-Review in the advertising business. - typed by kbz
Olia BOLING - Charles Redding
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 8 April 1893 p 8
Charles Redding and Miss Olia Boling were happily married in the clerk’s office by Esquire Overton Thursday afternoon. They reside near Ladoga. - transcribed by kbz
Lydia BOLDT - Arthur SMITH
Source: Waveland Independent 8-31-1917
Arthur SMITH and Miss Lydia B. BOLDT were married at Crawfordsville on Thursday of last week by Rev. JJ Oliphant. They will live on the Oglesbee farm east of town, where the groom is in the employ of Will McGaughey. The bride formerly lived in Indianapolis. - transcribed by kbz
Carl BOND - see Margie BELL
Joseph BONSALL - see Lydia ANDERSON
Elizabeth Opal BONWELL - see Walter SAYLER
Madge BOOE - Frank MAY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 5 August 1893
Frank B. May who graduated form Wabash College in '88 will be married on August 9 to Miss Madge Booe, of Steam Corners. They will be at home after September 1 at Arlington, Ky. - thanks to Kim H
John BOOHER - Margaret BOOHER
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 April 1888 p 3
Judge Snyder was called upon Monday morning in his official capacity to join the hearts and hands of John J. Booher and Margaret J. Booher, which was done in his usual happy manner in the office of the county clerk. The parties are not young, and have been married before but that does not tend to show that they do not now love with a love as strong as a six horse team. May they live long and prosper.
Margaret BOOHER - see John BOOHER
Thelma BOOHER - Merle ELLIS
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 16 Nov 1934 p 3
New Ross, Nov 14 - Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Miss Thelma Booher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Booher, and Merle Ellis of North Salem, were quietly united in marriage at the bride's home just west of town. The Rev. F.E. Graves was the officiating clergyman, using the single ring ceremony. Only the immediate relatives of the bride, the minister's wife and a few friends from Indianapolis witnessed the ceremony. The bride is one of the popular young women, having been born and reared in New Ross. She is a graduate of the local high school and member of the local Christian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis left immediately for a short visit to Detroit. They will make their future home in Fort Wayne. - transcribed by kbz
Cassie BOOK -- Robert E. FULLENWIDER
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Nov. 19, 1881
Married: Robert E. Fullenwider and Miss Cassie Book at the residence of Hon. Joseph Milligan, last Thursday. The Review wishes them a pleasant journey. - kbz
Clarissa BOOTH - Rev. John McKEE
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Aug 18, 1899 (Alma Record)
Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. JJ Booth, one mile So. of Alma, occurred the marriage of Miss Clarissa Safford Booth to Rev. John Archibald McKee of Waveland, Indiana. The ceremony was performed by Rev SV McKee father of the groom, assisted by Rev LS Brooke of Elk Rapids, Mich. Miss Frances Booth, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid while the Rev WH Culver of Stony Creek, MI was the best man. The bride was dressed in a gown of white corded silk, made with pearl trimmings. The groom wore the regulation suit of black. The bride has for several years been one of Alma's best young people, having graduated from the college with the class of '96. The Rev. Mr. McKee is a graduate of Wabash College, Indiana and of Princeton Univ. and Theological Seminary. The wedding was private only the families and intimate friends of the contracting parties being present. The guests from out of town were Miss Carrie McKee, Moreland Ind; Miss Kittie Richards, Ithaca; Rev. SW McKee Waveland Ind; Prof. WN McKee, Lake Forest Univ, Chicago, Rev LS Brooke, Elk Rapids and Rev WH Culver, Stony Creek. - transcribed by kbz
Howard W. BOOTS - Iva MAHOY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News, Oct 30, 1897 p 3
Howard W. Boots and Miss Iva M. Mahoy of Darlington, this county were married on the 21st inst by Rev. GW Stafford at his residence east of the fair ground - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday May 19, 1903
Last evening at the home of the bride's parents on Whitlock Avenue, Bert Grimes and Miss Mattie May Boraker were happily married with Rev. WH Kerr officiating. It was a quiet affair, the guests being limited to the relatives and very intimate friends. They will reside for the present with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. IJ Boraker. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes are a popular young couple and their many friends unite in wishing them much joy - kbz
Abner BOWERS - see Grace CRULL
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 16, 1875 p 1
Married - On Thursday last, at the residence of W. Mote, by the Rev. J. Thomas. Mr. Cy Bowers to Miss Lizzie Mote, all of this county. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review Nov 2, 1911 p 6
Word has been received here (Freedom) of the marriage of Jesse Bayless to Miss Goldie Bowman of near Wallace. Mr. Bayless was at one time a resident of this place, having spent his school days here. He has the best wishes of the community for a long and happy life.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, June 21, 1895
Providence -- On June 12, at 8 o'clock pm. at the home of John Bowman and wife, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Louie to Ezba Armstrong, Rev. Ashby officiating. 75 guests were present and ice cream and cake were served. The bride wore a cream colored Henrietta, trimmed in ribbon and lace, and she carried a bunch of brides roses. The groom was dressed in the usual black. The evening was spent in vocal and instrumental music and the guests departed wishing the newly married couple a long and happy life. - transcribed by kbzAda BOYLAND - Robert Robertson
Source: Weekly Argus News June 17, 1897 p 9
Robert E. Robertson and Miss Ada Lee BOYLAND were happily married last night at the home of the bride's parents near Brownsvalley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fuson and was witnessed by a small company of relatives and intimate friends. A sumptuous wedding feast was served and the young couple were the recipients of the heartiest congratulations. - transcribed by kbz
Charles BRAYARD - Lulu MARTZ
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 10, 1921
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 30, 1899
Ernest R. Anderson of Westfield and Miss Nellie Boyland were married yesterday morning at the home of the bride's parents at Browns Valley. - kbz
Mildred BRANDENBURG - Theodore MOORE
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County. Indiana Jan 20, 1928
Theodore N. Moore son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore was married to Miss Mildred Brandenburg of Clay City Dec 30. Mrs. Moore is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Brandenburg of Clay City. Mr. Brandenburg is Auditor of Clay County. She is a graduate of the Terre Haute Normal. Mr. Moore will graduate form the Normal in June. -- kbz
Catherine BRATTON - Herman LINN
Source: Crawfordsville Review Wednesday April 26, 1916
Danville, Ill - Herman LINN 30 and Catherine BRATTON, 21 of Linnsburg Ind were united in marriage yesterday afternoon by Justice Depke at his matrimonial parlors on North Vermilion Street. The groom is a proprietor of a grocery store in his home town while his bride has made her home with her parents. They will go to housekeeping immediately after their arrival at Linnsburg after a short honeymoon trip.- transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review Friday April 21, 1916
Harold Bratton of Montgomery County and Miss Mary Cassidy of Thorntown were united in marriage this afternoon by Rev. Bender at his home in Thorntown. The young people will reside in Montgomery County. - typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 23 May 1902 p 4
On Sunday evening at 5 o’clock at the home of Harvey Bratton, two miles south of Whitesville, occurred the marriage of their eldest daughter, Mabel to Mr. Stewart Maguire, the youngest son of Charles Maguire. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion with smilax, pond lilies and potted plants, but because of the heat and immense crowd they were married on the lawn beneath the old oaks, after which they were served in the dining room a bounteous repast. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Reeder of the ME Church of which the bride and groom are both members. On Monday they were tendered a reception at the home of the groom’s parents who live four miles north of Darlington. The bride and groom will live on the farm near Alamo. After the dinner was served the bridal company were photographed and in after years these pictures will be treasured more than today. The Journal with a host of friends extend congratulations. The bride was attired in a beautiful silk entrain and carried pond lilies with maiden hair ferns. - typed by kbz
Rose BRATTON - William R. MILLER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal June 7, 1894
Last evening, at the home of J.W. Cumberland, Wm. R. Miller and Miss Rose Bratton were happily united in holy bonds of matrimony. Only a few close friends witnessed the service. In a few days Mr. and Mrs. Miller will go to housekeeping in a new home on Milligan street. The bride is a pretty young lady, domestic and popular, while the groom is a reliable young gentleman, now identified with the real estate and insurance business of Cumberland & Miller – thanks to Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 December 1901 p5
Charley Brayard and Miss Lulu Martz were married at Darlington Sunday by Rev. Dunbar. They will be at home to their many friends at Silas Dunbar’s. - kbz
Bessie BREAKS - Orville CLARK
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News Review July 5, 1902 p1
Miss Bessie Breaks, the 18 year old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James Breaks, figured in a rather sensational elopement this morning. She has been employed as a stenographer in the down town office of the match company and as her parents reside in the country she has been staying with her grandparents (sic) Mr. Henry Connard. This morning she drove up to the office with two young men and going in asked Manager Gregg if she might get off for the day. He replied that they could not well spare her today, whereupon she stated that she had expected to quit shortly and might as well do it then. As she departed Miss Bessie stated that if she wa snot back by 9 o'clock they might understand that she had quit for good and getting inthe buggy again with the young men she drove away. Surmising that the was something up Mr. Gregg notified Henry Connard, her grandfather, who went to the Big FOur station and found the parties. Bessie said she was there simply to tell her friends good-bye but Mr. Connard, like the man from Missouri, wanted to see. When the west bound train rolled in the three climbed on. Mr. Connard caught his granddaughter's arm as she started up the steps but the young man with her demanded he let loose and roughly pushed him aside. He offered no further resistance and the train rolled out with the trio. Mr. Connard is not absolutely certain but he thinks the young man is a Mr. Clark of Indianapolis and that the companion was his brother. The Clarks are related to Mrs. Detchon residing north of the city. Miss Breaks has been intimate with the Detchon family and met young Clark while visitng there some time ago. It is supposed they worked up a case and suddenly decided to elope, although there was no occasion for so doing as the young lady is of age. They were probably married today at Danville, Illinois. - kbz
Source: Daily News Review July 7, 1902 p 1
It was known that the young man, with whom Miss Bessie Breaks ran away last Saturday morning, was Orville Clark, of Indianapolis. He is a son of an Indianapolis contractor is 18 and a lather by trade. He is related to Mrs. Sarah Detchon, rsiding north of the city and with his brother, who is several years senior, spent last Friday night there. Miss Breaks was a guest over night also and Saturday mroning left with the Clark boys for the city. Mrs. Detch states that she had no intimation of their intentions utnil after they had departed when her daughter confided to her that Orville and Bessie were going to run away and get married. The facts concerning their departure are already familiar to our readers. On Saturday evening the groom's brother who rather engineered the elopement, alighted from the Big 4 trainand went to Britton's livery stable where he got the horse and buggy they had left ther ein the morning. The rig belonged, it seems to Mrs. Detchon and it fell to the elder Clark's lot to return it. He stated that the eloping couple were married in Danville and that they went back to Indianapolis on the train from which he alighted. He stated that his brother had their father's consent to get married but that was not enough in this state and for that reason they went on to Illinois. In spite of his story, which is very plausible, there was nothing concerning the affair in the Danville Sunday papers. Nor was the issuance of a license noted, although it is possible that the Argus-eyed reporters may have overlooked it. When Clark landed Saturday evneing a local newspaper man laid seige to him for a story and he got one but it was of the "hot air" variety. He claimed his name was Johnson and that he and his brother had been traveling with the Wallace circus as professional acrobate; that his brother Henry of Urbana, Ohio and Miss Breaks had been married at Indianapolis some time ago and that having quite the show business the brother had come to claim his bride, and that he had come along to render assistance in case of trouble. This is of course all a "fake." In the first place, according to her relatives, Bessie had not been away from the city for months so that it was impossible for her to have been married. Mrs. James Breaks, who is an invalid was prostrated when she learned of her daughter's escapade and for a time her condition was quite alarming, but she is better today. Mr. Clark stated Saturday evneing that her relatives would hear form Bessie in a day or two and that everything would turn out well. He returned to Indianapolis on the excursion Sunday - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 19 April 1890
Walter Thompson and Minnie A. Breaks were married on April 16 at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Breaks, five miles northwest of the city. The ceremony was witnessed by about 100 guests, and the large house was in its gayest attire. At exactly 8:30 o'clock Miss Hepsie Ramsey took a seat at the piano and began playing the wedding march. Then the bridal pair appeared, preceded by Miss Coffin, of Covington, who was the only attendant. Rev. E. R. Johnson performed the ceremony which was short but impressive. Immediately the guests retired to the dining room to partake of the wedding cake and other elegant viands. Presents, congratulations and good wishes were showered upon the happy pair. Mr. Thompson is a thrifty young farmer of that neighborhood with the best of prospects before him. The woman of his choice is in every respect lovely and will make him a model wife. They are well worthy of each other. - kim h
Nora BREAKS - Charles F. PATTON
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Montgomery County, Indiana 27 Dec 1894 p 3
Today at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Breaks five miles northwest of the city occurred the wedding of their daughter, Nora A. to Charles F. Patton. It was a brilliant affair attended by 100 guests and the house was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The ceremony was performed by Rev. JG Stephens after whicha bounteous wedding supper was spread. - kbz
Wilbert BREAKS - Flora MORRIS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana Friday, March 8, 1895
One of the happiest and most delightful weddings occurred on February 27, at 7:30 P.M. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Morris, nine miles north of the city. The happy parties were Mr. Wilbert Breaks and Miss Flora Morris. The bride was dressed in white duchess silk, trimmed with lace to match. She also wore Marchall Neil roses and held in her hand a beautiful wreath of orange blossoms. Her appearance both in dress and features was all that could be desired. The groom was dressed in a rich black suit of the most recent style. Mr. Breaks is one of the promising young men of this county. He is engaged in the best occupation that the country affords, that of farming. The young couple have the best wishes of hosts of friends. They start in life with the fairest prospects and there is no doubt but they will make a success. The supper showed the broad and bountiful hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Morris. About thirty small tables had been prepared in the spacious dining room and reception room. About these 108 persons gathered. The culinary supply seemed exhaust less, course after course was brought by the polite waiters till all had been served with ten or a dozen different courses. Every one pronounced the supper a great success. The orderly and complete arrangement of the whole affair reflects great credit on Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Dr. H.A Tucker pronounced the ceremony in his usual impressive manner. The ring ceremony was used. The presents were elegant and too numerous to mention. Among them were some very valuable pieced of furniture all seemed to have been presented with thought for usefulness. A beautiful wedding march by Mendelssohn was played by Miss Clara Martin, the attendant being Mr. Miller of Lafayette. About midnight the people left their good wishes and started for home feeling that the two young people had been started on a happy voyage. - kbz
Charles BREED - Maggie COFFMAN
Source: Crawfordsville Star April 13, 1882 p 1
Charles Breed of Russellville and Miss Maggie Coffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JH Coffman were married on Tuesday evening at the residence of the bride’s parents on West Main street by Rev. LY Hays. The ceremony was brief and appropriate and was witnessed by some 150 invited guests. The occasion was a dual one, being also a party given to fellow Seniors by Sam Coffman under the beaming auspices of his mother. The cuisine was elaborate. Many exquisite and elegant presents were given the accomplished bride who was a general favorite in Crawfordsville society and will be generally missed by the people of the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. Beed is a most excellent young man and is in charge of Mr. David Harter’s stores at Russellville to which town he will remove in a few days. – kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Oct 15, 1881
Married at the residence of the bride, in this city, Wednesday, October 12th, William Brewer and Ella Powers, with Rev. J.W. Harris officiating. - kbz
Source: New Richmond Record 12 Sept 1912 p 3
Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Trinity church parsonage in Crawfordsville occurred the marriage of Earl Zuck of New Richmond and Miss Rose E Bridwell of Kirkpatrick, with Rev. W. H. Fertich officiating. The young couple wore accompanied by the bride’s father, Dave Bridwell. Mr. and Mrs. Zuck will make their future home in Attica where Mr. Zuck has a garage and auto repair shop. - kbz
Mildred Hanes BRINDLEY - see Isaac Cox CORNS
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Dec 27, 1877 p 1
A family surprise Christmas tree was well laden at Ewing Sidener's on Monday evening and the near relatives were all invited to a supper; but the greatest surprise was late rin the evening, when Harry Palmer and Miss Carrie Britton were ushered into the parlors when Rev. JW Green of the ME Church, proceeded to tie the nuptial knot much to the amazement of all except one or two friends of the bride who were in the secret. No one expected Harry to be so premature, but now that he has entered upon the life and joys of a benedct, The Star wishes him and his fair bride a long and pleasant voyage down the river of life - kbz
Chester BRITTON - Katie LEE
Source: Crawfordsville Review, 12 October 1895 p 1
Dr. Chester Britton and Katie Lee, the charming daughter of Maurice Lee, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the Bates House parlors at Indianapolis on Thursday. The happy couple returned home on the evening train. It was quite a surprise. The young couple will soon go to housekeeping in this city. The bride is a very estimable lady, while the groom is the well-known veterinary surgeon and dentist. Dr. here is to you and yours !! - kim h
Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 July 1892 p 3
Earl McCampbell and Miss Dena Britton were married at the home of the bride, last Thursday evening, Rev. G. Switzer officiating.
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 10, 1921
Fred McNutt and Miss Edna Britton of Rockville were married at Rockville on Wednesday evening. Mrs. McNutt taught in the Bloomingdale schools the past winter. At present they are at the home of the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McNutt on West Main Street. - kbz
Effie BRITTON - see Herbert M. WRIGHT
Source: New Richmond Record 27 Aug 1914 p 1
Miss Elsie Schleppy and Claud Broaders of Wingate were married in June in Covington, KY and the announcement of the same has just been made public. Rev. OT martin of Wingate accompanied the young people to Covington and performed the ceremony. They will reside on a farm near Wingate. – kbz
Julia BROMLEY - see William K. MARTIN
Thelma BROOKS - Curtis WINDESS
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, August 29, 1940
Miss Thelma Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brooks, was married to Curtis Windess of Marseilles, Illinois at Covington August 28. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooks Wednesday on their wedding trip to Wisconsin. Mrs. Windess has lived for the past six years with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lydick.
Source: Scrapbook of Chester Peffley of Ladoga, Indiana 1890-1916
A very simple but pretty wedding took place at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wingert near Witesville, Tuesday evening, Oct 26 when in the presence of the immediate relatives their eldest daughter Golda was married to Mr. John Brookshire, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Brookshire of near Ladoga. The house was beautiful with autumn leaves and crysanthemums as the decorations. Promptly at 8 o'clock Miss Jennie Brookshire, sister of the groom rendered the "Spring Song," in a pleasing manner and to the strains of the Lohegrin wedding march the bride and groom entered unattended, preceded by Rev. Jesse Jones of Ladoga who used the ring ceremony. The bride was beautiful in a gown of white embroidered net trimmed in lace and ribbon, with a veil of white net and a boquet of white crysanthemums. After congratulations, refreshments were served. Many pretty and useful presents were received and these two young people have the best wishes of their many friends in the community where they have been so active in religious and social life. The relatives from a distance were Mrs. J.j. Long and Miss Gail E. Wingert of Cloverdale, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Randal and children of New Ross, Mrs. Ida Wingert of Mace and Leland Everson of Edgetts, Michigan. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star, May 4, 1894 p 1
Mr. WIllie Brookshire and Miss Neva Radford were united in marriage Wednesday of this week by Elder M.M. Vancleav ein the pleasant parlor of Mrs. Robert Beck. The event was in every way a most happy one. The bride was too beautiful to describe. The groom bright-faced and joyous, and the kind old minister performed the cremony in his most enchanting manner. Congratulations were given by the pleased witnesses and the happy pair will have reason to cherish in memory this initial scene of married bliss - kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana June 4, 1892 p 6
Harry Brothers and Miss Daisy Bayless are married. They were spliced last Wednesday night at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Bayless by Rev. GP Fuson of the Baptist Church. That such a terminus of lvoe's young dreams might follow no one who knows the young people doubted but it was hardly looked for so soon. Harry secured his license at Indianapolis so that not until the ceremony was over did his friends know what had taken place. Now that it has taken place all join in good wishes and congratulations. Harry is in the employ of the Vandalia and has the making of a fine railroader in him and is in every way worthy of the charming little lady whom he has made a bride. She is sweet 16 and the Argus News hopes their married life began early will continue late and will be all sunshine and roses. -- typed by kbz
C.A. BROWN - Elizabeth DALE
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana May 28, 1892 p 2
A quiet little wedding took place Saturday night that has so far escaped the reportorial eye. At that time at the home of the bride, on West Main Street, Rev. Switzer united in matrimony, C.A. Brown and Miss Elizabeth Dale. Paul Hughes gave the bride away, he being the only one present besides the immediate relatives. The bride is a pleasant little lady and will make the groom a worthy life partner. Mr. Brown is a young man of steady habits thoroughly reliable. At present he is engaged in buying timber for H. Alfrey. They have the best wishes of the Argus News and their many friends. - typed by kbz
Claude BROWN - Hattie VanCleave
Source: Indianapolis News Wed 6 May 1903 p3
Crawfordsville, Ind May 6 – Miss Hattie VanCleave, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen VanCleave of New Market near this city was married today at the family home to Claude Brown, principal of the New Ross public schools. Both are well-known people in this county as both have had charge of important schools. It is probable that Mr. Brown and his wife will spend next year at the university at Bloomington. During the summer they will be at his home in Madison County near Pendleton.
Crawfordsville, Ind May 6 – Miss Hattie VanCleave, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen VanCleave of New Market near this city was married today at the family home to Claude Brown, principal of the New Ross public schools. Both are well-known people in this county as both have had charge of important schools. It is probable that Mr. Brown and his wife will spend next year at the university at Bloomington. During the summer they will be at his home in Madison County near Pendleton.
Curtis BROWN - Pearl COX
Source: Logansport Journal - 4 April 1906 p 6
At the residence of Rev. I. F. Galey, Crawfordsville, occurred the marriage of Curtis I. Brown, Logansport, to Miss Pearl A. Cox, Waveland. They left for Waveland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Brown, parents of the groom, employed on the Vandalia railroad.- typed by kbz
Edna BROWN and Otto LOUGH
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 29 Oct 1909 p 8
Miss Edna Brown, daughter of Mrs. Harriet Brown of Thorntown and Mr. Otto Lough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lough were married Sunday evening at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Walter Stewart of Darlington. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Pearce, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Darlington. Th bride is an estimable young lady who was formerly employed by the Shannondale "Telephone Company." They will reside on the farm of David McCallister of near Shannondale as the groom has rented it. - transcribed by kbz
Elizabeth BROWN - Isaac LARRICK
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal January 25, 1895
Isaac Larrick and Miss Elizabeth J. Brown, both of Darlington, were married on the 22nd inst. by Rev. G. W. Stafford at his residence on east Market street, in this city. -= thanks to Kim H for this one
Emily A. BROWN - Daniel R. PERRINE
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Daily News Review, April 2, 1902 p 1
Daniel R. Perrine and Emily Ann Brown, residing in the neighborhood of Bowers Station were happily married this morning at the clerk’s office in the presence of a small, but select company. The groom has seen 63 winters and this is his 5th matrimonial venture. The bride is three years his junior and having been married but once before, she was hardly as composed during the ceremony as was the groom. In this respect, however, they had the better of Squire Brewer, but this is accounted for the fact that it was his first experience in the art of know tying since he donned the judicial toga. He adjusted in a very satisfactory manner and was the first to extend felicitations. - transcribed by kbz
Frank BROWN - Silvia WILSON
Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Oct 12, 1875 p 1
"Colored Wedding" - On Monday of this week, by Eld. Smith, Frank Brown and Miss Silvia Wilson, alias Topsey, all of this city. Ma da colored bredreu lib long and prosper.
(Note from typist / coordinator of GenWeb page - kbz -- although I hate even having this tagged as a "colored" wedding and particularly hate the last line the way it's done but it is what it is I guess - ver batim :(
Franklin BROWN - Caroline HANKINS
Source: Crawfordsville Star July 5, 1877 p 1
Franklin P. Brown and Miss Caroline E. hankins wer eunited in marriage at the residence of the bride’s father, 3 miles from Alamo on Thursday June 28 by Rev. Swearingen.
Gertrude BROWN - Ira SHARP
Source: Waveland Independent 9-18-1903
Miss Gertrude Brown and Mr. Ira Sharp were quietly married at Brazil Thursday of last week half past 7 in the evening. Mr. Sharp had furnished a home and there the ceremony was performed by Rev. EL Day former pastor of the Christian Church at this place. The young people are favorably known and here have general good wishes. Mr. Sharp is employed in the Brazil Clay works – kbz
Miss Gertrude Brown and Mr. Ira Sharp were quietly married at Brazil Thursday of last week half past 7 in the evening. Mr. Sharp had furnished a home and there the ceremony was performed by Rev. EL Day former pastor of the Christian Church at this place. The young people are favorably known and here have general good wishes. Mr. Sharp is employed in the Brazil Clay works – kbz
Harriet BROWN - Bright HOMES (Holmes?)
Source: Montgomery County Marriages
Name Spouse Date Book Page Notes
Bright Homes, Harriet Brown 12-27-1894
Supplemental Marriage Record 4 p 22
Groom: resides Rockville age 59 Black
Occupation: Engineer b. NC
Father: Peter Homes
Mother: Basha Homes
2nd marriage
Bride: resides Crawfordsville age 40
b Tenn Father: Robert Brumford (hard to read)
Mother: Manih Glonger
2nd marr
Supplemental Marriage Record 4 p 22
Groom: resides Rockville age 59 Black
Occupation: Engineer b. NC
Father: Peter Homes
Mother: Basha Homes
2nd marriage
Bride: resides Crawfordsville age 40
b Tenn Father: Robert Brumford (hard to read)
Mother: Manih Glonger
2nd marr
Married by L. Pettiford in Crawfordsville.
Helen Harrison BROWN - see Lou GRAHAM
James Lee BROWN - Mabel Clair McCLELLAN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review April 15, 1909
A pretty spring wedding was that of Miss Mabel Clare McCLELLAN and James Lee BOWN which was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. WE McClellan, 411 E. College street at high noon yesterday. The bride, who was unattended wore a handsome white wool coat suit, with large black picture hat and carried American Beauty roses. In the parlor where the ceremony was performed by Rev. JF Rake, the decorations were in green, potted ferns, palms and smilax being used in profusion. In the dining room a color scheme of green and red was carried out, red carnations forming a pretty center piece. About 25 guests were served an elegant 3-course dinner, dainty hand-painted place cards being the favors. The bride is a popular and accomplished young lady and was graduated from Crawfordsville HS in 1906. The groom was a graduate of the high school the same year, and later entered Indiana Dental College at Indianapolis from which he will be graduated in May. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. GW L Brown of Sedgewick, Ark, former Crawfordsville residents. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on a short wedding trip and on their return will be in Crawfordsville until after May when they will go to Little Rock, Ark to make their future home. - kbz
Joe BROWN - Nancy Ann GOWELL
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 12-6-1951 p 1
Miss Nancy Ann Gowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gowell of WIllbraham, Mass was married to Cpl Joe E. Brown, Westover AFB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett McCloud of Waveland Friday evening 11-23 at Wellbrham United Church with Rev. Donald Smith officiating. The couple will reside at Holyoke. Cpl. Brown was born in Lafayette and is presently in the Air Force. - transcribed by kbz
Source: New Richmond Record 12 Sept 1912 p 1
A wedding which caused quite a little surprise occurred at Crawfordsville late Wednesday afternoon of last week, the contracting parties being Lonnie P. Brown and Miss Lula Greenburg, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Geo. B. Jones. The bridal couple then left for Indianapolis, to attend the State Fair, returning to New Richmond Thursday evening. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown are of our best citizens, Mr. Brown being engaged in the buggy, implement and real estate business. Mrs., Brown has been the most successful primary teacher of the New Richmond schools, and patrons and pupils are sorry to lose her in that position. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have the gladest congratulations of a wide host of friends. – kbz
Source: New Richmond Record 12 Sept 1912 p 4
The newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Brown, were duly and loudly initiated in the second degree of matrimony on their arrival home last Thursday evening, by the usual “bellin’.” There were given two rounds of it too, the first at the home of his mother in the south part of town and again at their own home near the Methodist church. Lonnie of course “came across” in his good natured way, and the scene ended, and the newlyweds were acclaimed well wedded.
Melvin BROWN - Lillian MARSHALL
Source: Iva Lewis Obituary Scrapbook
Wednesday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lindley, Melvin Brown, of Tangier was united in marriage to Lillian Isabel, only daughter of Wm. Marshall, of Wingate. Rev. Z. D. Marris, of Rockville, performed the ceremony in the presence of a house full of invited guests after which the usual wedding dinner was served. Mr. Brown is well and favorably known here, having worked a number of seasons on the farm for D. J. Ratcliff. Miss Marshall was one of Liberty’s most estimable young ladies. The Star joins in extending words of hope for them a life of happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reside in Wingate. – jlr
Mire Jeanette Boyle BROWN - Dwight A. ROSEBAUM
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 7-10-1931
The wedding of Lieut. Dwight A. Rosebaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Rosebaum, No. 42 Drexal Ave., Indianapolis, to Mire Jeannette Boyle Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brown, No. 519 N. 8th street, St. Joseph, Mo., will take place on this evening, July 10, at the Episcopal Church of that city. Miss Brown is a leader in the younger social set, belonging to one of St. Joseph´s most prominent families. She graduated from Mrs. Dow´s School, Briarcliff Manor, N. Y.; attended Miss Moxley´s School in Rome, Italy, and attended the Journalism school of the University of Missouri. She is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Lieut. Rosebaum was graduated from Waveland High School with the class of 1916, and is a graduate of West Point Military Academy, class of 1920.He also attended Wabash College at Crawfordsville, and the University of Washington at Seattle. He is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity; also a member of the Scottish Rite and Murat Temple at Indianapolis. After a short wedding trip in the Great Lakes region they will return to Fort Geo. G. Meade, Maryland. where the Lieutenant has been stationed the past few years as a student and instructor in the Tank School and will shortly thereafter sail for France where he has been detailed as an American Army officer observer with the French Tank School at Versailles, France.They will probably remain in France for a period of eighteen months or more. Mr. and Mrs. Rosebaum and Miss Maxine drove to St. Joseph to attend the wedding.
Ollie BROWN - Marguerite Duetta GOBEL
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Monday, June 27, 1927, pg. 5, col. 2
Miss Marguerite Duetta Gobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gobel, 703 east Franklin street, and Ollie Brown of Waynetown were united in marriage by Justice Bailey Wingert at his marriage parlor on south Washington street this afternoon at three o'clock. The ceremony was witnessed by the bride's mother and her sister, Miss Lucile Gobel. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Brown will be at home to their friends in this city for the present. The groom is employed in the tile factory at Waynetown and Mrs. Brown for several months has been an employee at the Boss Manufacturing company - typed by kbz.
Philip Brown - CW soldier - married SARAH STANLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 14 July 1910 p 8
Philip M. Brown of Wingate, aged 69, a veteran of the Civil War and Mrs. Sarah M. Stanley of this city, aged 59 were married at the home of the bride, 304 North Green Street Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. by Justice SA Stilwell. A number of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reside in this city. This is the second matrimonial venture for the groom and third for the bride.
Edna Ann BROWNING - William David MANN
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, Jan 2, 1905
The engagement is announced of Miss Edna Ann Browning of Chicago and William David Mann, formerly of Waveland. Miss Browning is a graduate of Wells College. Mr. Mann graduated from Purdue and was for a time a member of its faculty. - kbz
Leslie BRUCE - see Fredericka BAPPERT
Frances BRUIN - Jim FURMAN
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, Dec 11, 1941
Francis BRUIN, granddaughter of Mrs. Bruin of Guion, was united in marriage with Jim FURMAN of Indianapolis last Sunday Dec 7 at the Guion Presbyterian Church. The Church was beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations in green and red. The ceremony was read by Rev E Hessel Mrs. E Hessel played the piano. Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Link from Indianapolis. A large number of friends and relatives attended. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chastin. Those present included guests from Indianapolis and Guion. The newlyweds plan to have their honeymoon trip around the Christmas holidays going to Texas. Their home will be at Indianapolis. This is said to have been the first wedding ceremony ever performed in the Guion Church Building. -- typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star newspaper, Dec 19, 1903 p1
A Christmas Wedding – Dr. C.B. Werts and Miss Mabel C. Brumbaugh left Ladoga Wednesday for the home of Miss Brumbaugh’s mother in Memphis, Iowa, where they were to be married last evening. They will return to Ladoga and have taken rooms at WC Rapp’s but will board at TJ Vanard’s – Ladoga Leader. – transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 19 Jun 1915, pg. 5, col. 5
Tuesday morning at Indianapolis at the home of Rev. A. S. Buchannon in Indianapolis, occurred the marriage of Mrs. Lillie Brumfield of Ladoga and Elijah Tressel of Terre Haute. The bride has taught school for a number of years in Clark township and her many friends will be glad to wish her well. The groom is a farmer and resides in Terre Haute. The couple will go directly to Terre Haute after their wedding trip is over. --Thanks muches to Nancy for this one :) You rock, girl - thanks, KZ
BRUSHLEY, Margaret - see Grant RICE
BRYAN, Wilma - see George SHELBY
Charles BUCK - Maude McDANIEL
Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star 6 March 1899
On Thursday evening occurred the marriage of Mr. Charles Buck, a well-known printer, and Miss Maude McDaniel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal H. McDaniel and one of the most lovely young women in the city. The ceremony was by Rev. Wallace Tharp, pastor of the Christian Church, and was witnessed by a few friends and the interested families. After the service a charming supper was served. The bride was gowned in white organdie and carried a loose bouquet of bride's roses. The young couple will occupy a pretty cottage that the groom has bought and furnished for his life's partner - transcribed by kbz
Hattie BUCK - see James BUSENBARK
John BUCK - Eva RUSH
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 14 September 1900
John Buck, of this place, and Miss Eva Rush of Darlington were quietly married at Crawfordsville last Sunday evening at six o'clock by Rev. G.W. Stafford. We extend congratulations and wish. Mr. and Mrs. Buck a long and happy wedded life. - thanks to Kim H
Gladys BUNDY - Will PHEBUS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 3 Jan 1919 p 5
Bowers, Dec 27 - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bundy entertained at dinner Wednesday in honor of their daughter, Gladys M. Bundy to Will Phebus. The guests from a distance were: Mrs. George W. Bundy of Crawfordsville; Mr and Mrs D.D. Morrison of Crawfordsville; Ora J. Shumaker, Camp Sherman, O; Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Bayne and Mrs . Martin Warner Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Mable Doty and family of (rest gone but this MAY be the end of the article -- John Underwood, daughter and son of Montezuma; Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Phebus and son; Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Bundy, Bowers; Mrs. Lillian Kirk and daughter, Manson). -- kbz
Source: Wingate News Friday, March 22, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bunnell announce the marriage of their daughter, Gladys, to Lloyd L. Zachary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zachary of Alamo on March 16 at 9 o'clock in the morning. The single ring ceremony was read by Rev. Calud Ward at the home of the bride's paernts. Miss Martha Watts, cousin of the bride, played the nuptial music. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Miss Irene Bunnell. The best man was the brother of the groom, James. The bride was given away by her father. Decorations were ferns, candelabra and cut flowers. The bride wore a suit of gold color with a corsage of white roses, and the bride's maid's corsage was roses. Mrs. Bunnell and Mrs. Zachary's corsages were white gardenias; the groom and best man wore a bountonier of white carnations; Mr. and Mrs. bunnel; Mr. Zachary and Rev. Ward wore red carnation boutoniers. Those attending the wedding were the immediate families of the bride and groom. Mrs. Zachary is a graduate of Wingate HS class of 1944, and was assistant office secreatry for the Indiana Guernsey Breeders Association at Lafayette. Mr. Zachary is a graduate of Crawfordsville HS class of 1940. He served in the US Army almost 5 years, two of which was in the Pacific Theatre. He received his honorable discharge in November and is now a mechanic at Horner's Garage in Crawfordsville. - klbz
Source: Crawfordsville Record 11 April 1835
MARRIED – on the ___ of March last, in Montgomery County, Ky, Hon. William Burbridge of this place to Mrs. Lavina Cockerel, widow of Dr. Cockerel. - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 7, 1899
Miss Mary Burford and Joseph Banta were united in marriage at the residence of the bride on Virginia street, Tuesday evening, only a few intimate friends witnessing the ceremony. Mrs. Banta is the oldest daughter of the late James Burford and is a lady of many worth attainments. The groom is engaged in the mercantile business and is to be congratulated upon his choice of a wife. Rockville Tribune.
Frank Edward Braden BURFORD and Norma Louise HEITMAN
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 12 September 1913
Friends in this city have received announcement of the marriage of Frank E.B. Burford, formerly of this city, where he was born and spent the early years of his life, and who is now a prominent attorney of Guthrie, Oklahoma. Mr. Burford's bride was Miss Norma Louise Heitman of Garden City, Kas, and the marriage took place at her home August 17. The at-home cards stae that Mr. and Mrs. Burford will be in Guthrie after September 30. The groom will be remembered by a large number of friends in this city. He is the son of the late Judge Burford - Crawfordsville Journal. - typed by kbz
Roberta BURFORD - Albert DENK
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Sept 19, 1919
Mr. Albert Denk and Miss Roberta Burford were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burford on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, Rev. JT Boyer officiating. Besides Mr. & Mrs. Burford there were present Mr. Jesse Burford and Mrs. Andrew Denk of New Palestine, the mother of Mr. Denk. THe bride wore a blue tricotine suit with a blouse of embroidered geogette, with accessories to correspond. Mrs. Denk is a graduate of WHS and attended DePauw. Last year she taught in the Waveland schools. Mr. Denk was recently discharge from the army service, having been with the American Expeditionary Force in France for nearly a year. They left immediately for a short bridal trip. On their return they will go to housekeeping in Mrs. Eva McCambell's house on E. Green St.
William F. BURGESS -- see June ENDEAN
Montgomery BURK - see Lavancia YOUNG
Elizabeth BURKE - Daniel ARNOLD
Source: Record of Marriages Montgomery Co IN 180 p 13
Daniel Arnold resides Scott Twp, Montgomery Co IN age 82 Farmer b. Va. Father; Daniel Arnold, Mother; Susan Graybill 4th marriage Bride: Elizabeth Burke (?) resides Ladoga age 70 b. Mercer Co KY Father; William Burke Mother; Mary Lewis 2nd marriage married at Ladoga by Rev EW Lawhorn on 2-6-1890
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Nov 4, 1910
Mr. Jesse A. Burnisde and Miss Fannie Faye Doyel were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Doyel, east of Browns Valley on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. S.K. Fuson of Marshall officiating. They will live on the Wallace Jack farm, near the home of Mr. Burnside’s father, John J. Burnside. Jesse says that he will have more and better chickens, next year than ever. - kbz
Jeanne BURRIN - Joseph F. RATLIFF
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 2, 1947
Miss Jeanne BURRIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burrin was married 4:30 Sunday afternoon Sept 28 to Mr. Joseph F. RATLIFF of Indianapolis. The ceremony was read by Rev HH Elmore at the home of the bride before the fireplace which was decorated with bowls of yellow roses, gladioli and lighted candelbrae. A buffet supper followed the ceremony. The wedding cake was decorated with white roses, white candies and yellow roses were the table decorations. Guess: Mrs. Vandercrook of Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burrin and daughter, Karen of Crawfordsville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Burrin of Fowler; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ratliff, Jr. Miss Betty Jean Ratliff, Mr. Knute Dobkins, Mr. Philo Burrin Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Erler, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Matthews, Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Chic Myers, phoenix AX Miss Louise Kleiser, Terre Haute. After a short wedding trip the newlyweds will be at home in Indianapolis.
Arvilla BURROUGHS - Robert E. GWIN
Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 22, 1883 p 1
Married on Monday Feb 19 at the residence of the minister, Elder MM Vancleave, Robert E. Gwin and Arvilla A. Burroughs. This is the Elder’s 467th couple.
Elder Vancleave managed to tie four couples last week. He is still ahead of the divorce court.
Married by Elder MM Vancleave on Wednesday Feb 14 at the residence of Mr. Withem in this city, Charles Bassett and Laura Goldsberry.
Married at the home of the officiating minister, Elder MM Vancleave on Feb 15, Tilghman M. Cunningham and Rhoda Ellen Peyton.
Marion F. Skaggs and Emma Wilhelm were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thursday Feb 13. Elder MM Vancleave officiated.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Oct 9, 1907
About 25 young people of the First Baptist Church surprised Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burroughs at their home on So. Washington St. yesterday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Burroughs were marr. recently and their young friends wanted to make things pleasant for them. The diversion was music and games. A part of the First Baptist Church orchestra provided the music. THe occasion was a very pleasant one.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 March 1895 p 2
The lives of Mr. Frank Beck of Orth and Miss Maggie Burroughs were joined by Rev. JC Black on last Wednesday evening at the home of the bride’s father, Martin Burroughs. Only the relatives and near friends witnessed the ceremony but all joined in wish them a smooth and blissful journey down the road of a long and prosperous life.
Gilbert BURTON - - see Ethel BARBER
Source: Crawfordsville Wekly Argus News, Aug 14, 1897 p 1
Thursday Rev. Kerr united in matrimony James S. Busenbark and Miss Hattie Buck at the home of the bride's parents on South Green Street. Th ehome was prettily decorated for the occasion. Only relatives were present to witness the ceremony after which a sumptous dinner was served. The young couple will go to housekeeping at once 3 miles southwest of the city. They have the best wishes of their friends - kbz
Lavina BUSENBARK - see Roscoe PEFFLEY
Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue
1906 + by Cloe Collings Myers -- thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
Rev. S.K. Fuson officiated at the marriage last Thursday evening of William Warrick of near Waveland and Lona Butcher of Rockville at the home of Mrs. Goss in the presence of a few special friends and relatives.
Sarah BUTCHER - see John E. LAMSON
William T. BUTCHER - Alice WINANS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 Nov 1888 p 8
On Thursday Nov 1, at the resident of John Zeigler, five miles north of Covngton at 6:30 p.m. William T. Butcher of this city and Miss Alice A. Winans stepdaughter of Mr. Zeigler, were married. The attendants were Clinton Smith and Miss Minnie Zeigler, half sister of the bride. The marriage ceremony was performed in a very impressive manner by Rev. WF Switzer. About 50 people were present. A sumptuous repast was partaken of by all present. Altogether it was a nicely conducted and finely arranged affair throughout. The happy couple will make this city their future home.
Charles E. BUTLER - Hallie L. MOUNT
Butler-Mount & Young – Stanford
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 13 Oct 1888 p 1
The marriage of Charles E. Butler and Hallie L. Mount was consummated at the residence of James A. Mount, the bride’s father Wednesday night. Mr. Butler is an energetic young man, the son of a well-to-do-farmer and a brother of Linn Butler of this city, job printer. Miss Mount is a daughter of one of Montgomery’s most influential farmers and withal a very attractive young lady. The couple immediately left for Thorntown where they were joined by another newly married couple, Omer Bird Young and Miss Annie Stanford. Mr. Young is well known here and was a student here for a few years. Both pairs went to Cincinnati to be gone several days. – kbz
Source: Saturday Evening Journal 17 April 1886 p 1
G.W. Byerly of Flora, Illinois and Miss Nellie Humphrey, were married on last Tuesday afternoon by ZD Maris. Mr. Byerly is a successful merchant of Flora, having been in that business for several years. Miss Nellis is an accomplished young lady of Marshall and will be greatly missed at that place. The bride and groom left on the 4:35 train for Flora, their future home. They have the best wishes of their many friends - kbz
Maude BYERS - see Mede GISH
Source: Crawfordsville Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 11 March 1899 p 1
Dr. A.M. Miller was married in Cincinnati on Tuesday to Miss Byfogle, of that city. They arrived here on the noon train yesterday and have taken rooms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Craig on east Market. The popular young doctor stole a march on his friends here and the news of his marriage will be In the nature of a surprise to may of them. - kbz
John P. BYRD - Florence FORDICE
Source: Weekly Argus News 31 Dec 1898 p 3
Mr. John P. Byrd of Ladoga made a short visit in Greencastle today, not that he was interested in the town but he was wanting to change the residence and name of one of Putnam’s finest ladies. The Clerk gave him the necessary papers, so Miss Florence Fordice will change her maiden name to Byrd and her residence to Montgomery County – Greencastle Banner. - kbz