Veedersburg Chamber of Commerce
Source: Indianapolis Star Mon 11 July 1927 p 14 (note photo from this page)

All over Indiana the business men are learning that it is the cream check to return from the egg basket that they receive in exchange for the pair of shoes, the bit of hardware or other merchandise that they setll. This is caustin them to become more vitally interested in the welfare of the farmer and to realize that depression in agriculture means depression in business. The Veedersburg Ind Chamber of Commerce has appointed an agricultural committee and at a meeting last week pledged its cooperation with the farmers of Fountain County. In this meeting there were bankers and business men and one of the first steps will be to bring into the community fine high-producing cows and sell them to the farmers in the community at cost on deferred payments. They also expect to arrange for the farmers to get lime for their farms at a minimum cost.
The body of men met at the farm home of County Agent Hesler who is the only county agent in the state that operates a farm. The business men arrived about milking time and the first thing on the program of the evening was a milking contest. After that they enjoyed a fried chicken dinner embellished with cold Guernsey milk and other products of the farm. Harry Gunn, president of the Veedersburg Chamber of Commerce was in charge of the meeting and the speakers on the program were LA Coleman of Purdue, Henry S. Wood of the Indianapolis Star and Lowell Wilson of the Condensed Milk Company.