Source: New Richmond Record, 15 August 1912 p 1
Chas. Dwiggins & Son of Waynetown are branching out in their meat business and are now going to start a shop I Attica. This makes five shops that this enterprising firm own – Waynetown; Hillsboro; Mellott; New Richmond and Attica. Frank Ellis, who is their representative here, will move to Attica to take charge of their business there. In the departure of Mr. Ellis New Richmond loses her justice of the peace besides a good butcher and a good citizen. Mr. Ellis has many friends here who will regret to see him leave. JA Bell will take charge of the shop here, the charge taking place September 1. --kbz
Source: Waynetown Despatch 25 July 1930 p 9
The firm of Dwiggins & Sons is one of wide scope. Besides operating stores at this place and at Attica where the general run of up—to-date goods are handled in the way of meats and groceries, they also have a well equipped rendering plant southwest of Waynetown. The local store is in charge of Verner Dwiggins; the Attica store in charge of Sherman Dwiggins and the rendering plant is handled by John Dwiggins and as near as we can figure it out, Charlie sees that things keep moving along. Dwiggins & Sons have been in business in Waynetown for 22 years - kbz

Advertisement from: The Veedersburg News, May 11, 1945