CONNEL, George - Fountain Businesses

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CONNEL, George

GEORGE CONNEL - erects green house

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Saturday 17 October 1914

Hillsboro, Oct 13 -- George Connel is erecting a new green house near his home in the north part of town. He has been dealing in garden plants on a small scale for several years and had found that he could not supply the demand in the early season without a green house. He will also carry a large number of potted plants, foliage ferns and geraniums. This new local enterprise is deserving of a good patronage that the owner may carry on a successful business and also prove that it is essential to the community. Mr. Connel has established a good trade in the sale of small fruits and herbs on the small tract of land near his home and it is very probable with his past experience that he will make good in this new venue. -- kbz

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