Have regard for your name, since it will remain for you longer than a great store of gold.


Ecclesiasticus, Aprocrypha (Ec. 41:12)

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Good Genealogy Tip!

There is nothing more frustrating than to find a mutual researcher you hope to share information with, only to discover their email address is old and invalid! Consider using a free email account such as Yahoo or Hotmail for genealogy purposes. No matter how often you change your regular home email address, you'll never have to try and remember to change your contact information on every message board or notify everyone you've shared information with in the past. You'll never miss an important lead, and you'll receive a lot less spam on your regular email account!


Good Genealogy Tip!

It's important to keep track of all of your correspondence and those you've communicated with while researching. One easy and organized way is to use a Correspondence Record sheet. Use the one linked above or design your own.


Surname Registry

A registry of Boone County surnames and those researching them. Email addresses are attached to the name of the researcher to allow you to make contact and share information for mutual family names or lines of research.

If you would like to be added to the Surname Registry, please send me a note with the Boone County surname/s you would like to be listed with, your name and the email address you wish to use for the Registry.

Please Note: Due to the fact some of these surname registrations are old, unfortunately some of the email addresses may also be old and no longer valid if the researcher has not remembered to have their registration updated with us. Please contact the County Coordinator if you need to update your contact information, and read the Good Genealogy Tips on the left for suggestions.


Surname Registry A-F


Surname Registry G-K


Surname Registry L-P


Surname Registry Q-T


Surname Registry U-Z