Roachdale Fire - 1894
Source: Greencastle Star Press 26 May 1894 p 4
On Saturday morning about 5:30 o’clock a most
destructive and quick consuming fire visited our neighboring town of Roachdale
and consumed six of the business houses. The burned district includes Wendling
& Priests Hardware, and the office of the News, which was located in the
second story of the building; next was the grocery store of Mr. Turpin in a
one-story frame building; next door was Russie’s barber shop and then came Mr.
Rice’s two-story brick drug store; still further west was WH Rich’s Harness
Store. The losses as we gather them are HT Tucker on building occupied by
Wendling & Priest; Russie & Turpin $3500; insurance, $500; a $2,000 policy
having expired a few days before the fire; JR Miller on building occupied by
Mr. Rice $700, no insurance; WH Rich’s loss on building $200; AG Rice’s loss is
put at $2500 insurance $1200; Wendling & Priest loss on stock about $2500
insurance $1000; CE Moore, loss on News office about $2200; insurance, $600;
Turpin’s loss $2000 insurance $1,000.